We Watches "Rebel Ridge"

We Watches "Rebel Ridge"

Matt (00:00.578)
Hello and welcome to Popcorn App Lottos! We have a surprise special guest for you. It's so surprising and so exciting. We're going to start with the right off the top. Spencer, welcome to your first podcast.

Chris (00:03.614)

Luciano (00:07.843)

Spencer (00:15.807)

Luciano (00:17.135)
You can actually say now first time long time because it's true

Chris (00:18.543)
In the

Chris (00:23.852)
Yes. No, utter the words.

Spencer (00:26.867)
First time, long time, happy to be here. It's good to see you. I think it's Matt.

Luciano (00:28.461)

Matt (00:34.476)
Yes, that, yes. you know, I know you haven't been on the podcast, but we've been friends for a really long time. Okay.

Spencer (00:38.623)
It doesn't sound right. And Sam and Larry. Good to see you guys. classic Sam. Close enough. Yeah.

Luciano (00:42.068)

Matt (00:44.865)
Yeah, let's do it you guys.

Luciano (00:48.227)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You said Larry and Sam and he did currently.

Chris (00:50.922)
Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah

Matt (00:52.088)
It's perfect. I like explaining jokes. It's great. Spencer has joined Matt and myself. Yeah, Matt and myself. Larry or Chris, I guess is what we're going with.

Luciano (01:00.271)

Luciano (01:05.743)
Is that your name? Matt yourself.

Chris (01:06.754)

Chris (01:11.892)
Yes. Yes. I concur.

Matt (01:13.622)
And then, I don't care what the shock anymore. Lucy, was also here.

Luciano (01:17.103)
Yeah, I'm here ostensibly.

Matt (01:22.436)
So ostensibly, that's a word. Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. Hey, we watched the documentary Rebel Ridge this week.

Chris (01:23.0)
Unstensibly? Unstensibly? unstensibly. He said coca -cola.

Luciano (01:24.16)

Luciano (01:31.919)
I think you mean the James Cromwell vehicle?

Chris (01:32.558)

Matt (01:36.438)
That James Cromwell vehicle. Yeah, I think that's that's the best one. Or the Dana Lee vehicle, potentially, potentially. He's Mr. Liu. Yeah, yeah. This movie stars Aaron Pierre, Don Johnson and Anna Sophia Robb. No space between Anna Sophia, according to IMDB. Yeah.

Luciano (01:41.743)
Which one is Dana Lee? right, right. Yeah, of course.

Chris (01:43.67)
or the...

Luciano (01:56.557)
Yeah, weird, right?

Chris (01:58.028)
did not know she was in that surfs up movie

Matt (02:01.324)
There you go, service up. It's fine. Let's talk about this movie. Let's talk about the good things of this movie. As we always do, we say good things before we potentially say bad things. Spoilers. Spencer, would you like to go first or you need to see someone show you how it's done?

Chris (02:02.988)
Not the right movie, but anyways, go on.

Spencer (02:17.247)
I'll go first. I know how this works. I thought this mo - what's the show called? Movie fun time. I liked - - I'm gonna give a shout out to the lead actor, Aaron Pierre. I've never seen him in anything, but I thought he was very good and I'm predicting he is going to be a star.

Luciano (02:17.585)

Chris (02:23.406)

Luciano (02:26.632)

Chris (02:27.862)
As soon as he uttered, ahhhh!

Luciano (02:38.936)

Chris (02:41.229)

Luciano (02:42.851)

Spencer (02:47.047)
I think because he's a really good lead, he carries the movie very well and he delivers a lot of emotion to this movie very well. Like when he's sad, upset, everything.

Chris (02:47.406)

Chris (02:56.45)
He played Malcolm X once.

Matt (02:56.514)
So, yeah, fun story. Apparently, John Boyega was in this movie and he dropped out the last second.

Luciano (03:00.825)
John Boyega was supposed to be, yes. This would not have worked with John Boyega, I'm sorry.

