We Watched "Kraven the Hunter"

We Watched "Kraven the Hunter"

Luciano (00:06.158)
100 % forgot the name of the podcast.

Chris (00:06.388)
Speak for thyself.

M&L (00:08.967)
No, I would never do that. In grand tradition of 2025, we are limiting ourselves to three of four cast members at all times. As you heard, has returned and therefore, the tariffs have hit the show and we're down one cast member, Spencer.

Luciano (00:12.886)

Luciano (00:22.304)
It's the tariffs. That's why.

Chris (00:26.11)
Don't reach the... No.

The tariffs that shall not be named. Hello.

Luciano (00:33.069)

M&L (00:33.255)
Yeah We'll decide By Friday if we want to bring Spencer back or not in the meantime we did all watch the movie Craven the hunter So you don't have to but if you're listening to this and you already did we're not sorry. You should just know better

Luciano (00:49.88)
I mean...

Luciano (00:53.802)
No, I'm sorry. I'm only sorry for Spencer who did watch it in vain. Yeah.

Chris (00:54.888)
You made your bed.

M&L (00:58.768)
doesn't get to yeah yeah that's his fault Chris is here Luciano is also here technically figuratively literally we're gonna dive into it we're gonna be positive coquettly very positive for the first question always positive and then we'll see where the the metric takes us what was your what was your favorite part about Craven Luciano

Chris (01:02.546)
No catharsis. No catharsis.

Yes, sir. Sup, sup.

Luciano (01:10.062)

Luciano (01:17.358)
always cockedly ass.

Chris (01:23.262)

Luciano (01:29.198)
boy, I have to dig deep for this one. Okay.

M&L (01:30.823)

Chris (01:31.956)
You know, we're off to a good start when you hear that guttural release

Luciano (01:37.23)
You hear the will to exhale along with my breath. I really, really, really liked that scene where Kraven is going after the people who kidnapped his brother and he's in the dark and you only see his eyes and then he appears when he's talking people. I actually thought that was really cool that scene. I actually played it a couple of times because it's

Chris (02:02.42)
Luciano (02:07.03)
It's just the eyes first, the golden eyes like the lions and then he appears. That was pretty cool. That was my favorite part of the movie. That should tell you something.

M&L (02:15.695)
All right, Chris, you had five seconds to think about it. What's your answer?

Chris (02:18.536)
Yeah, mm-hmm. I was just appreciating Luciano's answer. I honestly thought you took my answer, but then I remembered that was the same answer in different locations. So like yours was in the castle, like almost in like the mountainous area. I liked the scene when he was trying to save his brother after they abducted him from the condo and the chase through the city. I appreciated that. I liked that. I really did like that.

Luciano (02:21.578)

Luciano (02:32.566)
Okay. Okay. Yeah.

Luciano (02:42.975)
That was cool. That was a cool scene. He looked like an animal pounding on that car. Yeah, it was actually pretty good. Yeah

M&L (02:48.731)
He did.

Chris (02:48.914)
Yes, all of it. It was visceral and like I believed that he loved his brother and like he was absolutely furious within his sort of power set and like good chasing. I really liked it. It was believe, he sold it. He sold it for me. He sold it and it was believable and I liked it.

Luciano (03:02.35)
He loved his brother if it wasn't too much of an inconvenience.

M&L (03:10.503)
Sure. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just... My favorite scene is... It's fine. My favorite scene is when Kraven pulls an Ezio or whatever Assassin's Creed it is and does the eagle vision from a tall tower and leaps off into like the straw at the bottom and then he...

Luciano (03:11.672)
We're being positive, Matt. Let Chris be positive.

Chris (03:18.632)
Just no, but no Chris! No, yeah.

Luciano (03:19.406)
Yeah. Yes, but you're wrong.

Chris (03:30.356)
Luciano (03:35.694)
yeah, all that was missing was the eagle sound. Yeah, you're right.

M&L (03:38.703)
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah.

M&L (03:43.195)
They didn't even do that in the Assassin's Creed movie that I remember, so it's nice someone did it.

Luciano (03:46.606)
It was funny because he got the powers of a lion and I was like, huh, that looks a lot like an eagle vision. I don't know what's happening here, but.

Chris (03:46.632)
Michael Fassbender.

M&L (03:54.266)
It's fine. The lion, Ada and Eagle very recently. And so he had a little bit of Eagle blood in his bloodstream.

Luciano (03:56.846)
I see. Well, as we've seen, that's all it takes. Yeah.

Chris (04:00.83)
So no.

M&L (04:03.419)
That's all it takes.

Chris (04:04.776)
You know, good gut health.

M&L (04:07.247)
I'm just gonna ask questions. not... I'm not taking us... I'm not gonna take us to a negative place specifically. I'm just gonna ask questions. And the first question I do have about this movie, because I'm a little confused...

Luciano (04:07.662)
The gut microbiome.

Chris (04:10.558)

Luciano (04:12.43)

Luciano (04:21.474)
Hello little confused I'm dead.

M&L (04:23.079)
Thank you.

M&L (04:28.589)
Why does Sony keep trying to make villains into like heroes? Because it's not like, like I know in comics at times, because Craven has like sort of a literal code of like hunting that sometimes it aligns him with Superman, or sorry, Spider-Man and stuff. But like, he's also evil as fuck. And like, this Craven is like crazy altruistically good.

Luciano (04:31.585)

Luciano (04:51.778)

Luciano (04:57.831)
Alright, this craving is fucking Snow White.

M&L (05:01.147)
He doesn't kill any animals. He only murders bad people. They have to be on a- they have to done something naughty basically for him to kill them.

Luciano (05:05.912)

Luciano (05:09.282)
Yeah, his center, basically.

M&L (05:10.949)
Yeah. He's Santa Claus. And it's like, I don't know if you can unpack the fact that this movie is bad from making him into a good character. I don't think those things are combined necessarily. But it just, it's like, yeah. Yeah. And at least the Venom movies are.

Chris (05:11.021)
my god.

Chris (05:15.284)
Sexy Santa.

Luciano (05:31.938)
But it's a track record, Because Venom. Yeah.

Luciano (05:39.852)
The first one is okay. I haven't seen the other two, but well, more. More beers. Fucking dumpster fire in July.

M&L (05:40.807)
Not terrible? Yeah, well, yeah, that's fair. Morbius also in the same vein and terrible.

Chris (05:44.188)
I have.

Movin' Morbin' Morbin' be Morbin'

M&L (05:52.754)
But like, why, like, what is it, what's the, like, I know that Sony only got Spider-Man and the accessories, the characters around Spider-Man. Like they didn't get, they didn't get any heroes other than, maybe Madame Web. I think Madame Web's more good than bad, but I don't know if she's like pure.

Chris (05:52.947)

Luciano (06:03.79)
I guess that's the answer.

Chris (06:04.116)

not included.

Luciano (06:13.87)
She's more, she's like Watu, right? She's sort of like a neutral character because she has, from what I know, she has all the thing with the web of life and death and all that stuff, But hey, at the very least, I'm going to say at least in this, this movie is R rated. So at least we get, you know, actual killing and stuff from someone who's a hunter versus Venom who's supposed to be as violent, if not more violent.

M&L (06:16.39)

Chris (06:16.692)

M&L (06:36.071)

M&L (06:42.917)
Yeah, that's...

Luciano (06:44.59)
So I think they're just trying to keep the Spider-Man IP because it's a cash cow. Yeah, but I don't think they want to mess with like now that Tom Holland is actually Spider-Man, if they don't have Marvel to help them turn out an actually good movie, they're not going to do it. they're like, oh, fuck, how are we going to do this so we don't lose by default? Oh yeah, I know. Let's pick.

M&L (06:52.283)
like don't they do that by making spider-man movies?

Chris (07:07.293)

Chris (07:12.745)

Luciano (07:14.54)
Carnage and make a musical out of it. I don't know like something like that

Chris (07:17.94)
with Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga. You're right. That's the exact playbook. Stall for time until we can set up another good Spider-Man movie which will renew everyone's faith in us and come see it because every time we release a Spider-Man movie, it's a banger. Until then, drip method, drip, drip, drip.

Luciano (07:29.144)

M&L (07:44.071)
you don't need to do that.

Chris (07:47.826)
They don't. And yet here they are.

M&L (07:49.553)
Cause like

Have they made? They've lost money on all three of these movies, right? The Venoms are, must've been profitable, I don't know about the third one, but they've made money, so fine, you make the Venoms, whatever. But, MenaWeb was a clusterfuck. Morbius was double clusterfuck. And Craven might have performed worse than those, but I don't want to bury the lead on our reviews. Maybe Craven is a better movie than Morbius, who the fuck knows? But in terms of the public, it's...

Chris (07:58.76)
Do the strong.

Chris (08:02.452)

Luciano (08:06.018)

Luciano (08:18.574)
Yeah, yeah, it's interesting because the I think the public kind of liked it the critics hated it I think was like 16 % on Rotten Tomatoes and the the audience was 50 something percent or something like that, but I Honestly, I don't think it goes any deeper than We want to make sure that we have this IP forever and ever and so we're gonna just do whatever like someone

Comes up with an idea that is marginally related to spider-man. We're gonna do a fucking movie and don't matter how bad it is

M&L (08:54.482)
But I don't think they lose the IP if they don't... Like they make Spider-Man movies.

Luciano (08:58.838)
I think they have to make one every they have to use that five years at least or something like that. I remember reading. Yeah. Because it reverts, right? If they don't.

Chris (09:05.812)
There's a time period, like there's like a weird countdown clock.

M&L (09:11.451)
But like, doesn't like, like each character or just?

