We Watched "Star Trek: Section 31"

We Watched "Star Trek: Section 31"

Matt (00:01.052)
Hello and welcome to... Popcorn and Bladdles. I can't forget it because you guys have it written in your little background so I just look at that and I know the title. I'm just different ways to say it. See which one I like. That one wasn't it. Yeah, that one wasn't it by the way. I hate that one. I'm never gonna use it again. But here we are. With me as you heard them all talk before I introduce them I have Luciano.

Spencer (00:05.271)
He got it. He got it.

Luciano (00:05.902)
Every week he fucking forgets the name. He got it in the end.

Spencer (00:17.175)
He's building tension.

Luciano (00:20.718)


Matt (00:29.128)
to my right, your left, your center.

Luciano (00:32.042)
You don't know how this is going to get rendered in the end. So good luck. But yes, I'm here.

Matt (00:35.4)
I said all the things, I think I'm covered. Oh, below me, above me? Eh, who knows? Would you call me? We also have Spencer.

Spencer (00:36.599)
What'd you say to me? Below me?

Luciano (00:41.358)

Spencer (00:43.927)
I'm still coming to you from this movie experience.

Luciano (00:47.009)

Chris (00:47.554)
god! I think... god.

Matt (00:53.744)
Yeah, that's fair. And in the only other corner that we haven't mentioned yet, Chris.

Chris (01:00.354)
Where do I get my refund?

Matt (01:02.312)
Do you think that was better than what Spencer just did?

Spencer (01:04.599)
I think so.

Luciano (01:06.08)

Chris (01:07.958)
I'm trying to wake him up!

Matt (01:10.258)
So what we do here, I ask questions and you guys answer them, so that's fine. we watched.

Luciano (01:14.284)
No, it's not true. You ask questions that we answer whatever the fuck we want. That's what we do.

Matt (01:17.352)
Will you shut up? You watched section 31. I also watched section 31. The... I still say we all? No, we should have watched Battlestar. my God, whose vehicle should this be? Jamie Lee Curtis? Yeah, sure why not.

Luciano (01:21.933)

Spencer (01:23.317)
What did I watch?

Luciano (01:25.678)
So say we all.


Luciano (01:34.565)
Jamie Lee Curtis for sure.

Spencer (01:36.725)
What's a vehicle that goes off a cliff into the water to the bottom of an ocean?

Matt (01:43.688)
Jamie Likertis? Chris?

Spencer (01:44.087)
Okay, it's that it's it's it's it's it's that type of vehicle. what is it Chris?

Luciano (01:45.934)
I Jamie Lee Curtis.

Chris (01:46.24)

I have answer. have the answer. Okay. The answer is Mustafa's vehicle from Austin Powers. I've broken my foot. It smells like almonds.

Luciano (02:01.474)
Yeah, that was a lot for that joke. Yeah.

Matt (02:03.58)
That's a deep cut. There aren't those Spencer, but there are those those like trucks around like downtrodden major cities where they're like, it's a truck and then it's like a hippo truck or whatever and it goes in the water and it patters around like the lakes and stuff.

Spencer (02:16.171)
I hear what you're saying, but what was that submarine that exploded with those people?

Luciano (02:17.581)
Yeah, but.

Matt (02:21.92)
yeah, yeah, with the Sony PlayStation controller? Was it Logitech? My bad. Wasn't that the Deep Six Deep Sea Explorer? Deep Sea, yeah, I don't know. The internet's not being fast enough to tell me. Section 31. Star Trek movie released directly, well, yeah, allegedly, we'll get there.

Spencer (02:23.575)
Whatever that submarine was, that's what this vehicle is. Yeah.

Chris (02:24.692)
Logitech, Logitech, sir.

Luciano (02:32.494)
the deep throat submarine, something like that.

Chris (02:41.14)
You know. You know.

Luciano (02:41.454)
I'll allegedly start track movie. Yeah.

Matt (02:48.392)
It was released directly to Paramount. did not skip go pass go. It did not collect $200. It should have went right to jail, but somehow it missed.

Luciano (02:55.148)
Yes. Hey, you're burying the lead.

Matt (02:59.548)
Sorry, it might be good. Let's ask a fun question. What was your favorite part of this movie? Chris, Chris, why don't you go first?

Spencer (03:03.831)
I forgot you're gonna ask that.

Chris (03:10.082)
Okay, my favorite part of this movie was actually towards the final act of the movie where

Luciano (03:17.475)
when the screen goes black and you get credits? that? Okay, okay.

Chris (03:19.82)
Too easy, too easy. this, it was actually when they're in the dog fight and can't remember the science officer's name, Dog fight. I'm trying to frame it. I'm using heavy air quotes, heavy air quotes dog fight where the ship, bar, the garbage ship, Garrett's like, torpedoes and then quasi is like.

Matt (03:20.486)

Matt (03:30.238)
What dog fight?

Luciano (03:30.584)
Garrett. wasn't a dog fight. It was a barge trying to bump into things. Okay. Proceed.

Matt (03:33.928)
Okay, thank you.

He- Nah, he- He used quotes, he's fine now.

Chris (03:48.48)
We have garbage, lots of garbage. All we have is garbage and we can throw that. And I'm like, that's this movie.

Luciano (03:50.236)

Luciano (03:57.314)

Spencer (03:57.911)
Was that seen as metaphor for the movie?

Luciano (04:01.056)

Matt (04:01.668)
So that was your favorite scene? That's what you were telling me? Yeah, great. OK. I love that. We're going to move on and not talk about metaphors. Spencer, I'm going leave you to last giving your reaction. Luciano.

Chris (04:03.252)
It actually, like it was so on the nose. like, I embraced it.

Spencer (04:10.647)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Luciano (04:15.054)
So, one thing that I liked because it was a cool effect was when they were fighting the high speed vessel thingies, whatever those were for whatever reason. Yeah. There's a point where fuzz kicks Alok away from the like into the tunnel and Quasi jumps and turns into like a giant squid.

Chris (04:27.33)

Matt (04:30.674)
platforms. Yeah.

Chris (04:31.778)

Luciano (04:44.906)
smoke monster that was cool that was that was my favorite thing in the movie

Matt (04:46.088)
Sure. Okay.

Spencer (04:48.093)
in English please. All those characters.

Luciano (04:51.086)

Matt (04:51.418)
He tried. It's the best he could do. Yeah. I'll go next just to.

Luciano (04:58.166)
Well, what part of it was in English?

Spencer (04:59.477)
All their names just sounded like Klingon.

Matt (05:03.57)
We were fuzz? I mean...

Luciano (05:05.79)
Well, yeah, I didn't pick the names. was like, ha-ta-ta-ta-ta was fighting, okay, wait, ha-ta-ta-ta-ta was fighting Andrew Tate.

Spencer (05:07.607)
Fuck you. Yeah. Okay.

Chris (05:10.252)
Ha ha ha ha!

Matt (05:16.914)

Chris (05:17.323)

Luciano (05:17.582)
And then Jordan Peele picked them up there.

Matt (05:21.768)
Spencer, Spencer, first of all, that's very racist.

Spencer (05:26.54)
Yeah, let's not move past that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (05:28.418)
I know, I know, I know. Like all of it was. But it was racist like equally against everybody so I guess it's okay.

Matt (05:30.664)
Extremely racist.


Matt (05:37.736)

Luciano (05:40.578)

Chris (05:41.758)
I'm him have it. I'm gonna let it happen.

Spencer (05:44.599)
Alright, alright. He gave you the pass. He gave you the pass.

Matt (05:45.632)
Okay, Chris has given you it. It's a pass. He's giving you a pass. I want to talk about what I like about this movie now, if you don't mind. Just so we can get past this part quickly. You know, the part where these things happen and...

Luciano (06:07.03)
Wow. No. No?

Chris (06:07.346)
Nothing happened in

Matt (06:10.12)
You know what, I liked Sans' ship. looked cool as hell.

Chris (06:15.49)
Yeah! Points, plus one.

Luciano (06:15.854)
True, true, agreed.

Matt (06:18.054)
Yeah, Spencer.

Spencer (06:21.303)
I'm a big Star Trek fan So because of that there was not much for me in this I Liked when the bald lady got phased and then she disintegrated I'm a big fan of people phasing people to the point of disintegration I Always like it

Luciano (06:31.71)

Chris (06:42.274)

Matt (06:47.4)
Yeah, it looks cool as hell.

Spencer (06:49.237)
It makes the weapon seem really cool and powerful, so...

Spencer (06:54.685)
Yeah, yeah, it was done okay. Like I've seen better phase outs, I'll call them. But that was probably the part of the movie that I saw.

Matt (06:59.752)

Luciano (07:12.909)

Spencer (07:13.269)
That was in the movie.

Don't make me say it.

Luciano (07:20.898)
think his brain is still broken.

Chris (07:23.916)
Someone look at his medical ID bracelet.

Matt (07:24.69)
Say what?

Spencer (07:24.833)
part that I like.


Matt (07:33.32)
I don't, I'm not like, you can like it like 51 % or 2 % or you know, like this isn't like full on raging boner for it, it's just like, yeah. Yeah, it's like, it's you know, it's distance from, you know, like the farthest distance from how you felt about the movie in the positive direction, right? So if for say, if this movie, for whatever, you hated the entire shit out of this movie and would give it like a negative a billion on a scoring thing, if this scene was like negative,

Luciano (07:33.645)

Spencer (07:36.255)
Okay. Yeah, okay.

Okay that was the part I liked the most.

Spencer (07:50.623)
okay okay

Matt (08:02.62)
You know, million, that's a great scene in comparison to the rest of You like that. That's the way I look at it.

Spencer (08:07.799)
If this movie was the sun and being most of movie would be within the fire of the sun, this was seen was outside of the flames, but still feeling the extreme heat and skin melting effects of the sun.

Matt (08:12.764)

Luciano (08:19.723)
One can only hope.

Matt (08:30.534)
Is this sort of the way you felt about watching this movie?

Spencer (08:34.497)
I didn't say that.

Matt (08:36.424)
Okay, let's just dive into our first section where we just chat about the movie. All willy-nilly, we don't have to be specific about anything. Having a fun chat at the pub. Why is this a Star Trek movie? Sorry, let me say, there's a couple words in there that don't make sense. I'll clean them up. Why is this a movie?

Luciano (08:37.277)

Chris (08:39.788)
Fake news.

Spencer (08:44.095)
Yeah, we're just having a good time here.

Luciano (08:52.078)
That is the question.

Luciano (08:57.998)
Yeah! Also a good question.

Spencer (08:58.259)
a better question This this this is not a Star Trek movie this this is a this is a new Trek movie which is a new Trek for those that don't know is the new Star Trek universe I Believe the line

Luciano (09:06.508)

Matt (09:09.948)
I mean, that's obvious. Yeah.

Matt (09:22.652)
Where's the line, Spencer, between the shows?

Spencer (09:26.697)
of the ship. Okay, so there's the just for you not super nerds out there. There's good Star Trek, which is, you know, the original series of Kirk and Spock and, and there's next generation, which Picard and Voyager and T-Space nine. And then there's the TNG, the next generation movies. And, and then there's enterprise, which is like just on the line there. It's still in the older stuff. And then there's a big break. And then new JJ Abrams started

Luciano (09:55.512)
JJ Abrams.

Spencer (09:56.395)
the new Trek and then they were like, whoa, what this ain't your grandpa's Star Trek. This is grandpa daddy's boring Star Trek. got guns now. And, that started what can only be described as a descent into madness. And after that, they made some bad movies into darkness and that inspired

Matt (10:04.04)
It's because it's Star Wars. mean, what?

Luciano (10:04.179)

Luciano (10:25.634)

Matt (10:25.842)
The other one.

Spencer (10:26.025)
Alex Kurtzman, made was part of making that movie, the the the new Star Trek movie with JJ Abrams. It gave him some power and sway, unfortunately, to to get the TV shows made, which is when he made Discovery and Strange New Worlds. And this is a break off of Discovery. So Phillipa Georgiou was the captain in Star Trek Discovery and then.

The first season she was a good captain. She was a good person. I'm not saying a good character because the show's terrible, but she was good person and she dies spoilers. And then they go into the mirror universe and there's an evil version of her who is literally space Hitler. Not an exaggeration kills races off, but the billions and they bring her over to the people like her because she's a famous actress. So they're like, we gotta make a show with her.

Matt (10:54.984)
the first season.


Spencer (11:23.445)
even though her character is literally the antithesis of everything that Star Trek represents. And that's how we got here. And I want to undo that. Yeah.