Spencer (03:07.655)
I mean, he's not a bad actor, but this isn't really in his wheelhouse.

Chris (03:08.526)

Luciano (03:11.832)

Matt (03:11.841)
It's a different vibe for sure.

Chris (03:12.012)
No, it - completely different intensity. He was in, the - go on. Yes.

Spencer (03:15.945)
This guy was intense. No, I'm just saying like he was like when he was like got in people's faces, it was like, I believe that you would not want to fuck with this man. Like I believe even as a cop.

Chris (03:22.189)

Luciano (03:25.435)
I also like the way he plays like an actual martial artist where he's like always cool and collected and respectful. You believe the guy was in the Marines and trained to be... I read a little bit about the MacMaps, which I thought was a good joke when he said, maybe he's a navigator. That's a pretty good joke. And if you read about him, he plays it really well, like the cool, collected kind of thing.

Chris (03:35.488)

Matt (03:36.46)

Matt (03:44.237)

Chris (03:45.581)

Spencer (03:50.279)
Yeah, he handles himself calmly whilst doing some bad shit crazy things. But I will say I was a little disappointed when they read his file because you know the trope like it's going to be like he's nine times served term serving won the Purple Heart killed Obama. Not Obama Osama bin Laden. Yeah, killed Osama bin Laden, you know, like.

Luciano (03:55.839)

Luciano (04:04.821)

Chris (04:06.806)

Luciano (04:09.935)

Matt (04:10.424)

Luciano (04:13.775)
killed Obama and was discharged for some reason

Matt (04:18.676)

Chris (04:18.72)
Osama bin Laden, where is Osama bin Laden?

Spencer (04:21.407)
Yeah, so it's like I was expecting that you know Jesus Christ, that's the mcmack man himself, but

Chris (04:29.11)
McMacMan jump jump of crisscross fame. Wiggity wiggity wiggity wiggity.

Luciano (04:30.595)
Mac Mac Man.

Spencer (04:33.287)
but then they're just like, but then like, he teaches mixed martial arts. And I'm like, that's, that's not that intimidating. He just, he's just good at MMA. Like that doesn't mean he's good with guns.

Matt (04:34.338)
Mic Mac, patty whack.

Luciano (04:46.379)
I mean...

Matt (04:48.138)
Yeah, but then then they explain he explained it better. Where it's like the art maybe it was the the cop where she's like, she explains what they actually do. It's like, it's like, or this George, the well, I like I like I think he's on the Wikipedia page, which is a nice touch. But

Luciano (05:03.427)
Yeah, yeah it was.

Spencer (05:03.655)
Yeah, yeah, he's got a Wikipedia page that that line made me go. shit more than his credentials. shit. He's got a Wikipedia page. This guy's serious.

Chris (05:03.793)

Matt (05:09.994)
Yeah, but it was like... Yeah.

Chris (05:13.481)
shit, he's in the phone, shit.

Matt (05:15.704)
But it's like either saying like it's one mind, one weapon or something. There's like a slogan for them. Any, yeah, that's what it was. Where it's just like, that's pretty hardcore. Yeah.

Luciano (05:15.844)

Chris (05:18.422)
Yeah, any weapon, One -Mine, any weapon.

Luciano (05:19.063)
Yeah. Won't mind any weapon. That is a badass motto. Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (05:27.571)
Yeah, that was cool. But I was like, when they read it originally, was like, that's not that cool. But he was awesome, is my point, is I really liked him. I think they should get him into, cast him as John Stewart, the Green Lantern, be fucking sick. Yeah, he would be perfect. Cyborg's dead. Yeah, there's no going back to Cyborg. We gotta wait at least seven years.

Chris (05:45.952)
In Green Lantern? Hell yes. Hell. Hell yes.

Matt (05:46.338)
Green Lantern? Yeah. He'd perfect. No, no, Cyborg's tainted. We don't want talk about him anymore.

Luciano (05:46.639)
yeah. Or Cyborg on DC.

It's tainted. It's tainted.