Luciano (09:15.424)
No, the whole IP, Spider-Man IP.

Chris (09:17.364)
Use, grab this spice from this, grab this flavor from this spice rack and use it and you will be allowed to keep Spider-Man. Yeah. As long as you use from one.

M&L (09:18.437)

Luciano (09:25.4)
To keep the rack. Yeah, yeah.

M&L (09:28.071)
Right, they make spi- but they make Spider-Man movies all the time, so I don't understand why they have to use the shit spices.

Luciano (09:31.874)

Chris (09:32.068)
No, there's a there's a shit they use the spit. So we've established they use the shit spices to keep hope alive. One, two, I also remember that there's another like apart from like, live action Spidey movies, there's also the widely successful animated spider movies like Miles movies. So yeah.

M&L (09:39.184)
What hope?

M&L (09:48.015)
Right. But no one has explained why they keep doing this.

Luciano (09:49.208)
So I understand what you're asking, Matt. I think they're doing this because they want to do something similar to like a Logan movie or like a more mature, less goody two shoes thing with still playing the superhero hype.

Chris (10:09.618)
Yes, and they're trying to create a slice. They're trying to get a slice of the Deadpool pie. They're like, ooh, anti-heroes. We can do it with these. Deadpool is successful and they have just not capable. And they're trying with failure every time.

Luciano (10:14.604)
Yeah, Anti-heroes, R-rated movies, blah, blah.

M&L (10:16.025)
What- what- what pie? But like- but like-

M&L (10:23.557)
Right, but Deadpool is a very strong character.

Chris (10:28.488)
Yeah, and they're using C, D, E characters. Like D and below. Like they're trying to play the cards that they were dealt and you can't win. Phony, not Marvel.

Luciano (10:29.314)
Well, yeah.

F, G, the whole fucking alphabet at this point.

M&L (10:34.503)

Luciano (10:40.066)
Like I said Carnage and Carnage is a higher tiered villain than any of these guys.

M&L (10:46.056)
They used Carnage. Carnage was in the third Venom movie. Yeah. He was played by Woody Harrelson. I'm not gonna use her.

Luciano (10:49.452)
was he? Okay. Great. I bet it was amazing.

Chris (10:50.792)
Yeah. Yeah. And it was.

Yeah. Yeah. It happened.

Luciano (10:56.801)
No, you're kidding me.

Wait, Woody Harrison now?

M&L (11:03.821)
Well, like a couple years ago, but yeah.

Chris (11:05.832)
Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (11:07.17)
So not so much carnage as like a little bit of a mess.

M&L (11:07.567)
like maybe last year.

I mean, venom three came out in 2024. Yeah. So like now you're right.

Luciano (11:15.182)
So like 60 year old whatever, Woody Harrelson is playing Carnage. Lord.

Chris (11:19.228)
It happened. It happened. But it's okay. Carnage was number two. Number three is different.

M&L (11:21.275)
Wait, maybe it's the second one.

Conor's was number two, that's right, yeah. So sorry, like three years ago. Yeah.

Luciano (11:30.088)
great. Yeah, that makes much difference. Anyway, I think they're trying. I think you're right, Chris. think they're trying. They saw movies like Logan and Deadpool that are more like for mature audiences. And they're like, we want a slice of this pie.

Chris (11:32.564)
But that's the answer.

It's like, dailed. Here you go. Go ahead.

M&L (11:40.743)

M&L (11:48.338)
The thing, but the thing is like I'll grant you Deadpool, but there's no way they look at Logan and be like, we want it. Because Logan is such a different movie than what they're producing. Like they're so fucking far away from Logan with these garbage movies. Like Deadpool I get, but all these movies are hot garbage. By the way, I looked them all up on Rotten Tomatoes. Craven is the highest rated.

Luciano (12:00.0)
True, it's more Deadpool. Yeah.

Chris (12:11.86)
rated I was sure I was looking at it from high like what was the the box I was trying to pull up the box office

Luciano (12:12.95)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I was gonna say that's the highest rated. All the other ones are 1 % and Craven is two. That's still you're right, but no.

M&L (12:13.136)

M&L (12:22.919)
No, Madame Webb is 11 % critics, 55 % audience. Morbius is 16 % critics and 71%. Yeah, and then Craving is 16 % and 74 % audience. Yeah. Which one? Venom number one, let's see here. think.

Luciano (12:29.87)
Fucking people are such idiots.

Morbius is ahead of Madame Webb?

Luciano (12:41.378)
yeah, that's what I saw. What about venom?

First one.

That one is much more like they think. Tom like Tom Harding not withstanding.

M&L (12:51.015)
Uhhh 2018

30 % to 80%.

Luciano (12:57.058)
Yeah, that sounds about right.

M&L (12:59.066)
Yeah, and then Venom 2 just because we're in this vein. it's the best one. 58 % critics. 84%, I guess. I didn't watch it. 84 % critic. And now we'll do Venom 3 just to cover our bases. And 40 and 80%. So comparably, the Venom is box office smash. Yeah.

Luciano (13:06.602)
Venom 2 is better than Venom 1?

Chris (13:09.268)

Luciano (13:10.594)
Well, now I'm going to have to watch it.

Chris (13:12.638)

Luciano (13:21.644)
The Venomverse is doing well, it's live and well, yeah.

Chris (13:24.06)
It's true. It's Craven did not. Craven is the least, is the worst performer box office wise. $60 million worldwide.

M&L (13:33.031)
Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (13:35.286)
Well, but it's the newest movie too. no. I was going to say 60, like $60 million. That's not even opening day, let alone how forever.

Chris (13:37.51)
sure but i don't think no

M&L (13:37.979)
You think it's going to go up a lot?

Chris (13:46.3)
It took a hundred domestic was 24 million and then Madame Webb opening week. Yeah. A hundred million worldwide.

Luciano (13:50.74)
my god!

M&L (13:54.375)
100 million.

Luciano (13:56.78)
Well, but that's because people were like, you know, this is a cool, like, like in some ensemble cast of, no, they thought when they went to watch it, they did. Ooh, Dakota Johnson, ooh, Sydney Sweeney, like, you know.

Chris (14:04.532)
They didn't say cool, sir. They did not say cool.

M&L (14:10.043)
Yeah. And are you going to use the same logic to say that's why Morbius got 167 million worldwide?

Chris (14:10.263)
did they?

Luciano (14:17.984)
Yeah, because Jared Leto people have short memories And neither mine neither, yeah

M&L (14:22.181)

Chris (14:22.588)
Not my money. didn't get any of mine. None of these movies got my money.

M&L (14:26.585)
None of these movies make sense. It's plausible Morbius didn't lose money. But I would guarantee the... Yes. But I would assume...

Luciano (14:29.314)
That's fair. I think that's a fair statement.

Cause it's the first one of the shit trifecta, right?

Chris (14:38.74)
And the genre and the stuff, it was dialed in okay-ish. It ticked enough boxes and then kind of second wind with the... It ticked a lot of... I'm not saying it's a great movie, I'm just saying it ticked a lot of boxes. I feel like they targeted...

Luciano (14:48.48)
What? More abuse?

Luciano (14:53.972)
No, it did at first.

M&L (14:55.016)
Why are you trying to justify Morbius's 167 million? Who cares? It's all peanuts. It's bullshit. They all sucked and failed.

Luciano (15:01.33)
Yeah, and also like the movie the movie became a fucking meme overnight

Chris (15:02.728)
but it made more than it took to make.

M&L (15:06.605)
I'm guessing it made more than it took to make.

Chris (15:07.262)

Luciano (15:10.7)
Yeah, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people went to watch it because of the memes.

Chris (15:10.93)
I'm looking at the numbers.

Chris (15:15.528)
Correct, and that's money. Like, who cares at that point? worked like, and Sony didn't care, but that's why they also kept going like, holy crap, 75 million to make this piece of hot mess, and then they got 162 million worldwide.

Luciano (15:17.627)
Yeah, 100%. Yeah. They don't care why you watch it. Yeah.

M&L (15:31.461)
I bet you that they broke.

Luciano (15:31.726)
75 million was the budget for this movie? Well that explains the CG, holy shit.

Chris (15:34.619)

M&L (15:35.143)
But that doesn't cover advertising and everything else they probably had to spend as well. Anyways, the point is like Venom, the first Venom, cost about $100 million to make. That was the budget. Tacon, you know, maybe another $50 to $100 million for advertising. It grossed $856 million worldwide.

Chris (15:41.524)
It's lovely.

Luciano (15:54.036)
Again, because we didn't know better.

M&L (15:56.976)
No, but like Venom, but Venom was okay. Venom, yeah, it's fine. That's the point, and the point I'm making is why does Sony keep doing this? Because they've had one success with Venom, they took three more cracks, and like they're not even close. But they're, they're gonna stop. You can't lose money like this on films. It's way too expensive.

Chris (15:57.332)
What do mean we did no better?

Luciano (16:00.918)
Yeah, it was. It was decent. Yeah.

Chris (16:01.054)
Yeah, it was a good start.

Luciano (16:12.286)
You think they're gonna stop? They're not gonna stop.

I don't think they're gonna stop.

I don't know about that. Yeah, they know they know exactly how to lose money

Chris (16:22.017)
Talk to Sony, they've done a really good job losing money like this.

M&L (16:24.635)
Yeah, but like, but you know, like they were there if they're released one year after each other, that means they are all made relatively in the same timeframe, right? We still get made in like a year's worth of time, right? So they had a big plan and it all fell on their face. I don't see how they're ever going to make anything but Venoms and Spider-Man's from here on out.