Matt (11:32.402)
I'm just

Since we're here explaining Star Trek to people, I'm just going to fill in some side things. The mirror universe, that started in Enterprise.

Spencer (11:42.305)
that no, started in the original series. Yeah, they have goatees. Goatees. Yes, yes.

Matt (11:47.192)
yeah, that's fair. But that's the goatee, that's right. Sorry, it's not the mirror universe, it's the Terran Empire shows up first in Enterprise.

Luciano (11:49.141)
is that, is that the go team? is that what that is?

Spencer (11:56.885)
That's correct. Yes, yes.

Luciano (11:59.254)
Okay, yeah, because I didn't, knew, I've watched the whole TOS and I remember obviously EvilSpark, but I didn't remember the term Terran Empire.

Spencer (12:07.831)
And because there are no original ideas anymore that exist, Section 31 is also not from this. It's from Deep Space Nine, where they created Section 31, which was the Black Ops group of Starfleet that are off the books and do things that Starfleet can't. But they were smart and it was more like espionage. Whereas this is, I'm going to say not that.

Luciano (12:12.396)

Luciano (12:17.165)

Luciano (12:22.072)

Luciano (12:29.112)
Competent? Yeah.

Matt (12:35.526)
No, it's a hit squad, maybe. I don't know.

Luciano (12:37.302)
I think the technical term that they use in the industry is clown show. That's what this is.

Spencer (12:40.695)
yeah this is a a row rag tag group of misfits all of the suicide squad i like our into the galaxy you know all of whatever the you know that

Chris (12:41.26)
Thank you. It's, that's what it is.

Luciano (12:47.724)

Luciano (12:53.258)
except with none of the charm yeah except no charm whatsoever

Matt (12:53.404)
Gent-gentlemanly warfare.

Spencer (12:54.961)
Yeah, yeah, my charm in the writing and that story and the the characters and the acting.

Luciano (13:02.03)
Yeah, you're right.

Matt (13:03.884)
we- right. We've explained how this all came to Star Trek. And it's important to point out these things because most of them were not bad ideas in their origin. And then we mixed them all into a pot.

Chris (13:04.674)
and effects.

Spencer (13:08.533)

Luciano (13:11.694)

Luciano (13:17.453)

Spencer (13:19.575)
And we got mustard gas.

Luciano (13:22.41)
Is this like when... Remember when you were a kid and your parents brought you to a place where there was alcohol and there was little bits of alcohol left and you put it all together and you drink it? That's what this movie is.

Matt (13:23.256)

Spencer (13:35.495)
well that still gets you drunk that's like that that's like if you went to a place that your parents had a lot of candles and there's just wax and you poured all that wax into a drink and then you drank it it would just make you feel bad no it's just like drinking wax candles

Luciano (13:38.52)
Fair. Okay, so that's.

Matt (13:38.616)
Yeah, that's gonna say I like that metaphor, but at least like she's drunk.

Luciano (13:47.414)
And then you drink it. Okay, yeah, I like that.

Matt (13:48.456)
Let me try again. Yeah. Yeah. That's a metaphor. Not that we like her just like this movie, who knows? Exactly. It's your, if you like it, good for you.

Luciano (13:57.934)
Lit lit candles. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (14:00.567)
Yeah, it hurts and it makes you feel bad.

Matt (14:04.793)
Pleasure and pain. So let's get back to this movie in particular. I mean, I guess for me, I do want to ask about a few things that aren't related to the movie, are like, are not related to the plot because the plot is, hate it. What is...

Luciano (14:18.83)

What word did you use? Plot? Okay, okay, okay.

Matt (14:25.672)
Don't worry about it. It's not important. This movie is the reason why we stopped talking about plot because there's no point. But so something that bothered the shit out of me was like the filming of this movie? Like the cinematography?

Spencer (14:30.487)

Luciano (14:31.158)

Spencer (14:39.319)
Luciano (14:41.096)
you mean like the YouTube fucking 2014 YouTube smash cuts? Yeah, No, holy shit. I was so pissed with that. Like, we get it. They're doing flips. You don't have to flip the fucking camera. What is this? The 60s? That was some get smart shit like that. The flipping of the camera. Mine is again, mine is the charm. Holy shit.

Matt (14:44.998)
Like the smash cuts? Yeah. And like the spinorama camera?

Chris (15:03.359)

Spencer (15:04.535)
It genuinely feels because a lot of those cuts snap cuts and stuff were digital Snap cuts and stuff and you could tell just by the way it's done without you know camera zoom and it's like really hard flash like snap zooms and you could tell it's just like they were looking at the raw footage and Somebody just did not have confidence that what they were seeing was gonna play and they're like I think they just thought that if they made it fast enough and cut enough

Luciano (15:13.089)
Right, right.

Spencer (15:33.537)
with enough filters that it could convince someone that what they're watching is entertaining. Just like distracting them with flashing lights.

Luciano (15:36.567)

It was, yeah.

It's either that or they were expecting people to be mostly puking while watching them. They couldn't pay attention to the movie and then they couldn't criticize it.

Spencer (15:47.191)
That's a strategy to bold strategy cotton. We'll see how it plays out But that that's what I just felt like though that when they're making it that that's 100 % happened behind the scenes They're like look this does not work like zoom in now zoom out zoom in again

Luciano (16:02.06)

Yeah, now do some shaky cam, but there's no camera. I don't care make you happen. Yeah Yeah

Spencer (16:07.145)
Yeah. Make it do it digitally. And I think.

Luciano (16:14.838)
I don't understand like if it's not what you're saying Spencer, I don't understand why they would go, you know what we need? We need like old, like self-made video vibes for this Star Trek movie that goes, that was probably cost me millions of dollars to make.

Spencer (16:26.113)
for Star Trek.

Matt (16:33.296)
Well, I mean, anything can cost millions of dollars now, should it have?

Luciano (16:37.974)
Yeah, but shoot it.

Spencer (16:38.325)
And it goes, but it goes again, just to, don't want to beat a dead horse here, but it just goes against it. So the antithesis of what Star Trek is it's like long shots with long conversations that are intelligently written. And it's like, if you remade like Blade Runner, which is such a long shot moody thing. And then they just had snap zooms and cutouts and like hard cuts. And it's just like jumpy and like erratic. It's like just the full style alone is like the complete opposite.

Luciano (16:47.447)

Luciano (16:50.754)

Luciano (17:05.618)
They took they took Blade Runner and they reshot it in the style of blade. That's what happened. I Know it's it's just not the idea is good, but it doesn't pan out

Spencer (17:11.232)
The way you describe it makes it sound cool. Yeah, Chris, slap that man.

Chris (17:16.98)
You keep Blade's name out of your mouth!

Matt (17:19.91)
I'd watch.

Chris (17:25.162)
Listen, listen, this movie is exactly, the way this movie was edited and cut together is what happens when you take a high school, your high school pete jock who thinks he has a flair for film and cinema and then slaps on his headphones and listens to nothing but Rockstar by Smash Mouth while he cuts this thing together. Hey now, hey now. Take your pick.

Luciano (17:49.696)
it's Limp Bizkit. That's what he's listening to.

Spencer (17:53.409)
what another note of the mobile rockstar by special it's like a little start but that but

Chris (17:54.422)
But like he just,

Luciano (17:59.982)
Yeah, all-star. I tried to save the... I tried to save him, but it didn't work.

Chris (18:01.346)
Listen, Rockstar, All Star...

Chris (18:07.714)
I shot my shot and so did that guy. He peaked when he didn't make the cut on the football team and he tried his hand at Adobe Premier and it shouldn't have happened.

Spencer (18:16.791)
Chris's version of this movie is, I'd like to introduce you to, I'd to introduce you to section 31. Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me.

Luciano (18:20.098)
This was not.

Luciano (18:25.15)
Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what it is.

Matt (18:25.288)
Honestly better better movie than this one. I'm right here

Luciano (18:30.232)

Chris (18:31.052)
It's not what I was going for, but I think it's what the culture needs.

Spencer (18:32.439)
I don't know.

Luciano (18:33.62)
Also this this is there's no way that this was was edited on premiere. This was sony vagas at best

Spencer (18:38.519)
So sorry Vegas Shade, I don't know what that is.

Chris (18:41.442)
I don't even know. I see you in Raise You Quark Express. Go on.

Luciano (18:42.06)

Matt (18:43.816)
It's fine. It's fine. We're gonna move past your obscure references into video editing software. Because we did watch this movie and we'd be doing a disservice if we didn't fully warn everybody what they're gonna get into. I guess, so I know, like Spencer, I've watched most of the Star Trek stuff. And so I know what section 31 should be, I guess. And I know like about these characters.

Luciano (18:47.182)

Luciano (18:52.362)

Luciano (18:58.668)

Matt (19:14.244)
I I asked this on the last episode when we talked about fucking Kraven. But why do we want to make- like at least Kraven is like he's kind of an evil character in the comic books but you get to show me a movie and be like ehh it's blurry. This one's like hey just in case you forgot. Hitler.

Luciano (19:32.598)
Yeah, the intro. Like, okay, so here's your main character that we got the big name star for. So she's just the devil.

Spencer (19:33.323)

Matt (19:43.234)
poisoned her family to be the emperor with soup.

Luciano (19:44.802)
Poison her family? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was like, yeah, no, I was was like, OK, so she went there. She was all fucked. I was like, why didn't she just shoot everybody in the head? No, no, no. We're going to sit and tell my my heart harrowing, harrowing story about how it was supposed to be one, but it was two while I poison all you fuckers to death.

Chris (19:46.508)

Spencer (19:46.871)
What the...

Chris (19:49.642)

Chris (19:57.601)

Spencer (20:06.113)

Luciano (20:09.11)
Yeah, and then she's the whole thing. me and Sam two by one two by one now, bitch I'm emperor go get burned in the face. What the fuck was that? Yeah, yeah It wasn't consensual Spencer

Matt (20:17.576)
Let me melt your face my lover just so you can keep your place

Spencer (20:21.717)
Hey, don't kink shame.


Chris (20:25.932)

Chris (20:34.336)
Well, maybe!

Spencer (20:38.903)
No, no, don't kick him!

Luciano (20:39.086)
It was, no daddy, he said daddy.

Matt (20:39.336)
Like, heart or mommy, technically.

Chris (20:44.898)
I kinda got a plus one with Spencer saying, like if Sand wasn't down with that, could have made another choice after, like he was, and then he could have like, peaced out from life. He could have unalived himself.

Matt (20:50.694)
You did? But, so, yeah. No, but, well, no, he can't. He's, he's reasons. He needs to be in the rest of this movie. But I did notice in the background, dispenser's point, there's one Terran soldier as she's milking his face, she's just like super excited. That's the one that said harder daddy. Yeah.

Spencer (21:08.191)
Yeah. He's, he's their third. and I did notice that when she does put this, this was just the start of the week, the melting hot sword to his face. He does not recoil at all, which was just an odd choice. You know, he, he, wasn't being held. And I mean, it's just your human reaction. You're going to like pull away.

Luciano (21:09.45)
Yeah, yeah, like very excited. Yeah.

Luciano (21:26.689)

Chris (21:26.85)

Luciano (21:32.76)

Matt (21:38.194)
that showed his obedience to the Emperor. anyways, I digress. That was just my point to say that they're trying to take this character that is evil and they've shown us that she's like crazy evil. then, and then they want, yeah, but then like they make her like, by the end of the movie she's like joking with the team, you're gonna kill us? I was like, yes, she will. She murdered billions of people.

Spencer (21:39.212)
Yeah, rating.

Spencer (21:47.584)
No redemption.

Luciano (21:47.991)

Luciano (21:57.09)
I hate... Okay, listen, listen. I wanna ask, did anyone else sort of died of cringe in that last scene where they were like bantering? I was like, you know how when you go like, when you're watching, that's how I was like, it was disgusting.

Spencer (22:03.637)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (22:05.533)
yeah, many times.

Matt (22:06.213)

Matt (22:13.21)
Was that before or after Conor McGregor showed up? Sorry, it wasn't Conor McGregor anymore. He was Southern Bell. But... Yeah.

Spencer (22:16.63)
Luciano (22:17.166)

yeah, after Susan Bell. Well, the whole thing, really.

Spencer (22:23.707)
I was holding the off button at that point, but I didn't let it up so it wasn't turning off yet. So I was just, it was just pressing.

Luciano (22:28.814)

Matt (22:30.471)

Matt (22:33.928)
This movie's so dumb, I forgot how the remote control works.