Chris (05:55.212)
I don't... Nah, nah, the Black Canoonie continues to need a representable hero that's not Black Lightning, please?

Matt (06:03.446)
Yeah, John Stewart.

Spencer (06:03.623)

Luciano (06:04.149)
John Stewart. John Stewart is a good one, yeah.

Chris (06:06.018)
But we need, we can't just have one. can't like, don't turn it, don't turn it to those guys. E, black, both? See, that's the problem right there. You son of a bitch. How dare you? How dare you?

Spencer (06:11.475)
What about Black Bolt?

Matt (06:11.668)
No, no, no, no. Is there a black Hulk? Black Canary.

Spencer (06:14.751)
Black Panther!

Luciano (06:15.757)

Luciano (06:21.859)
How about Black Cat?

Chris (06:25.858)
This is the reason why you guys are fucking this up!

Spencer (06:25.919)
Black Canary? What about Black Batman?

Luciano (06:26.767)
Black Canary, yeah?

Chris (06:32.052)
Actually, there is a Black Batman. Yes, Lucius Fox's son.

Luciano (06:34.009)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (06:34.934)
There you go. Listen, we've derailed this in record time. Thanks for coming back, Spencer.

Chris (06:38.796)
Take that!

Spencer (06:39.039)
Record time! That's what I do! Six minutes, boys!

Luciano (06:40.503)
I think this was the earliest we've ever derailed anything.

Matt (06:45.694)
No, great job. Let's, Chris, what did you like about this movie?

Chris (06:46.879)
Record record

Chris (06:51.182)
To be fully honest, this movie was very difficult to watch because it was very, very good. The intensity from the minute it opens, I just have to say it. Yeah, we're talking real right now. As a person of color, it was tough. so having that and then having it rail itself into a story that continued to draw you in because now we have layers.

I really appreciated that. So the overarching arc before we do what we do, I liked it. And it was intense. So I'm excited to talk about this, but at the same time, it's going to be a little tough. Does that make sense?

Spencer (07:33.503)
Yeah, like totally like that. It's amazing how when you deal with something in a movie that's like so real, like how quickly. It gets you emotionally involved like like right after that opening scene, it's like 10 minutes and you're like, well, fuck these guys like I'm so in. I'm fucking these guys up like I told Ash. I'm like I'm I'm ready to fucking go ham like it's just it. It gets you in right away by using like real world emotions. But yeah, it's obviously it's like it's like.

Chris (07:40.972)

Luciano (07:49.697)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (07:51.218)
Yeah. Blow stuff up.

Luciano (07:58.659)

Chris (07:58.978)
Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (08:03.544)
It just pisses you off right from the beginning. almost wish they got more comeuppance. I don't know about you guys. You know?

Luciano (08:06.323)

Chris (08:06.488)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (08:09.231)
Yeah, same. 100%.

Chris (08:09.812)
I agree. Like, red beard deserve to get some shit.

Matt (08:11.872)
I think that was so, so I, I was going to ask this question later, but I'll ask it now because we're on the topic. Like it was obviously a choice to have him not kill any cops. And, and so like, yeah, like I think that like, do think that was a good choice overall? Like not in terms of an enjoyable movie, but in terms of a movie people would watch.

Luciano (08:25.783)
Yeah, he barely hurt any cops really he just like like

Spencer (08:26.206)

Chris (08:27.034)

Luciano (08:35.309)
Yeah, yeah.

I think so.

Chris (08:40.63)

Spencer (08:41.522)
I mean, generally I found that they both sides were like kind of against killing. no, no red beard, It feels piratey.

Matt (08:48.982)
Except for what's his face? Yeah, red beard. I don't love that name. It feels...

Chris (08:50.561)
Red beard.

Chris (08:55.144)
sorry well that I pod I couldn't think of it I'm sorry Noah sorry about that yeah I'll read I'll repivot was I'm just gonna try and find the characters name cuz I could Chuckie okay Chuckie McBeardo

Luciano (08:56.099)
It feels targeted. Feels targeted.

