We Watched "Monkey Man"

We Watched "Monkey Man"

Matt (00:01.539)
Hello and welcome back to popcorn and blood holes. Thank you. That's it. Great job.

spencer (00:05.93)
Well done. Well, that's it guys. Thanks for listening.

Luciano (00:07.523)
Wow. That was all that was all the energy he had for the entire episode.

Matt D luffy (00:12.814)
Suck it. Suck it.

Matt (00:13.525)
We'll see you next week.

spencer (00:14.154)

Matt (00:17.091)
With me as always, Luciano? Spenser?

Luciano (00:19.619)
hi, hello.

spencer (00:23.21)
Hi! Is that Luciano?

Matt (00:25.795)
Chris? Question mark?

Matt D luffy (00:28.654)

spencer (00:28.97)

Matt (00:30.211)
Boo. Wow, Chris, you sound different again. Yeah, you sound like a Matt from Alice. Wow.

Luciano (00:35.523)
Very Maddy, you found very Maddy for some reason.

Matt D luffy (00:35.854)
Yeah. I got much bolder.

spencer (00:40.266)
You sound like you have a stupid first name.

Luciano (00:41.187)

Matt D luffy (00:44.59)
Yeah, that's harsh. That's, that's, yeah.

Luciano (00:45.219)

Matt (00:47.843)
I don't care for these accusations. Spencer, that's a really cool name.

spencer (00:51.962)

Matt (00:55.235)
Speaking of cool names, we watched Monkey Man, the 2024 Chateau Copley vehicle.

Luciano (01:03.587)
Yeah, of course, that's exactly what it is.

spencer (01:03.882)
I mean, if any movie was any more of a vehicle for someone, it's this movie for Dev Patel. But no, we will.

Matt (01:11.363)
Yeah. We're focusing on Shelton Cope. Duppetel... Heard that? Yeah.

Luciano (01:13.219)
No, it's, it's Chateau Copley for sure.

spencer (01:15.978)
Can you imagine? Can you imagine how much I would upset him if you actually like wrote, directed, starred in this movie and were like, well, this movie was a breakout for Charlton Copley. He was fantastic.

Matt (01:24.899)
He's done nothing up until this point. Deppetel did everything for this movie. On the posters, it's from producer Jordan Peele. Sure, I guess. Honestly, you wouldn't necessarily know Jordan Peele was involved in this by watching it.

Luciano (01:25.027)
Ha ha ha ha!

Luciano (01:40.227)
No, he footed the bill or some of it.

Matt (01:43.331)
Yeah. Well, he also apparently according to Dev Patel helps them sort it out because it was kind of stuck in production. So don't know what he did, but good job, Jordan. That's, that's sometimes that's very helpful. You know, I want to say off the bat, top, off the top, off the bat, off the top of the bat. We'll go with that. Top of the bat. Top of the bat too, yeah. Yeah. Spiked bat.

Luciano (01:47.875)

spencer (01:53.002)
I think he used his name and his money to help get this movie finished and out to markets.

Luciano (01:55.747)

Matt D luffy (01:57.198)

spencer (01:59.882)
Yeah, for sure.

Matt D luffy (02:01.454)

spencer (02:07.378)
Top of the bat to ya.

Luciano (02:07.811)
Wow. Words, how do they work?

Matt D luffy (02:08.814)
tip, the spiked bat, the spiked bat that we will not use, just throw to the side.

Matt (02:14.019)
Yeah. The tippy top of this bike, but we recognize that a lot of this movie is social commentary on the state of affairs in India. However, we are certainly not qualified to talk about any of it and we do not want our dipper toes in it and get it horribly wrong. We're here for comedy, but not that way. So we're going to sidestep all of it. Okay. Great. Thank you.

spencer (02:39.466)
Speak for yourself, Matt. Let me break it down. Let me break down the little bit of the situation in India. This movie sets place in India.

Luciano (02:50.883)
It's like watching a man slowly sink into quicksand.

spencer (02:51.434)
Matt, back to you. Back to you. No, I probably boasted out of the four of us was the most inept when it comes to the nuances of the Indian situation. So I like the movie, Iko Bang Bang.

Matt D luffy (02:51.694)

Luciano (03:07.491)
Can it, can it stop that inapt really?

Matt (03:09.027)
Yeah, that's fair. That's a good place to stop at. So we're gonna do what we do best in talking about movies and not social economic climates. Fair? Yes.

Matt D luffy (03:09.358)

spencer (03:11.53)

Luciano (03:22.947)
Yeah, probably why since we can't we can't even define it probably should not talk about it Social thingies

spencer (03:23.122)
Socio -Elect -Socio -Economic -Whatsits?

Matt D luffy (03:24.302)
But hmm.

Matt D luffy (03:28.014)

The things? Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (03:32.853)
So movie go bang bang

spencer (03:34.058)
The monkey go, ooh.

Matt (03:39.267)
Let's start where we normally start. What did we like about monkey man?

Luciano (03:44.547)
I liked Kid or Daft Patel trying to jump out the window and failing miserably. I laughed way too hard at that scene.

spencer (03:53.066)
That's very specific.

Luciano (03:55.203)
Yes, I like, I love that. I love this was unexpected.

spencer (03:57.194)
I find usually we go really specific when the movie has very few good parts. So it's like, you know, we're like in that time in Jurassic World Dominion where that one dinosaur stepped on that one guy. That one scene where they correctly used a door. No, the...

Matt (04:04.579)

Luciano (04:08.899)
there he goes. The one scene where there was no dialogue and nothing showing.

Matt (04:15.203)
Yeah. Yeah.

spencer (04:24.202)
No, this movie had a lot of good stuff. I just want to say from the beginning. This movie is very I gotta say shout out to Dev Patel. That guy is very this movie is not look or feel like a first time director or first time writers movie at all. And he clearly went for it. There are like crazy shots of this movie. There's a lot of like swinging for the fences. All throughout the whole movie and it's like. And most of it lands shooting through the fences. That's baseball.

Luciano (04:26.403)
Yeah, it did.

Matt (04:31.395)

Luciano (04:37.603)

Matt D luffy (04:39.534)

Matt D luffy (04:48.046)
or shooting through the fences.

That's right.

Luciano (04:52.995)

spencer (04:53.866)
That's baseball for you. I don't know sports, but sports ball go boom. But yeah, I like so there's a lot of I liked. I liked like a lot of the filmmaking process, so I'm not going to say a specific part because I usually do that for for bad movies. I mean, I liked when the guy got stabbed in the head if we're going to go specifics.

Matt D luffy (04:55.642)
Is it?

Matt (04:57.763)
Could be.

Luciano (05:01.571)
Fourth ball is hard.


Matt (05:15.683)

Matt (05:24.771)
Yeah, I'll take that.

spencer (05:25.162)
I like when Knifey goes stab stab. So that's it. Yeah, forget all that other stuff. So yeah, stabby facey, Magoo. A1, best scene.

Matt D luffy (05:27.438)

Luciano (05:27.491)

Matt (05:37.987)
Yeah, there you go. That's better. I, you know, I, I gotta say I was, I didn't really watch anything going to this movie and because Jordan Pia was producing, I just stupidly assumed it was going to be like a horror thriller thing. yeah. and I was very surprised, happily surprised when it was just, Dev Patel, John Wicking through the entire movie. he's great. He was a really compelling action star. I was.

spencer (05:50.57)

Matt (06:07.171)
To me, Spencer said that Patel was the best part, but just watching him act and watching him play the character and the story, he went through. It was a really fun movie. Even though I say it was like John Wick, it wasn't. It's the closest corollary because it's a one -man person getting revenge on all the people who fucked him over. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (06:12.654)
Mm -hmm.

spencer (06:20.394)

Luciano (06:26.083)
He even shouts it out, right? So, yeah.

spencer (06:29.226)
But with great like, like, yeah, like, like John Wick, not just like a, there's a lot of stories where they got one guy getting revenge, but with like great choreographed fighting and gunplay kind of stuff. So that it was like, it was akin to that, but the story was very different. It wasn't just like, you killed my dog. It was, you killed my mom.

Matt D luffy (06:36.494)

Matt (06:38.403)
Yes. Yeah.

Matt (06:47.811)
Yeah, well, but also there was no social issues going on with John Wick. He was just.

Matt D luffy (06:48.014)
Ha ha.

Luciano (06:48.355)
Well, I mean...

spencer (06:49.354)

Luciano (06:54.691)
What do you mean? They're talking about the plights of hotel managers and concierges.

Matt (06:59.075)
Okay, yeah, my bad then, I got that one wrong.

spencer (07:02.378)
Everyone, everyone lower your flags for concierge managers around the world. Dealing with entitled fucking clients.

Matt D luffy (07:04.962)
We done.

Luciano (07:05.731)

Luciano (07:10.435)

Matt (07:11.203)
heart out there. Matt, what did you enjoy?

Matt D luffy (07:14.862)
I liked it a lot actually, I thought it was a pretty rad movie. I enjoyed the brutal WWE style Indian cage matching, battling fights, they were just great. I loved them. Yeah, yeah, it was phenomenal. He did.

Matt (07:29.923)
That's because of Cheryl Toe Copley, right? That's what we're all here for.

Luciano (07:32.547)
Yeah, of course.

spencer (07:34.346)
Did somebody say Charlton Cobbler?

Luciano (07:35.391)
He carried that movie on his back.

spencer (07:39.594)
On his back. I heard I heard he was the he was really he was like secondhand director and really did most of the cavylifting

Matt (07:39.939)
all the way.

Matt D luffy (07:43.118)
On his...

Matt D luffy (07:47.086)
Yeah, his scrawny, heroin soaked back. But no, I dug it. I thought I loved the texture of it. It felt like a Zack Snyder film, but well, it's written. But it had stuff that was happening that made sense. There were words. Nope. Nope. They... Yeah.

spencer (07:58.314)
What? You take that back sir.

Luciano (07:58.755)
But good? It felt like a Zack Snyder movie, but good.

Luciano (08:07.491)
There's not a single slow motion shot in this movie. What are you talking about?

spencer (08:12.618)
Quotes they won't put on the box. It's like a Zack Snyder movie.

Matt (08:12.995)
So, so how do, how do we get a death fatale into rebel moon two?

Matt D luffy (08:17.326)
Fuck good.

spencer (08:24.574)
Rival Moon Part 2, 2.

Matt D luffy (08:25.454)

Luciano (08:25.891)
He can be Santana's brother, Kara.

spencer (08:31.786)
Tenet said tennis ghost Yeah

Matt (08:31.811)
He's, he's the curse of Santana. He's a Santana. Yeah. Yeah. If you don't get that joke, you should listen to all our podcasts. where it still doesn't make sense, but context.

Luciano (08:34.243)
Yeah. He is the, there you go. He's the curse of Santana. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (08:41.774)
Thank you.

spencer (08:41.898)
Where it still doesn't make sense.

Luciano (08:43.843)
But at least you're there with us not making sense.

Matt (08:47.651)
Yeah, exactly. There's some stuff we need to talk about in this movie. Because, well, it's really well done. I just have questions. And I think the biggest one is, you know, the title of the movie is Monkey Man, and they explain the monkey man thing, which is good. But...

spencer (09:06.474)
Matt, say no more. Why wasn't anyone killed by a monkey? I had the same problem with the beekeeper. Not one bee caused death. This is false flagrant, false advertising. I just wanna see a monkey like just, ripping someone's face off.

Matt (09:08.739)

Luciano (09:09.315)
By monkey, yeah.

Matt (09:13.763)

Matt D luffy (09:16.43)
I won! I won!

spencer (09:28.682)
If you want that, you gotta watch, nope.

Matt D luffy (09:29.334)
They - Yeah, actually.

spencer (09:34.346)
They should have called that movie Monkey Man and called this movie Nope.

Luciano (09:38.275)
Nope. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (09:39.278)

Matt (09:40.291)
I mean, it kind of work. At least this one could be called nope. I see it.

spencer (09:41.674)

Matt D luffy (09:44.366)
for this.

spencer (09:45.578)
Jordan Peele! Whoa! Look at the connection!

No, nobody? Jordan Peele? Directed Nope.

Luciano (09:52.003)
I mean, I thought you were making the connection especially specifically because of that, that you called out your own joke. It was sad.

spencer (09:55.082)
Throw me a frickin' bone here! No, it wasn't... No, I'm not that smart! It was an accidental connection!

Matt D luffy (10:01.23)

Matt D luffy (10:05.646)
Spence, Spence, I can't see what you're doing. Just like Jeff Healy.

spencer (10:08.234)
Luciano (10:10.883)
My god, why? The poor guy is dead!

Matt D luffy (10:12.078)
Every time. Every time.

spencer (10:13.738)

He's listening from beyond the grave.

Matt (10:17.283)
Anyways, we watch Monkey Man. We like this movie. I don't know why we have to call back to movies from fucking four movies ago. Like we enjoyed this. And my real question about Monkey Man is they seem like they were going for like he had a new monkey mask at the end when he's going back to the Kings. He has this cool white mask and we're like, yeah, he's going to go be the Monkey Man and fuck him all up. And he immediately takes off his mask and we never see it again.

Luciano (10:19.843)
Yeah, listening because you can't see anything.

spencer (10:26.89)

Matt D luffy (10:35.374)

Luciano (10:44.099)
Yeah, until like the very end of the movie almost.

Matt D luffy (10:45.898)
Literally throws it in the gutter. This mask.

spencer (10:47.274)
Yeah, I was promised a monkey killing and that would have been close enough.

Matt (10:47.427)

Matt D luffy (10:54.638)
Yeah. Didn't get it.

spencer (10:56.042)
Imagine they just like, imagine directing the movie that he puts on the mask and it just cuts to a real monkey killing people. Completely confusing the audience.

Luciano (11:03.107)
That one like meme video of a chimpanzee with an AK -47.

Matt D luffy (11:03.31)

spencer (11:08.906)
Yeah, exactly, yeah. He was more animal than man. No, but you're correct.

Matt D luffy (11:09.87)

I'd rather like to have seen him dye his chest hair white too, so he just was there all blazoned white chest hair and like a white mask and just fully aping out. That'd be great. I'm just talking about my fantasies right now. I love it.

spencer (11:26.73)
That would've been cool. That has nothing to do with the movie. And then he kisses you forcefully?

Matt (11:28.835)
Just squash.

Luciano (11:29.059)
Yeah, I was gonna say, where are we going with this?

Matt (11:32.099)
Isn't there...

Matt D luffy (11:32.27)
Sure. Yeah, that's how he does it.

Matt (11:35.171)
Isn't there a war for the children of the Planet of the Apes or something out now?

spencer (11:39.338)

Matt D luffy (11:39.79)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (11:40.899)
Wait, what? A war for the children of the Planet of the Apes? That's like the seventh sequel that nobody wants to see. Directed by Zack Snyder.

spencer (11:42.47)
That's not what the movie is!

Matt (11:42.499)
War for the children. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (11:44.302)
Right? More of the children of the apes.

Matt D luffy (11:50.574)
The children of the apes. Yeah, that puzzled me too. He literally walks in and he's like got this badass mask, he just struts up, he's so cool, and they're like, who are you? He's like, aw crap, and he pulls it off and just throws it on the ground and beats the crap out of him. Couldn't figure out why.

spencer (12:06.282)
like he thought... He's like he...

Luciano (12:06.595)
It's weird to me that I thought they were going to make, and maybe they did and I just am dumb and didn't catch it, but I thought they were going to make a parallel with his story with Hanuman, right? Like the story that they tell about the monkey man in the beginning, but I didn't see much of a parallel there at all.

spencer (12:20.33)

spencer (12:24.074)
Yeah, you can still be dumb though.