Spencer (22:34.903)
I forgot how buttons work Yeah, there's a a lot of cringe cringe is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days But nowhere is it more apt than in this movie for 80 % of the movie but to your point Matt she is a horrible monster with no redemption or or any form of

Luciano (22:37.048)

Chris (22:37.471)

Matt (22:46.972)

Luciano (22:47.604)
Yeah, but it applies here. Yeah.

Luciano (22:54.338)

Luciano (23:01.653)
Nope whatsoever

Spencer (23:04.311)
Her only regret is that she didn't get to be with that guy. But it's not even like I regret it because I was bad.

Luciano (23:16.277)
Her regret, yeah, that's what I was gonna say. Her regret is he killed himself and now I'm sad. Not I was wrong, I was, no. Why did have to go and kill himself? Now I can be with him. Like what?

Matt (23:18.61)

Spencer (23:23.349)
Yeah, took you to get it.

Chris (23:25.75)
because it's

Matt (23:32.008)
It's like they could have been evil and ruled together. Yeah.

Spencer (23:34.583)
And she would have been very happy.

Chris (23:37.986)
This is not what I wanted. That's quote unquote.

Luciano (23:40.544)
Yeah, she says I forbid you to die. She says like what the fuck

Spencer (23:44.183)
It's like one of those relationships where it's like one person is just awful and then the other person leaves because of it and they're like, like, why are you doing this to me? And there's no reflection for why.

Chris (23:44.235)

Luciano (23:56.332)
How dare you?

Luciano (24:00.384)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the worst part of all of that, well, I don't know if it's the worst part, like, or for the plot it is because she's supposed to be the main character and her redemption is, no, I just fucked off to another universe and I kind of stopped being a genocidal murderer.

Chris (24:19.936)
Now I run a bar and do shady shit on the side to make money!

Luciano (24:22.378)
but, but even before that, was like, no, I'm going to join black ops to.

Spencer (24:29.205)
No, listen, she's a lovable scamp now. Lovable scamp could only get you so far, okay? Like, lovable scamp is like Han Solo. He's like a smuggler, he's not a great guy, but he's, you know, he's got a good heart. You can't be Space Hitler.

Luciano (24:33.326)
No she's not.


Chris (24:36.066)

Matt (24:43.292)
How many millions of space people did Hansel and murder, Spencer?

Spencer (24:48.949)
I mean he blew up Death Star, but they were great guys.

Luciano (24:49.483)

Matt (24:55.432)
Okay, so a couple thousand.

Spencer (24:56.287)
Yeah, there. I mean, we don't know that if they were Jewish. It could have been a crime, what I'm listen. Yeah, it was a space laser and that's what we do.

Matt (24:58.952)
Maybe in the tens of thousands.

Luciano (25:04.481)

Matt (25:06.984)
The Death Star did famously catch on fire.

Luciano (25:14.446)
Yeah, they blew up the dead sign in the middle of Obamitzwa. That's what they did.

Matt (25:17.416)

Spencer (25:18.231)
Yeah, I mean we controlled space lasers. Look into it.

Matt (25:23.464)
That's serious. So all of them were, they're clones. Boba Fett was Jewish, we hear her first. I'm sorry, bad.

Luciano (25:24.62)
That is fair.

Spencer (25:26.503)
We're now why you taking us off dog you're taking us off topic Matt That's a Jewish last name if you didn't know that the Cohen Goldberg Yeah Yeah I was gonna say I was gonna say Fettenberg

Luciano (25:30.271)

Matt (25:39.144)
That's right.

Luciano (25:39.643)
100%. It's, you know, it's, it's cut, it's cut, right? It's Fettstein.

Luciano (25:47.79)
His real name is Bubbly Fettstein.

Chris (25:47.904)

Luciano (25:54.54)

Spencer (25:55.415)
Shortened it for political reasons. What movie are we talking about? No, was just gonna say, I'm like, can you imagine Jean-Luc Picard meeting this character? Like he is like such a high moral ground. Like it's such a high moral character that he's like, he will like admit to accidentally

Luciano (25:58.861)

Matt (25:59.386)
Obviously, stage name. Yeah.

Luciano (26:04.952)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (26:05.096)
Section 31

Spencer (26:23.713)
taking a pen from someone's desk, you know, and like report himself to HR. And then he's like, meet, meet your partner on this mission. Literal space Nazi killed millions.

Luciano (26:36.012)

Matt (26:36.04)
You say this Spencer, but I would watch that movie.

Spencer (26:39.479)
I'd watch that movie way more.

Chris (26:45.718)
You've seen them. You've seen them in TNG Picard and all this illustrious filmography. And then you've seen Philippa Georgiou in that other stuff. Look what happens when we throw them together in a crazy strand of mishaps and misdoings.

Luciano (26:57.932)

Spencer (27:01.111)

Spencer (27:05.751)
She's like, I think I might matter you. The light must be drawn here! No further!

Luciano (27:07.17)
Philippa, engage.

Chris (27:09.986)
See you

Matt (27:12.232)

Spencer (27:17.783)
Wait, she's bagel? Yeah, listen.

Chris (27:17.794)
Earl Grey tea meets bagel.

Luciano (27:21.29)
Bagel? Yeah, why? Why would you do that to bagel?

Matt (27:22.056)
Seems racist.

Chris (27:25.76)
It doesn't need to make sense, this movie!

Matt (27:27.75)
Yeah, so like you could say beef and broccoli, that wouldn't be any better, so.

Spencer (27:29.367)
my God, what happened to this podcast?

Chris (27:31.212)
See? Shama. Yo, beef and broccoli is dope. Anyways, go on.

Matt (27:35.976)
I like this movie. Great, thank you for that, Chris. You really don't want to talk about this movie, do you? Anything but. Let's skip to the very end, yeah, I guess.

Chris (27:37.238)
I had it tonight.

Spencer (27:42.903)
Anything but! Anything but!

Chris (27:45.224)
say that. Give us a shot. Give us an itch.

end? No, I'm just kidding. kidding. I'm kidding.

Spencer (27:52.087)
So, okay, bye guys.

Matt (27:55.944)
Because I just want to talk about, I know we're going ask questions and I don't want to tread on it per se, but I do want to talk about the arc, trajectory of this movie. And so we find out this weapon is, it can burn world upon world. Is that?

Luciano (28:13.592)
They say it's like you can trigger a chain reaction that goes from planet to planet and will destroy a whole quadrant or something like that?

Matt (28:18.832)
Right. Okay, great.

Spencer (28:20.159)
I they literally said it's the Death Star times 10.

Matt (28:24.936)
Sure, I love it. And so then they use this weapon to close a portal between, yeah basically, to close a portal between the mirror universe and the standard universe.

Luciano (28:25.407)

Chris (28:33.826)
play soccer.

Luciano (28:41.1)
Power Universe,

Matt (28:45.434)
and a garbage truck parked right beside them. Fine. Their ship, and maybe we have to talk about this too. They didn't get off that ship.

Spencer (28:55.719)
This whole scene really confused me. No, and they didn't show how they, when they woke up, I thought they were gonna say something.

Luciano (29:00.331)
No, no.

Matt (29:06.202)
Everybody with the human was fine and-

What the fuck man?

Luciano (29:12.672)
Yeah, what what the fuck happened? I they they said it would destroy several planets and yet this fucking garbage truck like you said was standing right beside it when they exploded and all it did was throw people to the ground

Chris (29:27.244)

Matt (29:27.29)
A garbage truck that should not have had shields because I don't know why I had shields in the first place, but they got fucking torpedoed and in a radiation field it took away all the shields for everybody. So I don't understand how this planet destroyer, yeah.

Luciano (29:30.036)
Anymore they were in the radiation zone


Luciano (29:38.636)
And they go, and they fell down and woke up again. Yeah.

Spencer (29:41.143)
Well, I honestly didn't know... Like, this movie's so frustrating. So I thought they were putting the bomb that destroys universes back into the mirror universe to destroy that universe. But I was like, what? She's still genociding? I thought she learned a lesson. She keeps going back to it.

Luciano (29:50.382)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (29:57.795)
Mm-hmm. That's what I thought. That's where I thought it was going. thought...

Chris (30:00.748)

Luciano (30:04.386)
Genocide, genociding. That's her favorite Tinder profile. Philippa Georgiou enjoys genociding and walks on the beach.

Matt (30:08.199)
This is bad.

Spencer (30:11.991)
I mean, but they're not all evil. They showed that they're not all evil. A lot of them are under oppression from her.

Matt (30:15.974)
It would have been fine because they're evil. So that's fine to genocide evil people, right?

Luciano (30:24.13)

Like that Dada No says they taught they learned well from you. He says it

Matt (30:31.196)
Yeah. Okay. So they don't do that, right Spencer? They just...

Chris (30:33.186)

Spencer (30:33.387)
I mean I don't know. How do you know?

Luciano (30:35.744)
No, they don't. just the explosion just closes the passage. That's what they say in the movie.

Matt (30:40.518)
Yeah, that's all that's that's all it was for they're closing the passageway.

Spencer (30:41.441)
But how do you know it didn't close it while blowing up that universe?

Luciano (30:45.58)
By this strength? I don't.

Matt (30:46.152)
Because there's no, there is no way on impulse power that somehow that bomb only blew forward around, yeah, space ball power, around bomb just isn't directionally, like it's not a canonical, canonical like.

Chris (30:47.5)
That's the question. That's the question.

Luciano (30:53.32)
Impulse power. Impulse power.


Spencer (31:06.005)
No, Matt, you're wrong. It's a It's a universe-destroying weapon that only blows up left.

Chris (31:06.145)

Luciano (31:06.444)
You'll get there. One more, one more. Conical, conical.

Matt (31:09.416)
I don't want to. I give up.

Luciano (31:15.79)
Yeah, it makes sense because they're fascists so it has to blow the left. It makes sense.

Chris (31:15.82)

Matt (31:16.444)
Well, but that was by my vision that was forward.

Spencer (31:19.255)
No, their universe was on the left and our universe was on the right of that hole

Matt (31:25.766)
Right, then it shouldn't blow up our universe if we're the left.

Spencer (31:29.067)
then we were the right. You can't turn left! The bomb can't blow left, okay?

Chris (31:30.594)
Who's on first?

Luciano (31:32.502)
Yeah, who's on first?

Matt (31:33.448)

Chris (31:34.178)

Matt (31:37.224)
Right, right, right, right, right. Yeah, it's fine. The bomb made three rights and it took out everybody except the garbage truck.

Luciano (31:40.623)
You do three writes and you're done.

Spencer (31:46.411)
I just didn't know why also why she couldn't turn it off. Didn't she?

Luciano (31:50.69)
She didn't want to. She didn't want to.

Chris (31:50.988)
Same. didn't, it wasn't built with an off. That's what she said.

Luciano (31:56.224)
No, but that's not it. But like, that's not even, that's not even like, I thought, okay, there's just gonna be balls enough to kill these two characters so we never have to see them again. And then they didn't do even that.

Matt (31:57.564)
No, she said that,

Spencer (32:03.959)
Oh, that would have been satisfying.

Matt (32:06.342)
This is the greatest betrayal since fucking Chewbacca showed up on my goddamn Star Destroyer.

Spencer (32:08.283)

Luciano (32:08.44)
Yeah. Yeah! Yes! Yes!

Chris (32:25.024)
A lock? A lock?

Luciano (32:25.102)
No, Quasi teleported them both in the nick of time. He beamed them. No. They show Garrett saying, get him, get him. And he's like, it's hard to lock onto them. so I asked her if you'd instilled radiation, blah, blah, But then apparently he did beam them right as the

Chris (32:28.652)
Beamed them correct. No, they didn't.

Spencer (32:29.483)
They did not show that. Did they?

Matt (32:30.47)
Yeah. No, what? You don't know.

Chris (32:38.708)

Spencer (32:42.658)
I didn't even hear him, I didn't even know he was trying to beam them.

Luciano (32:46.754)
Yeah, just trying to get a lock on them. She says it twice.

Matt (32:49.212)
That's not, don't worry, didn't miss anything, Spencer.

Chris (32:50.986)
You were trying to leave the room Spencer and I don't blame you.

Spencer (32:52.661)
I was like halfway out the door of my own house

Luciano (32:53.006)
Your brain was in another province even.

Matt (32:57.66)

Chris (32:58.24)

Spencer (33:05.793)
That movie was on in my TV room and I was out my front door saying goodbye to my wife and kids forever.