Matt (08:59.58)
Feels, I feel attacked.

Luciano (09:02.879)
So it's strawberry disgusting beard.

Matt (09:09.712)
Chunky McBeardo, I'm fine with.


Luciano (09:14.467)
Yeah, that guy of everyone needed more comeuppance, I think. Yeah.

Spencer (09:17.629)
was the most like I thought you know what I thought when he elbowed him into the face six times at first I thought he killed him and then I thought that he busted his eye and his eye was like like white like something like it like really fucked it up I'm like that's cool I've never seen that before and then he gets up and his eye was fine yeah he's pretty much fine I'm like that guy would be fucked up like six elbows to the temple but again that's that's nitpicky I do wish there was a little

Chris (09:18.829)

Chris (09:23.03)
Yeah, I thought it was... Me too.

Luciano (09:23.107)
Yeah, same.

Chris (09:27.996)

Matt (09:30.283)

Luciano (09:35.009)
Is it pretty much okay? Honestly? Yeah.

Matt (09:37.42)

Luciano (09:40.536)

Spencer (09:46.449)
more come up and like I like the quick ending but I wouldn't have minded a scene of them all getting arrested you know or at least you know

Chris (09:48.555)

Chris (09:54.582)
Hmm, especially McBeardy.

Luciano (09:57.507)
Get in front of like a federal judge.

Matt (09:59.094)
Yeah, let's let's get into it in a bit because we still got to go through Luciano and my like favorite thing. So we'll come back to this because I think there's something more to unpack there. Luciano, what do have?

Chris (10:04.408)
Sure, sure, sure.

Luciano (10:08.487)
It's a good segue from from what Spencer just said because I was gonna pick Terry as well because I really like the way I am PR plated but On top of that. I really like that this movie hadn't like there was no bullshit padding It starts the first nine seconds first of all first nine seconds There's Iron Maiden playing I was in already before knowing what was gonna go on and I was like expecting it to be he gets to the city and no

Chris (10:23.788)

Luciano (10:36.331)
immediately the cops get, you know, go copping basically. And when it ends, it ends. There's no padding. There's no like Christmas tree and like Thanksgiving dinner or whatever. So I really appreciate that they, they were like, we're here to tell a story. We're going to tell this story. It's going to be fucking intense. Like Chris said, and, and then we're going to go out and that's it. Like live the rest of the imagination. I think other than Aaron Piers.

portrayal of Terry, that was probably my favorite thing about this movie.

Matt (11:07.266)
What about the fact that Tara Richmond was listening to, quote unquote, metal mix? Yeah. I think they should put it, publish it.

Luciano (11:12.131)
The metal mix. wanted to know what else was there. Yeah.

Spencer (11:15.967)
I mean, guess it's early metal mix. It like the birth of metal mix, right?

Chris (11:16.248)
What else was on his?

Chris (11:21.506)
That answers the question, what's on his iPod?

Matt (11:21.58)

Luciano (11:22.168)
Kind of, depends. I don't know what was in there. Maybe it was a mix of everything. yeah. So yeah, that I really appreciated the sort of intensity of the movie in that sense. The pacing and the intensity. it's not, there's no like belly, right? Or like, this is boring.

Matt (11:28.13)

Spencer (11:28.297)
We'll never know.

Chris (11:28.334)
I wanna go digging.

Spencer (11:33.993)

Matt (11:40.973)

Spencer (11:41.063)
Yeah, I thought, yeah, that's it's paced really well. Like, and him going through, like right after that, it's like him going through like kind of what the audience goes through. It's like, they can't just do that. Like there's gotta be something he can do. And then slowly being like, you can't do that. And this is why you can't do this. This is why it makes us like audience be like, this is such fucking bullshit. Like, yeah.

Luciano (11:45.07)

Luciano (11:52.089)

Luciano (11:58.96)
You get, yeah, you were already, like you said, you're already angry from what they did. Like he was just, he was doing nothing. And they're like, they want to pass and he's in the middle of the road. like, fuck you. like, they're like, they can't do that. And they can do that either. And that, and that like you get first 10 minutes, you're completely pissed at all of the cops. So anyway, go ahead, man.