Luciano (16:32.183)

Chris (16:32.724)
Mmm, mmm, yeah.

Luciano (16:43.139)

Chris (16:44.371)
Well, yeah, everyone's pretty much declaring or like the writing's on the wall Craven like don't do anymore after Craven but up until like everything from from what was it so So from Morbius to Craven it was effectively like Jack putting the putting the pedal to the metal towards the cliff seeing the signs the clip is coming and they're like we've come this far I'm not taking my foot off the gas. I paid for this gas

Luciano (17:08.768)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (17:14.12)
Thelma, we're going all the way, Louise.

M&L (17:16.539)
They should have Warner Brothers didn't shelve Craven and taken the tax write-offs.

Chris (17:21.554)
Like they did the poor back girl movie.

Luciano (17:25.272)
So I'm, okay, I'm gonna make a prediction here for Sony. I don't think they're gonna stop before putting black cat in just to get the sweet teenage horny money. Yeah, they're gonna put.

M&L (17:27.088)

Chris (17:30.12)

M&L (17:30.341)

M&L (17:38.907)

M&L (17:43.077)

Chris (17:44.884)
He's making a prediction. He's making a 2026 prediction.

M&L (17:46.906)
No but- but-

Luciano (17:47.886)
Sure, or 2027. They're not going to stop Matt. I know you want logic in this because she's hot and teenagers will pay to watch to go watch a movie with a hot girl.

M&L (17:51.344)
No, but why black hat?

Chris (17:57.564)
And then they're gonna make, and then they're gonna try to pull off another espionage movie with chameleon.

M&L (18:03.107)
I don't believe other of those things are gonna happen. First of all, we have the internet, it has porn, you don't need to go watch a movie with a hot girl anymore, it doesn't matter. It's not, they're not gonna do it. It's not worth their time. Like, they've lost so much money doing this. It's pointless, just stick to animated films.

Luciano (18:09.139)
That never never stopped anybody from anything

Luciano (18:18.318)

Luciano (18:23.849)

Chris (18:24.37)
yeah? Tell that to Warner Brothers. Off the animated DC division. Banger animated, but they couldn't pull off a live action to save their life. But Warner Brothers keeps going. They keep going off the cliff. This time, this vehicle will make the jump.

Luciano (18:30.903)
The man's correct!

M&L (18:34.331)
That's what I'm saying, Sony should do animated stuff.

Luciano (18:38.818)
Yeah, yeah

M&L (18:42.213)
No, no, no, no, that's... This is... it's very different. Because Warner Brothers has marketable characters they just can't use. They have... Spid... or sorry, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, those are all...

Chris (18:46.974)
How is it different?

Luciano (18:57.23)
Yeah, they have them like the frontliners of the DC universe. Yeah for sure. Yeah

Chris (18:59.284)
They've got the stable. They've got the stable, but they can't, they can never make the jump. It's, just as sad. Whether you have a good, a good, what, what is he saying? What do think he's saying? It's the same to me.

M&L (19:00.113)
They have the stable. Right.

Luciano (19:05.878)
No, but I see what Matt is saying. No, because it's different when you say I have, you know, the Superman IP and I have the Batman IP and I this is sitting burning a hole in my pocket and I have to do something with it. Sony is like, huh, I wonder what we should do with the foreigner. I know I'm going to make a movie. It's not the same thing.

M&L (19:27.525)
You at least have-

Chris (19:28.154)
you like bagels? i got a bagel for you. it's a day old bagel!

Luciano (19:30.51)
Yeah, it's a deal it's a deal bigel I found in a dumpster

M&L (19:31.081)
One, two, three.

Chris (19:35.444)
smear lux this is a day old that's because no one knows what country i come from

Luciano (19:42.627)


M&L (19:45.574)
Now you're talking. But that's the thing, right? Like at least I understand why Warner Bros keeps trying because they have big IP that in theory should net them. It's something people recognize. But like, who the fuck knows who Kraven the Hunter is?

Luciano (19:59.948)
Yeah, it has it has a history of making money, right? Batman movies, especially. Yeah, nobody has ever went like, you know what we need? We need a movie with a dude who wears a lion fur lined jacket with no shirt and a voodoo priestess who will make into a lawyer like I don't think. Yeah, because it's it's iffy and we don't know what the if it's PC or not. Let's just make her a lawyer.

M&L (20:02.78)

Chris (20:03.4)
Yeah. All day. All day.

M&L (20:21.039)
Yeah, we'll take away all the voodoo priestess stuff because...


M&L (20:29.765)
Yeah. An American lawyer in... Yeah. Just in case.

Luciano (20:29.902)
An American lawyer in London Why did it have to be in London I don't understand hold on let's let's pivot into this actual movie like the 20 minutes into this thing like why Why did it have to be in London, why did it have to be in England? Why couldn't they all have been just in the US?

Chris (20:30.26)
You know?

You know, and DEI while we have it.

M&L (20:41.403)
Yeah? Why not? Why not talk about this movie?

Chris (20:46.406)
It's day old bagels all day. Sony's, go ahead.

M&L (20:54.907)
Because Craven's from Russia.

Chris (20:55.1)
Not even London wanted to be in this movie.

Luciano (20:57.582)

M&L (20:59.334)
Craven, Chris.

Chris (21:00.116)
How did Lorde turn itself out of this movie?

M&L (21:02.951)
Kraven had to be in Eastern Russia.

Chris (21:06.66)
Yeah! Terrible! that stings.

Luciano (21:08.202)
Yeah, that which is where London is that what you're

M&L (21:11.367)
Yeah, canonically that is accurate.

Luciano (21:16.014)
London, know, London, Serbia. That's where they are filming this.

M&L (21:20.305)
Yeah, that's... Yeah?

Chris (21:21.94)
But wouldn't it have been dope though? Like, no, I'll let you cook. I I'm gonna, I got.

Luciano (21:24.842)
or just be in Eastern Europe the whole time.

M&L (21:27.207)

So, guess the things I don't understand, here's a couple things I don't understand. So, you pay Russell Crowe to...

Chris (21:30.305)
geography is everything.

Luciano (21:33.774)
What a sentence!

Luciano (21:42.296)
Do a bad accent, yes?

M&L (21:43.643)
do whatever he does and I like him and he's cheering up scenery but he's also terrible in this movie and so he's got a Russian accent.

Chris (21:48.476)
And he's loving it. He's our modern day Jeremy Irons. Jeremy Irons.

M&L (21:52.903)
I don't think you should say that about Jeremy Irons. He deserves better.

Chris (21:56.69)
No, he's our modern day Jeremy Irons a la Dungeons and Dragons. Sorry.

Luciano (22:00.462)
I was gonna say, he is modern day Jeremy Irons in Dungeons and Dragons 2000. Blood will rain from the skies! Not... and not as good an actor as Jeremy Irons either.

M&L (22:05.393)
That's fair. That's fair.

Chris (22:06.494)
That's what I was trying to say. I couldn't remember the-

M&L (22:11.791)
The difference is Russell Crowe is doing all the movies like this, not just one. No, he's not. Anyways, that's fine. But, so you have, he has a bad accent, his kids speak perfect English because I guess they grew up in America. Fine. Eh, who knows? He also, Craven knows a couple of languages apparently.

Chris (22:25.524)
And they switch back and forth too.

Luciano (22:31.264)
Yeah. And Russell Crowe forgets to do an accent sometimes. Yeah.

M&L (22:34.211)
And then you have Calypso who is an American and lives in England and definitely couldn't have just been English or lived in America or Haitian. And then we have the Rhino who is American but Russian.

Luciano (22:44.876)
Yeah. Or Haitian, which is what you're supposed to be. Yeah.

Luciano (22:53.494)
Yes. No, he's not his. name is Alexis Smirnoff or whatever. Alexi Orlov or Greg Goose. It's what it's one of those. But he does he the actor is Italian and he just does the Italian accent and he's he's awful. I'm not going to go into this right now. But the acting in this I'm going to talk about it later. But yeah, so Ryan, they're all Eastern European. They should they should.

M&L (23:00.753)
Sure. Great. But fine, he's Russian.

Chris (23:05.544)
I'll... yeah.

M&L (23:08.667)
Yeah, right. Yeah.

M&L (23:16.135)
When when when when's when's later? When's later to talk about the acting when's later? We don't have time to go later. Just spit it out now

Luciano (23:21.998)
All right, fine. I'll just, I don't even know how to start. It's just horrendous. Like the guy that plays Alexi, awful, awful. You just can't act. You're supposed to be intimidated by that guy. He looks like he should be in the movie office space. Like, come on. It's awful. What?

M&L (23:37.127)

Chris (23:41.524)
Excuse me, excuse me, can I have my stapler?

Luciano (23:44.896)
Yeah, yeah, no, even that guy because Norman is not normal is scary burns the building down No, he's bad. But Dimitri the guy that plays his Cravens, but brother is probably the worst actor I've ever seen in my life

Chris (23:52.276)
Aleksey Sietsevich.

M&L (24:01.425)
Fred, yeah, Fred Hechinger.

Chris (24:01.502)
Fred Hettinger.

Luciano (24:04.072)
I don't know, Redfinger, whatever his name is. He's just like who what kind of an actor doesn't know how to lip sync. His whole job in this movie was to be able to make I didn't know a chameleon was good at impersonating voices, but I guess this is where we are with this movie. And he they they make him a singer for whatever reason. And then he imitates voices and the kid who plays him as a young

Chris (24:04.532)

Chris (24:10.12)
What did it for you?