Luciano (33:06.102)

Matt (33:06.375)

Luciano (33:10.339)

Chris (33:13.1)
Yeah. I'm gonna get some milk. Just going out to get some milk.

Matt (33:15.36)
Listen, we can get stuck here on, no, it's fine. These are very valid questions. Let's just dive into the questions at this point because they might help shed some light on something. I don't know, man.

Spencer (33:16.897)

Okay. Yeah.

Luciano (33:26.7)
No, they won't. They won't. But I appreciate you trying.

Chris (33:29.846)
It'll shed light in the direction of...

Matt (33:34.01)
Okay, so let's start real easy. We're already on this topic. The bomb is called the godsend. How does the godsend work?

Luciano (33:46.67)
Not very well from what we saw.

Matt (33:46.994)
So we know a couple of things. We know that no one has to touch it to make it turn on. You can just kick it. Falling down, yeah. It may or may not need a Philippa's biometric.

Luciano (33:54.114)
No, you just fall on the ground. starts the activation. Yeah.

Chris (33:55.938)

Luciano (34:01.868)
Biometric. Yeah.

Chris (34:04.706)
because it got kicked and it skipped that step and came back to it.

Matt (34:08.038)
Yeah, when we came back later, it may or may not blow up a quadrant of planets or just take out one wormhole. Yeah. Ten foot. Yeah. Yeah, that's correct. But it won't blow up a dump truck that has no shields.

Spencer (34:09.665)

Luciano (34:14.604)
Right? Portal.

Spencer (34:16.887)
10 foot radius.

Spencer (34:25.719)
It has a nice voice that tells you what's happening, which is a nice touch.

Matt (34:30.29)
was very helpful. I appreciate it on all of my world destroying, universe destroying devices, toms.

Chris (34:32.706)

Luciano (34:35.0)
Doomsday Machines,

Spencer (34:35.553)
like you know like the like the other nuclear bomb right before it explodes it goes blowing up now just just to let everybody know

Matt (34:44.296)
Yeah, it's true.

Luciano (34:45.816)
This gives me Starcraft flashbacks. Nuclear launch detected. It's the same thing. Yeah, it's the same thing. Let's announce it to the entire world before we explode.

Chris (34:47.852)
Thanks, Bob.

Spencer (34:52.727)
Well, that's detecting it at least.

Chris (34:54.306)

Matt (34:56.07)
Yeah, I appreciate.

So, think there's a few things missing here in terms of functionality. The lights on the outside, all those things were just lights. I really thought they were like little explosives. don't know. For a device that apparently could destroy a quadrant, the design is very lazy. Yeah.

Chris (35:05.856)

Luciano (35:08.44)

Spencer (35:12.737)

Spencer (35:21.217)
We don't get much information.

Luciano (35:22.477)

It's, it's first of all, it's very small.

Spencer (35:28.555)
Well, I think they... Again, correct me if I'm wrong. I was in a daze. Was this some sort of virus that would burn planets? I knew it!

Matt (35:39.28)
It was the woke mind virus Spencer. You're nailed it.

Luciano (35:41.806)
that's how it works. There you go.

Spencer (35:44.279)
Everyone within it suddenly believes in gay rights and that's truly the greatest weapon anyone can make.

Luciano (35:49.774)
Everybody turns trans.

Matt (35:52.199)

Matt (35:55.56)

Spencer (35:56.455)
and they all really, you know, like Lady Gaga.

Luciano (36:03.182)
What you didn't see Matt is after because it starts turning red each each of those colors, right? But when he finishes it goes into a rainbow. That's when it really starts Exactly. Yeah

Matt (36:08.754)
Sure. Yep.

Spencer (36:10.263)
That's when the wolf mind virus is released.

Matt (36:14.952)
Yeah, okay. That makes sense, actually.

Chris (36:18.26)
It may or may not have been graduates from DeVry because they're serious about success.

Spencer (36:23.222)

Matt (36:24.528)
Well, did have the moral fortitude to kill themselves after they made it, so.

Luciano (36:32.15)
Yeah, after they finished, right? After they finished, it's like we're gonna, we hate this and we don't want to make it, but we're gonna, we have our pride on the line here. We'll do QA and we'll do some field testing and then you'll see, we'll kill ourselves. Yeah, professionalism.

Chris (36:33.282)
And that is the Devry motto.

Matt (36:39.036)
But we're gonna finish, we have our principles. We're gonna make this and we're gonna make sure it works and then we're gonna kill ourselves.

Spencer (36:41.335)
Yeah, and we're so ish

Chris (36:44.844)
DeVry, DeVry.

Spencer (36:51.159)
That's dedication to your craft. Yeah, and you're you want to make a point that you're really against it, but bills have to be paid.

Chris (36:52.14)

Luciano (37:02.862)
You're against using it, the exercise is still worth it. So like, I'm gonna make it, but don't use it. If you use it, I'll kill myself.

Spencer (37:08.246)

Matt (37:09.639)

What did Tony Stark's dad say? The best attorney is having a big, is having a bigger stick than the other guy?

Chris (37:16.63)
You're not my son.

Luciano (37:17.934)

Spencer (37:22.327)

Luciano (37:24.034)
You're not my s- What are you doing in Star Trek? That's what he said. What are you doing in Star Trek?

Chris (37:29.57)
I have no son!

Spencer (37:30.007)
That is a great point. Why would they kill themselves after making it? That is the greatest point. That's the greatest hole in this whole movie.

Matt (37:36.872)

Luciano (37:36.896)
Yeah and the same the same with San the same with San because like he doesn't he didn't really kill himself but he delivers it to her it's like okay you have it you got good come on

Chris (37:38.082)
They took their li-

Spencer (37:46.805)
My only explanation is they are the most passive aggressive people in entire universe. Like yeah, I'll make it for you. I guess.

Luciano (37:52.654)

Yeah, I'll finish it for you. I'll finish it for you. But if you need support, you're fucked. I'm kidding myself. No support for you. Yeah. Good luck. You good luck using it if you don't know how to turn it on. Bye.

Spencer (37:59.913)
Yeah, yeah, here's your bomb. Enjoy it.

Chris (38:10.018)
No one wants to live in your world!

Spencer (38:12.149)
It's so dramatic.

Luciano (38:14.382)
That's why he's sad even. was awful. Yeah. It's a woke mind virus. That's the answer.

Matt (38:16.072)
Okay. So, so that explains the bomb. Thank you.

Spencer (38:20.075)
You know, it actually does explain everything. They didn't actually make the bomb work. That's because they were against it. Yeah, it's just a regular bomb.

Luciano (38:27.15)
it was the ultimate prank.

Chris (38:27.238)
ho ho ho ho ho!

Matt (38:28.419)
Chris (38:31.614)
Now that is a degri-graduate right there.

Luciano (38:31.694)
No, it's not. No, it's like, it's like they swapped the godsend for like one of those gender review party puffs. That's what that was. That's what that was.

Spencer (38:41.847)
That actually would have been a nice twist. Where it's just like, the bomb is actually not a bomb. like yeah, they killed themselves because they were against it. They didn't make it work.

Matt (38:42.696)
You should have... You should have stopped.

Luciano (38:45.335)
Yeah, it would've.

Luciano (38:50.858)
Yeah. Yeah. But that would have been clever and we're talking about this movie. So.

Chris (38:51.148)
can't hurt us. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (38:59.44)
movie was too busy bringing back a character no one gave a shit about at the end for reasons I will never understand. Speaking of that character, that's a call to professional segue folks. Why was Conrad Gregor playing a Vulcan as a fish person?

Luciano (39:03.259)

Spencer (39:05.719)
I might have missed.

Luciano (39:09.932)
Very nice.

As a fish person not fish a nano kin whatever that is

Matt (39:17.638)
What was he?

Chris (39:19.956)
He was a nanokin topo.

Matt (39:20.344)
Yeah, he was a fucking topo squid squid thing. Anyways, why was Conor McGregor playing him?

Spencer (39:22.145)
Look like a penis with arms.

Luciano (39:25.515)
A penis with arms, yeah.

Chris (39:30.466)
time he's Connor's had such an illustrious career and he's decided to diversify himself as a former as a former magna cum laude of DeVry Fighting Academy. Listen, listen, you don't you don't mess with success. And quite frankly, like he's he's he's found himself without challenge. And so what

Spencer (39:40.373)
You would typically do?

Luciano (39:43.15)
They all did.

Chris (39:55.926)
better opportunity to spread his wings and soar amongst the thespian eagles than within the confines of this doomsday device movie. And I say that as the movie.

Luciano (40:08.302)
Those were words. Yeah, that was, of all the answers that I've ever heard, that was one of them.

Spencer (40:09.825)
That was an answer.

Matt (40:13.804)
I would

Chris (40:16.257)

Matt (40:16.304)
I would like an alternative answer, please.

Luciano (40:18.697)

Spencer (40:19.127)
because he wanted a challenge. He wanted a challenge to face. Yeah, have to pop your head off. Sorry.

Chris (40:20.556)
Fair. Fair.

Matt (40:27.4)
Hey, Spencer, you're not Conor McGregor on this podcast. Let's hear, thank you. Yes.

Spencer (40:32.535)
Sorry, I don't do the Connor impression justice. Luciano does a fantastic Connor McGregor and I leave it to the experts.

Luciano (40:35.123)
fine. I'll answer it. I'll answer it.

Okay, I'll answer it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Matt (40:42.876)
Thank you.

Spencer (40:43.607)
I said an impression. I didn't know we were having Carter on the show the real the real cut

Luciano (40:46.798)

Chris (40:49.58)
Can we afford this?

Luciano (40:50.89)
Yeah, but just that one answer. Yeah.

Matt (40:51.912)
That's all we can afford. Here's one statement.

Chris (40:54.324)
My checking in savings is not set up for this level of shit.

Spencer (40:56.183)
That was that was a $10,000 cameo that we bought

Matt (41:01.288)
That's all we have.

Spencer (41:01.899)
And you're welcome. And I think that answered the question too, So succinct.

Luciano (41:06.262)
That did that perfectly, yeah. You heard it, you hear it from the horse's mouth, right?

Matt (41:06.778)
It did. We're going to move on. So.

Spencer (41:10.869)
Yeah, that's true.

Matt (41:12.936)
Generally when I say we're going to move on, that's when you guys stop talking and we move on.

Luciano (41:16.98)
Right and and you should know that we don't care but go ahead

Spencer (41:18.743)
But you forget we're bad at this.

Chris (41:20.46)

Matt (41:22.94)
Fine. Well, clearly, speaking of being bad at this or this movie, I want to know who your favorite member of the Alpha team was. because I know Spencer, you blanked out. I'm going go through the team. have a Philippa Georgiou. Yeah, know, Michelle, you know, have Alok Alok, Alok Sehar, who is the captain of the team.

Luciano (41:24.971)

Chris (41:25.218)

Spencer (41:27.127)

Luciano (41:27.895)

Spencer (41:36.705)
Thank you.

Luciano (41:37.368)
Okay. Okay.

Luciano (41:44.79)
Space gobbles, space gobbles.

Luciano (41:49.652)
Andrew Tate, yes.

Matt (41:52.432)
You can't put that on that man, he doesn't deserve that. Yeah, but he's not... No, but he's not a fucking monster.

Luciano (41:54.092)
He looks like him. He looks like he behaves like him.

Chris (41:56.406)
No, no, Luciano, don't keep, don't shove it down. It sounds worse when you defend it.

Luciano (42:00.56)

Spencer (42:01.495)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (42:02.769)

Luciano (42:03.798)
I'm not defending it, it's just a...

Chris (42:05.686)
What is happening?

Matt (42:05.712)
It's... The man doesn't deserve to be called Ant. You can pick anybody else. Antrotate's a fucking monster. He doesn't deserve that.

Luciano (42:08.674)
Fair that is fair. That is fair. Yes. Yes. Yes. Philippa is andrew tate there

Spencer (42:10.327)
Yeah, no one deserves that.

Matt (42:16.113)
That's better. I'm fine with that. No, Chris is allowing you.

Chris (42:16.13)
Keegan-Michael Key, call him Keegan-Michael Key.

Luciano (42:18.19)
No, I don't want to be racist again. I only got one pass.

Spencer (42:19.319)
I only did that once!

Chris (42:20.162)
Well, no, he's bald. He's bald!

Matt (42:25.198)
That's it, used it all. Let me get back to the team. have Quasi, Quasi, Quasi, whatever. Quasi was the noodle guy. And then we have Zef, who is the mech. And then we have Rachel Garrett, who is the Starfleet officer. And then we have Fuzz, Conor McGregor.