Chris (11:59.98)

Spencer (12:05.65)

Chris (12:21.161)
Mm, mm, mm.

Matt (12:21.794)
Thank you. No, you all bring very valid points, right? The pacing was good. And the pacing was done well because it was very intense. the reaction, at least for us, reaction was very visceral. But there were times where that intensity dropped off. We had the extreme intensity of his cousin dying. And then him just being like, I don't care. I just want to get out of here. You needed that to come down a bit. Because otherwise, you just would have been like,

Spencer (12:23.549)
Ha ha.

Luciano (12:30.766)

Chris (12:35.438)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (12:42.489)

Luciano (12:48.021)
Yeah, give a breath like a breather. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (12:50.496)
Yeah, you need to breathe it right. So him just not caring and maybe a little one that comes down, he goes and gets the car and things are over. And then five seconds later, they're injecting drugs into random people.

Chris (12:52.11)
they don't really give it to you.

Luciano (12:54.776)

Chris (12:57.836)
Sorry, you're right.

Luciano (12:59.407)
It's funny because I was like, huh, where is it going to go from? OK. Like, was like, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Matt (13:04.48)
Yeah, right back into the fire. Yeah. It's like, it's like they gave you a breather to go even more intense. Like you think getting his cousin killed was the worst they're going to do? Just hold my beer.

Spencer (13:06.746)

Luciano (13:09.592)

Luciano (13:13.315)
Nope. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (13:13.398)
Nope. Buckle up.

Spencer (13:15.003)
It's it's it's really it was good and different in that way where it was like They gave him an out That's almost like again like you as the audience. It's like that's a pretty good deal Like you're like you're almost like you're like, yeah, he should probably do that and let this like this Injustice like happen, which is what happens in the real world, right? It's like it's not it's like this is such a it's so much easier to just not really deal with it

Luciano (13:26.519)

Luciano (13:38.008)

Spencer (13:43.111)
And just, you know, like, and that's what they made. They gave him that offer. And that's like kind of like his like little arc is like, I'm not going to let this slide, but he needs to get pushed. But it was like it was a cool angle of them being like, we're to give you the money. We're going to let you leave. Everything's going to be fine. This is over, you know? And he like, he actually takes it.

Luciano (14:00.176)
I was very surprised at that scene. was like, holy shit, I did not expect that.

Spencer (14:03.955)
And yeah, and I thought they were going to try and kill him to bring him back in, right? You think immediately they're going to try and shoot him on the way to town, you know, and that's going to get him to keep. But it was different. was like they did something other bullshit that he was like, I can't stand for that. And he came back, which was.

Chris (14:04.172)
and then the writing.

Luciano (14:13.102)

Luciano (14:19.213)

Matt (14:19.832)
So you're hitting on the thing I like best of this movie is Don Johnson is a fucking perfect asshole. He is so unlikable. Yeah.

Luciano (14:25.941)
Yes, I literally wrote that down. Like, Don Johnson is great at playing assholes. I literally have that on my notes.

Chris (14:27.064)

Matt (14:34.604)
He's perfectly infuriating. when they, when they have a conversation about like the deal and he's like, you know, I didn't take the deal. Cause you were telling me you were offering me the deal in my court, my police station, blah, blah, blah. Like he's such a perfect asshole and smiley dick that it's really easy. Like, yes, you want to get on the side of, of Terry because like, you know, he's getting mistreated, but you need someone in the level of Don Johnson. like, cause as much as

Luciano (14:43.864)

Luciano (14:51.78)

Matt (15:03.992)
junkie fatto is like, he's just, he's like a stupid hick dick and he was like, this fucking guy. But the person in charge is calculating and smarmy and will manipulate you and fuck with you. And like, it was perfect. It's a perfect like foil.