Matt D luffy (12:24.174)
Well there was in the sense that Hanuman when he first tries to rise up against the gods, remember we're not experts here so please don't hold this against us, but I think that's what meant by when he went to fight the guy first he got his butt kicked because that's what happens to Hanuman in his story and then he has to go back and rally the people for the war.

spencer (12:36.17)
Well, in the movie...

Luciano (12:39.267)
Yeah, he -

Luciano (12:44.579)
okay. I see. I see. It's kind of thin though. I see. I see. You're right. You're right. But it's, it's a little, it's a little thin.

spencer (12:52.522)
Nah, I'd say it's apt.

Matt D luffy (12:54.126)
I don't know why they didn't beat anyone with a club. That would have been great.

Luciano (12:55.075)
It is.

Yeah, well why didn't he try to grab some mangoes or something?

Matt D luffy (13:02.158)
there was plenty of mango grabbing, let's be honest. That was like half the film. That caught my attention more than once. That is true. That is true. Because he thought he was...

spencer (13:02.218)
Like listen.

Luciano (13:04.195)
Yeah. Yeah. But he, but he didn't, he didn't grab for mangoes at all.

spencer (13:05.29)
You can grab these mangoes right here!

spencer (13:13.386)
Lemme -

Matt (13:13.475)
What happens in the kings stays in the kings.

spencer (13:16.362)
Let me answer your question for real. I think the real answer is Matt one is, Dev Patel directed this movie and probably in the script it was like, and then he's gonna wear the mask for the rest. And then he's like, I did all this training to do these fight scenes for real myself, not through stunt men. I'm gonna take this mask off because otherwise people are gonna think it's just a stunt double.

Matt D luffy (13:16.398)
I'm gonna do it.

Luciano (13:17.283)
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Matt (13:18.371)

Luciano (13:38.691)
It's a stuntman.

Matt (13:40.291)
No, just have like the third guy in rip his mask off and you're fine. It just seems weird that he took it off. Why'd you wear it then? Yeah.

spencer (13:45.162)
But anyway, that's this.

Matt D luffy (13:46.03)

Luciano (13:48.995)
willingly for no reason? yeah.

Matt D luffy (13:51.47)
Like, do you imagine a... Like, imagine a Batman, like, just jumped down and he's like, who, like, I'm Batman, and you're like, who are you? He's like, shit, and then he just takes the mask off. He's like, Bruce Wayne, that's who you are, and then kicks their ass, because he's like, it's personal. I don't know, I'm thinking out my, dear.

spencer (13:51.881)
Yeah, why'd you wear it at all just to go up the elevator?

Luciano (14:07.683)
Well, this happens a lot when they're supposed to be wearing helmets and stuff in epic movies or even in space movies and they're like, nope, we paid a lot of money for that face. That face is showing. I don't give a shit if it makes sense. I think that Patel went the same way. It's like, no, I wrote it, I directed it, I bust my ass training. You're going to see it's me. I think Spencer is right, which is not something I say a lot.

spencer (14:30.954)
Does John Wick wear a mask? Does John Wick wear a mask?

Matt D luffy (14:34.522)
I'm going to go to bed.

John Wick's not in a movie that's called Monkey Man. Because you don't look like a monkey.

Matt (14:39.459)
Yeah. John Wick wears the mask of John Wick.

Luciano (14:40.419)
That is fair.

Luciano (14:45.507)
That's what?

spencer (14:46.986)
You see, we all wear masks.

Matt (14:48.003)
Think about it.

Luciano (14:49.315)

Matt D luffy (14:50.05)

Matt (14:51.747)
This John Wick, the loving dog owner and husband. And then this John Wick, the mask, the master assassin.

spencer (14:51.85)
Figuratively speaking.

Luciano (15:00.227)
Who is Baba Yaga?

Matt D luffy (15:00.494)

spencer (15:01.61)
The Masquer Assassin?

Luciano (15:03.747)
No, please. Let's move on. Let's move on. Yeah.

Matt (15:03.747)
You know what Spencer? We spent too much time on John Wick and we gotta come back.

Matt D luffy (15:03.79)

spencer (15:05.918)
Why do I always do that to conversations?

Matt (15:11.875)
there's another thing that just is weird and it's not a plot point. It's a plot point, but it's not a plot hole. But the whole movie starts on this premise that, the kid, which is that's that's that Patel's name. She just labels the kid in the credits. He orchestrates this system whereby he gets Queenie's wallet and it goes through like a billion people, everybody in India.

Luciano (15:39.011)

spencer (15:40.554)
Yeah, they're like casually throwing it to each other.

Matt (15:40.963)
until it gets to him. Like, why, how? What if all these people get out of helping Dev Patel's character?

Matt D luffy (15:41.134)

Luciano (15:43.299)

Matt D luffy (15:43.95)

Luciano (15:57.187)

Matt D luffy (15:57.294)

spencer (15:57.418)
one solid handshake.

Luciano (15:59.747)
If that.

spencer (16:01.962)
I mean, yeah, like that stood out to me when I watched it. I was like, okay, like they're not gonna like, this wallet seems valuable. So like, wouldn't they wanna just keep it? And then the thing is like the money's still in it too. Wouldn't they want to check the money? The most of them are just grabbing it and like just tossing it over their shoulder to the next guy. It's like, what is this, a theft, like train?

Luciano (16:11.523)

Luciano (16:27.555)
I thought it was like there was gonna be something really important there like for the plot not just I didn't think that he was passing it to like seven generations of people just to kind of return it to her I was like there's something there that is important for the plot and he's trying to steal it or whatever nope just wanted a reason to go talk to her I was like did

Matt D luffy (16:28.046)

Matt D luffy (16:39.054)

Matt D luffy (16:49.038)
You probably could have just walked in and said, I need a job. And then you'd be like, no. I'm like, well.

spencer (16:49.194)
See it

Luciano (16:52.003)
Or like, you know, just grab it from the guy who stole it. Like there was no reason to pass it to another 12 people.

spencer (16:52.042)

spencer (16:56.842)
the foot.

It seemed like he just wanted to save the bus fare and he was just like, I'll have 40 people pass it three kilometers.

Matt D luffy (17:00.686)
That's a missed opportunity.

Luciano (17:04.963)
I'm gonna stay here, you bring it to me.

Matt D luffy (17:09.198)
I just like the idea of like as that blind man's trying to get away with the wallet he just jumps out and just pounds him into the ground in front of everyone and then they stare gawking and then it's like here's your wallet. I haven't missed opportunity.

spencer (17:17.45)

Luciano (17:20.003)
yeah, yeah, that would be good.

Matt (17:23.843)
That would have made more sense than the wallet disappearing and showing up like 48 hours later. It's like, you just you just found this wallet in a different province in India and you didn't take any money.

Luciano (17:29.251)
Yeah, in another province. Yeah, it was like, yeah. It was like, I.

spencer (17:35.722)
Yeah, yeah, or he any beat her up in front he beat the guy up in front of her. So it's like she sees it. Yeah. Yeah, I see what you're saying

Luciano (17:39.555)
Yeah, that's what I was saying. It's like no instead is like no I found your bag in Bangladesh, but I brought it back to you. It's like what the fuck?

Matt D luffy (17:39.886)

spencer (17:44.65)
Yeah. She's like, yeah, what? How'd you know where I was? Why didn't you give it to the police?

Luciano (17:48.515)
I'm sorry.

Yeah, well.

Matt (17:53.891)
You can't trust the police. You can't trust the police. Did you not watch this movie? Rana is in...

Matt D luffy (17:53.934)
Nah, nah. I mean...

Luciano (17:58.083)
That's true. Runa would have snarded the whole bag. That's what he would have done.

spencer (17:58.154)
That's true.

Matt D luffy (17:58.478)
That's rates. That's rates. But yeah.

Matt (18:00.419)
I guess Rana's in her pocket. I don't know, it's confusing. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (18:04.014)
This is weird too though, because if you think about it, she has all these connections to all these types of people. If she didn't go looking for a wallet, she didn't want it. She didn't care. Like, why would she? She would have gone through. Like, she would have just burned that place to the ground if that wallet was so important. Right? Yeah.

Luciano (18:14.179)
That's true.

Luciano (18:20.067)
Yeah, because she was complaining that the guy was there, right? She just complains because he was like walking as if he wanted like help or like money or whatever. And then he knocks her her drink and he steals the thing. Can you? I you what it was, but I thought she was going to like you said, man, like you're just going to burn the place to the ground. No, she just waited. maybe someone will return it to me. Yeah, it's true. It's a little contrived. I'll agree. Yeah.

spencer (18:31.882)
That was smooth though. That was smooth.

Matt (18:34.307)
It was very smooth.

Matt D luffy (18:39.534)

Matt D luffy (18:43.118)

Matt D luffy (18:46.958)
It's a bit weird. I'm saying, just beat up the blind guy when she's like, why did you do that? He's like, he never saw it coming. Yeah. It's true. It's true. Exactly.

Luciano (18:51.267)
in front of her, right?

spencer (18:52.362)
Matt, Matt, why are you always saying beat up the blind guy? That's like your cat, you say that every podcast.

Luciano (18:55.939)
Yeah, yeah, Matt, that blind guy wasn't Jeff Healy. It wasn't Jeff Healy who stole that wallet.

spencer (19:00.362)
You got a fascination man, you gotta work on it.

Matt D luffy (19:08.526)
It's like my catchphrase. Every time - that's a terrible one to do, but you know, whatever. It's just a thing.

Luciano (19:14.851)
It is horror. It's the hor - hor - the most horrible hot catchphrase.

spencer (19:16.394)
We're getting shirts made. Just beat up the blind guy. T -shirts coming out this weekend.

Matt D luffy (19:21.902)
Never saw it coming.

Matt (19:25.027)
The first merch from popcorn and plot holes perfect

spencer (19:26.666)
The first merch.

Luciano (19:27.427)
Yeah. When in doubt, beat up the blind guy.

spencer (19:31.038)
Our second line, down with disabled.

Matt D luffy (19:35.15)
Ha ha!

Matt (19:35.491)
Wow, I'm out. No.

spencer (19:36.882)
Written by Matt in small print.

Luciano (19:37.059)

Matt D luffy (19:39.982)
I'm just gonna drop it.

Matt (19:41.027)
I don't want that attributed to me anywhere, shape or form. Yeah, exactly that's what I'm saying. I don't want a piece of this. So let's talk more about this movie instead and get off these tears.

spencer (19:44.682)
You're just saying that because you're mad.

Matt D luffy (19:45.71)
I'm not gonna do that.

Luciano (19:55.171)
before they become reality.

spencer (19:56.938)
Before they before they sell out Wink

Matt (19:57.155)
before they become morality. Before they sell out.

Matt (20:03.139)
so we see in this movie, death fatale is, fighting against the evil corrupt. Everybody, everything that the, his main target initially is, captain Rana, right? Chief chief Rana, and chief cocaine bears. I've, I've dubbed him.

Luciano (20:15.861)
everything. Yeah. Yeah.

spencer (20:16.746)
Gotta be more specific than that. Yeah, the evil corrupt.

Matt D luffy (20:17.902)

Luciano (20:23.811)
Chief runner, chief runner, yeah. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (20:25.358)
Mm -hmm.

spencer (20:27.497)
Chief badass motherfucker.

Luciano (20:31.427)
Yeah, 100%. 100%.

spencer (20:31.53)

Matt (20:33.091)
based on how much he does cocaine and how much he fights. High as a kite, I assume.

Luciano (20:39.363)
Is there any point in this movie where he isn't completely stoned like in like hide high as a kite? I don't think there is. Yeah, he's probably high on something.

Matt (20:46.435)
Even when he burns down the kids village and I just assumed...

Matt D luffy (20:52.142)
Yeah, you can see just how it - to that one dude who's on fire running behind him, he's just like, whoa, that's nuts. He's just like, whoa, man. That - That - That guy is on fire.

Luciano (20:57.987)
Whoa, dude!

spencer (20:58.858)
Whoa. Cocaine does not do that. Whoa! I'm trippin' on cocaine! Sir, you've never done cocaine, have you? No, I haven't, I'm sorry.

Matt (21:00.707)
Ha ha.


Matt D luffy (21:09.134)

Matt (21:12.739)
Well, I mean, we assume Ryan is just only cocaine. I gotta assume at this point he's done everything.

spencer (21:19.242)
Yeah, that's just his drug of choice right now.

Luciano (21:19.331)
yeah, yeah. Cocaine is like breakfast. It doesn't even do anything. Yeah.

Matt (21:22.339)

spencer (21:24.586)
Yeah, he cycles, he cycles throughout the day. Cocaine, yeah.

Matt (21:27.587)
He's got a drug regimen, you know, it's got breakfast, cocaine, obviously. And there's dinner cocaine, of course, different kind of cocaine. I assume he, and he huffs, he huffs a little gas just to keep it going.

Luciano (21:30.467)

Which is a different kind of cocaine.

spencer (21:34.666)
But in between, LSD for the fires when men are on fire?

Matt D luffy (21:36.014)
Mm -hmm.

What about?

Luciano (21:39.939)
and some ketamine as well to kind of, yeah.

Matt D luffy (21:44.078)
What about second cocaine?

spencer (21:46.218)

Luciano (21:47.043)
Only on Sundays.

Matt (21:47.139)
That's true. That's special. Yeah. Every day is his birthday.

spencer (21:49.546)
and heroin disease.

Matt D luffy (21:51.086)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (21:52.547)
And his birthday. On his birthday he gets second and third cooking. Yeah. Because he doesn't remember what it actually is.

spencer (21:57.929)

Matt D luffy (21:58.606)

Matt (22:01.507)
Who knows?

spencer (22:01.77)

Matt D luffy (22:02.19)
I won't mention this now, but this is something interesting for later, but I'll bring it up. It's just a little tease for later.

Matt (22:07.779)
Okay, whoa, foreshadowing. How professional of you.

spencer (22:08.842)
Ooh. You're making new shirts?

Matt D luffy (22:11.954)

Luciano (22:13.443)

Matt (22:16.835)
And so, and then we learn after.

Matt D luffy (22:17.166)
Whatever. They're never going to see it anyway.

Luciano (22:17.571)
I beat up a blind man and all I got was this lousy t -shirt.

spencer (22:21.958)
Don't give up the gold Luciano, don't give up the gold for free.

Matt D luffy (22:22.83)
Listen, don't worry about that, okay? No one's gonna see it anyway.

Matt (22:29.091)
So then we go from Chifraana, we learn there's actually a greater threat, and that is Baba Shakti. He is a new spiritual leader for India that is recommending...

Luciano (22:36.099)

Matt D luffy (22:36.398)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (22:43.395)
GANDHI! I'm sorry, I have a little bit of a cold.

Matt D luffy (22:46.99)

Matt (22:47.011)
We weren't talking about that. We don't know anything about that.

Luciano (22:48.579)
That I don't know what you're talking about. I just had I just sneezed Matt continue

Matt (22:53.155)
We don't know anything about that and we're not going to talk about it. We're ignorant. And then we also have, he is representing a, well, he's trying to get this guy elected in the office. Who? Yeah. Anyway, we don't, we barely spent any time with that clown.

Matt D luffy (22:56.494)

Luciano (23:06.005)
Right, a really right -wing sort of, yeah.


spencer (23:11.85)
The general is representation of cocaine. He is the representation of LSD.

Luciano (23:16.515)

Matt (23:16.675)
Correct. That's basically what it comes down to. And so at some point, this is the one thing I didn't quite catch. When did Dev Patel decide to burn it all down?

Matt D luffy (23:17.038)

Luciano (23:28.803)
What do you mean?

spencer (23:28.874)
I think when he first went into that back area of kings and saw everybody doing drugs and like sexually, I guess not assaulting because they're like sex workers, but you know, I mean, yeah.