Chris (42:25.538)
Whoa, we helped you move away from Andrew Tate. Take Keegan Key. Sure, yes.

Luciano (42:28.47)
All right, fine. Okay. Okay.

Luciano (42:38.446)

Chris (42:38.636)

Luciano (42:44.79)
I discount Bruce Dickinson. Right.

Ha ha ha ha.

Matt (42:52.934)
And then we have Mel, Melee, don't know. The one who got vaporized. Yeah, she got vaporized. So who is your favorite crew member?

Luciano (42:57.76)
Melee. Melee. Melee. Yeah.

Chris (43:02.508)
Dang, she did.

Matt (43:10.29)
Don't don't everybody answer at once

Luciano (43:11.959)
Yeah, you're asking about the favorite one. We are gonna have to think about it

Matt (43:16.508)

Luciano (43:18.414)
I think it's quasi for me. I generally found him funny and that's the best I can say.

Spencer (43:26.155)
Now I mean this with 100 % honesty.

Matt (43:26.781)

Spencer (43:32.023)
Who is quasi?

Chris (43:35.272)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Luciano (43:36.334)
The shapeshifter, the shapeshifter. Yeah, the noodle guy.

Matt (43:36.54)
He was.

Here's the noodle guy.

Spencer (43:39.519)
It's weird that when you say the noodle guy, I don't know who you're referring to because they're-

Matt (43:44.348)
He changed it into noodles to save ALOC. You didn't watch the movie?

Luciano (43:45.068)
Yeah, but you don't know this because you were late for the pre-show. He fell asleep during that scene.

Spencer (43:48.605)
No. You shut up. The noodle guy could also refer to fuzz because he kind of looks noodly. He's got tendrils.

Luciano (43:58.464)
No, no he doesn't. He looks like...

Matt (44:00.088)
No, no. If you watch this movie, there's one guy who's made of noodles and there's a guy who's got some tendrils.

Chris (44:02.178)

Spencer (44:03.575)
Okay, You know what?

Luciano (44:07.67)
Yeah, there's a guy. There's a guy who looks like a, like a, like a, like a sperm and the guy that looks like noodles. They're not the same.

Spencer (44:12.917)
Okay, you know what? That's on me. I take ownership on that one. So Noodle Man, what about you, Chris?

Matt (44:12.984)

Luciano (44:17.246)

Luciano (44:23.918)
Deflect! Deflect!

Spencer (44:24.127)
I'm stalling.

Chris (44:24.255)

Chris (44:27.831)
I my pick would have to be...

Chris (44:34.762)
George, Georgie's parents because they got to die and not experience the rest of this this this god for saison Fine I Know I'm trying I'm trying to be difficult and it's not working If I so if I have to choose, I know exactly who Mech guy's ev because he was one. No, he was the second to know he's my favorite because he's pathetic

Spencer (44:40.695)
No, that's a combo. You have to pick... He said part of the Alpha team.

Luciano (44:40.96)
What a cop out. What a cop out.

Matt (44:43.452)
They're not part of Alpha Team. Pick someone from Alpha Team.

Chris (45:00.48)
He tries to steamroll Juggernaut through the walls in the club, and he falls and fails! He can't even stay on his own feet! It's despicable!

Luciano (45:05.774)
Every time... Every time he breaks a wall, he trips and falls. It's ridiculous.

Chris (45:12.436)
It's like he's, it's like he showed up to work drunk.

Luciano (45:15.295)

Chris (45:17.282)
And they should have sent him home, but they didn't, and that's what you get.

Spencer (45:18.517)
Why do they even put him on the team?

Luciano (45:19.052)
Yeah, that's that's that's true.

Chris (45:22.86)
Correct. He's like the expen- not even the expendables, no. Zef.

Spencer (45:25.217)
What's his name?

Luciano (45:27.637)

Spencer (45:28.171)
Now I mean, this was all honesty. Who is Zeph? I just, I just need... Okay.

Matt (45:28.882)

Luciano (45:33.089)

Chris (45:33.25)
Who is that?

Matt (45:34.888)
He's the mech guy. He wore the mech suit.

Luciano (45:39.106)
Discount Bruce Dickinson, that's who he is.

Spencer (45:39.817)
Okay, Matt, who's your favorite character?

Matt (45:43.304)
Before we get off Zeph, I was looking up his profile on IMDB and Luciano, is mostly for you. He was Orgrim Doomhammer in the Warcraft movie. Yeah, I don't know if they modeled him off him, but he certainly was the voice.

Luciano (45:47.619)

Spencer (45:58.007)
Now, I mean this... I mean this with complete honesty. Who is Orkin Zoom Hammer? Okay, okay.

Luciano (45:59.276)
But doing an American accent? What the fuck?

Matt (46:02.681)
Fuck I have no idea man, I guess

Luciano (46:08.782)

Matt (46:09.352)
give zoom hammer. He invented zoom. That's who he is.

Chris (46:09.468)
Orgrim. Orgrim.

Luciano (46:13.486)
Yeah, no, he invented like a a zooming handle for the hammer

Spencer (46:19.095)
I got you said he invented the zoom hammer. I know what you mean

Matt (46:22.204)
Yeah. Yeah, we did. It's fine. It's tough. They all suck in so, so many ways.

Luciano (46:30.222)
But don't you like the adult in Spanish succubus or whatever she is? Melee.

Chris (46:39.49)
That's what she was? Sure.

Matt (46:41.488)
Sure, that character made no sense, let's use her.

Spencer (46:43.627)
David those are the pictures you put against paper eyes my favorite scene. I you know what. I'm going to say.

Chris (46:44.15)
That one.

Luciano (46:46.702)
I knew it.

Spencer (46:55.863)
I don't I generally I'm bad with names in general. So the guy who was a an a lock a lock.

Matt (47:04.814)
Alok the captain. I listed every one of these fuckers to you and you're still confused.

Luciano (47:05.004)
Yeah, yeah, the captain. Yeah. Yeah, like two minutes ago. Yeah.

Chris (47:05.602)

Spencer (47:09.254)
I listened to that, but it sounded and felt like water washing past my ears. Alok, I liked, no, I don't want to say I liked. I, I, I, I appreciated that he was, I'm really struggling here. I appreciate it. No, no, I got it. I, I appreciate that he was, uh,

Chris (47:15.564)

Matt (47:28.806)
How do words work?

Chris (47:31.308)
Throw him a life preserver!

Luciano (47:33.646)

Spencer (47:36.847)
enhanced human from the eugenics war because it was at least a touch of a reference to Star Trek which is what this movie is which reminds me no Vulcans on the team well they're fucking guys like a robot

Matt (47:40.442)
Yeah, that was a cool backstory.

Matt (47:51.95)
Yes, there was. He spoke Irish.

Luciano (47:53.516)
Yeah, that was a, that was a tricorder too, at some point.

Chris (47:53.538)
He's a robot.

Spencer (47:55.199)
No, no Klingons, no Romulans, no, no, Bajorans, no, no Cardassians, no for no Ferengi in the entire movie, not even the main cast.

Luciano (47:59.373)

Chris (48:03.458)
Mmm, Cardassians? No Ferengi?

Luciano (48:03.744)
Nothing. Yeah, no, no Ferengi. Like, no, and they were in like a sleazy bar. You're telling me there's no Ferengi in the fucking bar? Come on.

Matt (48:06.394)
They blew their budget.

Spencer (48:12.799)
Yeah. And they're in the fucking out where what quadrant were they in? Did they say? Sorry, My favorite character. Sorry. You're goddamn right. The NCC 1701.

Matt (48:15.888)
Hey man, hey, hey, hey Spencer, answer the question. Yeah.

Luciano (48:22.542)
My favorite character is Jean-Luc Picard of Starship Enterprise.

Chris (48:24.18)

Spencer (48:34.167)
I I I I I That you sorry I just realized that there's like no alien races for any other but anyways a puck I answered you got it out of me you fuck Hey from the matrix I told you it's organ zoom hammer

Chris (48:36.364)

Luciano (48:37.806)
the most English of all Frenchmen.

Luciano (48:48.104)

Matt (48:48.742)
Close enough.

Chris (48:48.864)
You said, hey, next question, next question, next question.

Matt (48:54.978)
Close enough, let's take it. Hey, we see the beginning of the movie, we see the tail end of the Hunger Games to become the next emperor of Terra, the Terran Empire. And all we know is that San and Philippa

Chris (49:01.332)

Luciano (49:01.517)

Luciano (49:13.762)
Ha ha ha!

Spencer (49:15.563)

Luciano (49:17.226)
May the arts be ever in your favour.


Matt (49:23.31)
joined forces to come down to last two and then she is more of a monster than he is so she wins the prize. But I want to know what else, what else do they have to do in that context?

Spencer (49:36.129)
contest it was confusing

Chris (49:36.8)
Yes. What?

Confusing but strangely diabolical.

Luciano (49:40.12)

Matt (49:41.446)
What was confusing about it?

Spencer (49:43.423)
Well, it's confusing to me. Do they know what this process is? Because they must do it for every emperor. And if they do know, why would they join if they're not willing to kill their family at the end?

Matt (49:56.994)
I think the process changes every single time.

Spencer (49:58.517)
Luciano (49:59.82)
And also they fight each other from what I understand.

Spencer (50:02.539)
I know, but why fight? Why not just be like, but be like, if you're not wanting to kill your family, don't bother killing each other.

Matt (50:03.672)
Yeah, that's why it's the Hunger Games.

Matt (50:10.734)
Hey man, why are you putting logic for an empire that has their emperor be Hitler? Hitler was soup!

Spencer (50:12.115)
Okay, that was- you know what? That's... That's on me. That is on me.

Luciano (50:13.686)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (50:18.112)
Yeah, let's pick who, yeah, who's the worst person. Let's find the worst person and give them all the power. Yeah.

Chris (50:18.976)

Spencer (50:22.647)
the soup nazi okay you know what matt i i respect your answer i like the concept of that it's different every time it's actually kind of cool

Chris (50:23.788)
See you.

No soup for you!

Matt (50:38.448)
So the time she was in it with Sam, what else did they have to do?

Spencer (50:39.67)

Luciano (50:44.408)
braid each other's hair.

Chris (50:46.646)
deliver a cake on foot from one quadrant to another using the phase devices, which allow clearly for them to walk linearly carrying said cake.

Matt (50:56.452)
So Chris, I I gotta check in here. I don't think you watch a lot of Star Trek. A quadrant is a very large portion of space. Okay. Okay, great. Just checking. No further follow up. I just want it to be great. I love this. Yeah.

Luciano (51:01.783)

Chris (51:01.992)
I know. I know. I said it. I just said it. didn't. I appreciate it. I do. Yeah. Cake. Deliver a cake.

Spencer (51:08.631)
They had to they forced them to they were forced to go into a restaurant and Order lunch and when the waiter says enjoy your lunch. They had to say back you too

Matt (51:23.141)
You're so sweet.

Luciano (51:24.194)
No, they, okay, I see. I see what you mean. Yeah.

Spencer (51:25.013)
Yeah, and then they had to say that straight-faced.

Chris (51:32.0)
eye contact.

Spencer (51:32.119)
Eye contact.


Matt (51:36.602)
Anything else?

Spencer (51:38.167)
They had to leave without tipping.

Luciano (51:43.68)
Yeah, but not be seen, but not be seen. That like they have to leave like nine and dash.

Chris (51:44.13)
What they did?

Dine and dash.

Spencer (51:48.844)
that's even worse.

Matt (51:50.072)
No, I think they actually had to tip. Only in coins.

Luciano (51:56.287)

Matt (51:58.054)
Only thing you do is stare them in the eye, because you're going to be the emperor.

Spencer (51:59.287)
Yeah, you gotta be, gotta, just, big ones.

Luciano (52:03.361)
Like staring in the eye and go.

Matt (52:05.313)
Single coins, yeah.

Spencer (52:05.461)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (52:06.67)
Yeah. How much was this bill? $100? I'm going to give you 10%.

Chris (52:11.83)
Isn't it credits, federation credits? What's the, I can't remember, but anyways.

Spencer (52:12.118)

Matt (52:14.47)
The Federation doesn't use money famously.

Spencer (52:17.207)
Taren runs on Bitcoin.

Luciano (52:18.19)
It was yeah, but there was yeah. yeah. Doge Dogecoin.

Matt (52:21.638)
That is the most evil money I can think of so you are correct

Spencer (52:21.793)
And they to use... So they were putting single Bitcoin coins. no! The most evil of all the coins.