Luciano (15:06.529)

Luciano (15:12.835)

Spencer (15:18.335)
And more realistic, found. Like, it would have been really easy to make them all like cartoon characters of like just dick cops. And that one cop is that. And because there are cops like that, you know? So it's okay to have one. But if they were all like, we're going to teach this black guy like the whole the whole movie, they're just being like doing everything as evil as can be. would be like it would still be fun watching them like get fucked up and shit. But it was it was nice to see that there's like

Matt (15:21.57)

Matt (15:30.52)
Sure. 100%. Yeah.

Luciano (15:39.939)

Chris (15:44.61)

Spencer (15:48.115)
They were like, no, we're just trying to cover ourselves in the best way possible without creating more issues for us. So like, we're going to try and get them out of town without having to kill them. Cause if you kill them, it's going to be a body and then there's going be more stuff to cover. And so they're actually thinking.

Luciano (16:00.557)
Yeah. And, and, and yeah. Yeah. And like for once the, the reason why things were being not, we're going to get into it later, but the reason why things were somewhat convoluted was because, or contrived, they were like, no, they don't want any attention. They don't want any scrutiny. They just want to get rid of the problem as easily and as cleanly as possible because they're doing some shit that they don't want anybody knowing about. So it makes it like, just go, go, go leave. Don't come back. Fuck you.

get out, right? So, because normally it's like some bullshit reason. I was like, but the president of Persia, like what? No, there's nothing like that here, right?

Spencer (16:32.103)

Spencer (16:39.049)
And even their crime is like kind of like in this kind of movie is kind of like low stakes in comparison to other movie. It's not just gigantic conspiracy. was like, we're just putting guys in bail and like, putting them in jail and like they still get out. So it's not like they're like, again, like arresting people for life sentences when they're innocent. It's like, no, they're going to get out, but we keep them longer. So we have time to seize their assets and all the evidence gets deleted. So they can't fight for it back. You know, it's like very realistic and not like.

Luciano (17:03.886)

Spencer (17:06.823)
again, cartoonishly villain, like over just killing people and taking all their shit and like completely running this town. Like it's still bad, but it was just, it was nice not having like caricatures of characters. It actually seemed like people.

Luciano (17:18.669)
Yeah, it's not like, like country or world spanning evil. It's just like very localized. Yeah.

Spencer (17:24.914)

Chris (17:27.212)
the dirty chief of the police. gotta save the precinct. Food drive. Chief's pair.

Spencer (17:28.927)
Just chief power. What about us chiefs? You shut up you!

Matt (17:31.202)
Chief Power!

Luciano (17:32.547)
Yeah, Chief Power, yeah.

Chris (17:37.196)
Wait, are we? Okay, there you go, you contested it. You wigum'd it. Thank you for wigumming it.

Matt (17:39.761)

Spencer (17:40.924)

Luciano (17:41.539)
He rigged them, yes, yes.

Spencer (17:45.053)
What'd you say, Chief? Just do what the kid says. Just do what the kid says.

Chris (17:47.026)
Eh, break away, toys! Break away. No, no, dig up, stupid!

Luciano (17:48.746)

Matt (17:53.504)
It's, sorry, Spencer, go ahead.

Spencer (17:53.735)
I also. I was going to say, can I just want to give a shout out to James Cromwell in this movie playing yet another no, yet another judge, but also is it just me or is he always like a regret filled man who is behind the entire conspiracy woefully explaining how the conspiracy went down? Like I feel like he's that he does that in every movie where he's like.

Luciano (17:59.151)

Chris (18:08.693)

Luciano (18:11.385)

Luciano (18:15.84)
He has that face, sorrowful, I was a dickhead old man face, yeah.

Chris (18:18.028)

Spencer (18:21.797)
Yeah, I was behind it all along, but I'm sorry about that.

Chris (18:23.712)
Is this as an actor, As an actor, is this how you really want to play out your twi - the era of your Twilight?

Luciano (18:26.402)

Luciano (18:31.061)
I mean you do what you do with the face that God gives you.