Matt (23:34.275)
Like kings. Yeah.

Luciano (23:44.611)
No, yeah, like everybody on the streets like is starving and doesn't even have anything to eat or where to sleep. And meanwhile, people are like throwing money away. I think that's where he was like, initially he tried to kill only Rana, right? With the whole bleach. I still don't, we're going to talk about it, but I still don't think he put bleach there, but like he tried to lure him into the bathroom so he could shoot him, right? But then.

Matt (23:45.059)
Are they?

Matt D luffy (24:11.534)
Hmm. Because he was wasting money on hookers. How dare he. That is just... What a horrible waste of money. Hookers and blow. Terrible.

Luciano (24:15.399)
Yeah, well, yeah.

spencer (24:19.402)
I mean, yeah. Is that your new shirt? That I'd buy.

Luciano (24:23.235)

Matt D luffy (24:23.246)

I just love that idea of him, that he's just a really upset conservative. He just walks in and is like, this is a disgusting waste of money, my goodness.

spencer (24:33.674)
Yeah. This isn't the party of family values. Actually, I think we actually missed the entire point of the movie because the actual, I think the moment where he decides to burn it all down is the moment of realization or the epiphany of the character, which is when he's actually in the temple with, I don't know the character's name, but the trans. It's her name alpha. So.

Luciano (24:38.243)

Luciano (24:58.243)

Yeah, their name, yeah.

Matt (25:02.467)
their names off. I don't think they specify.

spencer (25:04.938)
Okay, I was trying, you know what, I just, I tried. Okay, thank you. And then I think that scene, it's like, they say, you're fighting for anger, you know, but you have to fight for something more or something along those lines.

Luciano (25:07.587)
It's okay. It's okay. Yeah.

Matt (25:07.971)
You got there. We all helped you.

Matt D luffy (25:21.39)
Yeah, you have to burn it down. Yeah, you have to burn it down to make way for new life. That's what you're saying.

spencer (25:25.322)
And that's when Dev Patel's character realizes that he's trying to get revenge for his one wrong, but really, the whole... That one guy, yeah, basically. Well, that's when he realized that the whole system is what allowed his mom to die and everyone else is going through these same kind of things. And he has to be the person to fix it, well, fix it by burning it down.

Luciano (25:32.899)
Look, I shouldn't just kill that one guy, let's kill all of them!

Matt D luffy (25:39.566)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (25:43.043)

Matt D luffy (25:52.238)
Mm -hmm.

Matt (25:52.291)
So basically he drinks chai tree and then hallucinates.

spencer (25:54.858)
Yes, so this character is a representation of peyote

Luciano (25:55.459)
Jesus Christ. Child tree.

Matt D luffy (25:59.822)
So this is what I was referring to earlier. Can you imagine what Chief Rana would do if they put that, whatever, tree nuts in his face? Like if they put the tree nuts in his face? Like just...

spencer (26:07.722)

Luciano (26:10.308)
it was Super Saiyan 3. Super, he would go Super Saiyan 3 easy, like.

spencer (26:13.578)
His realization, he's like, he has like a deep realization. He's like, I need to do more cocaine. That's what, that's what he's like. I've had a deep spiritual realization. I have to be more evil and do more drugs.

Luciano (26:21.347)

Matt D luffy (26:21.518)
Ha ha ha ha!

Matt D luffy (26:28.91)
Yes. Snort more bleach.

Luciano (26:29.379)
Yeah, sounds about right. Sounds about right.

Matt (26:29.507)
higher. The highest.

spencer (26:30.538)
I have to be more evil while higher.

Luciano (26:34.115)
yeah that's not it's that's his t -shirt eviler and higher yeah

Matt (26:34.115)

Matt D luffy (26:35.758)

spencer (26:39.69)
Yeah, and then as he's leaving they're like no sir you didn't pay for your parking no I've got it guys I've learned everything

Matt D luffy (26:40.494)

Matt D luffy (26:45.294)

Matt (26:48.899)
Step one.

Luciano (26:50.595)

Matt (26:51.683)
Okay, no, thank you for clearing that up. That actually makes sense that the party at the temple help clears it up for him.

spencer (26:59.242)
Well no, that's not what I said. You weren't listening at all! Yeah, okay, okay.

Matt (27:01.507)
Yeah, yeah, that's it you said.

I got the gist of it. I don't know what you want from me. I took what I wanted, what I needed.

Luciano (27:06.271)
Yeah, I listened to what you said, discarded what I didn't like, and that's what I took away.

Matt D luffy (27:15.886)
And I just like the idea of Chief Randall snorting tree nuts. That's what I think we missed.

Matt (27:21.027)
Chi tree, sir. That's what we've called it. Thank you.

Matt D luffy (27:22.542)
Shy Tree, sorry. I mean, he pulls out a nut, busts it, and blows it in his face. Like, come on. Yes.

Luciano (27:24.299)
was it was it planted next to a nun tree is that what you're saying

Matt (27:31.875)
Sir, that's ignorant.

Luciano (27:35.427)
My bad, I'm sorry.

spencer (27:37.226)
Yeah, yeah, come on. Try and broaden your horizons, Luciano.

Matt (27:37.923)

Luciano (27:44.131)
I'm trying.

Matt D luffy (27:44.238)
Mm -hmm.

Matt (27:45.027)
Mine's just a delightfully racist play on words. You're just forcing things.

spencer (27:47.306)
Yeah. You're just, yeah, you're just being flat out disrespectful. Matt, take it along, take it away.

Luciano (27:48.931)
huh. Right.

Matt D luffy (27:49.102)
I'm going to go ahead and turn it off.

Matt (27:51.971)
Yeah. Thank you.

So like, just before we move on to actually digging into some of the plot holes we found, was there anything that you guys found that you didn't like about this movie? Lack of Monkey Murder, Spencer mentioned already. That's a given, really. But like, was anything else confusing, concerning?

spencer (28:11.434)

spencer (28:22.314)
I mean, I wouldn't say I was confused very much. It was pretty straightforward in terms of story. I found some of the... Like, a little bit tropey at times, but I don't think this movie was trying to rewrite the wheel. More just do it in style with more... Rewrite the wheel, brother!

Luciano (28:22.499)
Luciano (28:27.043)

Luciano (28:39.075)
Rewrite the wheel. I mean, I mean, it's if anything, there would be writing the wheel because nobody has written a wheel, but you know, whatever. Yeah, I don't think they were trying to be innovative with. We moved on about it. Yeah, I agree. I don't think they were trying to innovate in terms of like storytelling, but it was a well told story. The only thing that like, and it's not even super.

Matt D luffy (28:41.006)

Matt (28:43.907)
Is that your t -shirt?


spencer (28:50.538)
Hey, hey, hey! Shut up!

Luciano (29:07.011)
bothers him is just something that happened twice that had kind of the same effect. And I thought it was the first time it made sense. And the second time was a little bit cheap was, you know, the, when he goes to shoot Rana in the bathroom, he gets distracted and then he misses, right. And then the second time when he is, when he is up in the, in the penthouse talking with Baba Shakti, he gets stabbed exactly the same way. He

Matt D luffy (29:22.926)

Matt D luffy (29:30.638)

Luciano (29:34.115)
he gets distracted by bright lights and turns to the side and gets stabbed. I was like, it would have been interesting if like Shakti tried to stab him, but it showed that he kind of evolved and he was paying attention and so on and so forth. But that's so small. That's the only really thing that bothered me, but it's very small.

Matt D luffy (29:51.058)
I thought I understood why he was frozen when he was that close to Chief Rana. Because Chief Rana wasn't like four feet away and behind a chain link fence. If he had just been like, hang on a second, let me get a chain link fence. We're going to put you there. I'm going to stand a good couple yards and then I'll take some shots at your face. And if we can do that, we're all good. Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (30:00.035)
The first time. Yeah, yeah, the first time it makes sense. Yeah.

Matt (30:09.379)
Yeah. Get behind it.

Luciano (30:09.635)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (30:15.171)
Yeah, because that's how he practiced. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

spencer (30:18.186)
Yeah, and his drug -fueled aura was like flowing through the air. Just too powerful. He was a contact high that was overpowering him. Through the gun.

Matt D luffy (30:21.87)
Just so, so much smolder in those eyes too, you know.

Matt (30:22.019)
Very powerful. Yeah.

Matt (30:31.107)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Matt D luffy (30:34.926)
It happens.

Matt (30:35.043)
No, that's a fair point. Yeah, I assume enough is okay. Just wanted to check. Really, we're just concerned about contact hives, Chief Rana.

Matt D luffy (30:41.198)
One thing I did not like was the state of the water that he fell into when he was shot. Because... gross. That looked like he fell into a thing of lemonade. It was not pleasant at all. Yeah. And they're like, you almost died from that.

Matt (30:48.707)
Luciano (30:55.939)
yeah, when he gets shot like when he was running away from the police over the roofs, right? Yeah, yeah. I was like, he's dead from an infection at this point.

spencer (30:57.642)
I don't think that was lemonade.

Matt (31:05.283)
You know, you know.

Matt D luffy (31:09.55)
Yeah, you almost died from those injuries. Sepsis, that is what you almost died from.

Luciano (31:13.027)

Matt (31:15.171)
You know how like in the, when they fight in the washroom and I think at one point like the gun gets thrown like the toilet that has shit, shit in it, the poo ball? Yeah. I just assumed that the river was an extension of that poo ball when he fell into it.

spencer (31:19.978)
The poo bowl.

Matt D luffy (31:20.878)
Yes, yes.

Luciano (31:26.403)
Yeah, 100%.

Matt D luffy (31:27.15)
Also, not classy for kings. Come on, man. Like, you're paying that much?

spencer (31:31.082)
I actually have a note that says why was the bathroom so shitty? Like the whole place is so nice and the bathroom is such a fucking shithole.

Luciano (31:35.971)

Matt (31:36.923)

Matt D luffy (31:40.67)
I'm sorry.

Matt (31:40.867)
In Queenie's defense, the people who work up there are too busy trying to murder the clientele and not focused on cleaning the washrooms.

Luciano (31:46.595)

Matt D luffy (31:46.702)

spencer (31:46.794)
Are you kidding? Guys, I hate to break it yet. If you're doing a, if you have a party where people are handing out vials of cocaine, that bathroom is gonna be a hotspot. So, so the...

Luciano (31:57.923)
Yeah, and that's why, that's why.

Matt (31:59.587)
Yeah, but Dev's, or sorry, the kid's busy. He should be cleaning it. R -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -

Luciano (32:03.235)
Yeah, there's too many people shooting up in the bathroom and not enough people stopping from, you know, not killing people and cleaning. So yeah, of course it's going to be shitty.

Matt D luffy (32:03.47)

Matt (32:12.003)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

spencer (32:13.418)
The only shooting up that should happen in this bathroom is the shooting up of heroin. That's written on the wall. Yeah, if you're gonna shoot up, shoot it up with smack. Flashing cheap neon sign.

Matt D luffy (32:13.71)

Luciano (32:17.347)

Matt D luffy (32:17.39)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (32:21.059)
Yeah. If you're gonna shoot, shoot smack. Is what it says. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (32:21.358)

Matt (32:22.275)
They got a neon sign, you know, so classy. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (32:24.174)
Yeah, well...

Matt (32:30.083)
Yeah. It's an arrow that points down to needles. It's fine.

Luciano (32:35.555)
Yeah, there's not even toilets in that in the bathroom. Just chairs. It's just chairs.

Matt D luffy (32:36.238)
He's like...

spencer (32:37.834)
They used used need used needles and clean needles right beside each other and they look exactly the same. The fine print writing which one's which. It'll be fine.

Matt (32:40.579)

Luciano (32:42.819)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (32:43.118)
Yeah, exactly.

Matt (32:48.707)
It's fine. It's a classy establishment.

Matt D luffy (32:49.614)
Chief Ranna would be fine, he'd probably just take them all, shove them into his chest, go Super Saiyan and just take a giant running dog off the cat.

Matt (32:54.243)

Luciano (32:55.651)
yeah, now Chifrena, there's so much cocaine in his bloodstream that viruses don't survive.

Matt D luffy (33:00.878)

spencer (33:01.194)
Yeah, that's how vaccines work, guys. That's why I've gotten 45 COVID vaccines.

Matt (33:02.051)
No. Yeah.

Luciano (33:02.947)
Ha ha!

Matt (33:07.715)
You know how when they talk about how drunk you are, like your blood alcohol level is like .01 or .02? G -Franches just .5 cocaine.

Luciano (33:13.379)

Luciano (33:16.995)
not 1 .5 cocaine there's there exactly there's blood in his cocaine stream is what we're saying

spencer (33:19.122)
No, he's .5 blood. The rest is cocaine.

Matt D luffy (33:19.566)
Exactly. Jesus.

Matt (33:20.131)
Maybe. Who knows?

Yeah. Yeah. How'd that get in here?

Matt (33:31.427)
Clean that out. Let's start with some plot holes. And we've been talking about the Kings. The Kings is the high society supper club slash drug den slash whatever.

Luciano (33:43.651)
It's just a drug brothel is what it is.

Matt (33:47.395)
They have a nice kitchen, they feed food, it's a supper club. It's a classy establishment, yeah.

Luciano (33:49.603)
True, true. Yeah, it's brilliant according to, yeah.

spencer (33:50.762)
Divine food.

Matt D luffy (33:50.99)
They even showed us how unclassy, they showed us how unclassy it can get where it's just basically a laundry day sex orgy that they walk into in another building.

Matt (34:01.539)
Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. So that, that, yeah, it's much nicer than that flies. Yeah.

Luciano (34:03.491)
yeah, the odd like the low class brothel that he walks in. Yeah. Yeah, that place that place was nasty. Holy shit.

Matt D luffy (34:05.582)

Matt D luffy (34:10.89)

Matt (34:12.835)
So, but I want to talk about Kings. Let's not worry about the, we'll get to the low class place maybe later. Kings, it's, the kid gets his job there by stealing things. Who knows how that worked out, but he got a job and he starts off doing the dishes and cleaning the floors. And then he works his way up real fucking fast.

Luciano (34:34.371)
yeah. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll false is a bad QA is what I'm saying.

Matt (34:36.515)
He can get a gun in there. We're going to get down on Alfonso shortly. Don't even worry. We're going to talk about him specifically. But he is able to figure out their high tech security system enough to sneak a gun past everybody, sneak fireworks past everybody, and whatever he needs to.

spencer (34:41.898)
Don't you worry.

Luciano (34:55.107)
no, not the fireworks! Yeah.

spencer (34:56.37)
Not roman candles.

Matt D luffy (34:56.494)

Matt D luffy (35:00.078)
Which again, Chief Ranna just slaps out of the way like it's nothing. He's just, what is this?

spencer (35:02.826)

Matt (35:03.039)
Doesn't even care. Child's play.

spencer (35:08.234)
Sir, sir, sir, we're under attack. He's got, he's got fireworks! You have a gun! Shoot him!

Luciano (35:12.075)
He's got a sparkler! no!

Matt D luffy (35:13.294)

Matt (35:18.243)
Well that's another thing, like the security team, how many guns? There's like a hundred security guards and it's just one gun. It's fucking like, it's like enemy at the gates. When one guy gets shot with a gun, you pick it up and use it type shit.

Luciano (35:24.707)
They have one gun. They have one gun for all of them together.

Luciano (35:31.459)
Yeah, exactly. When they get out, one of them gets the gun, the other one gets the ammo. And if the guy in front dies, yeah.

Matt (35:37.091)
Yep, hope for the best. Yeah, there you go. You're good to go.

spencer (35:39.37)
Well that's just straight up budgeting. It's like, why do you all need to shoot him? One bullet should kill the guy. If you don't get him, the next guy will get him.