Luciano (24:31.416)
chameleon is actually much better than the main actor because he does the father's voice, right? He does. And then it goes like, okay, that was that was decent. But then when the adult tries to do it, it's like he's he's having a conniption or something. And there's that scene where Rhino captured him and they're talking and Rhino is showing him his fucking Rhino juice, Rhino juice backpack. Yeah.

M&L (24:36.793)

Chris (24:56.628)
camel... his camel runner backpack

Luciano (25:00.514)
They connect with the thing that looks like a headphone connector. It does not look like a cat or whatever. Yes, he's oxflug. And I was like, I remember when when Rhino comes in because he's sitting at the table and Ryan comes in and I was legit scared. I was like, what is going to happen here? This is going to be the worst scene ever shot in a movie theater, like shown in a movie theater. And it was it was horrendous, like no emotion.

M&L (25:05.447)
That's fair. Now it's fine.

Chris (25:06.952)
His aux plug.

Luciano (25:30.538)
no inflection there's a point where he hisses the guy that plays Alexi he goes I'm like is that a sound that rhinos make?

M&L (25:39.975)
sure why not. Maybe they do. You don't know.

Chris (25:42.292)
It was it was it seemed pretty method to me. It seemed like he did his homework

M&L (25:44.999)
When was the last time you hung out with a rhino?

Luciano (25:47.886)
What was his method? He was just have poor skin? Is that what the method acting was?

Chris (25:51.62)
No, no, like he no like Alessandro Nivau. Yes, yes, he was birthed by a rhino as well. Method, method.

Luciano (25:54.946)
You think he lived amongst rhinos for a while to learn the lingo? Let's see.

M&L (25:57.992)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

M&L (26:02.599)
True story.

Luciano (26:03.7)
He has the acting chops of a rhino, I would give you that.

Chris (26:07.27)
A rhino doesn't hesitate. A rhino takes what he wants in a bull in a China shop. And I'm like, what?

Luciano (26:10.67)
Yeah, like, I'll tell you this, I was so jarring because like there was a bunch of like actual Russian actors in this obviously, Russian and Eastern Europeans. And they were talking to Russell Crowe and Russell Crowe was answering in butchered English. And then this guy comes to talk to him. And he goes, so, Nikolai, I want to talk to you about a business venture. I'm like, what the what the Jerry Maguire fuck is going on in here?

M&L (26:21.521)

Chris (26:21.748)

Luciano (26:41.486)
Cause it sounded like

Chris (26:43.006)
Help me help you.

Luciano (26:44.578)
horribly American but not really and I thought this is gonna be a side character who gives a shit and I didn't realize didn't make the connection between the character name and Rhino because I don't think I ever knew Rhino's like real name yeah because because all of these fucking characters are D tier that's why we don't know any of their names

M&L (26:47.259)

Chris (26:57.556)
I don't remember Rhino's real name if ever.

Chris (27:06.612)
They're just punching bags for Peter Parker, Spidey. the Rhino's a poor man's juggernaut, essentially.

Luciano (27:08.715)

M&L (27:09.095)

Luciano (27:11.81)

But Rhino, I remember Rhino in the like 90s Spider-Man cartoon.

M&L (27:18.865)
Paul Giamatti. sorry, different right now.

Chris (27:22.12)
Right, why don't we... Yeah. Yeah. Intimidating, then.

Luciano (27:25.678)
And he was he was a fun villain because he is like He has that that like juggernaut sort of unstoppable force, right? Except not really because he always gets stopped but he's super strong and all that but here they made it like into like He he wanted to be stronger so they wouldn't Make fun of him something like that

Chris (27:35.582)
Yep. Yep.

Chris (27:40.532)

Chris (27:51.026)
He was bullied on the playground. so he went to, what is it, Mark Stevenson, like that naturopath in New York. And he gave him some microbiome gut flora juice.

Luciano (27:52.808)
Yeah, that's what it feels like.

Luciano (28:04.046)
Some homeopathy strength pills, yeah. But also isn't that similar to the plot of like the lizard in the Amazing Spider-Man movie?

Chris (28:09.96)
That's right.

M&L (28:17.699)
Kinda. But least it sounds more plausible than that one because he's experimenting with lizards because they're able to regrow limbs and he's missing his arm, So, yeah. So all the connections there kind of make some sense. just like... I mean, here's the thing. You can make changes to characters' origin stories if the movie's good. But when the movie's bad... Sure. And his explanation is okay.

Chris (28:18.77)
Yes-ish. Yeah.

Luciano (28:19.97)

Luciano (28:25.954)
Yeah. And he's also a scientist.

Chris (28:27.4)
Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (28:41.034)
Any of the changes make sense.

M&L (28:47.93)
It's just everything else that goes on in the movie. It's also like you can change a couple things, it's fine. When you start changing everything, you just start to confuse people, right? So, okay, the Rhino doesn't have a mech suit, right? He's got a skin condition. Okay, I guess.

Luciano (28:55.886)
Why is this character called this?

Luciano (29:01.122)
Yeah. Skin condition.

Chris (29:05.356)
resisting to say eczema anti-ex- he's got he's got psoriasis and now this juice gives me impenetrable eczema psoriasis

M&L (29:07.463)
He's got a really bad case of eczema. Yeah. Yeah. That's all he has.

Luciano (29:08.49)
Soraya, yeah, he has really bad psoriasis. Yeah.

M&L (29:18.343)
It's just water, he's just staying hydrated.

Luciano (29:20.32)
Yeah, he never he was never told if if it's dry, keep it moist. And if it's moist, keep it dry, like the the basic dermatology advice. Yeah.

M&L (29:26.981)
Yeah. Has no idea. And then we have Calypso, who is in the comic book is Haitian and into voodoo. in this movie, she's a friendly neighborhood lawyer from America living in London for reasons unknown. And I guess she's good at archery because they definitely say something about it right before she does it.

Chris (29:30.206)

Luciano (29:36.622)
And really fucking evil too.

Chris (29:43.316)

and very trusting.

Luciano (29:52.873)
she says it. art like summer camp. That's it. That's what we get.

M&L (29:55.944)
Yeah, that's it, right? also she knows, even though she basically saw her grandmother once, has no idea about anything, she's able to reproduce this potion whenever she needs to. So she's like, it it stretches your belief and gets stretched so far that the belief snaps and you're just like, what the fuck is this movie?

Chris (29:56.338)
Mm-hmm. Summer camp.

Luciano (30:05.313)

Chris (30:16.788)
Back at you. It snaps back at you.

Luciano (30:16.924)
yeah, it's starting to shred. It's starting to shred. And on top of it, and that's why I want and we don't have to keep talking about it, but that's like on top of it, the bad acting because like Taylor Johnson is not the greatest actor in the world, but he sells it like I believe he could be like that character. Well, I've been feeling bad for him since he was Quicksilver. be honest, especially after we got we got the other Quicksilver.

M&L (30:22.087)

M&L (30:29.211)
It's fine. Yep.

Chris (30:32.434)
I felt bad for him.

M&L (30:34.235)
I didn't.

Chris (30:38.344)
Yeah. You didn't see that coming?


Luciano (30:43.59)
And we're like, poor, poor Arden Taylor Johnson. Go back to playing KitKats again. yeah, but yeah, those are all the other, mean, Russell Crowe is a good actor, but like he was given nothing to work with and no direction, decent direction at the very least. then...

M&L (30:43.632)

Chris (30:47.764)

M&L (30:50.193)
Yeah, it's easier that way.

Chris (30:50.224)
ATJ, can't get a break.

M&L (31:04.103)
Here's what I'm, I will disagree with in the sense that like, I don't think Russell Crowe's problem in this movie is that he didn't get decent direction. I think Russell Crowe's problem in this movie is that they let him be Russell Crowe.

Luciano (31:12.945)
it's the script.

Yeah, they didn't give him directions because he was Russell Crowe. They're like, why did he leave? Yeah.

M&L (31:21.735)
Do whatever you want, my guy. Because he is bad in the movie.

Luciano (31:27.475)
To be fair, he's not very good at zoos either, I'll say this.

M&L (31:30.18)
No, he's not. He was not gonna- he just- but like, you're casting- it's a stunt casting, right? Like, I don't know if- if like, the actor who played Calypso is good at acting, I have no idea. Her character was stupid. her character was like, one note and was pointless and they just had her around all the time. And, okay, fine, I guess, but like, that's the thing, all the characters are dumb and one note and like, why is the RYDO into- is a gang leader in London? Because it just fits in your story, but like, it doesn't make sense, like-

Luciano (31:34.541)

Chris (31:39.752)
Yeah, I've seen her before.

Luciano (31:40.366)
She's okay, she's okay. Yeah.

Luciano (31:58.872)

M&L (31:59.144)
Even if you took the Rhino from being the Rhino and you're just like, this is rival gangster, that doesn't even make sense.

Luciano (32:06.72)
Yeah, especially because like there's a scene and we were talking about this in the pre show where the foreigner hands him the MI6 toxin gun and he looks at it and I was sure as were the both of you from what we talked, they was gonna just fucking murder, right? And he goes, he does this little weird laugh and then he's looking like...

M&L (32:16.135)

Chris (32:16.936)

M&L (32:21.861)
Yeah. Cap the foreigner. Yeah.

Luciano (32:31.758)
The shot shows him looking at the camera, which is outside, and he just hands the gun without looking back. And I was like, was that supposed to be bad ass? Because it just looks like he was a teenager. All that is missing is like a trench coat and sunglasses and maybe making some gang signs or whatever, because it was horrible. Like.

M&L (32:34.853)
Yeah. Back. Yeah.