Matt (52:28.591)
I think it's Dogecoin actually. Yeah.

Luciano (52:30.147)
That's what I said, Doge. It's Doge, for sure.

Chris (52:32.492)
So then, so then do they have to hit, they have to hit the plus, they have to hit the plus one every time?

Luciano (52:37.506)
Yeah, they go. Yeah, and they will show it. They do go.

Spencer (52:37.749)

Chris (52:43.074)
The plus sign.

Luciano (52:43.234)

Spencer (52:44.555)
And then when they say, thanks for the tip, they have to say, you too,

Luciano (52:48.364)
You too. Yeah.

Matt (52:49.382)
I can't, yeah.

Chris (52:52.78)
I like where this is going. This is competitive.

Spencer (52:55.019)
This is how to make a monster.

Luciano (52:56.482)

Matt (52:58.564)
Yeah, and then they also have to like, destroy a planet. Just one.

Luciano (53:00.874)
they also probably needed to do stuff like put the milk first and then the cereal and then eat it also straight faced. Yeah. Like not cringe and like pretend they're enjoying it. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. yeah. You have to be genuine in your enjoyment. Right.

Chris (53:08.578)


Chris (53:16.638)
Like it's a suitable approach to...

Matt (53:18.574)
No, no, they have to enjoy it. If you don't enjoy that, you get killed. You're out. Out of the contest. Look. Yeah.

Spencer (53:23.521)
Guys, they're making space Hitler, not space the devil.

Chris (53:28.426)
It sounds like they're making space Hitler by way of Squid Game's Hunger Games frameworks.

Spencer (53:29.143)

Matt (53:36.418)
why I reference Sanger games at the very beginning. How many cooking, if it's Space Hilar, how much oven usage is there in this?

Chris (53:38.774)
I know, I know, but I meant Squid Games as well.

Chris (53:43.799)

Spencer (53:48.727)
all of it

Luciano (53:49.807)
no, I do not authorize this, sir!

Chris (53:55.714)
Do know how difficult it is to make a croissant in... Well, make a croissant in a souffle. Is that what you're saying? Okay. That's a challenge. I cannot accept that because I do not have any culinary skill.

Matt (53:59.206)
A souffle. It's got to stand up. Yeah, that's what I want.

Spencer (53:59.645)

Luciano (54:01.553)
no. no. no.

Spencer (54:09.239)
Did they say how many people start off in the challenge?

Matt (54:10.448)
then you die.

Luciano (54:14.423)

Matt (54:15.087)

Chris (54:15.99)
They tried to, but the number, they didn't use a number. It was just words, but no numbers. Yeah, they tried to get flowery with it. Like they called the many from several planets and we are the only to remain. Like they said two at the end.

Luciano (54:17.763)
They didn't give numbers, did they? Yeah.

Spencer (54:21.597)
I don't know.

Matt (54:30.267)

Luciano (54:30.54)
Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (54:31.307)
And were they?

Spencer (54:35.479)
so was confused so that does movies bad enough like it was unclear so where they hunt like it was like Hunger Games but with like no arena or it's like squid games with no

Matt (54:36.088)
Yep, they were a dyad.

Luciano (54:39.448)
Fuck you, don't do this here. Fair.

Matt (54:40.858)
For me.

Chris (54:43.123)
They did it to us first.

Luciano (54:53.976)
They don't really clarify. like, we went, they went, they went someplace and then they, did all the murders and then they came back home to kill their families.

Matt (54:54.286)
Man, this is why I'm asking, because they say nothing. Yeah.

Chris (54:54.69)

Chris (55:00.588)

Spencer (55:04.023)
So they like killed everyone else until there was two? Like that was the rule?

Chris (55:09.898)
That sounded like...

Luciano (55:10.08)
Well, they were supposed to be just the one but they refused to

Matt (55:11.141)

Well no, who knows, they weren't again.

Chris (55:15.094)
There can be only one.

Luciano (55:16.822)
And also remember, you can't use the word friend. It was forbidden.

Spencer (55:19.329)

Chris (55:19.97)

Matt (55:20.122)
Yeah, don't do that. That's a pattern.

Spencer (55:22.677)

Luciano (55:23.938)

My girl bud.

Matt (55:28.55)
It's fine, they love each other, it's cool.

Chris (55:29.652)
My buddy, buddy, my buddy, my buddy, wherever I go, she'll call my buddy.

Matt (55:36.794)
Listen, your references are just all stuck in the eighties. love it.

Luciano (55:38.19)
I have no idea. I don't. All right.

Spencer (55:39.051)
So dated

Chris (55:42.348)
Don't worry about it. It's a-

Matt (55:43.224)
No, I know what it is, anyways, we've answered this question. I need to move on for everyone else's sake.

Spencer (55:46.027)
I remember that song from five years before I was born.

Chris (55:47.33)
I'll tell you later.

Luciano (55:50.508)

Matt (55:51.462)
Great job. I do have a different question. This movie was filmed in a very stylized way. it makes me want to question, it's not just the cinematography, it's the UI, the graphics packages they used. But it's for a purpose, right? And so I want to know who is this Zack Snyder extended universe briefing cut for?

Luciano (56:06.254)
I see.

Chris (56:16.758)
You keep this is Halloween out your mouth? But it's a good question.

Spencer (56:19.671)
I know you're saying because it's like, it's all like has like, like it's presented like it's like a, like it's a briefing for somebody, you know, it's like. Yeah.

Matt (56:21.072)

Luciano (56:21.762)
I mean...

Matt (56:26.638)
The chapter of things or whatever.

Yeah, they black out everything except the important words.

Luciano (56:33.323)
No, they, yeah, well, they black it out after they show it, which is also very useful.

Spencer (56:36.599)
And then they black out the and and.

Matt (56:37.294)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Luciano (56:41.036)
And you get Emperor, Alder Universe, Murder, Hitler, Puppies, like what the fuck?

Spencer (56:42.487)
Well, we know one thing. We know whoever this person that this is being presented to is from Earth. Because it three of your Earth weeks later.

Matt (56:45.312)


Luciano (56:56.014)
Okay. Your earth. Yes, yes.

Matt (57:00.794)
Yeah. But so it's clearly made by someone not from Earth then.

Spencer (57:03.127)
It's made by someone not from Earth presenting it to someone from Earth

Luciano (57:05.291)

Chris (57:11.138)
Who is of note on earth in this era that

Spencer (57:14.433)
So this takes place, boy.

Chris (57:19.478)
What century? 31st?

Matt (57:21.696)
Well, if it's timeline to discovery, that's before next generation cast.

Spencer (57:28.407)
and before so Shatner not Shatner but Kirk they interact with discovery right their ship does

Luciano (57:29.474)
But after original series.

Luciano (57:35.703)

Matt (57:36.686)
He, cause, cause discovery is, is discovery the B or the C? Like in that era. Is it the enterprise C or the enterprise B era? That's the thing I don't know. No, I know, but like.

Spencer (57:45.557)
The Discovery is not an enterprise. shipwise. No, it's before the... Because in Discovery, they interact with the Enterprise, the original Enterprise. And that's what starts the spin-off of Strange New Worlds, which is Kirk and Spock.

Matt (58:01.35)

Spencer (58:02.827)
So this is like younger Kirk and younger Spock time.

Matt (58:04.144)
So then it's, yeah.

Luciano (58:06.932)
Okay, so this is like very old in terms of like yeah, yes

Spencer (58:08.287)
Even though all their tech is way more advanced than next generation and everything way later, but we don't talk about that.

Matt (58:12.742)
Don't worry about it, yeah.

Spencer (58:19.543)
I got that in

Chris (58:19.874)
Tribble. This was filmed and created for a Tribble.

Matt (58:23.482)
But triples aren't human. Come on, let's try.

Spencer (58:25.527)
We know they're from Earth.

Chris (58:26.122)
So, okay.

Mm, uh, mm. It's for, oh! It's for our, it's for the whale community that was kidnapped in, that was kidnapped in, was it Star Trek 4, 2, 4? Thank you, 4.

Luciano (58:30.178)
That is true.

Spencer (58:34.999)
Yes. Star Trek IV.

Luciano (58:38.124)

Yeah, yeah.

Chris (58:45.826)
Because when you filter this debriefing into whaling, Smithers, three of your Earth whale weeks, you get this briefing. Because clearly whales are wildly more intelligent than humanoids.

Spencer (58:45.975)
Three of your whale weeks later.

Luciano (58:53.172)

Spencer (59:04.759)
See, I'm thinking, I'm taking a different direction. I think that this is being presented to the floating head of one Elon Musk.

Chris (59:14.261)
Luciano (59:19.192)
Okay, let him cook.

Spencer (59:20.651)
And he's using this briefing to find a way because he's trying to learn about the Terran Empire to find a way to make Dogecoin the main currency of the main universe.

Matt (59:31.302)

Luciano (59:34.414)
to buy shit to buy

I see. I thought you wanted, he wanted to know more about the Terran Empire because he wanted to be a founder.

Spencer (59:42.827)
I mean, he's obviously a big fan.

Matt (59:46.2)
No, that's... that is... that he... he... he's there. That's... yeah. Well...

Luciano (59:47.64)

Luciano (59:51.374)
He is Philippa Georgiou.

Spencer (59:52.885)
He just wanted to ask her if when she does the sig hail, she means that my heart goes out to you as well.

Matt (59:59.558)
Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean? Exactly. That's a fair question. We're going to move on. Not for any other reason than.

Luciano (01:00:04.088)
There you go.

Chris (01:00:04.434)
Mm, mm, mm.

Luciano (01:00:10.958)

Chris (01:00:11.202)
you know

Matt (01:00:12.23)
So the next question I have is why does Alex Kurtzman hate Star Trek?

Spencer (01:00:18.251)
Matt (01:00:21.2)
So let's do a quick review for... Let's do... No! It's for any Star Trek... We have to do this for Star Trek fans because they'll understand. Let me just take a little quick look-see down Alex Kurtzman's... We'll call it his resume. Maybe the rap sheet might be the way... Just to cover all the Star Trek stuff he's done because not all of it is an abomination. But it's not... Anyway, this is not great.

Luciano (01:00:21.998)
This feels like a targeted question

Spencer (01:00:23.255)
Can we just... Let's see where...

Chris (01:00:35.81)
This is rap sheet.

Luciano (01:00:36.6)
Okay. Yeah, more like it, yeah.

Luciano (01:00:44.023)

Matt (01:00:47.782)
So obviously he was the executive producer of this godforsaken hellhole He was Executive producer on lower decks, which is an animated show, which is actually pretty good He is also an executive producer on discovery. So take from that what you will he is EP on strange new worlds and he was also an EP on the first two seasons of Picard

Spencer (01:00:51.381)

Luciano (01:01:14.99)
Well, you're just fucking listing the hits.

Chris (01:01:15.49)
But Matt, but Matt, but Matt, but Matt, he's also responsible for the 2017 Mummy reboot with Tom Cruise.

Matt (01:01:19.62)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (01:01:26.032)
Hey man, I'm just keeping it locked into the Garbage Star Trek stuff you did. If he-

Spencer (01:01:27.703)
I think that's important to know.

Chris (01:01:29.452)
But if you're if we're gonna, if we're gonna prosecute this, this, this bloke, we need to bring up all the dirt, not all or some of the, some of the relevant dirt.

Matt (01:01:36.431)

Okay, he was an executive producer on The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Luciano (01:01:39.352)

Spencer (01:01:43.157)
Wow, how is this guy working?

Luciano (01:01:43.848)
Yee! my lord.

Chris (01:01:44.278)

Matt (01:01:47.334)
He's the producer of Now You See Me. Yeah, Cowboys and Aliens.

Spencer (01:01:50.999)

Chris (01:01:51.17)

Luciano (01:01:51.411)
the... the Caprio movie?

Spencer (01:01:55.158)

Chris (01:01:56.29)
Luciano (01:01:56.697)

Matt (01:01:57.606)
He was on Alias, he was the executive producer of Alias. He co-executed and produced Xena the Warrior Princess for six episodes. Six episodes.

Spencer (01:02:01.911)
Okay, so JJ Abrams.

Luciano (01:02:02.528)

Luciano (01:02:06.51)
Ayy, don't no slander on Xena!

Spencer (01:02:07.307)
for six episodes.

Chris (01:02:09.647)
Six but they had like she had a long run so he couldn't put a dent in he He didn't have he didn't know that was not enough. That was not enough stones to sink her ship

Spencer (01:02:11.123)
Those six episodes are a mess.