Luciano (35:44.739)
Yeah. The next guy behind you will. Yeah.

Matt (35:47.043)
Everybody, yeah, everybody gets one bullet and one guy gets a gun. You just hope for the best. But so like. Yeah.

Luciano (35:51.043)

Matt D luffy (35:52.43)
That's not...

spencer (35:52.554)
They all have one bullet in their pocket. Are you armed? Yes. They show their bullet.

Luciano (35:55.875)
yeah just throw the bullet yes i have yeah well careful with that whoa whoa whoa careful with that man yeah

Matt (35:59.171)

Matt D luffy (36:00.942)
This is just tied to the -

spencer (36:02.41)
Don't put that thing in me!

Matt (36:04.355)
easy, easy, bro.

Matt D luffy (36:04.718)
It's probably just.

Matt (36:07.907)
I'm out.

Matt D luffy (36:08.366)
I feel like the problem is that every time they try to pull their guns out, Queenie just comes out and is, hey, look at the sign. You shoot up with smack in here, not with guns.

spencer (36:15.498)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Luciano (36:16.067)

Matt (36:17.003)
Just taps the side.

Matt D luffy (36:19.31)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (36:19.523)
Yeah, the sign in the main room says make drugs not war. Yeah.

spencer (36:24.746)

Matt (36:24.963)

Matt D luffy (36:25.102)
Yes, exactly! Come on! We're classy establishments!

spencer (36:29.258)
Just hand them a syringe. We don't do that here. Now take this and get to the bathroom.

Matt (36:29.667)

Luciano (36:32.051)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Matt (36:32.931)
Ha ha ha!

Matt D luffy (36:33.726)

Matt (36:36.479)
No, I like that. I like that Spencer like when people come in through the the metal detector downstairs, they don't get mad. They just like trade the gun for a heroin or a needle. Yeah. Yeah. It's like an exchange program for the neighborhood. She's really trying to clean it up.

Luciano (36:43.171)
Metal detector. Yeah.

for one of those vials that he was distributing. Yeah, yeah.

Matt D luffy (36:47.918)
FU -

spencer (36:48.81)
for heroin needle.

Luciano (36:55.011)
So that's why Rana walks through that door with every gun he owns. I forgot about this rule again.

Matt (36:58.915)
All the time.

spencer (36:59.306)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oops. How did that get in there?

Matt D luffy (37:01.294)

Matt (37:02.595)

Matt D luffy (37:05.614)

Matt (37:07.139)
But let's talk about the security for real. Where is the security? He's an okay fighter as evidenced by the Ultimate Underground Fighting Championships. But shouldn't the security have stopped him on his way out after trying to not kill Rana or failing at it?

Luciano (37:23.715)
Yes, definitely. But then again, that security spent, I don't know, a minute trying to jiggle the door lock. It was clearly locked. They kept, I don't know why it's not turning. This is so weird. I don't understand how this works.

Matt D luffy (37:27.502)
Where's been shot beaten?

spencer (37:38.142)
Another guy comes he's like see normally when I pull it I would push down and it goes down and then the door opens He's like -huh -huh, but this time when I push down. It's it's getting it's getting it's getting stopped. He's like that is weird

Luciano (37:46.467)
or hope, yeah. Nothing happens. Yeah. And the other guy goes, huh, what are you going to do about it? I don't know. I'm just going to keep trying. At one point, it's going to work.

Matt D luffy (37:58.094)

spencer (37:59.434)
Hey, bring the card over here. He's gonna see this.

Luciano (38:02.339)
10 minutes later some other guy said maybe we should try kicking it no that's crazy what no yeah

Matt (38:02.563)

Matt D luffy (38:03.374)

spencer (38:09.322)
Kicking it. No what I told you when you push down. It's what opens it

Luciano (38:13.859)

Matt D luffy (38:14.734)
Do you think that's why Chief Randall was so frozen when he pulled the gun on him because he just didn't know what he was holding on him? He's like, what is that? Is that a gun?

Luciano (38:21.987)
How do you do cocaine off of it? Yeah, yeah. That's not a needle. Why are you shooting with that? Lad, or is that a new drug? Can I try it?

spencer (38:22.858)
That's not, that's not heroin. That's not a heroin needle.

Matt (38:23.955)

Matt D luffy (38:30.542)
I don't understand.

spencer (38:33.754)
It's just snorting the barrel. Can you pull the trigger and I'll snort what comes out?

Luciano (38:37.635)

Matt (38:37.859)

spencer (38:44.242)
Perfect. Yes, right.

Matt D luffy (38:45.87)
You know.

Matt (38:48.067)
So the security at the Kings.

Luciano (38:49.091)
It doesn't, what we're saying is that they're not really security. They're...

Matt (38:55.427)
So yeah, so this relying on the city police force to like, like no one would dare do anything in the Kings. And then if someone escapes, then Rana's men will just run them up.

Matt D luffy (38:55.566)
They're terrible.

spencer (39:07.914)
Sounds like you had that answer already prepped like we weren't gonna answer. I mean that makes sense. I don't really remember so after he I remember him trying to shoot him and then he tries to jump out the window and then they come and that fails. He goes down. Don't they come in shooting at him though at that point?

Luciano (39:09.859)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (39:11.619)
It's almost like I've done this podcast before.

Matt D luffy (39:12.558)
I got that in there.

Matt (39:22.371)
Stairs. He takes the stairs.

Matt D luffy (39:24.238)
That he just...

Luciano (39:27.139)
Yeah, they all miss. No, yeah, he.

Matt D luffy (39:27.278)
Yeah, but he kinda knocks the guns out, kicks their asses, like I mean, literally these guys are uncoordinated.

Luciano (39:32.931)
Not just that, but like when in the bathroom he fights Rana and some other dude who keeps getting thrown into different stalls with different like shitty toilets. That poor guy ends up dying, ends up dying, head hitting like a stall full of shit head first. But like.

Matt (39:33.027)

spencer (39:42.666)
Yes. That is not.

Matt D luffy (39:43.63)
Yeah, there was multiple shitty toilets in there.

spencer (39:50.762)
Luciano that has nothing to do with security. You're banned. Two minutes timeout. You got two minutes timeout for toilet knockouts.

Matt D luffy (39:50.894)

Luciano (39:54.307)

What do you mean there's nothing to do with security? Of course it does. Of course it does. But then like the fight in the bathroom is kind of protracted. But then when he runs away, one punch and in each of those security guards faces, that's all it takes to knock them out. I don't understand how that works.

Matt D luffy (40:18.51)
Like one kick and they're going down.

spencer (40:18.602)
So they're not, so I think what they do is they have the guards without guns and they're trained to be fighters, but the ones, they're like, we'll give all the ones that can't fight and can't take a punch guns, because they can't defend themselves by fighting.

Matt D luffy (40:33.294)
No, they all trained, they all trained the same place that Monkey Man trained in the underground pit fighting, learning how to get their asses kicked effectively and efficiently. So they all know how to just take beatings, but not actually fight in any way, shape or form. I think I saw that right there. Now, that's how security is so bad. They're trained by, what's his name? The South African.

Luciano (40:33.827)
But they also can't shoot.

Luciano (40:42.851)
how to get their asses kicked. I believe that.

spencer (40:44.412)

Luciano (40:53.251)
I think you're right. I think that's how security works. Yeah. Sharto Copley. Yeah. Tiger. Yeah.

Matt (40:55.043)
What did you solve?

spencer (40:57.578)
What? Wha -

Matt D luffy (41:02.414)
trained by the, they're trained by tiger and they're trained to take a beating and that's it.

Luciano (41:08.611)
They're not trained for security. They're trained how to throw fights. That's how they train them.

spencer (41:08.714)
I mean, that's, that tracks.

Matt D luffy (41:12.59)
Yeah, or to just take one kick in the face and die.

Matt (41:13.379)
Okay, okay.

Luciano (41:16.483)

Matt (41:16.515)
So how do we improve this in the sense of the movie? If this is an obvious plot hole in the sense that security should be a little better for this establishment, how can we amp it up slightly?

Matt D luffy (41:30.99)
arm them all with those restaurant trays that seem to kill everybody. Those really, really strong trays that like he shoves in Buddy's throat and Queenie gets hit in the face with it and dies in two seconds. Like that's what they should be armed with.

Luciano (41:31.523)

Luciano (41:44.707)
dies immediately. It's one hit from that girl who isn't necessarily a fighter and she's dead.

spencer (41:46.41)

Matt D luffy (41:49.41)

spencer (41:50.748)
Yeah, that's pretty sweet. Those things are.

Matt (41:53.827)
some martial weapons.

Matt D luffy (41:55.438)
Yeah, but mostly like trays.

Luciano (41:55.619)
Also, or they could have been sent to Queenie because she had a gun and she knew how to shoot it. She was the only one in that place with a gun actually.

Matt D luffy (42:03.502)
No. No. They could have been... That's not true. A lot of them had guns, but they were very ineffective with them. Like, they didn't really use them.

Luciano (42:15.011)
On that fight at the end they didn't. They didn't even pull the gun.

Matt (42:15.371)
Is the kings in space? Is that a secret dimensional portal and they can't shoot the guns inside kings because they'll all die? Yeah.

Luciano (42:22.883)
because it will do the compression. I think you're onto something. We thought it was an elevator, but it was a teleporter.

Matt D luffy (42:23.854)
That's true.

spencer (42:27.434)
Or is it?

Or is it like a Ghostbuster situation where they can't cross the streams? Is there if their bullets... Yeah, the bullets just happen to collide midair. There'll be a nuclear explosion.

Luciano (42:33.923)
The streams of bullets?

Matt (42:35.107)
The bullet streams.

Matt D luffy (42:37.326)
I was gonna say.

I was gonna say, I've seen that bathroom. They were crossing some streams in there, okay? There was a lot of, there was a lot of, there's a lot of...

spencer (42:44.746)
They're crossing streams alright.

Luciano (42:45.219)
Yeah, they were. Different kinds of streams, I would say.

Matt D luffy (42:50.638)

spencer (42:51.402)
I mean, I think to increase security, we should just up their weaponry. Like, so instead of guns, they have, like rocket launchers? Chainsaws would be good. I'd like to see him try and like fight his way through chainsaws.

Luciano (42:59.747)
What? Like chainsaws?


Matt (43:07.811)
Listen, 20 billion years in the future will pass depending on how Rebel Moon goes. Their big bad had a little cane. Can everybody have cool canes?

spencer (43:15.594)
Are you saying fight them with... fight them with grain? Is that what you're saying? Most powerful weapon of all?

Luciano (43:19.875)

Matt (43:20.491)
Yeah, everybody's a pouch of green when they come to work.

The old ways demanded, no, the cane that Atticus Noble had in the first movie. He had that, the knockout murder cane. Yeah, unfortunately. Yeah. So like, what if like, what if like, so in a guard squad, let's say it's four guards, right? You got like the sergeant and the three other. So the sergeant gets a cane.

Luciano (43:31.971)

spencer (43:35.306)
Yeah, yeah, no I remember, unfortunately. But you won't let me!

Luciano (43:37.508)
Well, yeah, no, I remember. I tried to forget, but I couldn't.


Luciano (43:53.443)
A cane. Right.

Matt (43:56.163)
And then the other three guys get a bullet and some grain. Cocaine? Okay, that works too. Okay. Yeah.

Luciano (43:57.795)
Cocaine, they get cocaine. The cane and cocaine. And that would be much better. And my cocaine, yeah. He's the lieutenant.

Matt D luffy (44:00.462)

spencer (44:03.562)
and Michael Caine.

Matt D luffy (44:05.646)
and my cooking.

spencer (44:07.242)
and a bag of grain.

Matt D luffy (44:10.142)
Michael Caine with a bag of grain.

Luciano (44:14.435)
and a cane short in cocaine think we solved it

Matt (44:19.331)
He went too far.

Matt D luffy (44:19.534)
You could also just hire Patrick Swayze to teach them all how to throat punch.

Luciano (44:23.363)
God, now we're doing too many crossovers.

spencer (44:23.818)
I mean, that's if you want to make an army of absolute killers.

Matt D luffy (44:28.494)
He could be the cooler. That's what they were missing. They were missing a cooler.

Matt (44:28.515)
Murderous. Yeah.

Luciano (44:28.547)

Matt (44:31.971)
Now, you raise a good point. Maybe they just needed some coolers.

Matt D luffy (44:34.126)

spencer (44:36.746)
He's right. No one was really trained in deescalating the situation. They all come in just to do the work.

Matt D luffy (44:37.294)
That's what I'm saying.

Luciano (44:42.211)
Yeah. Nobody, nobody was trained in removing people's throat with their bare hands.

Matt D luffy (44:42.414)

Matt D luffy (44:47.726)

Matt (44:47.811)
Well, but that's only for special occasions, like when guys really need it. But Matt's right, if a guy comes in with a gun and secret fireworks to kill chief police, if one guy was just like, hey man, this isn't that kind of place, who knows what would have happened?

Luciano (44:50.915)

Luciano (44:58.211)
Secret fireworks. Yeah.

spencer (45:03.946)
He comes in with the fireworks. Everybody just remain calm. They're Roman candles. You might get slightly singed. Sir? They will? Yeah, exactly!

Matt D luffy (45:11.574)
They will, they will startle you. They will startle you a lot.

Luciano (45:13.443)

Matt (45:14.243)
Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (45:16.771)
Sir sir, can you imagine that scene? He walks in there like ready to kick some ass and go sir take it outside. Okay, my bad and now it just leaves

Matt D luffy (45:24.782)
Yeah, why are your pants so high?

spencer (45:27.146)

Matt (45:27.203)
Yeah, you don't... You don't know.

Matt D luffy (45:29.678)
Like, yeah, I think that's what it is, man. I think they just needed a cooler with really high pants, like right up to the nips.

Matt (45:36.419)
That's yeah, that that gets rid of Conor McGregor. Yeah, it's fair. That is fair. Let's let's talk about someone who could have been a cooler if he wasn't so cool himself. Alfonso.

spencer (45:39.626)
That solves almost every problem.

Luciano (45:43.587)

spencer (45:52.042)
El Fonto.

Matt D luffy (45:52.334)

Matt (45:53.795)

Luciano (45:56.163)
Isn't this the brightest bulb in the box?

Matt D luffy (45:56.654)

Matt (46:00.707)
Does... You know, let me ask this a different way. Why Alfonso? Who Alfonso? How Alfonso? When Alfonso? Why Alfonso? What Alfonso?

Luciano (46:05.795)

spencer (46:06.442)
here we go. Yeah. Alfonso, Alfonso is an enigma, you know, he, he, he doesn't play by anyone's rules or any logical rules of any kind. He just, he just goes where the wind is, where the wind's blowing because he starts off and he's like a dick to like, yeah, he's doing quality search, but he's just being an asshole. And then he's like,

Matt D luffy (46:07.182)

Luciano (46:15.651)
Wrapped in a mystery, yeah.

Matt D luffy (46:20.846)

Luciano (46:21.187)

Matt (46:24.419)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (46:24.771)

Luciano (46:29.027)
Yeah, because he's doing quality assurance, he says.

spencer (46:36.01)
Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit or whatever, like to the main guy. And the guy's like, hey, bet on me, bet on this fight and I'll make you a lot of money, sure thing.

Matt (46:39.363)
Mm -hmm.

Matt D luffy (46:45.422)
Okay, so here's the funniest thing about that. And I gotta ask, and maybe we're gonna touch on this later, I don't know, but I just gotta put this out there. How did that conversation go exactly? Because he sits there and he goes, hey, bet against me and you'll win a lot of money. Now, from what I'd seen earlier, he loses every time. So if everybody's constantly going there, his odds at losing would not be very good. It's kind of like saying, hey, bet on me or bet against me.