Chris (32:50.964)

M&L (32:54.152)
But he's portrayed as a gangster who's ruthless, not two minutes, maybe like 20 minutes before when all Torney's guys are like, I can only have one partner and he makes them all shoot each other and like fuck around, right? So it's just like, are you ruthless or not? Like, you should be consistent.

Luciano (32:59.415)

Luciano (33:05.165)

Luciano (33:09.036)
And then we see his fucking South London bruv manservant, the butler or whatever he was.

Chris (33:15.55)
Bert, Bert, this movie does not know what it wants to be and it's of its own doing. Like it's not even in cheek. I can't feel bad for it. Sure, do it. You know.

M&L (33:16.453)
Yeah, Bert.

M&L (33:20.604)
It's fine.

Luciano (33:21.934)

M&L (33:25.479)
That's fine, you know what? Let's move past it and let's ask some questions. This is what everybody's here for, not us for anything about how much we hated this movie. They're here for the questions.

Luciano (33:31.576)

Luciano (33:35.822)
We don't know if we hate this movie, we haven't reviewed it yet.

Chris (33:36.563)
The art.

M&L (33:39.815)
Oh, we don't know. That's true. We haven't reviewed it, given it a score. But we do have questions, and the questions are where everyone gets to their catharsis for having to watch this movie. This is the crux of the matter.

Luciano (33:46.702)
This is where we get to the crux of the matter.

Luciano (33:51.566)
Some matter at least

M&L (33:54.184)
Where did my questions go? I wrote these questions. There are my questions. Let's be simple. Really high level. What are Craven's powers? Cause he gets the blood of a lion mixed into his blood and he drinks that potion and they are ambiguous about the potion. But not really. They foreshadow the shit out of it. Right. And then

Chris (33:54.566)

Luciano (34:04.93)

Luciano (34:11.918)
So he gets mauled by the lion first and then Calypso gives him the like spirit juice, whatever that was. then, and drips, so that's his first power is to be able to pull lion's blood exactly into his holes. That's his first, yeah, cause he clearly had fallen in love with Aslan. I'm going to call him Aslan cause that's what it looks like.

Chris (34:16.126)

M&L (34:20.497)
Potion. Yeah. Yeah. And the lion's blood drips in him. Yeah.

Chris (34:22.26)
spirit juice.


M&L (34:30.031)
Yeah. Right. Sexy.

M&L (34:38.779)
What's fine. Yeah.

Luciano (34:40.354)
When he was aiming the gun at him and the lion gave him sort of like the sort of side eye and he was like, and he was like, huh, huh, huh. Yeah. We need to grapple. That's what he thought. We need, we need physical contact. need. Yeah. That's what he thought. That's what he thought. Yeah. The safe word is the witch, the wardrobe and the

Chris (34:44.626)
Wait, what are you doing? What's happening?

M&L (34:45.937)

You wanna... You wanna... You wanna rassle?

Chris (34:51.687)
my god.

M&L (34:54.618)
Yeah. Grapple me, daddy.

Chris (34:55.508)
Oh, Aslin. Oh. Yuh.

Fake word is Narnia, Aslan.

M&L (35:03.749)

Luciano (35:09.663)

So that's his first power is pulling lion's blood into his holes.

M&L (35:15.853)
okay. Thank you. Vigiality isn't a power just so we're clear.

Chris (35:17.938)

Luciano (35:23.872)
No, yeah, it's a, it's a, it's just a preference. It's not a power. Yeah.

Chris (35:24.066)
In this movie it seems to be.

M&L (35:27.375)
Yeah, that's a choice. Yeah.

Chris (35:29.744)
choice for free for reason for ism

Luciano (35:32.566)
Sure, Well, he is at the end.

M&L (35:32.957)
he, but he's not a furry, because he doesn't wear fur. He's at the end. That's fair, at the end. And did. But that's not his power, that's just a costume. Yeah. Other powers we see, he has the power of eagle vision. Or Hawkeye.

Chris (35:36.242)
the end something awakened in him this is why he was so conflicted because

Luciano (35:39.007)

Luciano (35:43.232)
No, that's just him fighting his sexuality. Yes.

Chris (35:45.278)
He's his truth, his truth. He's living his truth.


Luciano (35:53.952)
Right. It's either, it's either Eagle Vision or he's like part Thundercat.

Chris (35:54.067)

M&L (35:59.816)
I don't know. It's hard to tell because like, what kind of bird lives in the Serengeti that makes the sound of a hawk when it looks at things?

Chris (36:01.044)
That's sort of Omens.

Luciano (36:02.509)

Luciano (36:08.642)
The Serengeti.

Chris (36:08.968)

Luciano (36:14.732)
A hawk? I don't think there are hawks in Africa are there?

Chris (36:15.976)
That sounds like a turkey hawk.

M&L (36:18.919)
I don't know, sure. Okay, fine. Yeah.

Luciano (36:20.396)
When did it go gobble gobble gobble gobble?

Chris (36:24.532)
Knuckles' tour!

M&L (36:26.437)
my god.

Luciano (36:28.558)
Imagine what this movie would be if every time he did the focus vision thing you got

M&L (36:37.285)
be better. It'll be improved. So okay so Eagle Vision, sucking blood, Turkey Vision, thank you, Turkey Vision, sucking blood Vision. He obviously is very strong and fast.

Luciano (36:38.124)
No, no, I would watch that movie. Turkey, Turkey vision.

Chris (36:48.531)
Good job.

Luciano (36:50.51)
Such blood vision. That's what Matt said. He had like super strength, obviously, super agility.

Chris (36:54.696)
Wait, what?

M&L (36:57.092)
It's fine. We're adding powers. Keep going. Chris, super strength. Yeah. Super hearing.

Chris (36:57.47)
Sucking blood? Yes.

Chris (37:03.528)
right seems like super, super, super stocking. So he's definitely on the predator list.

Luciano (37:05.294)
Super hearing, super smelling.

M&L (37:13.211)
But is he good at stalking?

Chris (37:15.688)
Well, the scene in that castle when Luciano was talking, I really appreciated that, except for the moment when the camera was looking down on the stairs and he just went, boop boop, and the guys are like,

Luciano (37:15.968)


Luciano (37:27.66)
Well, no, you mean you mean when he is climbing like so close to them that he could probably feel his body heat, but they don't notice him because he's crouching. This is video game logic. You crouch yourself. How many games have you played? It's exact. All that he needed was a box. Just needed to put a box on top of himself. Card card boxing. There you go. That's another power. Clearly.

M&L (37:32.977)
You could, yeah. Yeah, that's right.

It is. Yeah.

Chris (37:39.892)
True, he solid snaked it. He solid snaked it. yes, that's his power, card boxing.

M&L (37:50.499)
Okay. Any anything else?

Chris (37:53.556)
Yeah. He also has X, what's it, AAA blow dart marksmanship.

Luciano (38:03.916)
Yeah. he also has alchemy apparently because he can make like a toxin from the fucking berries that grow in the underbrush of Eastern Russia. No, he has Breaking Bad power is what he has.

Chris (38:09.426)
Right. Botany. Bot-

M&L (38:13.463)
Everybody has that power, bro

Chris (38:16.264)
Botany power!

M&L (38:19.333)
Yep, but the foreigner knew how to make that shit. Yeah, the foreigner knew exactly where I was from.

Luciano (38:22.112)
No, the thing for him, he knew what it was from, but not how to make it.

Chris (38:23.294)
Weirdest word, hmmm.

M&L (38:28.455)
The foreigner made the scary juice he can make that shit too The foreigner whatever that's ready stole it

Luciano (38:32.268)
He didn't make the scary juice, he stole it. Yeah, the MI6 thing is he stole it.

Chris (38:37.32)
Did you see this movie? I don't get to use that line often. So when it comes, I embrace it wholeheartedly.

M&L (38:42.225)
That's fine. Anyways, OK. But.

Luciano (38:42.548)
What line? What line?

What line you don't get to use often? I see. Spencer not here, so I assume everybody did.

Chris (38:49.639)
did you see this movie? I didn't yell it, that's why.

M&L (38:51.267)
Spencer is not here. Yeah, we all watched this movie.

Chris (38:55.668)
He didn't see the movie so he couldn't...

M&L (38:58.264)
Anyways, okay, so I think we listed all of Kraven's powers. Did miss anything?

Luciano (39:01.806)
What's with the climbing thing? It feels like a little spidery, I have to say.

Chris (39:03.691)
he's a bad brother.


M&L (39:07.228)
What do you

Chris (39:10.676)
it's, I hear you, but it's more, it's more monkey gorilla. Like he's, since he's got all that strength, it's easy to vault and stuff. He's not sticking.

M&L (39:13.051)

Luciano (39:14.222)

Luciano (39:19.116)
Yeah, but he doesn't he's not really grabbing it sometimes he's isn't he okay? Okay. There are handholds there are handholds. Okay, okay.

M&L (39:23.025)
He doesn't, no, he doesn't stick. Yeah.

Chris (39:24.22)
No, he's no, there's there's there there were definitely there were definitely ledger ledges and then when he jumped off the top of the condo like he was full on shattering glass not sticking but it's just like different like at different girders like and then slow himself and then slow himself. Yeah.

M&L (39:34.479)
Yeah. Well.

Luciano (39:35.308)
Right, okay.

Luciano (39:40.16)
Right, so he's just like strong and agile, not spidery.

M&L (39:42.759)
and has bones that are made of adenomythium, based on how far he fell.

Chris (39:46.415)

Luciano (39:46.969)
I see. I see where you're going with this.

Chris (39:49.022)
Homelessness is another, like he's easily, he's adept at sleeping in the streets of.