Luciano (01:02:14.561)

Matt (01:02:14.788)

Luciano (01:02:19.031)

Matt (01:02:19.15)
Yeah, I think that's I think we've got a good wide cut of Alex Kurtzman's

Luciano (01:02:25.518)
I think I need to echo Spencer's question. How is this guy working?

Spencer (01:02:28.691)
I think the only thing we can assume from this is that he rode J.J. Abrams' coattails to a position of somewhat power and then... Hey.

Matt (01:02:29.158)

Luciano (01:02:36.876)
No, I thought you're gonna I thought you're gonna say he's cock but you know, go on

Chris (01:02:41.952)
Guys, we're never gonna monetize. Just calling that out. We're never gonna monetize.

Spencer (01:02:42.519)
and and then i think he must have like video of the head of paramount murdering a small child that he uses to for some reason to accomplish and he's using this to blackmail him to complete his vision of destroying all star trek

Luciano (01:02:44.358)

Matt (01:02:44.43)
Alright, now...

Luciano (01:02:58.689)

Chris (01:02:58.924)
See ya.

Luciano (01:03:01.198)
Using a baby to club a seal. That's what it is.

Chris (01:03:05.619)

Spencer (01:03:12.127)
in all ways. It's like a passion project for him to make Star Trek.

Luciano (01:03:13.57)
Sounds about right.

Luciano (01:03:18.604)
But okay, but Matt's question is why why does he hate it?

Spencer (01:03:21.59)

Spencer (01:03:25.419)
I he's probably a big Star Wars fan and he's just like Star Trek would be so cool if it was Star Wars.

Luciano (01:03:32.482)
That would be my guess.

Chris (01:03:41.186)

Luciano (01:03:41.582)
I've legit listen heard someone say that opinion have that opinion like an ironically a long time ago and yeah, I can see that.

Matt (01:03:45.37)
Let them cook.

Spencer (01:03:47.936)

And I think he was probably beat up as a kid by all the jock Star Trek fans that are out there. Those high school cool kids.

Luciano (01:03:57.855)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (01:04:01.114)

Chris (01:04:01.282)
You respect Lieutenant Uhura! You respect her agency! I'm tired of hearing you talk about Princess Leia! Suplex? Part 4!

Spencer (01:04:01.687)

Matt (01:04:10.628)
He was so uncool that the Star Wars nerds and the Star Trek nerds and the Dungeon and Dragons nerds beat the shit out of him constantly.

Spencer (01:04:21.559)
I mean we all know that Star Trek fans, they're the alphas out there. They're banging all the chicks. They're getting all the tail, doing all the drugs. We know that. Why do think they do the Star Trek, the Vulcan, what do think that is? And you know, he's like, you know.

Luciano (01:04:31.527)

Chris (01:04:34.454)
We know Star Trek fans fuck. We know they fuck.

Chris (01:04:42.612)
You know, you know, you know, you and then it's in the thing sexually.

Spencer (01:04:50.231)
meet my fist, live long and prosper. So I think from that, he's had a, you know, a lifelong vendetta and he succeeded. And if there is one thing good that could come from this movie, one thing, there's, yeah, there's one good thing that can come to this movie. If this, movie is so bad and so universally hated.

Matt (01:04:54.965)

Matt (01:05:04.646)
Okay, great.

Luciano (01:05:06.652)
He has been very successful, yes.

Chris (01:05:13.824)
Section 31?

Spencer (01:05:20.129)
that maybe someone out there will think we got a course correct and change what is happening because I don't see how anyone from in any kind of position of power at Paramount could watch this and see the reaction to this and think, let's give them another one.

Luciano (01:05:31.31)

Luciano (01:05:43.574)
I mean, do you really want to set yourself that much up for disappointment?

Spencer (01:05:45.655)
I said that with Discovery Season 2. I said that with Discovery Season 3. I said that with Discovery Season 4. I said that with Picard Season 1. I said that with Picard Season 2.

Luciano (01:05:49.986)
There you go. you go.

Chris (01:05:57.196)
So if you look at the, if you add those up, Spencer, like if you count each endeavor as one, like one attempt, right? And you compare it to the spider verse, how equal, how many attempts, like who's outpacing who for like fails?

Matt (01:06:16.678)
They're both like, Kurtzman isn't as well, not, he's part of the Spider-Verse. He affected everything. Yeah.

Spencer (01:06:18.903)
He's responsible for both!

Luciano (01:06:22.2)
Why not both?

Spencer (01:06:24.826)

Chris (01:06:27.618)
Are they neck and neck? It seems to me like Star Trek content is in the lead for L's. New Trek, sorry, New Trek.

Spencer (01:06:28.949)
No, no, no,

Star Trek content is, I think, in the lead for...

Matt (01:06:32.422)
No, no, God, no.

New Tre- so the thing with New Trek is New Trek for whatever reason plays to a certain subset of audience whereas none of the new spider things spider well to anybody.

Spencer (01:06:46.433)
Someone, no, I think Matt's right. Somewhere, someone is watching this stuff going like, finally, they nailed Star Trek. And I wanna meet that person and eat their skin.

Luciano (01:06:47.374)
Those were words. Those are all words.

Chris (01:06:47.554)

Matt (01:06:50.939)

Luciano (01:06:57.271)

Hells yeah brother! And killed him.

Matt (01:07:05.338)
I don't know if that'll solve the problem, Spencer.

Spencer (01:07:05.831)
It'll solve a problem.

Luciano (01:07:08.362)
It will, yeah, it might not solve a problem, it will be cathartic. I'll tell you that.

Chris (01:07:10.028)

Spencer (01:07:12.288)
I just.

Matt (01:07:15.064)
Okay, Hannibal Lecter.

Spencer (01:07:15.415)
Sorry, I got a little over the top there at the end. I apologize, okay? Yeah, but you know that again, I apologize.

Luciano (01:07:19.406)
A Philippa. A little Philippa. A little Philippa.

Chris (01:07:20.386)
You went method. You went method.

Matt (01:07:23.75)
You never go full Fulipa.

Luciano (01:07:26.103)

Luciano (01:07:29.758)

Chris (01:07:30.892)
We forgive you.

Matt (01:07:32.486)
Let's get off this topic as Spencer is losing it.

Spencer (01:07:35.159)
Why? I said I wanted to eat someone's skin? Come on!

Chris (01:07:36.834)

Luciano (01:07:37.17)
he's... he's... he's... he's lost it a long time ago.

Matt (01:07:40.57)

it's fine. It's not fine. Hey, how does the phasing tech exactly work? So, Philippa puts on this little thing and taps it and throws it on the bomb box and it automatically turns on, guess. You don't have to tap that one or she tapped it already, which case it shouldn't have worked. You phase out, so you're in this plane of existence, but you're just slightly phased off so no one can shoot you or touch you.

Luciano (01:07:46.987)

Matt (01:08:12.528)
But if you're both on the same wavelength, then you can fight each other. And then you can pass through walls, but you can't fall through the floor. But you also, when you pass through walls, sometimes it phases out. And so then your leg gets stuck in the wall. But if you combine leg, like ankle atoms and wall atoms together, it should like explode that part of your body.

And in which case you shouldn't have a leg or a foot attached. I'm just confused and I want someone to explain it to me.

Luciano (01:08:48.844)
Hmm so you wanna go ahead

Chris (01:08:50.786)
See, even if I try to leverage mutant kiddie pride phasing through solid objects, like comic book logic, the math still don't math because Georgiou's device was working for 95 % of her body. But then if it's working but not working, how does the last

Spencer (01:08:51.895)
Chris has got this.

Matt (01:09:03.686)
Sure. Yeah.

Luciano (01:09:05.326)

Chris (01:09:20.78)
bit of a limb not make it. Like I agree and I'm equally perplexed.

Luciano (01:09:28.12)
Well, I think there was a scene where they show in the fight that he gets hit, so it gets a little bit damaged, right? And I think that's what they wanted to do. But then if like that bit of her leg wasn't faced with the rest of her body, shouldn't it have like fallen off when like immediately?

Spencer (01:09:35.103)
Yes, yeah.

Chris (01:09:36.832)

Spencer (01:09:44.823)
just like, we have a chocolate bunny and it's been frozen and you it out, it just like, just snap off. Well not like, not quite, like it's in the freezer or whatever, it snap off here, something like, and that's it.

Matt (01:09:45.712)

Chris (01:09:45.922)
But just like, like a, like when you have a chocolate bunny and it's been frozen and you take it out, it's just like, you just snap off. Well, not like, not quite, like it's in the freezer or whatever and you just can snap off an ear. Very, something like, and that's it.

Luciano (01:09:49.518)

Luciano (01:09:56.639)
I see. Like snap off. Yeah.


Matt (01:10:01.028)
Well, to me it's more like when, like it's, I think I would respect if they have chosen the time-claw rules where two sets of meta can't occupy the same space and so they melt.

Luciano (01:10:11.981)

Luciano (01:10:16.278)
Right, so how does it work?

Chris (01:10:17.218)
Sure, sure.

Spencer (01:10:19.287)
So my thinking when I watched this, trying to make sense of it, because I thought the same thing, shouldn't they phase through the floor? And then I was like, maybe the devices are designed so that the bottom soles of your feet aren't phased out so.

Luciano (01:10:29.144)

Luciano (01:10:36.398)
But then aren't they phased out, like off-phase with the rest of your body? Shouldn't you leave a layer of soul every time you step? Like you fall like a domino as you walk.

Spencer (01:10:43.172)
No, no, that's... Just slowly getting shorter? No!

Matt (01:10:45.222)

Chris (01:10:49.46)

Luciano (01:10:50.734)

Chris (01:10:53.344)

Spencer (01:10:54.301)
No, the bottom, the bottom, shut up. The bottom layer of your foot is out of phase with your body, is out of phase, but your matter is still connected. I'm gonna just say that. You know what? I'm say matrix, because that's what they do in Star Trek, right? They always say matrix, Due to the body's...

Luciano (01:10:54.958)

Chris (01:11:03.178)
is fetishized.

Matt (01:11:06.032)
with the out of phasing.

Luciano (01:11:15.182)

Spencer (01:11:25.726)
natural matrices and photons intersecting. And then they used, then they was using it, it was a traveler in his tight pants. And they always use an analogy, like when a piece of gum gets over chewed, it's like that.

Luciano (01:11:26.378)

Chris (01:11:27.136)
Molecular matrix.

Matt (01:11:29.306)
Well done. Yeah, way to land that plane.

Chris (01:11:35.362)
The traveler!

Matt (01:11:39.226)

Luciano (01:11:40.193)

Chris (01:11:40.45)
You know, traveler. Traveler pair.

Matt (01:11:42.17)

Chris (01:11:52.39)
Mmm sticks to matter and Adams

Spencer (01:11:56.317)

Matt (01:11:56.526)
That's it. it. just when, when gum gets over chewed.

Luciano (01:11:56.59)
It's like that. It's like when a gum gets over chewed. It's like that. Spencer, 23, 25.

Chris (01:12:02.17)
It's like that and that's the way it is.

Spencer (01:12:02.295)
Yeah, yeah, so could you fill a balloon with too much air? It do be that way and But then again that logic only makes sense until she falls forward and she's falling forward with force and they're going through walls But then when she hits the flound she lands on her hands so the only

Luciano (01:12:09.78)
It do be the way that it be.

Chris (01:12:13.503)
Nyeh! Nice.

Luciano (01:12:25.998)
So no, the device knows which way is up. So we like it adjusts what part of it is not phased. Yeah.

Spencer (01:12:29.769)
It, you're right. It has a pitch and yaw matrix. Within the device.

Chris (01:12:32.418)
Kitchen Yaw.

Chris (01:12:36.77)

Luciano (01:12:36.942)
There you go. There you go. Now you found it.

Matt (01:12:37.222)
In the device. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (01:12:41.215)
Like a plane with too much air.

Luciano (01:12:43.885)

Luciano (01:12:47.966)

Matt (01:12:49.958)

yeah, you nailed it. Okay. No, you're good. that's all the questions I want to ask you because, we've already spent entirely too much time talking about this abysmal trash from a movie, but we do have one final thing to do. We rate movies on a... way...

Luciano (01:12:53.294)
I think we answered that question.

Spencer (01:13:06.007)

Luciano (01:13:09.262)
This is gonna be the least surprising rating we've ever done

Matt (01:13:14.528)
Wait for it. On a scale of S tier, all the way to F. Who knows what Spencer's gonna pick? So let's bury the lead. Let Spencer go last just in case. Luciano, how would you rate this movie?