Matt (47:00.932)

spencer (47:10.922)
Yeah, he's like...

Luciano (47:14.115)
and you and you win exactly how much money you bet it's a one to one it's a one to one

Matt D luffy (47:15.022)
and you'll win five dollars.

spencer (47:16.65)

Matt (47:17.155)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is a good question. What are the odds for for his loss? That's like you gotta you gotta bet a thousand Was it rupees to win a five bucks? Yeah. Yeah. wow too soon

spencer (47:22.13)
I don't know.

Matt D luffy (47:24.206)
You're funny!

spencer (47:27.434)
It's like betting on the Leafs to go out in the first round of the playoffs. Bet $1 ,000 and you might make $5.

Matt D luffy (47:30.926)
Yeah, exactly. Oof. Oof. You will come out of here with five whole rupees, let me tell ya. Woof.

Luciano (47:31.203)

Luciano (47:37.027)

spencer (47:41.13)
Sir, it's a sure thing.

Matt (47:41.635)
Yeah, it's a sure bet. Yeah, so how much money could... I don't know. This makes me question Fonso even more because he clearly couldn't have won him a lot of money. And yet...

Matt D luffy (47:52.942)

Luciano (47:53.283)

Luciano (47:58.051)
Yeah, but he was like, but he tried. That's why he's, that's what he said to himself. He tried to help me. And for that, I'm going to spill all of the secrets that I know, having been working at Kings for like 13 years or however long it was.

Matt D luffy (47:59.086)
It's okay. It's okay.

spencer (48:03.626)

Matt D luffy (48:07.054)

spencer (48:10.858)
Listen, Alfonso went, you know what? I know people. And I think that this masked man fighting in an underground fighting ring for illegal money, he's a good kid. He made me $5 on my thousand. And I'm gonna trust him with every fiber of my being from here on out, because he made me $5. And that got me one vial of cocaine at the club.

Luciano (48:21.699)
Yeah, he's one of the good ones. He's one of the good ones.

Matt D luffy (48:22.318)
Ha ha!

Matt D luffy (48:31.662)

Matt (48:39.427)
You know, okay, fine, Spencer, I will allow that that transaction happened and it made sense for Alfonso. What I don't understand is when the kid steals his souped up vehicle, why does he go with him? Yeah, his little.

Luciano (48:52.319)
his souped up motorized rickshaw

Matt D luffy (48:55.63)

spencer (48:56.01)
That was like the most ridiculous scene of the entire movie for me. That was the only part of the movie that made me go like realistically made me go, what? Like he just tried to murder the most powerful guy in the whole thing. The guy who was like just talking down to Alfonso like he owned him and could get him killed. And like he was clearly really afraid of him. He just tried to kill him and then they're all shoot currently shooting at him. They're shooting at this vehicle and the guy and he takes it. He stops. He goes, get in.

Luciano (48:58.851)

Luciano (49:02.999)

Matt D luffy (49:04.974)

Luciano (49:12.867)

Matt (49:21.699)

Matt D luffy (49:21.87)

Luciano (49:24.675)
Get in! Yeah. Because like, he clearly thought like, okay, this is going to be very mobile and very fast because I've seen how fast it goes. I'm going to steal it. And also goes, yeah, it's fast. I want to go too. Okay. Like I...

spencer (49:25.61)
And Afonso's like, yeah, okay! I do, do -da -da -da -da -da -do! Like yeah, like cartoon jumps in.

Matt D luffy (49:25.742)

Matt (49:27.715)
That just makes sense.

Matt D luffy (49:30.382)

Matt D luffy (49:41.678)

spencer (49:45.93)
Fast ride.

Matt D luffy (49:48.302)
I mean up to that point, he was free. He was scot -free. No one had any idea that he was connected whatsoever.

Luciano (49:53.379)
Yeah, he could even had like the extra alibi of saying no, he stole my car. I have nothing to do with this. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (49:59.47)

spencer (50:01.77)
See, Alfonso has a problem and his problem is he, well obviously, but also he just can't say no. He just goes with the flow, you know? So when someone walks in, they're like, hey, you wanna go to the bar later tonight? He's like, yeah. Hey, you wanna go do some drugs tonight? Yeah. Hey, you wanna jump into this car that's about to get exploded? Yeah, sure. Wait, what are we doing? Even when he got into the car, it wasn't like he was like, it wasn't even like he was like.

Matt (50:05.347)

Matt D luffy (50:08.128)
really bad at it is his problem.

Matt (50:09.955)

Luciano (50:12.675)

Luciano (50:20.739)
You want it? Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (50:26.583)
Wait what?

spencer (50:30.89)
Like, you gotta get - let's get out of here. He was like, You're an idiot! What are you doing down there after you? Like, as if like, he immediately regretted his decision.

Luciano (50:35.555)
No, he even says like, why did you have to steal my car? He's like, why did you have to get back in? Like.

Matt (50:38.179)

Matt (50:42.403)
It's like by him stealing his car he was legally obligated to get in with him.

spencer (50:46.322)
Hey, yeah and

Luciano (50:47.331)
Yeah. He was, he's so used to being in that car. If someone suggests that he come in, he has to come in.

Matt D luffy (50:47.534)

spencer (50:54.506)
But it was also confusing why did Monkey Man even ask him to get in the car? Like why he stopped while under fire to get in!

Matt D luffy (50:54.83)
He's got to.

Luciano (50:59.843)


Matt D luffy (51:03.15)
What was his plans for Alphonse? Are they gonna go on a gambling thing where they just win tens of dollars?

spencer (51:06.922)
He was gonna... No, he was gonna... He was gonna pin it all on him.

Luciano (51:07.843)
What? Well, what were his plans anyway? Because like assume go go go back, go back a little bit. Let's say you managed to kill Rana in the bathroom. Then what?

Matt D luffy (51:14.318)
Like, we're gonna go win tens of dollars. We are the jaunte porter of India. We are gonna throw away.

Matt (51:20.931)

Matt (51:30.371)
Hey, Luciano, can you weave this back around to Alfonso? No?

Luciano (51:32.675)

spencer (51:33.802)
Shut the hell up.

Luciano (51:35.491)
No. Okay, fine. Fine, I will. Yeah, no, I...

Matt D luffy (51:36.91)

spencer (51:39.402)
This guy was acting like a real Alfonso right now.

Luciano (51:42.467)
I am. And I apologize. Okay. All right. Okay. Yeah, no, I also don't understand why he spilled all of the beans when the first time he brought Monkey Man up there, like the kid up there, he's just like, okay, so that is the chief of police. That is the mayor. That is the queen. There's like that he likes. Yeah, to knowing every secret. Yeah, yeah.

Matt (51:42.535)
Just get in! Don't ask questions!

Matt D luffy (51:42.574)

spencer (51:45.258)
Yeah, get in the car, get out of the car Luciano.

Matt (51:57.091)

Matt (52:04.419)
He went from doing the worst job in the kings to being at like the top of the, yes, everything.

spencer (52:10.378)
There's where they do the drugs, that's where they do the thing. There's the dog that can bring you a gun in if you need one. There's the security codes in case you need to bring in later to kill the guy. Queenie's susceptible to metal sheets.

Matt D luffy (52:10.606)

Matt (52:16.611)

Luciano (52:17.091)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt D luffy (52:24.046)
in that corner is the goat that I... Yeah. Yep. That's...

Luciano (52:27.683)
That's where you can find the trade that can kill people.

Matt D luffy (52:31.726)
That's where the goats are that I allegedly am fucking, not actually, just allegedly.

Luciano (52:35.843)

spencer (52:37.674)
That's where the shoes are that are for stabbing.

I mean, yeah, he lays it out for him pretty, like almost immediately. He's like, welcome to the job, welcome to your first day.

Luciano (52:50.435)
Welcome to... Here's all the secrets that we have.

spencer (52:53.098)
Now come in and come into the boss's room while she opens her secret cabinet.

Luciano (52:56.235)
yeah no but he she made him turn around no it's not

Matt D luffy (52:57.518)

spencer (52:59.498)

Matt D luffy (53:00.558)
Yeah, worse security.

Matt (53:00.739)
That's not Alfonso's fault. How do we, how do we?

spencer (53:02.442)

Matt (53:06.755)
How do we improve Alfonso or like make his descent into madness more believable?

Luciano (53:11.115)
He needs to go through those security trainings that we go through in our company.

spencer (53:12.522)

Matt D luffy (53:18.222)

Matt (53:18.851)

Luciano (53:19.587)
Yeah, like the videos and yeah, he needs to go through those. Like this is what a phishing attack is and like that's good.

spencer (53:24.842)
Like you would do it. Do you say like what you guys do at your companies? Like at Pornhub?

Matt (53:27.939)
Yeah. Yeah. What do you do at your company Spencer? No, no, no. That's your company.

Matt D luffy (53:32.622)
You're right!

Luciano (53:35.139)
I wish I worked at Parnhub.

Matt (53:37.475)

spencer (53:37.93)

Matt D luffy (53:38.446)
I bet their bathrooms are far more immaculate.

Luciano (53:41.059)
I think they're prepared is what I'm saying.

Matt (53:41.763)
Ha ha.

Matt D luffy (53:45.39)
Just kidding.

spencer (53:47.146)
I mean, I would have liked it if he was just like an agent of chaos from the beginning. Like he liked, yeah, like he liked watching just shit go awry in the bar and in the club.

Matt (53:47.651)
Alfonso focus

Luciano (53:53.795)
just to see the world burn.

Matt D luffy (53:58.998)
That's the best ending. He turns out to be Kaiser Soze. He just walks away. I'm Baba Shakti. He's the real Baba Shakti.

Luciano (54:02.595)
Let's do it.


spencer (54:08.11)
Yeah, and he was, and this whole time I've just been reading off the wall. What do you, what?

Matt (54:09.571)

Matt D luffy (54:16.334)

Luciano (54:16.579)
So he thinks it's a different movie. I see. Yeah.

Matt (54:21.091)
Yeah. That'd be believable, actually.

Matt D luffy (54:21.262)

That was his whole point entirely, just to get him to kill all of his rivals, so now he can take over.

spencer (54:24.426)
You know...

spencer (54:28.778)
You know, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't do cocaine.

Luciano (54:35.107)
Yeah, it's true.

Matt D luffy (54:35.246)
But then he failed in that mission because he did so much cocaine.

spencer (54:38.346)
I think they forgot.

Luciano (54:40.931)
He failed the urine test later on.

Matt D luffy (54:43.662)
I'm sorry.

Matt (54:43.715)
Cocaine, all right.

Luciano (55:04.227)
It seems like he was... Jesus. It seemed like he wanted, like he felt like he was rubbing, you know, elbows with the rich and the powerful. And so he felt like it was part of it. And it seemed like Queenie trusted him, right? Like she tossed him like a giant bag of money at one point. Go buy this shit.

Matt D luffy (55:05.614)
Did he also remind him of his mom? Sexually?

Matt D luffy (55:28.814)
Like, let's be honest though, her hiring standards are terrible. Like, she brings in an assassin, she's got him, and basically an entire group of blind stormtroopers with no anti -coordination.

Luciano (55:32.227)
ho -horrible!

Luciano (55:38.827)
It's true, that is true. She hired good cooks though apparently.

spencer (55:42.826)

Matt D luffy (55:45.55)
I wanna hire you for security. Can you take a punch? Not at all. How many fingers am I holding up?

spencer (55:46.026)

Luciano (55:48.867)

Matt (55:50.179)
Absolutely not. No, but if we, I mean, I think the thing with Alfonso is, you have him come up and he like, you know, helps them and shows them the better jobs and gets them up. And then we just drop him. Like we don't talk to him again. But why we take him in the, in the moped of the door? Cause he shows up like one other time, right? It's just like, he's like hiding in plain sight in a random bar. But.

spencer (55:50.826)
Here's your badge, here's your keys.

Luciano (55:54.179)

Luciano (56:01.827)

Luciano (56:10.339)

Luciano (56:17.795)

Matt D luffy (56:18.112)

Matt (56:19.523)
Did we see come up any other time?

spencer (56:21.386)
Yeah, he comes at the end when Monkey Man's fighting everybody and wins. He's like, nodding as if he had anything to do with it. Like, mm -hmm. You're welcome.

Luciano (56:26.051)
And wins?

Matt D luffy (56:27.95)

He's basically... He's basically... He's basically Indian Rob Schneider. He's Indian Rob Schneider. He's like, you can do it!

Matt (56:31.683)
he's pretty stunned. Yeah.

Luciano (56:34.979)

spencer (56:37.098)

Matt (56:40.003)
Yep. Yeah. The hair does match, so I believe it.

spencer (56:40.572)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (56:43.779)
Yeah, it's true. The height too.

Matt D luffy (56:45.23)
Yeah. He serves no other purpose.

spencer (56:47.754)
I won't stand for this Rob Schneider slander. No, I'm just joking. Rob Schneider's a piece of shit, so.

Matt D luffy (56:51.274)

Matt (56:54.819)
Yeah, it's not great. All right, no, I think we've answered Alfonso. That's really the plot holes we saw. There weren't major ones, obviously, but there were some that just, yeah.

spencer (57:03.274)
Yeah, it was a pretty tight movie except for a couple of small head scratchers, I'd call them.

Luciano (57:05.027)
Pretty tight, yeah. Just Dev Patel just doesn't know how security works. I guess that's, yeah.

spencer (57:13.258)
Well, that's like the big thing, right? Like the security, the problem, the main issue is like, like he fights in this underground club so you can like believe, okay, he beat the shit out of these guys. But it's not like John Wick where John Wick is like the best trained assassin with guns and like can beat anyone. So whenever a gun comes in, you're like, wait, how did he learn how to like block a gun and like, like kick the guns and like avoid gunfire so well?

Luciano (57:26.915)

Matt D luffy (57:28.238)

Luciano (57:35.299)
Yeah, well, that's it's not a plaho, but it's something that I thought was a little bit contrived is like he learns how to fight multiple people by punching a bag of rice in the rhythm. And then suddenly he knows how to fight with.

spencer (57:48.714)
Hey, a bag of rice has like 100 ,000 grains and that's way more than like a couple people. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (57:49.038)
Are you sure? Are you sure?

Matt D luffy (57:54.958)
I was about to say I'm like... It's the most powerful weapon right there. Drum's a grain. Drum's a -

Luciano (57:55.299)
He was fighting each individual grain.

spencer (58:01.418)
He's, yeah. Yeah, yeah, boy. No, we're not going back there. I told you I'm trying to forget it. You guys won't let me. Yeah, but like that's like the thing, right? He doesn't, he's not like gun trained. So, I mean, I think it would have made a lot, one thing that would have cleared this movie a lot up is if there, well, yeah, but that's what I mean. I think it would have, this movie would have been like a lot more effective if it was like, we don't allow guns on the floor. It's too high risk, cause if one guy,

Luciano (58:08.931)

Luciano (58:14.467)

Matt D luffy (58:18.318)
Neither are they.

Luciano (58:26.627)

Matt (58:26.915)
Just something.

Luciano (58:29.795)
Roman candles are okay, but no guns. Yeah, yeah.

spencer (58:31.402)
Yeah, but like you know because if one person one angry security guard with a gun and could take out the you know the top main you know Like just have something like that, you know, and then it's like, okay

Luciano (58:39.587)
Yeah, actually that would have been good, yeah.

Matt D luffy (58:43.47)
Well like I said, Queenie, these sitting there, he's like, can you take a punch? No. Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up? No, I can't see anything. You're hired, Mr. Healy. That's basically how it goes.

Luciano (58:44.931)

spencer (58:52.394)
You can't - You son of a bitch! You son of a -

Luciano (58:53.539)
my god, my god. He's the head of security.