Luciano (39:50.829)

M&L (39:56.05)
Technically he's a squatter more than homelessness, but.

Luciano (39:58.318)
His, no, that power he has that you're thinking of homelessness is his power is touching grass. That's what he has.

M&L (40:04.047)
Mm-hmm. yeah here. It's true All right. I think we've got enough of his powers. We need to move the journey forward Hey, man, you have no no where we

Chris (40:04.86)

Luciano (40:08.878)
I forgot one. He has the ability to smell planes in the blizzard. Yeah, no, I said it. Now you can take it away. Yeah.

Chris (40:13.289)

Chris (40:16.996)
Uh-huh. He fit it in, and we can proceed.

M&L (40:19.491)
No, that's not how this works. I'm gonna listen at home You're gonna be very confused by this passage of time because you're not gonna understand what he said. I'm just gonna cut it out

Luciano (40:25.742)
I don't want to Matt doesn't want to edit anything, but this he will edit just out of spite

Chris (40:29.81)
You say that all the time, Matt, and you never, you never edit. Shit!

M&L (40:31.771)
This one time I will. How do you know? No one listens to this. You don't listen to this. You have no idea how to stuff.

Luciano (40:36.578)
That is true. That is, that is true.

Chris (40:36.752)
You don't know! You don't know because you don't do it! You just like to wave that power card in our face. You don't do it because I also see the edit files from time to time.

M&L (40:41.553)
What do mean, I don't know, don't do it? I know I don't do it.

Luciano (40:43.896)
Do... Do... Does this even get published at this point?

M&L (40:49.519)
No, doesn't.

Chris (40:49.948)
my god! We've been, we've been... He's been... He's been placebo recording us. Anyways. my god.

Luciano (40:57.148)

M&L (40:57.874)
See, that's, I know you don't listen. That's a test. It's just, it's just a hour and a half of silence.

Luciano (40:59.726)
Yeah. Of elevator music.

Chris (41:05.948)
sounds of silence. We'll be right back.

M&L (41:06.831)
Yeah. I've... Thank you for your kindness. Why is Craven such a bad hunter? He's like, I'm the world's best hunter. But he's very bad at anything hunters do. Hunters shoot animals. He doesn't kill one animal. He protects animals. He is... He both finds people really easily and then has the hardest time in the world finding them. Yeah.

Luciano (41:08.822)
Now you may segue.

Chris (41:18.419)

Luciano (41:24.749)

Chris (41:25.127)

Luciano (41:27.288)
He and yeah. So his kryptonite, his kryptonite is ledgers, right? If you give him a name and an address, he can't find people. Yeah.

Chris (41:30.792)
Finding people, that's the logic.

M&L (41:37.605)
It's too hard to find people, true.

Chris (41:38.334)
So wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, are you sure it's ledgers or should I plus one that to clarify and hit you with illiteracy? He can't read.

Luciano (41:46.638)
I was gonna say, yeah, yeah, he can't read that. So he gets self-conscious and that's why he can't find the people. Yeah, but and he's also he's also bad as a as a hunter. Because he well, I think you said it's because he loves animals. So he doesn't want to hunt them. He wants to get on with them. Much like the lion. Say for Darnia.

M&L (41:52.08)

Chris (41:52.936)
to talk about it, words look like gobbledygook.

M&L (42:09.221)
Right, so we're back to the furries.

Chris (42:10.942)
Safe word, Narnia.

Yeah, and since animals can't say it, that he can't engage and that he's very, he's very.

Luciano (42:17.152)
Yeah, animals can deny consent.

M&L (42:20.327)

Chris (42:20.83)
You know? He's very, very respectable when it,

Luciano (42:24.398)
He looks at the animal and says, say no if you don't want this. The animal goes brrrr. Okay, that's not a no. Yeah.

Chris (42:27.826)
And that's, like, permission, without permission, you can't, so yeah, listen. And it's true.

Luciano (42:33.474)
That was awful. Yeah.

M&L (42:34.577)
That was terrible.

Luciano (42:38.582)
I listen, he finds Calypso based on a tarot card that had nothing on it and he finds her.

Chris (42:44.308)
Correct. How? How, Sway?

Luciano (42:48.526)
I mean it took, what, 15 years for him to find her?

M&L (42:51.429)
Yes, that's not great in terms of haunting.

Chris (42:52.424)
This is really bad.

Luciano (42:54.39)
Yeah, I going to say, I'm going to have to rescind the he found the walk the earth.

M&L (42:58.14)
That just feels like if you just, like he just, he was just walking around in cities and he's like, that's Calypso over there.

Chris (43:06.256)
know why he's a bad hunter because he received

Luciano (43:08.302)
I have a scene in my mind he just goes from city to city finding like black women are you Calypso? Get away from me you freak! One more. I think that's why it took so long.

Chris (43:18.836)
Mmm. Mmm.

Chris (43:24.788)
Mmm, 15 years of they all look the same to me, okay. Mmm.

M&L (43:28.935)
Grave and power!

Luciano (43:28.942)
Yeah, yeah, that's what I did Craving power

Chris (43:36.436)
I think he's also a bad hunter because he received his apprenticeship from the sea captain He's like are you trying to are you trying to run away? Yeah? Get on board

Luciano (43:44.398)

Come on in boy. Like even though that was in London, he still sounded like a Southern pervert. That's what he did. Yeah. What was?

Chris (43:56.894)

Yes, you know, instead of what usually would happen when like the main character, the protagonist is going to earn their stripes and run away, earn their stripes, learn about themselves, they learn from either an array of mentors or a singular so that they can come into their own with acquired respectable skills. We never get that validation. We don't have that evidence.

Luciano (44:09.527)

Luciano (44:27.638)
No, because he learns his hunting powers from getting lion's blood dripped in his wounds.

M&L (44:34.799)
It's instinct, my guy.

Chris (44:35.422)
So he got doped and that's how he got, not well enough.

Luciano (44:36.16)
Yeah, exactly.

M&L (44:39.909)
He hunts on instinct. But the problem is...

Luciano (44:41.72)

Chris (44:43.102)
For 15 years.

M&L (44:49.881)
Lions aren't good at hunting in cities.

Luciano (44:52.876)
Lions are notoriously lazy. The female lions are the ones that actually hunt.

M&L (44:55.078)

M&L (44:58.856)
Alright, so he got male hunting, male land hunting Browish, which means that's it. Okay, I think that is the answer to that shell. If a female had it got, if he had got the female's blood in him, he'd be awesome. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, he would be, okay.

Luciano (45:01.134)
There you go. I think that's the problem.

Yeah, yeah.

Chris (45:07.08)
He got the bargain herald tier. Yeah.

Luciano (45:10.456)
He'd be great. Yeah, he'd be he'd be T'Challa basically. Yeah, but because he was he got hit by like a male lion All he knows how to do is eat and shit and sleep

M&L (45:22.055)
I mean, I think that segues into my next question. Why is Craven the RC Cole of Black Panther?

Chris (45:22.258)
and grow a lot of hair.

Luciano (45:23.744)
Yeah. Okay.

Luciano (45:33.133)
I mean, why? Are you asking in a meta way, it's like, is Sony doing to us again? Or is that more of a...

Chris (45:34.046)
You're not wrong at all.

M&L (45:35.697)

M&L (45:42.713)
I don't describe my questions any further than the things I say, so you fill in the blank.

Luciano (45:46.315)

I see. Hmm. Well, he's no, first of all, he's not a king. That alone makes him lesser.

Chris (45:50.996)
It's not hard, it's just painful. True.

Black Panther's got the heart-shaped herb and then Craven's got the you know, peat performance enhancing drug Yeah Yeah, Craven's is lazier

Luciano (46:04.12)
They both have narcotics. They give them power.

but and he also doesn't have vibranium

Chris (46:15.9)
True. He has his accent and that's pretty hard. He turns it off and on.

Luciano (46:19.49)
He does? He doesn't have an accent. No, he doesn't have an accent at all. I bet you-

M&L (46:24.199)
I do feel like T'Challa had a little bit of an accent. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (46:24.478)

Luciano (46:29.782)
He did.

Chris (46:30.836)
I'm talking about Craven, like he turns his accent off and on.

Luciano (46:32.846)
Craven doesn't have any accent whatsoever when he speaks English.

M&L (46:36.315)
Right, what's your... So I don't understand how those relate. Okay, great. Good job.

Chris (46:36.712)
when he speaks English.

Chris (46:41.352)
They don't.

Luciano (46:42.99)
What do you think for answering your question? Were you new here? Are you new here? And some answer. Yeah. What else? He's also like Mr. Pib Wolverine, if we're honest.

Chris (46:44.18)

M&L (46:45.575)
I'm just checking. That's my fault.

Chris (46:46.74)
You ask the question and you get a and answer You get words

Chris (46:59.796)
I thought you were gonna say Mr. Bean. It felt like it was on the tip of your tongue.

Luciano (47:02.238)
Also, no.

M&L (47:04.549)
Sorry, basically now you're telling me you don't want to answer my question, you're just going to create your own question answer?

Luciano (47:08.47)
No, I'm just making doing s and yes and he's an RC Cola Black Panther and also Mr. P Wolverine.

Chris (47:11.91)
It's a parallel, it sounds... Yeah.

M&L (47:17.665)
I didn't ask what is he discount of, I asked why he is discount Black Panther.

Chris (47:21.588)
We're telling you why by giving you what?

Luciano (47:22.318)
Under what brand name is this sold on Walmart is what you're asking?

M&L (47:28.313)
Yeah, that's what I wanted to know.

Chris (47:31.816)
He leaves the, he like, Craven like this movie just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You don't want it. You want the real thing. Cause like, he, it.