Matt (18:31.372)

Chris (18:34.325)

Spencer (18:34.611)
Paycheck's paycheck, baby.

Matt (18:34.754)
It was funny. It was funny because they show him early on in the movie, just in passing, or you can't really see it that well because he's kind of like, Terry has the money from the cop station and he's giving it to Summer and trying to get the bail sent for his cousin. And you just see him from really far away and I'm like, I'm pretty sure that's James Cromwell. like, really? Yeah.

Luciano (18:46.19)

Luciano (18:54.455)
Yeah. And I always mistake. I always mistake him for Jonathan Silverman. I always, I always confuse the two. They don't look alike at all. just, I always mistake the name of one for the other.

Chris (18:54.914)
Crime well.

Spencer (18:56.634)
That's that guy I've seen a million times.

Matt (19:01.33)

Chris (19:02.19)

Chris (19:06.934)
You think Jonathan Silverman has the ability to time skip in present day? Are you saying James Cromwell and Jonathan Silverman of Weekend at Bernie's fame is a slider, a time traveler?

Luciano (19:10.671)

Luciano (19:21.487)
Have you seen them both in the same place at the same time? I don't think you have.

Chris (19:25.868)
Have you not seen Suits?

Spencer (19:27.784)
Look into it.

Luciano (19:27.908)
No haven't actually

Chris (19:29.792)
I rest my case, y 'all.

Spencer (19:31.327)
I'm gonna take your word for that one.

Matt (19:32.204)
Sustained, probably sustained. Moving on. So this movie is, it's based on reality very closely, as Chris said and Spencer said. like, you know, I quote it as being a documentary because so many of these things are like true to life. Like they may be, you know, when you see something that says like, this movie's based on a true story, this feels like it actually is based on a true story to a large degree of.

Chris (19:47.284)

Chris (19:57.941)

Matt (19:59.286)
the cops fucked with somebody and took it. The civil forfeiture happens in the states all the time, Like, John Oliver's covered it on last week tonight. like when they do the pit maneuvers, like crash cars, I've also seen that on Joe Oliver. And it's like super dangerous because the cops don't know what they're doing and have no training. And it's more dangerous to the cops than it is to the people because they have no idea where the car is going to go. And we said that that is what grounds the movie, right?

Chris (20:11.942)

Matt (20:26.728)
Were there other scenes that you thought were particularly like realistic in their portrayal?

Chris (20:32.152)

Matt (20:33.388)
Yeah, like, or like, felt like they could happen in real life.

Spencer (20:40.191)
I'd the first half of the movie is like, like, of true story. And the second half of the movie is like fantasy or like, you know, like, like everybody getting their justice, say is unfortunately where the fiction seems, where it seems more fictional, right?

Luciano (20:42.905)

Luciano (20:55.361)
Not what happens, yeah.

Matt (20:58.272)
Spencer, are you saying that once Summer did the drugs, we just went inside her fever dreams for the rest of the movie?

Spencer (21:04.039)
Yeah, I think so.

Matt (21:06.614)

Luciano (21:06.894)

Chris (21:07.15)
to her credit and like that act alone was such a violation. I have to say, I sometimes have dreams like that where like there's a breaking and entering into my home and I can't catch it in time. so, so it's you next time say something like I'll put on some coffee and some biscotti. What the?

Spencer (21:21.929)
That's not a dream, I come and see you quite often. I do say something. I say things backwards, I whisper backwards words into your ear.

Matt (21:24.248)

Luciano (21:29.398)

Chris (21:32.94)
This isn't helping. This is triggering. God. God. wig. Book him away twice.

Matt (21:35.355)

Luciano (21:39.999)
Yeah, the only thing is the instructions are things like, licorice or stuff like that.

Spencer (21:42.451)
You're so pretty when you sleep.

Chris (21:44.632)
Ha ha!

Chris (21:48.894)
No, no, no, no!

Spencer (21:51.519)
That's why Chris is so crazy. I've made him this way.