Matt (58:54.883)
You know what Spencer, you deserve that. You deserve that because we asked this question and then we finished it and then we moved on to Alfonso and somehow you brought us back here. So the least that we could do was have Jeff Healy pop out of nowhere on you.

spencer (59:06.186)
sorry, yeah, I deserve it. God damn it.

Luciano (59:11.235)
As he does. Yeah. Yeah, he never sees himself coming.

Matt (59:12.835)
as he does to himself, honestly.

Matt D luffy (59:14.638)

spencer (59:14.858)
Go back to the grave, Jeff Haley, you're drunk.


Matt D luffy (59:20.238)
Love it. Yeah.

Matt (59:20.387)
Now he never does. Scaring himself all the time.

Sorry, Jeff. Sorry, Jeff Healey's family.

Luciano (59:25.923)
Poor guy. Has the nothing wrong. Is getting bodied in every episode.

spencer (59:27.818)
It's weird because Jeff Healy's family is her only listeners. They're big fans. It's weird that we just keep going back to that.

Matt (59:34.755)
That's it. Yeah. Big fans.

Luciano (59:39.555)

Matt (59:40.323)
Let's ask some different questions that hopefully don't involve Jeff Healy. We'll try. Hey, question. So, you know, the first attempt on Chief Ranna's life, it looks, you know, depending who you are and what you saw, like he either got a little bleach in with the cocaine or a little cocaine in with all that bleach. I'm just wondering how come all that powder didn't kill him outright, especially if it's bleach.

spencer (59:44.106)
Good luck!

Luciano (59:45.347)
Yeah, good luck.

Matt D luffy (01:00:00.846)

Luciano (01:00:10.531)

Matt D luffy (01:00:11.05)
Hmm. It's like a Bane thing where he's like, just snorts it and then grabs the whole thing, container just downs it and says, I was born in this. And then just like...

Luciano (01:00:19.939)
man, can you imagine if he took a sniff on the whole thing and he went, I'm going to break you. I would have loved to see that. I don't know why he had rolled ours, but he did now. Yeah. How did he survive that? I think at some point during his... Yeah. What the fuck? How did he survive or not get killed? Those are two very different questions.

Matt D luffy (01:00:27.374)

Matt D luffy (01:00:33.152)

Matt (01:00:37.891)
I'd ask why it didn't kill him technically, but you know, you answer your own question.

spencer (01:00:41.578)
Yeah, yeah, Luciano, that's... No, no, no, Luciano, you're not making any sense. That wasn't the question. He asked, he asked, how did you survive?

Luciano (01:00:49.059)
Yeah, I'm sorry. How did he not die? Is that what? No, sorry. How? Why was he not killed? That was the question. OK. I think during his long and upstanding career as a coke snorter, at some point he had his like entire respiratory system replaced with lead pipes. That's how that's how. Just because it's.

Matt (01:00:53.547)
Yeah, thank you. Yeah.

spencer (01:01:08.874)
I don't think that would stop. Even if your nostrils were metal, it's still going into your body. But it's not just, the bleach doesn't just go into your nose. You know when you do cocaine, it doesn't just go into your nose.

Matt D luffy (01:01:08.91)

Matt D luffy (01:01:15.086)

Matt (01:01:15.939)
But what about when it hits your stomach? Yeah.

Luciano (01:01:19.683)
He absorbs it within the first three millimeters of his nose. That's how efficient he is. His pipe nose. Yes. His nose pipe. I'm sure there are a few wrong answers.

Matt (01:01:25.987)
his pipe nose.

Matt D luffy (01:01:28.206)
This is my...

Matt (01:01:31.395)
There's no wrong answers. So...

Matt D luffy (01:01:32.494)
His nose cracked like...

spencer (01:01:34.506)
But that one is.

I mean...

Matt (01:01:39.779)
So guess and space is very collaborative. Does anybody want to guess and then give a completely different answer perhaps?

Luciano (01:01:41.667)
Okay, I see.

Matt D luffy (01:01:43.022)
Ha ha!

spencer (01:01:45.45)
Yes, and I disagree because it's wrong. No, I think that clearly he was a big drug man and you know, he probably busted a lot of cases with you know, people who have cocaine and sometimes you might think that the what's in the bleach container is actually cocaine and there's only one way to test it to make sure they're not smuggling. So you have to snort it.

Luciano (01:01:48.963)

Luciano (01:02:10.851)
he built up an immunity or tolerance.

Matt (01:02:12.131)
snorted at all.

spencer (01:02:14.986)
Well first, at first he would do like a little bit, you know, he'd be like, cause if this was bleach it would be really bad if I did a lot. So I'm just gonna take a little taste. And then he started putting in his gums. He's like, ooh, that'll get a nice little sting on there. yeah. But I feel, my teeth are looking good. And then, you know, he, and then, you know, what happens naturally, you start, when you're cleaning your clothes, you just see it there. You know.

Matt (01:02:21.027)

Luciano (01:02:25.407)
But my gums are clean!

Matt D luffy (01:02:27.054)
I don't know.

Luciano (01:02:34.979)
They're falling off, but they look amazing.

Matt D luffy (01:02:37.582)

spencer (01:02:42.922)
Put a little on my gums, a little behind the ears.

Luciano (01:02:43.075)
What if I take a... What? So on my eyes...

Matt (01:02:49.475)
I want you to a little high on bleach, then it just looks like cocaine.

Matt D luffy (01:02:49.614)
This picture...

spencer (01:02:51.338)
There's no just doing a little bleach. Once you do it, you're in.

Matt D luffy (01:02:54.478)
is that -

Matt (01:03:00.355)
Okay, that's fair.

spencer (01:03:02.122)
They call it, they call it rat in the sting. You ever had the sting?

Matt D luffy (01:03:02.51)

Luciano (01:03:04.675)

Luciano (01:03:08.747)
Getting high and clean at the same time.

spencer (01:03:12.202)
Yeah, it's time you've done so much drugs. It's time to clean up. I'll snort this Is that bleach? I said shut up and snort this

Luciano (01:03:17.291)
Yeah. Yes.

Matt D luffy (01:03:22.286)

Luciano (01:03:23.811)
You'll be clean as a whistle and high as a whistle.

Matt (01:03:27.907)
Okay, no, I think there's no further questions there. That is self -explanatory.

Luciano (01:03:31.979)

spencer (01:03:32.33)

Matt (01:03:34.115)
Obviously. Hey, different question. Our boy, tiger.

spencer (01:03:40.074)

Luciano (01:03:40.287)

Matt (01:03:42.755)
Make an action movie. How? I don't know why they missed this, but I want to know how he ended up running underground ultimate fighting championships.

spencer (01:03:51.049)
Well his name is Raina White.

Matt (01:03:53.603)
Like, sorry, Tiger's name is random, right? But I thought his name was Tiger.

Luciano (01:03:54.179)

spencer (01:03:58.346)
Yeah, yeah. No, no, no.

Luciano (01:04:01.603)
No, that's his nom de guerre.

spencer (01:04:04.074)
Yeah, yeah, of course. And the underground fighting championship?

Matt (01:04:04.323)
okay. Thank you.

Matt (01:04:11.491)
U2FC, Ultimate Underground Fighting Championship.

spencer (01:04:15.274)
okay. And...

Luciano (01:04:18.243)
Wait, what does Bono have to do with this? Okay.

Matt (01:04:20.739)
everything. Let Spencer explain the story and then you'll fucking know.

Luciano (01:04:24.003)
Alright, fine, I'm sorry.

spencer (01:04:24.458)
Well, he tried to start it in America first, but there was already a UFC there, coincidentally by another person with the name similar to his. So he thought, I'm gonna get sued into oblivion here. I gotta take my talents to South Beach.

Matt (01:04:31.363)
All right.

Matt (01:04:40.963)
Yeah, he does look like a guy who cares about the law, so it's smart.

Luciano (01:04:43.459)
Yeah, yeah.

spencer (01:04:44.842)
Yeah, he didn't want to... He wanted to do it by the book. You know, he didn't want to... He...

Matt D luffy (01:04:45.038)

Matt D luffy (01:04:48.654)
He's like, where will I find a place that has money that's worth less than what I'm earning here? That kind of thing. Yeah.

spencer (01:04:55.53)
Yeah, yeah, I want to learn like earn less on every dollar and First first and foremost. Yeah, first and foremost

Luciano (01:05:00.707)
Yeah, because he's he is a businessman first and foremost. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (01:05:04.782)
Yes, not a good businessman, a great businessman. He's a great businessman, let's be honest.

spencer (01:05:09.418)
No, no, he doesn't... No, he's a businessman. He... He... Let's just say, he doesn't do it for the money.

Luciano (01:05:09.571)
I never said good, I never said good, I just said businessmen.

Luciano (01:05:17.731)
Yeah, he's not a great businessman. He's a great man who does business.

Matt D luffy (01:05:18.222)

Matt D luffy (01:05:22.894)
Mmm, I like that. I like that. I like that.

spencer (01:05:23.242)
They're, yeah.

And then he brought his talents to wherever this movie set.

Matt (01:05:30.851)

Luciano (01:05:31.075)
Did you watch it? The town doesn't actually exist. It's a fictitious town. It's India. They say it a bunch of times. So they say, India, if that's your name.

spencer (01:05:31.978)
No, I know, but I don't know the town or the country.

Matt D luffy (01:05:34.766)
of the city.

Matt D luffy (01:05:39.214)

spencer (01:05:41.098)
So they say. Point that out on the map, please. If that's the magic world of India where you can bet on fighting. And sounds magical.

Matt D luffy (01:05:42.862)
That's it?

Luciano (01:05:54.179)
Yeah, sat.

Matt D luffy (01:05:54.35)
I'm fed up fighting that it's clearly fixed.

spencer (01:05:56.554)

Yes, Matt?

Matt D luffy (01:06:00.846)
I was just gonna say one thing here. I picture people in that audience literally being like, hey, I think the monkey man is due. And then just losing his shirts repeatedly.

Matt (01:06:03.587)

spencer (01:06:11.21)
It's like people who bet on the against the Harlem Globetrotters Look at the odds 10 ,000 to one Yeah

Luciano (01:06:12.035)
I think, I, yeah.

Matt D luffy (01:06:17.23)

Luciano (01:06:17.539)
Yeah, it's like, no, I bet, no, this time he's going to win. I can feel it. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (01:06:22.03)
I can feel it!

Matt (01:06:25.891)
Hey, Spencer, I have a question for you. Do you think when people ask Chief Ran a question, this is how his brain works? Where you ask a question about how did Tiger become in charge of U2FC and then all of a sudden we're lost on like people betting on Monkey Man?

Luciano (01:06:41.187)

spencer (01:06:41.354)
I imagine that his brain is far more organized than whatever this is. I don't know what drug -fueled dream these conversations are, but it's all of them.

Matt (01:06:46.595)
Okay, just checking.

Matt (01:06:51.107)
Mm -hmm. Okay, fair enough. So tiger

spencer (01:06:53.834)
So yeah, so Tiger basically, he got his business degree. He, you know, he went through his, like got his full MBA, graduated with honors, you know, got into a prestigious job working with Apple computers, obviously. Was making big money. And then he saw his real passion. Men wearing masks, fighting.

Matt (01:07:12.099)
Okay, great.

spencer (01:07:23.658)
to the death.

Matt (01:07:26.627)
Okay, no one does.

Matt D luffy (01:07:26.83)
or the fake death. I mean.

Luciano (01:07:28.131)
Yeah, I was going to say his venture. I see.

spencer (01:07:28.81)
Well, no, not yet. But that's his dream. That's what got him into the business. He was watching. He was on the dark web.

Matt (01:07:31.107)
Okay, let them cook.

Matt (01:07:37.187)
Men die.

Luciano (01:07:37.635)
What one day one day someone will die?

spencer (01:07:40.394)
Well he was on the dark web looking for people dying via fist fight as one does and he thought this this is beautiful but this needs animal masks and silly names and I'm the man to give it.

Matt D luffy (01:07:56.654)
that are also extremely obvious.

Luciano (01:07:57.443)
And a personal touch. He needs a personal touch. Yeah.

spencer (01:07:59.146)
And it needs a little showmanship. It needs a little marketing. And I built Apple, I can do this. I built Apple computers, I can do this.

Luciano (01:08:04.323)
in its

It also needs, yeah.

Matt (01:08:07.843)
Sir, what?

Matt (01:08:12.579)
Steve Jobs.

Matt D luffy (01:08:12.846)
So jobs.

spencer (01:08:14.73)
I mean, that's the twist.

Matt (01:08:17.411)
So Steve Jobs isn't dead. He's just been, okay.

spencer (01:08:18.73)
No, no.

Luciano (01:08:19.939)
He's just in India running an underground fighting ring. Yeah. The thickest South African accent you have ever heard.

spencer (01:08:22.538)
I th - Did you not - Did you guys not get that from the movie?

Matt (01:08:22.691)
with a South African accent.

Matt D luffy (01:08:24.174)
I always... Yeah, that's it.

Matt (01:08:28.387)

spencer (01:08:28.458)
I thought that was a given.

Matt D luffy (01:08:29.998)
I just, I always imagined Tiger started his career. He didn't want to do this originally, but then he met a young, I guess the kid when he was a kid. And he was like, you know, fighting like a monkey, trying to do things, but was terrible at it. And he just was getting beaten up all the time. And he was like, wow, kid, you're, you're awful at this. Do you want to go pro? And he's like, you're going to teach me to fight? I'm like, no, I'm going to make you professionally bad.

Luciano (01:08:38.884)
Monkey man?

Luciano (01:08:52.611)

spencer (01:08:54.762)
You wanna come get it?

Matt D luffy (01:08:58.862)
And he's like, okay, that sounds like a good way to make money.

Luciano (01:08:59.267)
it's the same school of thought as Queenie hiring security guards.

Matt D luffy (01:09:04.334)
Yeah, will you make money? No, not lately.

spencer (01:09:05.162)
What? I didn't understand. I didn't understand if he wanted him to lose, but then he got mad at him for losing in the beginning.

Luciano (01:09:13.699)
for not losing in the right way. He was not losing the right way.

Matt D luffy (01:09:13.966)
Losing, not selling it. Yeah, not selling the balls.

spencer (01:09:16.266)
What the fuck did that mean? He got the shit beat out of him.

Matt (01:09:20.195)
Hey man, I didn't ask why Tiger doesn't like how Mucky Man loses. I asked him how he ended up running. You did. He's Steve Jobs. I got it.

spencer (01:09:26.474)
And I told you Steve Jobs ffff died and faked his death so he could move to India and run a fighting ring.

Matt (01:09:34.499)
Tigers are fruititarian. I got it. That's fine. We'll move on to the next question.

spencer (01:09:36.33)
Yeah, that'll drive anyone mad.

Matt D luffy (01:09:36.334)
And I always thought he was like a Obi -Wan to the monkey man there and he was in on it the whole time and that's what the whole boxing ring was, was to set up the fight.

Matt (01:09:47.907)
Sorry, the kid is Steve Wozniak, is that what you're saying?

spencer (01:09:50.602)
That's what I was saying Store store wars so the micros

Matt D luffy (01:09:53.774)
I was going for more Star Wars, I didn't know that...

Matt (01:09:54.115)

Luciano (01:09:57.347)
Star Wars, that's how he started his career on Star Wars. And yeah.

Matt (01:09:57.651)
Yeah, that actually makes sense.

Matt D luffy (01:10:02.102)
That was my South African accent in my career.

spencer (01:10:03.498)
Yeah, I started an Apple store.

Luciano (01:10:07.875)
Star Wars is the much less engaging story of stars fighting each other.

spencer (01:10:15.068)

Matt (01:10:15.491)
That's fine, let's move on to the next question anyways. This is as good a segue as we're gonna get. In the Ultimate Fighting Championship, there are a number of animal personas that fight. We have Monkey Man, King Cobra. Is it just the beast at one point? It's not specified. So...

spencer (01:10:18.698)
Thank God. I can't ramble about fucking Steve Jobs anymore.