Luciano (47:38.828)
Yeah, that's a good point. You go in... Shut up! Shut up, we're talking. We're talking here. Me and Chris, it's a dialogue. You're right. No! You're right, Chris. That's why. Because you want T'Challa or you want Logan and you're left with Craven. That's why he's the...

M&L (47:41.799)
That is the whole point of the question analogy. I don't know what's happening right now

Chris (47:49.764)
It's a dyad dialogue one!

M&L (47:49.863)
It's diad dialogue and I hate it.

Chris (48:01.064)
Yeah. We're given this RC Mr. Pib Craven when lore Craven, even the video in the most recent Spidey 2 game Craven was respectable. That Craven killed everything.

Luciano (48:15.758)
I, yeah, but I don't know if Craven can ever be respectable. Again, I must reiterate.

Chris (48:20.338)
No, respectable in terms of a character that has, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, a character that has weight, that is menacing, that feels like not immortal, has layers and is backed with the abilities given and executed in a story, whether it's like.

Luciano (48:29.265)
okay. I see, I see. A proper villain.

Chris (48:44.068)
on paper or on screen in a really believable way. This movie was only believable for me, that city chasing, and it sounds like for you, with one example, at least one example, the castle hunting scene. That's all we were kind of given. We want the real thing.

Luciano (48:58.872)
So Matt, the answer to your question is he's the RC Cole Black Panther because he's not the Kraven from the video game. That's why.

Chris (49:07.804)
or comics. You're welcome.

Luciano (49:10.862)
See, this is what you get when we actually answer your questions. It's shit.

Chris (49:17.664)
Don't do that! Don't do that! You're giving him... No! We had him on the ropes! No! No, we had him! We did! You don't...

Luciano (49:17.832)

Luciano (49:22.062)

Luciano (49:28.62)
No he didn't. He doesn't care. He doesn't care.

Luciano (49:35.947)

M&L (49:39.727)
Why did the ship captain let Sargai on the ship?

Luciano (49:47.48)
I already told you why.

M&L (49:47.515)

Chris (49:49.012)
It's the wor- well, that's- well, another reason why is because of bad writing. This movie tries to leverage tropes from- leverage certain tropes poorly.

M&L (49:58.108)
Hey man, if I wanted a real answer, I would have asked you this question in the first section.

Luciano (50:00.342)

Chris (50:01.652)
I'm not saying we're done, we're just getting warmed up. Did you look at the previous?

M&L (50:04.867)
Warm up faster!

Chris (50:08.67)
I'm not a microwave, you can't just turn me on. I'm happy. Well, Luciano, I'm tagging you in.

M&L (50:09.755)
how do you like it? How do you like it? I don't think you are. Answer! Dance, puppet! Answer my questions in funny ways, you puppets!

Luciano (50:12.748)

Luciano (50:21.496)
So, he let him come in because he had money, that's the first thing, but also because he was looking for a first mate. And he thought he could teach the young buck a thing or two or three, say for Narnia, and, you know, teach him the ropes, show him the ropes, tie him in ropes, that kind of thing.

Chris (50:25.17)
turn the volume up

M&L (50:34.673)
Captain Boy?

Chris (50:35.067)

Chris (50:42.012)
boy. you did it. You brought it full circle.

Luciano (50:45.598)

Chris (50:48.904)
Maybe the captain, I think the captain also saw a bit of himself in, like how do, how do, how do sea captains?

Luciano (50:55.106)
Yes, I see myself in this rich kid, Fleurani, away from home.

Chris (51:00.084)
I too ran away from home and relied on the kindness of a seafaring captain to help ferry me to my future. That would be a seafaring captain ushering in wayward souls. He wanted to help... my God.

Luciano (51:14.402)
Safe word, Maria and the Strange.

Luciano (51:19.15)

Chris (51:19.794)
Yes, this that happened I could see that

Luciano (51:22.07)
Of course.

M&L (51:23.705)
Why didn't Calypso drink the potion the second time?

Luciano (51:29.582)
yeah because like the first you're right because the first time the grandma was like you're gonna know when to use this but it's just just made more

Chris (51:32.757)
my god, that's such a good question.

M&L (51:36.933)
Right. Right. Yeah. I'm not even going to ask how she made more. I don't care. I just want to know why she didn't take it at any point.

Chris (51:40.328)

Luciano (51:42.686)

Chris (51:42.91)
You did.

That would have been perfect. That would have made things so much more entertaining. Like it was an alright fine, but like.

Calypso's just a lawyer in this movie, which is sad. Yeah, I'm trying to work it out.

Luciano (51:56.268)
Maybe because, hear me out, maybe because, maybe because there's animal parts in it and she's a vegan.

Have you thought about that? So she's okay to make it, but she can't consume it.

M&L (52:13.595)
Yeah, but like... all... all... okay, okay, but all Craven does is protect animals from being killed.

Luciano (52:21.026)
Yeah, that's why she lets him drink it. But she wouldn't.

M&L (52:23.879)
But what if she drank it and then also was able to protect the animals?

Luciano (52:27.5)
But then she consumed animal powers. if you've watched Superbad, listen, if you watch Superbad, not Superbad, sorry, Scott Pilgrim, you know that if you're a vegan and then you don't maintain your veganism, you lose your powers. Everybody knows that.

M&L (52:31.259)

M&L (52:36.199)

M&L (52:41.563)
You get three strikes. You get three strikes before you lose your powers. Yeah. Yeah. The cops list the other two strikes.

Luciano (52:44.93)
Do you? Was that his turnstrike? Okay. And then you don't become Superman.

Chris (52:47.998)

M&L (52:53.189)
Okay, okay, hear me out though. But what if she got drunk and then did it? You know how like when you're drinking, you know, like maybe her, she's just like, it's not like she's eating a steak, but maybe she has like cheese, you know? Cheese, pizza.

Luciano (53:01.23)

Luciano (53:06.83)
I think if she didn't know it would be fine. So are you saying she should have roofied herself and then drank it?

M&L (53:10.011)
Yeah. Yeah. There you go.

Chris (53:12.734)

Chris (53:16.756)
She should.

M&L (53:16.91)
I don't think you have to roof yourself to take...

Luciano (53:19.36)
I mean, listen, you either go forward or go home. Like you don't... Don't give me these half measures.

M&L (53:23.419)
Why do you- but why do you have to- but why do- if you take roofies and you're knocked out and you can't drink it, it doesn't seem like a-

Luciano (53:29.056)
No, but in between taking and getting knocked out, you have a period where you don't remember what's happening when you're still awake, then you can do it.

M&L (53:36.209)
but then she's gonna forget to give herself the potion.

Chris (53:36.69)
This would have

Luciano (53:39.904)
You have a point.

Chris (53:41.79)
This should have taken all taken place. She needed to get shot with the foreigners gun somehow. And it would, it should have played out inside the Craven cave or some shit should have got shot. And they need that going like, I don't, I don't, I don't feel so good. And Craven's like, I don't have anything for this, even though I'm a botany master. And she's like, I've got something, but I don't know. I don't know.

Luciano (53:47.341)

M&L (53:55.174)

Luciano (54:07.618)
He's a botany master just like he's a hunter. When it's convenient, it works, yeah.

M&L (54:10.971)

Chris (54:11.284)
Correct! He studied at the school of DeVry-Botany Institute.

Luciano (54:17.952)

Chris (54:20.18)
And she's like, there is one way, but I'm conflicting. He's like, just you're dying. You're freaking out and hallucinating. You keep calling me Arctula. And she was like, in my pouch, the vile. then, and then he would give it to her. Like she, don't think she could ever be in vegan. I don't think she could ever choose to do it. She, the roles would have to be reversed. She poured it on him. He would have to pour onto her.

Luciano (54:29.486)

Luciano (54:40.952)
So let me just see if I understand this. Let me just see if I understand this. So Matt asked why didn't she drink it and you answered this is what could have happened for her to drink it.

M&L (54:53.745)
This is closer than you guys got on the question about RC-Colo, so I'm not that bad.

Chris (54:54.098)

Luciano (54:54.894)
Are you taking the win and moving on?

M&L (55:00.165)
I'll take the wins where I can get them. Yeah, I don't care.

Luciano (55:03.662)

Chris (55:04.541)
You ask for Pop Tarts, we give you Day Old Bagels.

Luciano (55:07.582)
Yeah, if ask for pizza, we give you Pop Tarts. That's what...

Chris (55:10.996)
What's the other pizza ones? Hot Pockets? Pizza Bakels is another one. Those are things too, right? Cool. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. you. Thank you.

Luciano (55:14.616)
Hot pockets, hot pockets. Pizza bagels. Yeah.

M&L (55:14.887)
Pizza bagels?

M&L (55:21.285)
Yes, that's why I said it.

Okay, so Chris, why is Craven the pizza bagel Wolverine?

Chris (55:32.644)
Craven is the pizza bagel of Wolverine based on these factors. Terrible, like lower tier. We've got like, I don't know. We've got College Street, Little Italy tier deli ingredients. then, listen, we've got, listen, I'm basing it, I'm using what I know. And then.

Luciano (55:48.3)
Yes, let's keep it very Toronto so everybody understands it.

That is fair.

M&L (55:53.583)
It's all silence anyways, don't worry about it.

Chris (55:56.638)
Damn it! I punch for it, I say move forward anyway. And then with Craven, you got all these synthetic, you look at the back of the pizza bakeable box and you're like, none of this says tomato. There's no tomato in this.

Luciano (55:59.981)

Luciano (56:08.384)
Yeah, it's tomato flavoring and cheese flavoring and bagel flavoring. That's what you get.