Spencer (01:13:22.775)

Luciano (01:13:23.214)

Chris (01:13:25.804)
Peace out.

Spencer (01:13:29.855)

Luciano (01:13:34.226)
F. There's no question about it. So in a previous episode at some point, I'm sure I mentioned the movie, the 2005 Christian Slater vehicle Alone in the Dark, as one of the worst offenses ever to be made to the seventh art. This movie is on par with that. This is easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever watched in my life.

Matt (01:13:48.058)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Matt (01:14:01.114)
Worse than Morbius.

Luciano (01:14:03.854)
Yes, Morbius is the thespian art next to this. Yeah, this is like I want my time and brain cells back. Nothing is redeemable in this movie. Not the story, not the characters, not the fucking. 1995 as you X PowerPoint shit that he used, none of it. It's just garbage and I hate it and I wish the people.

Chris (01:14:08.172)

Luciano (01:14:32.974)
that made this meat Spencer so he can eat their skin.

Matt (01:14:37.594)

Luciano (01:14:38.186)
Absolute F. Fuck this shit.

Matt (01:14:40.166)

Chris (01:14:42.178)
unlike luciano, i tend to put little seasoning on my reviews and i- i- i- i- you did- i- i- yours is- yours is burnt to a crisp, i want- yours is burnt, charred beyond recognition and consumption! i love it!

Luciano (01:14:48.266)
I seasoned it. I seasoned mine. It was, it was.

Matt (01:14:58.392)
Yeah, but then he sprinkled some real nice finishing salt on top, so I think we're good.

Luciano (01:15:02.7)
Yeah, like Sodbey style. Yeah.

Chris (01:15:03.906)
Oh, I didn't say it didn't taste good. I'm gonna season mine a little differently. I was talking to my wife after I watched this movie and I said, honey, I finally understand what the great masters from the Renaissance went through. They suffered for their art. And I suffered through the consumption of this movie. I suffered greatly. Every time, because each of us has our own process to go through.

you know, the movies we choose. I took notes.

Matt (01:15:34.756)
Yeah, Spencer is doesn't watch it. You watch it at two times speed. We all know our processes.

Luciano (01:15:38.658)

Chris (01:15:38.722)
we don't need to tell these motherfuckers how the sausage is made, god damn it! Furthermore, this was the only time I watched it at 1x speed and I deeply regret that. I deeply, I deeply, deeply, deeply regret it, okay? That-

Luciano (01:15:43.054)

Luciano (01:15:49.902)
Oh, what a mistake!

Matt (01:15:52.198)
You shouldn't have done that.

Luciano (01:15:55.08)
Of all the times.

Spencer (01:15:58.482)

Chris (01:16:00.576)
decision was soaked in the sauce of regret and disappointment. I watched it every time I stopped just being no time like, don't want to watch this movie. And what's difficult furthermore is that I absolutely love Michelle Yeoh. I absolutely love Omari Hardwick. like separately, I love them as thespians and it is the weirdest assembly.

Luciano (01:16:18.382)
Well not in this movie.


Chris (01:16:30.454)
that just does not work. Like you go to a rest, like one of your favorite restaurants expecting to get some good stuff. Cause like everything checks out on paper, but then correct in the foot. And then they tell you to not only dig the bullet out, but then pay them making in coach coin only coin by coin. And you think that before the meal with full eye contact, y'all this movie who, if when you all see this on YouTube, we expect this to go viral. But the point is,

Spencer (01:16:36.599)
and then they shoot you.

Luciano (01:16:39.223)

Luciano (01:16:47.362)

Chris (01:16:58.742)
This movie isn't it?

Luciano (01:17:03.618)
I just wanna say Chris, imagine those YouTube style smash cuts and smash zooms at 2x speed. You would have given you like a fucking aneurysm.

Spencer (01:17:11.315)
Yeah, is apple-like?

Chris (01:17:13.634)
appreciated that i'm like wait something's happening something is happening of note

Luciano (01:17:14.99)
no, Matt hates the movie so much he left.

Spencer (01:17:17.847)
You would have

Spencer (01:17:21.975)

Chris (01:17:23.98)
Y'all, thank you for joining us. This has been Popcorn and Plot Holes. We just want to thank you. And we're going to finish this right with Spencer.

Spencer (01:17:25.943)
Hey, I haven't given my rating yet.

Luciano (01:17:26.627)

No way. And we should, we should wait for Matt to come back. I, a little bit at the very least. No. Yeah. He is not going to escape giving his review. Fuck that.

Spencer (01:17:35.371)
He deserves.

Spencer (01:17:39.861)
deserves to give a full rigging.

Chris (01:17:41.964)
He's not off the hook, he's not off the hook, but we gotta have alternate, we gotta have, we have to have backup plans, okay? We gotta have a matrices of backup plans just in case the darkest timeline occurs as we record this in real time, Earth time.

Spencer (01:17:47.287)


Luciano (01:17:57.698)
Well, Spencer, why don't you go ahead and give the review if Matt is interested, he can listen to this episode later. He will when he edits anyway.

Spencer (01:18:03.689)
Okay. I.

Spencer (01:18:09.655)
have such feelings about this movie. Listen, we had a lot of laughs today. We had a lot of fun talking about this movie. But I'm just gonna say this from the heart here. I am a big Star Trek fan. A very, very big Star Trek fan. Like, the next generation is probably one of my favorite pieces of media of all time. And I love Voyager, and I love Geek Space Nine.

Luciano (01:18:13.39)

Spencer (01:18:38.805)
I like the movies. I like the Riddle series.

Luciano (01:18:42.606)
Do you like Star Trek Nemesis? I think that's the litmus test.

Spencer (01:18:45.867)
I mean, I'm not stupid. Nemesis is a very flawed movie, compared to this, it's literally Citizen Kane on Oscars cut down into cocaine and then snorted through the nose.

Chris (01:18:49.346)
That's not a trick question.

Luciano (01:18:51.726)
That's fair.

A masterpiece. In space.

Luciano (01:19:02.818)

Spencer (01:19:05.569)
But this movie hurts as a Star Trek fan so much because...

The things about Star Trek that Star Trek fans like are its hopefulness, its intelligence, its diplomacy, its...

Luciano (01:19:29.654)
It talks about like complicated subjects. does like an allegory, right? About, yeah, yeah.

Spencer (01:19:31.511)
It touches on, yeah, on serious real life issues and it just makes you feel like the world, the real world can be better. And I love that and it makes me.

Chris (01:19:42.946)

Luciano (01:19:46.274)
And are you saying that this movie doesn't do that for you?

Spencer (01:19:48.449)
This movie.

spits on that and it makes me feel like the world will be worse because this exists.

Luciano (01:20:01.368)

Spencer (01:20:02.409)
And it is worse because it exists. It's just the antithesis of all that. It's so fast and cheap and cynical and action, bad, well the bad action, but even the fact that there is action the way it's done and the characters are all bad people and who have no real morals. It's just the opposite of all that.

And on top of that, it's bad, like badly made. So it's like, it's just, you see why I said I wanted to eat someone's face is what I'm saying. I didn't mean it, but you get it.

Luciano (01:20:43.63)
So like a C is what you're saying? C minus.

Matt (01:20:44.273)

See you mannus.

Spencer (01:20:47.679)
I'd like to make another formal request. Matt. Can I make an F minus minus? Or maybe a G? No, that sounds too good.

Chris (01:20:51.298)

Matt (01:20:53.086)

Chris (01:20:58.806)

Matt (01:21:03.604)

Chris (01:21:04.022)
What if it's an F to the power of F?

Luciano (01:21:07.426)
I think we made an exception for matrix to be S plus. I think this warrants an F minus in my opinion.

Spencer (01:21:14.625)
Yeah, let's not get crazy. Just an F-minus. On the record, wanted a stenographer to make note. This is an F-minus. Thank you. F-minus.

Chris (01:21:14.782)
It hurt Spencer deeply.

Matt (01:21:17.617)
F- yeah.

Luciano (01:21:25.802)
It's made, I just made it. I'm the stenographer.

Matt (01:21:27.37)
Okay, it's been stenographed. I'm gonna give my review... Listen, I'm gonna say right up before I do this. I previously have used this quote to describe a movie and I take that back. That movie was not nearly this bad. And so I'm sorry to that movie, but I will bequeath upon this movie a little quote from a movie we all know and love. To the directors, the producers, whoever was involved in this.

Luciano (01:21:43.438)

Luciano (01:21:52.686)

Matt (01:21:56.714)
What you have made here is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever watched. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, or even giving anything close to a movie. Everyone in this room is now dumb for having watched this movie. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul, F-.

Luciano (01:22:12.116)
no points.

Luciano (01:22:16.558)
Yeah, I am updating mine to F- after that speech. I think it's just the right thing to do.

Chris (01:22:20.46)

Spencer (01:22:21.407)
I think we should give Chris the chance to make an amendment on his official review. We asked the courts.

Chris (01:22:23.212)
If you have the time, could you?

Luciano (01:22:27.829)
I agree.

Chris (01:22:28.066)
formally submit my request humbly humbly to update it to a f- because I'm hurt I'm just I'm hurt I'm just as hurt now after hearing that plea

Matt (01:22:36.382)

Luciano (01:22:37.976)

Spencer (01:22:38.369)
Sustained. So say we all.

Matt (01:22:39.634)
Well, listen. So say we all... Listen, we have done ourselves some... a real run of movies. And we're gonna try to steer into the crash and recover. And so by steering into the crash, we're gonna watch Gladiator 2.

Luciano (01:22:42.882)
So say we all.

Chris (01:22:45.05)

Spencer (01:22:59.313)
That's not steering into the garage. That movie could be good.

Matt (01:23:03.486)
Yeah, it could be. But we won't know until we watch it. So right now we're steering into the crash.

Chris (01:23:08.724)
Or you let your hands go off the wheel and let the universe matrices. Yeah. You know.

Matt (01:23:12.19)
Let Ridley Scott take the wheel. There's no more Maximus, my friend.

Luciano (01:23:13.228)
Let Max, Maximus take the wheel.

Yeah, that's what my concern is.

Spencer (01:23:19.189)
I sure am glad I am watching that next. My brain. It hurts.

Matt (01:23:22.762)
I'm not sure. I'm not sure we should let you talk anymore, Spencer. I your brain's just gone. It's just, it's my brain.

Luciano (01:23:22.883)

Chris (01:23:25.683)

Luciano (01:23:28.684)


Chris (01:23:33.922)
Someone get him some- protein shake.

Matt (01:23:36.466)
My brain is To that end, are watching the... Is it the Denzel Washington? It feels too much to be the Denzel Washington. The Denzel Washington vehicle, Gladiator 2.

Luciano (01:23:43.095)
It has to be, no it has to be Denzel Washington.

Spencer (01:23:46.293)
My man.

Luciano (01:23:48.021)
My man!

Matt (01:23:50.964)
Hopefully it'll be good.

Spencer (01:23:51.403)
Nah, I hope so too. Honestly, after this, there's only going up.

Luciano (01:23:54.862)
I also hope.

Chris (01:23:57.89)
We're gonna have a good time.

Luciano (01:23:58.318)
Anything we watch is a palate cleanser.

Matt (01:24:01.254)

Spencer (01:24:02.071)
Every review from here on out is S++. It's not section 31 in parentheses.

Chris (01:24:04.16)
looking for.

Luciano (01:24:06.702)

Chris (01:24:07.244)
sunshine, you know? All star all day.

Matt (01:24:11.26)
All Star All right. So watch Gladiator 2. Come back here. Listen to this podcast. Please stay with us. It's not always like this. You don't have to watch the movies like maybe we should preface that. You don't have to. That's your choice.

Chris (01:24:24.108)
Hmm. Mmm.

Luciano (01:24:24.694)
No, you don't. And honestly, if the movie is this bad and everybody knows it's this bad, just come listen to us first.

Matt (01:24:31.538)
Yeah, listen, you know, that's right. Don't watch these movies anymore. Listen to us first and then decide based on our conversations if you should watch this movie. And if you watch this movie already, well, I'm sorry. We're all stupid. That's on us for following you down that dark path. All right. Bye.

Chris (01:24:36.012)

Luciano (01:24:42.454)

Spencer (01:24:42.743)
That's on us.

Chris (01:24:43.5)

Luciano (01:24:45.688)

Spencer (01:24:49.131)
Bye bye!

Luciano (01:24:50.092)

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Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...