Matt D luffy (01:10:20.374)

Luciano (01:10:34.595)
Yeah, something like that. And there's one more that isn't an animal for whatever reason.

Matt D luffy (01:10:37.134)

Matt (01:10:39.363)
For whatever reason. What I want to know is, yes, so maybe that's yours. I want to know what your persona would be if you were to fight either in Star Wars or in the Ultimate Underground Fighting Championship. You pick which fight banner you work under.

Matt D luffy (01:10:39.662)
You mean.

Guinea, André, the giant.

spencer (01:10:50.666)

Matt D luffy (01:10:57.422)
What if there was a store where I'd be at JCPenney's?

spencer (01:10:57.878)
In this corner we have 7 -Eleven! And in this corner we have Sears!

Matt (01:11:03.203)
Ha ha ha.

Luciano (01:11:03.491)
Well, that one's dead on arrival.

spencer (01:11:10.154)
You never know, you know, that's a tough let's I know it's who saw that matchup coming.

Matt D luffy (01:11:14.094)
I would definitely be a JCPenney.

Matt (01:11:14.275)
So I think you should combine the two and just go for Zeti.

spencer (01:11:17.034)
Mm -hmm.

Matt (01:11:24.291)
You could fight for zealors or as a bear.

Matt D luffy (01:11:25.486)
Thank you.

spencer (01:11:27.658)
Or as a bear? Of course. It was right there all along. So, sorry, what?

Matt (01:11:29.827)

Matt (01:11:36.195)
How did we miss it?

Matt D luffy (01:11:37.294)
Would the animals be specific to India though that we had to pick or no?

spencer (01:11:40.874)

Matt (01:11:41.923)
I mean, you do what you need to do.

Matt D luffy (01:11:43.694)

spencer (01:11:43.754)
So this is one of the other animal fighters.

Matt (01:11:46.403)
What would you know? You're, you're fighting. You get hired by Steve jobs to fight in the ultimate underground fighting championships. What's your persona? You can't be the monkey man. You can't be the beast or a King Cobra, but, you know, the rhino.

spencer (01:12:02.41)
That's pretty... boring.

Luciano (01:12:03.139)
are we, are we just like crossing over here? Yeah. No. Yeah, maybe.

Matt (01:12:06.883)
Yeah. No. Maybe.

spencer (01:12:09.674)
Yeah, no, I'd be the enraged, I'd be the enraged elephant.

Matt (01:12:15.779)
Engorged, Alvin? Sorry, what'd you say?

spencer (01:12:16.522)
Engorged elephant, that's what I said. I'm getting so engorged!

Matt D luffy (01:12:17.038)

Matt (01:12:24.867)

spencer (01:12:25.29)
Time for my special attack!

Luciano (01:12:28.067)
Eating, eating. Yeah.

spencer (01:12:30.762)

Matt (01:12:32.739)
Great, that's Spencer's, who else has a gallon?

Luciano (01:12:35.107)
Hmm. Yeah.

spencer (01:12:35.21)
Good luck following that, boys!

Matt D luffy (01:12:35.598)

Matt (01:12:37.347)

Matt D luffy (01:12:42.318)
What other animals could we be that are equally engorged? Like...

Luciano (01:12:46.083)
A hippo. A hippo.

spencer (01:12:46.14)
No, no, I've tapped the engorged market. You too. You're on a boat in the ocean on your own.

Luciano (01:12:51.107)
I think it needs to be, it needs to be, it needs to be a literated cause King Cobra, Monkey Man and Gorgie the Elephant.

Matt (01:12:56.707)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

spencer (01:12:56.778)
Yeah, yeah. And Gordolfin.

Matt D luffy (01:13:00.942)
Like a rangy rhino?

Luciano (01:13:03.139)
How about Randy Rondo is a good one. You don't want to find that guy.

spencer (01:13:05.066)
Randy Rino, it's not bad. Pulled that one out.

Matt (01:13:05.283)
right? Right, Randy with an I.

spencer (01:13:09.578)
Randy with an eye with a heart over the eye?

Matt (01:13:11.555)

Luciano (01:13:11.939)

Matt D luffy (01:13:15.214)
The Rammishing Rick Rude Rhinoceros.

Luciano (01:13:15.587)
Yeah. How the the the high the high hippo, which is just run of fighting basically at this point.

Matt (01:13:17.443)
Yeah. See ya.

spencer (01:13:19.434)
No, you already struck gold. You got Randy with the eye.

Matt (01:13:21.251)
You're good.

No, come on. Yeah, no, don't... Yeah, make your own character. Ronan's already got that one. Don't steal that. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (01:13:24.546)

spencer (01:13:28.81)
Yeah, he's already here. He's cocaine bear

Luciano (01:13:29.475)
yeah, so that's taken. It's runner.

Luciano (01:13:36.163)

spencer (01:13:39.274)
You gotta dig deep.

Luciano (01:13:41.283)

Luciano (01:13:45.027)

Matt D luffy (01:13:45.774)

spencer (01:13:48.074)
Sex addict snake.

I don't know why all our animals are sexual predators. What kind of operation are you running Steve Jobs?

Luciano (01:13:52.867)
I don't know why, yeah, yeah. Okay, I got it. I'm the too mess and too can, there.

Matt (01:13:58.723)
But first of all,

Matt (01:14:05.251)
What's too messent?

Luciano (01:14:07.299)
It's the same as engorged.

Matt (01:14:09.315)
You know what, no one's gonna cheer for you. They'll be like, what is this?

spencer (01:14:10.122)
What are you, what are you, Harvard Law student over here?

Matt D luffy (01:14:10.798)
D -

Luciano (01:14:12.867)
I don't want anybody to try. This is the place where I go to lose.

Matt (01:14:15.427)
Now I've got this. You're sexual predator panther. We're done.

spencer (01:14:19.242)
No sexual predator panda Everyone choose against that guy Nobody wants to bet on him. He's such a huge You want to bet on monkey man or pitot panda? They're like, ooh

Luciano (01:14:19.619)
No, I - no! That doesn't alliterate! P - Panda! P - Pito Panda? No, maybe that's not good there.

Matt (01:14:23.011)

Matt D luffy (01:14:28.59)

Matt (01:14:35.939)
Even when monkey man fights Fetal Fanda.

Matt D luffy (01:14:38.51)
I'm not gonna do this.

Luciano (01:14:38.947)
Yeah, like fuck, fuck that guy. If monkey, if monkey man loses, we beat pedo panda down ourselves.

Matt D luffy (01:14:45.518)
Thank you.

Matt D luffy (01:14:49.23)

spencer (01:14:49.514)
The only fighter gets better at less than the monkey man.

Matt D luffy (01:14:54.382)

Luciano (01:14:57.347)

Matt D luffy (01:14:58.99)
I feel like his finishing move would be the rear naked choke. For miners.

spencer (01:15:02.954)

Luciano (01:15:03.811)
No, no, please let's go away. No, we need to move on. God.

Matt (01:15:04.387)
We're moving on. Moving on! Moving on! We're distancing ourselves from that. Hey, why should you hire Queenie as your life coach?

spencer (01:15:06.122)

Luciano (01:15:16.131)
just the words of wisdom. Really? Like...

Matt D luffy (01:15:19.254)

spencer (01:15:21.834)
What are some of her lines? Can you remind me some of her wives?

Luciano (01:15:28.291)
Her wives, I don't know if she had wives. So I'm too mess in Toucan, I don't know what you're talking about. My favorite of hers is when she's, I think she's talking to Alfonso and she says, I need you to learn some manners, you inbred little goat fucker. Just right there. Just right there. Or when she's talking to the kitchen and she says, if you fuck up, I'm gonna fuck your happiness.

spencer (01:15:29.45)
wise were... sh -shut it, Pedopanda.

Matt D luffy (01:15:38.686)

spencer (01:15:46.314)
Yep, solid. That's like...

Matt D luffy (01:15:47.95)

spencer (01:15:56.266)
Yes, that's good. That's great. If someone said that to me, that would motivate the shit out of me.

Luciano (01:15:57.347)

Matt (01:16:00.931)
And she does compliment them right after that, right?

Luciano (01:16:01.791)
Yeah, yeah, she should.

Matt D luffy (01:16:01.986)

spencer (01:16:04.874)
That's what I liked about her. It would be such a trope to have her just be like so shitty to everybody. Like she's saying to them, she's like, if you fuck it up, I'll fuck your happiness. If you don't fuck this, these are the biggest people in the world, we'll fuck you. And then she's like, let me try that food. She tries it, and so you think she's gonna be like, disgusting. And she goes, divine. I'm like, I just imagine that chef feels so good.

Luciano (01:16:10.115)

Luciano (01:16:19.619)
brilliant. Yeah. Yeah. That's why it mad. It's she she's like her ways tough love and it works. That's why exactly in her image.

Matt D luffy (01:16:23.63)
I did not do it.

spencer (01:16:29.834)
Well, it's like, yeah, and if, and you know that if you get that compliment, she means it. Cause she's not gonna sugarcoat it. You know, it's like you're getting a legit, you did something good if you're getting that. That's what I need. I don't need to be sugarcoated.

Matt (01:16:30.051)
tears you down to build you back up.

Matt D luffy (01:16:30.318)
Mm. Yeah.

Luciano (01:16:36.643)
Yeah, yeah, true.

Matt D luffy (01:16:38.766)

Matt (01:16:39.139)

Matt (01:16:43.843)

Luciano (01:16:47.363)
He needs to be called the name Brad Goldfucker. That's what he needs. Yeah.

spencer (01:16:50.09)
Yeah, and then I'll do what you want.

Matt (01:16:53.731)
It's true, I have on several occasions when I've been in your house and your wife says do the dishes or I'll fuck your happiness. I've heard that so... It does. Yeah.

spencer (01:16:59.05)
Yeah. And then I say, yes, mommy.

Matt D luffy (01:16:59.246)

Luciano (01:16:59.299)
It works, right? It works. Yeah.

Luciano (01:17:07.011)
Jesus Christ.

Matt (01:17:10.275)
to loving a relationship. Yeah, that's, I don't, this is.

spencer (01:17:10.314)
Why are you laughing?

Luciano (01:17:11.235)

Matt D luffy (01:17:13.902)
I'm just imagining when the monkey mask is gonna come into this.

spencer (01:17:16.714)

Matt (01:17:17.443)

Luciano (01:17:18.819)
Problem is when it comes off, not when it comes in.

spencer (01:17:20.234)

Matt D luffy (01:17:21.326)
Or in that scenario is Matt wearing the monkey mask?

spencer (01:17:24.298)
You're wearing the mask going, diddy bow, diddy bow! No, no, no.

Luciano (01:17:28.707)
No, Matt's wearing the Engorged Elephant mask at that point.

spencer (01:17:35.338)
It only comes out for special occasions.

Luciano (01:17:37.283)
I see. It's not just for any Tuesday. Okay.

Matt (01:17:39.747)
Moving on. Moving on.

We should talk about this. Bappa Shakti is spiritual. Bappa Shakti is supposed to be a man of the people. Bappa Shakti has knives, spikes in his sandals. What else? It's very sharp. Sharp enough to go into your skull, as it turns out. What else do you think? What else was a hidden weapon on Bappa Shakti? Because he wasn't just...

Luciano (01:18:00.899)
Yes. Yes.

Matt (01:18:15.459)
You know, if he's going to be attacked, he's got to cover himself, right? So are there other items? Other weaponized things on him? Yeah. Besides the stabby sandals.

Luciano (01:18:18.915)

spencer (01:18:20.042)
other weaponized things.

spencer (01:18:25.802)
Well, he's got the robes. I think those are in line with Garrot Wires.

Matt D luffy (01:18:28.43)

spencer (01:18:32.522)
that he can pull out like a thread.

Matt D luffy (01:18:33.152)

Luciano (01:18:36.291)
So he had like almost infinite garage

spencer (01:18:38.314)
Yeah, cause it's like his thread count was like over a thousand.

Matt D luffy (01:18:38.318)

Luciano (01:18:42.455)
Yeah, it's not Egyptian cotton, it's Egyptian garots. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (01:18:43.182)
This thread count is over a thousand!

Matt (01:18:45.315)
Egyptian garage sheets.

spencer (01:18:45.738)

spencer (01:18:50.314)
Yeah, that's actually pretty cool. I kind of want to see that in the movie. It's kind of a good idea. Just like pull it, come and pull you right out of the fabric. He's like, this thread counts going to be a dead count of over 1000. I just it was. What else does he have? Does he wear something on his head? I feel like he has jewelry. Do you have jewelry? Try picture him.

Matt (01:18:50.467)
Yeah, okay, makes sense.

Matt D luffy (01:18:50.83)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (01:18:53.731)
Yeah, just pulling one out. Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (01:19:02.243)
no, you, why did you have to fuck it up? It was okay.

Matt (01:19:07.171)
What else is Derrick's?

Luciano (01:19:15.843)
I was trying to think, I think he has like wooden beads that he wears.

Matt (01:19:21.315)
Mm -hmm.

Matt D luffy (01:19:21.55)
Yep, yep. They could be, he could have those nuts from the tree, because he was also a warrior. And it ties him back to the other one, so he's like a dark version. Yeah, he's got the chinuts and he could throw them in your face.

spencer (01:19:22.443)
those -

spencer (01:19:26.73)

Luciano (01:19:29.027)
try nuts is what you're saying. Those are try nuts.

spencer (01:19:33.93)
So we can like, or like do like it like squish it and then blow it in your face like a weapon, like a bio weapon.

Matt D luffy (01:19:38.958)
Yeah, like Mysterio, so that you just start tripping massive balls while he tries to fight you. Yeah.

spencer (01:19:45.226)
Yeah, yeah. And he's like, I'm over here, Spider -Man, or I'm over here.

Matt (01:19:50.307)
Ha ha ha.

Luciano (01:19:51.331)
What? Spider -Man?

Matt (01:19:55.139)
I would assume that all of those have been used up by Chief Ranna over the year. And Babasakdi has no idea. They're missing.

spencer (01:19:58.986)
And replaced.

Luciano (01:19:59.075)
wait yo, the first the first The first time they met like every time they meet he goes where the fuck are my beads? I don't know. I don't know

Matt D luffy (01:20:00.142)

Matt D luffy (01:20:06.414)
So he tries to use the beads and they're just empty balls. He's just got nothing.

Matt (01:20:13.475)
Yeah, exactly.

Luciano (01:20:15.651)
what about the buttons of the robe? Those could be weapons too.

Matt D luffy (01:20:18.35)

What about a spiky bat? Hidden in his... Hidden in his... It's a butt plug. He pulls it out and it just is there.

Luciano (01:20:21.187)


spencer (01:20:24.746)
His spiky bat is a hidden is a hidden cane

Matt (01:20:26.019)
Hidden where?

Luciano (01:20:26.723)
His hair his hair is actually a bat that okay that makes sense. I think

Matt (01:20:31.171)
Okay, okay, fair enough.

Matt D luffy (01:20:40.974)
There's no rhyme or reason for that. I just feel like... I just really wanted that weapon to be used and nobody used it. It just swung around, limped, and just fell to the ground.

spencer (01:20:41.034)
Genius. It's not even a weapon, it's just there.

Luciano (01:20:41.123)
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.

Matt (01:20:46.371)
It's just there.

Matt (01:20:52.483)
What are we talking about now, is dick?

spencer (01:20:55.05)

Matt D luffy (01:20:55.118)
No, no, I'm referring to the spiky bat. The spiky bat that was in the last fight that the guy in the boxing ring that didn't use. It's just sad. Why bring it out there if you're not gonna use it?