Chris (56:13.684)
An aspartame that like this is this is

M&L (56:18.407)
That ties it all together.

Luciano (56:21.046)
Yeah. So actually that's that's fair because you want to take a like a nice bite of a pizza or like a really nice bagel and you get neither you you you think you're getting both as a pizza bagel you're getting neither I think that's why. Yeah you're disappointed twice yeah. Actually that's an actual answer I'm surprised we got there somehow.

Chris (56:22.536)
That's what you're, instead of Stevia.

M&L (56:30.577)
or a bagel.

Chris (56:37.876)
And your times too disappointed. Oh my god!

M&L (56:46.636)
Somehow we got there. You know what? It's not that's enough for any of the show on this note We got to take our wins and get out of here Let's rank this movie on a tier of s2f s is the top f is the lowest Who knows Chris try try

Luciano (56:51.907)

Chris (56:52.802)

Chris (57:01.278)

M&L (57:04.721)

Luciano (57:05.71)
you killed him. You killed him.

Chris (57:10.548)
His delivery of tribe was... S-tier. Okay, so...

Luciano (57:16.728)
So S, you're giving this an S, is that what you're saying? You were so scared for a second there.

Chris (57:19.696)
His delivery, Matt's delivery of the word try was S. No, I wasn't gonna do that. Another timeline that took place. I feel so bad for Aaron Taylor Johnson. I want him to win so badly. This movie did not help that cause. And I don't blame him, but at the same time, I feel bad for him. This movie is not something anyone should see.

I don't think this movie, even, I even try, it took me two attempts to watch this movie. I have it in my notes and it's, it's, it's this cacophony of me trying to explain. I started on a Sunday and I finished it in a Monday, like 24 hour separation. This movie, really, it really is an F for the, for the, all the reasons we've stated and, I wish it weren't so, but it just, it's, it's the pizza bagel.

Luciano (57:49.288)

Chris (58:18.388)
of the Spider-Verse movies. Of a lot of movies, a lot of them. It doesn't even, it can't even use sand thin gum as an ingredient.

M&L (58:19.824)

Luciano (58:23.202)
Yeah, yes.

Luciano (58:28.014)
Water flavor is what this movie is. Yeah, yeah and and some carcinogens probably

M&L (58:30.439)
It did use red dye number five though.

Chris (58:35.59)
as blood.

M&L (58:37.211)
Yeah, definitely. All right, Luciano, try.

Luciano (58:41.966)
So just a little bit harder. it's a mixed thing. when I went to watch, and I will clarify in a second why I'm making this comparison. When I watched Morbius, I knew I was going in to watch just the fucking clusterfuck, right? Like a dumpster fire.

M&L (58:44.455)
It's a little bit harder now.

Chris (58:48.212)

Luciano (59:08.558)
When I went to watch Madam Webb, I was actually somewhat excited at the movie. Like I thought that people were being extra like harsh because it was a movie with female protagonists and we know how the internet can be. But unfortunately I was disappointed. But the main thing is both Marbius and Madam Webb I knew of. Craven I had not heard of at all until this movie was floated for us to watch. So I didn't have any expectations.

of the character itself. There was one expectation I had though that he was a fucking hunter, which he wasn't. So I was like very confused and I was like, why am I this disappointed about a movie that I had no expectations about? Right. Still, I thought actually Antithar Johnson did a good job with what he was given, honestly, like I didn't think I didn't his acting didn't suck too much. But the rest of the movie is just yeah, it's fine.

M&L (01:00:03.995)

Luciano (01:00:06.498)
But the rest of the movie is just a trash can. And I came in, as usually happens, was like, nah, this is a low E. But then talking about it is, no, there's no way this is not an F. This is an F. Like you said, Chris, this is a movie nobody should watch, and that I wish I could go back in time and not watch it myself. And yeah, like the acting.

Chris (01:00:29.214)
Can I join you back in time?

Luciano (01:00:32.653)
was horrendous. I honestly was mad at the end with Demetri and Alexei. I was like, what the fuck is going Let me do this part. I can do it better. And I'm not an actor. And so yeah, it's a nap. It has to be a nap.

Chris (01:00:36.381)

Chris (01:00:42.228)

Luciano (01:00:46.594)
Please don't watch it you didn't. Yeah, try it.

M&L (01:00:46.663)

Chris (01:00:47.71)
Try man, try, try.

M&L (01:00:51.301)

Luciano (01:00:52.641)
He did it!

M&L (01:00:55.041)
Did I do it right?

Chris (01:00:55.55)
He did. You did?

Luciano (01:00:56.172)
You did.

M&L (01:00:59.399)
This movie, I said it before and I'll say it again, they should have just WB'd this movie and not released it.

Chris (01:01:08.372)

Luciano (01:01:08.414)
should have bad girl this movie.

M&L (01:01:10.821)
Yeah, I don't see if there's any reason why this movie needed to come out. am I think sometimes it's better to to just not like because because the thing is somebody many people watch this movie and then they may dad it's to try to make it better and This is better This is the best they could do

Chris (01:01:11.07)

Chris (01:01:25.236)

Luciano (01:01:31.127)

Yeah, this was a bunch of people looked at it and went, yeah, that's the one.

M&L (01:01:37.788)
Well, yeah, that's the best we can do. And I think it's sometimes you learn a lot from trying and you don't need to show everybody. You can just be like, you know, we learned some stuff here today. Maybe Craven, maybe, maybe Craven, we just can't do it. It's okay. And they didn't know, but they really did. And so F, F, epox on all of your families.

Luciano (01:01:39.661)

Luciano (01:01:44.531)

Chris (01:01:50.1)

Luciano (01:01:50.741)
Mostly what not to do.

Luciano (01:02:02.364)

M&L (01:02:05.031)
That's it.

Chris (01:02:05.182)
There's a moment there that is it. There was a moment in this movie when Rhino tries to like set the stage towards the end before the big fight. And then he calls Craven. Craven picks up. He's like, Rhino's like, I got your brother. And this is what's going to happen. And Craven hangs up on him. I stopped the movie and laughed out as hard as humanly possible. like, this is this movie knows what's happening. This movie doesn't want to continue. That's the title of this movie.

Luciano (01:02:24.361)

M&L (01:02:29.253)
Mm-hmm. Nope.

Luciano (01:02:32.618)
Yeah, you know what? I had the same feeling when when Rhino says that they went like the people were there for Craven and not for the brother but they took the I was like this would have been a 20 minute movie if those fucking goons have found Craven that he would have killed everybody and the movie would have ended and maybe just maybe that should have happened.

Chris (01:02:33.767)
That's what goes on to VHS.

Luciano (01:02:56.502)
If this was a 20 minute movie, it might've been a knee.

M&L (01:02:56.775)
So anyways, no, still enough. Speaking of movies that are definitely gonna break our expectations, our next movie, we're all excited for it, we don't do a of sci-fi. Section 31, I don't know if that's the actual, is it Star Trek Section 31?

Luciano (01:03:15.67)
It's Star Trek, Section 31. Yeah, Star Trek, colon, Section 31.

M&L (01:03:23.111)
Second 31. Yeah, we're gonna watch that bad boy next week and talk about it or whatever. I don't know. We'll try.

Luciano (01:03:34.798)
yeah this should be this should be the tagline of this of this podcast popcorn and plot holes we're gonna talk about it or whatever try yeah try yeah tagline try

Chris (01:03:35.156)
We're gonna try. Try.

M&L (01:03:43.655)

Chris (01:03:46.9)
I think we found a new key, a new key 2025, you know.

Try, try.

M&L (01:03:53.704)
It is the I mean I don't want to just say Michelle Yeoh vehicle, but literally do not know anybody else in this movie so Sven Roy Gork

Luciano (01:04:01.904)
Pick someone that never stopped you before.

Luciano (01:04:09.036)
No, of course, of course. The famous character actor.

Chris (01:04:09.236)

M&L (01:04:10.885)
Yeah. Yeah. James Wang's in this, but, not the one you want it to be. Ooh.

Chris (01:04:13.94)
Omari Hardwa- You know who this is. I know who you know.

Luciano (01:04:19.596)
wrong one.

M&L (01:04:21.511)
do I know him?

Chris (01:04:23.538)
Omari Hardwick, you've seen him before in the Zack Snyder zombie Las Vegas movie. He was a, he survived in the end.

M&L (01:04:31.057)
Jokes on you, I didn't watch that horrible shit, cause Zack Satter sucks.

Luciano (01:04:33.985)
Wait, Dawn of the Dead?

M&L (01:04:37.433)
No, army of, is it army of thieves?

Chris (01:04:37.585)
No, not that one.

Luciano (01:04:40.622)
Cuz cuz none of the dead Zack Snyder's done in the dead also sucked

Chris (01:04:40.828)
Not that one, the one where they tried to break it to a...

M&L (01:04:47.528)
Army of the Dead.

Luciano (01:04:49.326)
yeah, I didn't watch that, okay.

Chris (01:04:49.594)
Army, I believe. The last, the last, okay, and then you have not seen this. Okay.

M&L (01:04:54.055)
Yeah, cuz... him. Join us next week when we're gonna talk about Section 31 and maybe, maybe Zack Snyder will come up.

Luciano (01:04:56.493)

Luciano (01:05:01.75)
And hey, maybe we'll be four people again. Who knows?

M&L (01:05:03.985)
My Dad.

Chris (01:05:05.972)
Todd Phillips sucks.

M&L (01:05:08.54)
Great. I agree. Bye.

Luciano (01:05:11.367)
Ha ha!

Creators and Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...