Luciano (01:20:55.459)
Also a weapon, a weapon he calls, a weapon he calls the Engorged Elephant.

Matt (01:21:00.931)

spencer (01:21:02.826)
I mean -

Matt (01:21:05.987)
Right, right, right, right, right, right, right. Yeah, the Engorge left one. I got it, I got it. That's fair. Foreshadowing. Okay. This... Afshadowing? Backshadowing? Backlight? It's hard to say. Okay, now I think that's... He wasn't wearing much, so I think we covered everything he was wearing or stuffed in him.

spencer (01:21:13.13)
That's the opposite of what it was.

Luciano (01:21:16.263)
Yeah, backlighting.

Matt D luffy (01:21:17.23)
Back shadows.

Luciano (01:21:25.795)
It wasn't very much.

spencer (01:21:28.074)
His hair was also garrot wires. He's just all garrot wires. No, sorry.

Matt (01:21:30.691)
I was like, yeah, we covered that. His hair was so bad. No, it's fine. one last question. At the end of the movie, when the kid stabs, Pob Shok -D in the head with the spikes, he then kind of looks at the painting behind him and he collapses. So we're kind of left to, did he die? Did he not die? What's happening? I want to know five, 20 minutes later, what's happening to the kid, everything.

Luciano (01:21:30.756)
No, no, it was a bat. His hair was a bat. It was a trained bat. Yeah.

Matt D luffy (01:21:30.766)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (01:21:48.995)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (01:21:57.815)

spencer (01:22:01.066)
I think, I think like, you know, naturally the cops come, you know, yep, they come and they come on the scene. It's just like a separate team. It's like a detective and they come out and they're like, woo, woo, woo, they pull up. It's like a whole, they come in, they walk in and they see the Baba Shakti and the kid on the ground dead. And they go, god damn it, it happened again. Another, another horrible.

Luciano (01:22:06.947)
They do?

Matt D luffy (01:22:27.694)

Luciano (01:22:28.099)

spencer (01:22:30.698)
footwear related accident. It's the fourth one this week. Stabbed 40 times. He fell in his shoe 40 times.

Matt D luffy (01:22:36.686)

Luciano (01:22:36.967)
I thought I thought you were gonna say fuck someone killed Baba Shakti again That's what I thought you were good

spencer (01:22:43.21)
No, no, no. Another footwear -related accident. He fell on his shoes 40 times.

Luciano (01:22:51.427)
If you

spencer (01:22:51.818)
and then again on his face.

Matt D luffy (01:22:52.462)
I think, I can't on this face, I think, yeah, I don't think he does. I think he goes and he's about to pass out and as he's looking at the portrait, his vision blurs out and then when it comes back he sees a mysterious man with like very like flowing hair and a voice that sounds oddly familiar. And he says, don't worry, we're going to see Nicky.

Luciano (01:22:55.363)
Now, they come in and go, this is clearly a suicide.

spencer (01:22:59.274)

Matt D luffy (01:23:19.726)
And then he goes out and he passes out when he wakes up, he's in the backseat of the little car and it's Alphonse driving him away. Right? And then he's like, no, that might come up later. But, you know. You're just, you kind of gave me a great twist there. But anyway.

spencer (01:23:25.674)
There you see us, Jeff Healy.

Okay. Okay. No.

Luciano (01:23:34.723)
No, but good idea!

spencer (01:23:43.466)
No, no, no.

Matt D luffy (01:23:47.566)
So Alphonse just basically takes him out and he says, where are we going? And he's like, we're going to our destiny. And then they become like a buddy cop thing. The kid, the monkey, and the fawns. And that's it. That's how it ends. Maybe solve crimes.

Luciano (01:24:01.091)
That was going to... It was going well and then it just whimpered out.

spencer (01:24:01.29)
the font.

spencer (01:24:06.058)

Matt D luffy (01:24:06.958)
Well, I mean, we were going to show it to a few audiences, but Jeff Healy just said he couldn't see anything, so.

spencer (01:24:11.562)
We're gonna market test it. God damn it. You can't use that to get out of every joke that doesn't land. You're like, God damn it, I can and I will.

Luciano (01:24:13.347)
Don't you try to use Jeff Healy to get out of this!

Matt D luffy (01:24:22.446)
I gotta speak with what you know. What can I say?

Luciano (01:24:24.095)
If only Jeff Healy could see the shit you're saying right now.

spencer (01:24:27.53)
Too far. Luciano, you took it too far. Yeah, you just...

Matt D luffy (01:24:28.096)
that's okay.

Luciano (01:24:30.563)
I took it too far. My bad.

Matt (01:24:34.883)
Yeah, you did.

Matt D luffy (01:24:35.214)
No, I do think it would be fun to see Alphonse come by and then, like, you know, he pulls off his leg and he's got, like, a much bigger leg. And then he's just like... Exactly! Just fun!

spencer (01:24:44.586)
Bigger leg under his leg?

Luciano (01:24:46.339)
Yeah, that's called his penis. That's his penis.

Matt (01:24:47.171)
But just one. It's got one really long leg and still the other one's the same size.

Matt D luffy (01:24:52.91)
So he still has a limp, but it's on the other side. Because his other leg is so big. And then they go off and they solve mysteries together. Or fight crime. Or drink the lemonade water. Whatever floats the boat.

spencer (01:24:58.218)
That's the twist.

Matt (01:25:03.715)
Great, love it. No, we're done.

don't do that. Don't do it Luciano. What do you think happens?

Luciano (01:25:12.611)
I was going to bring Alfonso into this too, but I was going to bring him as sort of like a mastermind behind the whole thing. Like he orchestrated the whole thing. He was just pretending to be an idiot. Yeah. Well, I don't know.

Matt (01:25:22.307)
Where did the Kaiser Associates thing at the beginning of the fucking show? Like, what's happening here? Get a new idea.

spencer (01:25:28.074)
I told you, he read it on the walls. Killed by Shoe was written on the back of the bar.

Luciano (01:25:28.643)
I, yeah.

Luciano (01:25:34.595)
What happens? The kid dies. The end.

Matt (01:25:39.267)
Great. Yep, that makes sense. End of the podcast.

spencer (01:25:40.906)
I'm not gonna, you know what, Luciano, usually I'm against you, but I do think it was inferred that he died, but.

Matt D luffy (01:25:43.022)

Luciano (01:25:47.075)
Yeah, I thought so too. I thought he was like, he fulfilled his mission or whatever and he's dead.

Matt D luffy (01:25:50.03)
Maybe Alphonse is like, I don't want you to die. So he takes him into the bathroom and splashes him in the toilets with the shitty water. And he's like, stop, stop. And he's like, those will almost kill you. And I don't know where I'm going this.

spencer (01:25:51.882)

Matt (01:26:01.763)
What if Alfonso and the kid were a dyad and Alfonso was able to heal him through the force?

Luciano (01:26:01.987)
Yeah, like what the fuck?

shut up! Fuck you! Fuck you!

spencer (01:26:06.89)
No, listen, I told you, this whole thing was a big guerrilla marketing campaign for the new Nike Stabby Flip Flops coming out July 2025. Stab it Flops.

Matt D luffy (01:26:08.366)
Of course.

Matt D luffy (01:26:21.742)
I like that you threw in gorilla there.

Luciano (01:26:24.195)
Why Nikes?

spencer (01:26:25.322)
I don't know, I could name another shoe company. I dare you.

Luciano (01:26:27.683)
I don't know, Reebok. Yeah, New Balance, Stabby Flip Flops. Yeah, shouldn't you know this better than we do?

Matt (01:26:29.155)
Reebok Puma Adidas.

Matt D luffy (01:26:29.422)

spencer (01:26:30.506)
Never heard of it.

Matt (01:26:33.955)
Don't you sell insults? Like, didn't you know about shoes?

spencer (01:26:35.114)
What's a shoe?

spencer (01:26:41.898)
What's a foot? Good night everybody. Yeah, exactly.

Matt (01:26:43.939)
What's a foot? Brought to you by DocWox.

Matt D luffy (01:26:45.078)

Matt (01:26:49.251)
Alright, let's rake this movie and get the hell out of here. We watched the monkey man, the death patelle vehicle, and I want to know what you thought about it. What do you mean?

Luciano (01:26:55.779)
What? Wasn't it the Char - Charter Cold Fleet? throw him a little rope. Yeah, fucking hell he does.

Matt (01:27:00.131)
Everybody knows that I'm just trying to give Deputel a little love he needs it Well after the green night he needs a glow up We use the S tier ranking system which you all know and love S is the highest F is the lowest F is for Morbius is the basement Randomly picking Matt. What did you think of this movie?

spencer (01:27:03.498)
Does Patel win this too?

Matt D luffy (01:27:05.806)

Matt D luffy (01:27:23.374)

Joking aside, I thought the movie was pretty rad. I liked it. I liked that there's a lot of references to John Wick, but I don't think the pacing was the same as John Wick. This one certainly had a little bit more of that sort of slower burn than I expected. There wasn't as much chaotic fighting as you would have expected. When it came, it was good, but like, you know. I dug it. I dug it pretty good. I thought the movie was pretty rad. I do, I want to give it an S, but I got to take it down at least.

least a couple points because he did not keep that monkey man mask on. Like you took all that time to just dip it in that bleach and you were like look at this now white mask I am fully the monkey man and then you took it off like before you even got into the camera shot. So I was like that's pointless. So it loses some points there but other than that I would say it's a solid you know B plus I would say B plus almost an A.

Matt (01:28:02.019)

Luciano (01:28:22.755)
It's either B or A, man. Don't make this hard. No.

Matt (01:28:25.603)
Yeah, there's no pluses.

Matt D luffy (01:28:26.99)
I can't do any plus... It's a B. I would say. Plus a lack of monkey man mask. I don't know.

Matt (01:28:28.835)

Great job.

Luciano (01:28:37.571)
You're doing so good.

Matt (01:28:38.851)
Spencer, what do you think?

spencer (01:28:41.322)
Well, I said this at the beginning, this movie is very well made. Matt Props, Dev Patel, first time director. He's very, very good. Big, good showing. This movie was very good all around. Like, I, like, Matt, I didn't know much about this movie going in. I thought it was, like, I heard it was like John Wick, but like in India, different, you know, culture. That's what the...

Luciano (01:29:09.379)
my god.

spencer (01:29:10.986)
That's what it was told to me. And I was like, okay, cool. But it was a lot more than that. I actually think that the story and the themes are much deeper than John Wick's. I feel like it has something to say. And even though I didn't really grasp all the social commentary stuff, I respect that it's trying to say something bigger, which I think elevates movies. So I'm gonna give this movie an A because...

Matt (01:29:12.771)

spencer (01:29:39.018)
Honestly doesn't have many flaws. It was really good. I there's like no weak points. The only reason it's not an ass is because there's also no like incredible Parts, it's just like really good. Well done with like just solid so No monkey killings. you're right. Fuck. I forgot about that. It's it's a D for me

Matt D luffy (01:29:56.238)
No monkey killing, that's why.

Luciano (01:30:02.179)

Matt D luffy (01:30:02.67)

Matt (01:30:07.331)
All right, Defer Spencer. Luciana, what do you got?

Luciano (01:30:11.587)
I agree with most of what Matt and Spencer said. I also like that Dev Patel is using the fact that he has his fame and all that to kind of bring up the social commentary stuff. Obviously, I'm not an expert in any of it, but some stuff is pretty straightforward to understand if you just search the news about that kind of stuff. But overall, it was well made. It was fun.

Not a whole lot of things that were bad, just some baffling things, but nothing that ruins the movie or anything. The only thing that brings it down for me from like an A to a B, which is what I'm giving it, is I don't think it's very rewatchable. I don't think I would watch it again. Well, yeah, it's important, but it is a solid movie. It's a good movie. I don't regret watching it. And I think...

spencer (01:30:57.194)
you're so obsessed with rewatchability.

Matt (01:31:00.067)

Matt D luffy (01:31:00.686)

spencer (01:31:02.858)

Luciano (01:31:09.059)
as you said Spencer, like for a first movie directing and writing, that's amazing. The people that have written and directed many movies, Zack Snyder, that can't even get it right, and he got it really well the first time. So it's a B for me.

spencer (01:31:15.082)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt D luffy (01:31:24.43)
He he he.

spencer (01:31:24.618)

spencer (01:31:28.906)
Yeah, that's why, you know what? I don't care what people call you, you're not a pedo panda. You're okay.

Luciano (01:31:35.427)
Nobody calls me that!

Matt (01:31:40.259)
Wow. Okay, I'll follow that somehow. Yeah. No, the movie was really surprising. It was really fun to watch. I had a good time with it. Patel was certainly an engaging lead actor in this role. He did a great job. He did a really good job of making this seem like an actual guy who was out to get vengeance on his family being killed and the things happening around him. And John Wick is like this.

Luciano (01:31:44.547)
Good luck.

Matt (01:32:08.323)
extra supernatural character that drifts through killing people. But yeah, but the kid just seemed like a guy who like kind of halfway figured shit out, but kind of was just flying by the seat of his pants. And that made them fun in many respects. So I had a good time with it. I would say I would give it a B too. I think I had a really good time with it. A lot of fun. Yeah, he's good.

Luciano (01:32:10.787)
And rolling downstairs forever.

spencer (01:32:14.186)

Matt (01:32:37.251)
Normalize being good. That's what I'm doing.

Luciano (01:32:37.283)
Yeah, I agree. B isn't bad at all. I agree.

Matt D luffy (01:32:39.15)

Matt (01:32:42.243)
Yep. All right. So that is our reviews. And now we must discuss the next movie.

spencer (01:32:50.73)

Luciano (01:32:51.811)
Which by the tone of your voice doesn't seem like you remember what it is.

Matt (01:32:55.395)
No, what are you talking about? I know we're talking next. We are finally watching, finally, well, I guess it's taken a long time to get to, to, we'll call it home video for the lack of a better term. Have you all heard of Dune 2?

spencer (01:33:08.458)

Luciano (01:33:10.275)

spencer (01:33:11.978)
Matt (01:33:12.483)
The second one, not the first one.

Luciano (01:33:15.875)
Well, actually it's the third one because the first one is the David Lynch one, but let's not go there.

spencer (01:33:15.946)
I know what I'm doing.

Matt (01:33:24.963)
That's not how.

Luciano (01:33:26.179)
That's not how things work. No, I know. Okay, no, that was...

Matt (01:33:28.387)
David Lynch 1 isn't a prequel.

spencer (01:33:29.962)
Luciano, what are you doing?

Matt (01:33:33.003)

spencer (01:33:35.626)
What are you doing? I know what I'll be doing this week. I'll be watching DIN too. DIN too is what I'm doing.

Matt (01:33:37.987)

Luciano (01:33:38.051)
No, no, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat it. It doesn't work.

Don't make me call Conor McGregor here.

spencer (01:33:48.682)

Matt D luffy (01:33:48.91)
I knew that was coming.

Matt (01:33:49.123)
We're watching Dune 2. Come back next week. We'll talk about it. It's probably good, based on how long it's been in theaters. You should watch it too. Right? Two.

spencer (01:33:58.73)
Yeah, you should watch it too and then you should.

Luciano (01:34:00.227)
Yeah, you should watch it too. If you want to listen to the episode, it's probably a good idea.

Matt D luffy (01:34:01.294)

spencer (01:34:03.946)
You should watch it too and then watch, come watch Dune and then watch our, I know it's your Dune, you're watching Dune and then listen to us talk about Dune too.

Matt (01:34:04.163)

Luciano (01:34:06.179)
No fucking hell, no, just no.

Matt D luffy (01:34:11.118)

Don't be like Jeff Healy, see the movie.

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