Luciano (21:54.815)
to answer your question, Matt, I think the, the, the scene where he gets to the courthouse the first time and he wants to get the bail posted and all that stuff. And Elliot is like, I'm out. I didn't pay overtime. Like that's any, and then it's so real too. It was like, no, I'm not going to give a single extra fuck about your clearly life or death situation.

Matt (21:59.064)
Ha ha ha.

Matt (22:08.898)

Matt (22:13.56)
It's just the worst.

Chris (22:14.912)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (22:24.419)
because I have to go to the fucking potluck. Like that's what happened there.

Chris (22:27.51)

Spencer (22:28.765)
Yeah, that's so true. Yeah, that is like, again, another scene that's like rage inducing because of how real it is. You know, you're just like, and like we've all been there. just like someone's this not in that situation, but like in like a lighter version of that where someone's just gives no fucks when you need someone's help.

Luciano (22:34.989)

Matt (22:36.503)
Mm -hmm.

Chris (22:41.528)

DMV, you need, need form 74C.

Luciano (22:45.293)
And you have something you need done. And someone goes, well, yeah, no, no worries. It's like, can we, can we get this done now? No, I have my lunch. I have to leave for my lunch and I won't stay in a minute later and bye. It was like, but I have a deadline. Well, it's not my problem. It's same thing. Only yeah. Like times, times a hundred, right? Given his situation, but yeah.

Spencer (22:49.115)
Yeah. Did you get your form finished?

Chris (23:07.384)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Spencer (23:08.179)
Your problem now motherfucker!

I'm a McMap!

Chris (23:13.294)
Just cue the Steve Austin music Cue it cue it up. No, you're some bitch you are not you gonna take my unfilled half -finished 470 CC and we're gonna get this paper. It's gonna get this gonna get my brother cousin out

Luciano (23:15.02)

Matt (23:15.032)

Matt (23:31.788)
You know what? I would watch that show if it was just Mick Mapp starring Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Luciano (23:31.979)
A brother cousin. My brother cousin.

Luciano (23:38.212)

Spencer (23:38.495)

Chris (23:39.374)
played by Aaron, Pierre is the next Stone Cold Steve Austin, but for Hollywood triple tier production.

Spencer (23:47.463)
I thought you were saying a movie where it's like a guy in a DMV just fucking shit up like an action movie set in a DMV

Luciano (23:52.431)
Yeah. It's called, what's the name of that movie with Michael Douglas where he does kind of that. Yeah, Falling Down, yes.

Chris (23:55.458)
Are you? Go ahead.

Chris (24:00.332)
Is it great? Yeah, there you go. So are you saying Aaron Pierre is a DMV administrator who gets pushed over the edge when a near -Duel civilian comes through and starts filing too many forms, pushes Aaron's character over the edge?

Spencer (24:00.575)
falling down.

Matt (24:00.938)
falling down.

Luciano (24:18.027)
No, the opposite. He's the one that goes to the DMV.

Matt (24:18.752)
No, no, what I'm saying, what, no, I think, no, I'm gonna guess on this, because that's what we do on the show. Pierre is the DMV worker. Stone Cold Steve Austin, the wrestler, comes in, tries to file his license renewal form, and Aaron Pierre's like, sorry, man, I can't, because blah, blah, blah. And then Stone Cold loses it, and Aaron Pierre's like, fuck, you're right. And they together both take down the DMZ as an institution. Yeah.

Chris (24:21.879)

Chris (24:25.686)
You don't have - okay.

Luciano (24:28.399)

Chris (24:30.996)

Luciano (24:42.831)
he helps take it down from the inside. Right.

Spencer (24:44.137)
He, yeah, he see, I like the idea of of of Aaron Piers seeing all the inside corruption and conspiracies. It goes all the way to the top of the DMV. It's all very small stakes, but it's a huge conspiracy that spreads everywhere. And it's just them like not putting their files on time or something.

Chris (24:47.086)
starting with...

Matt (24:53.666)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Chris (24:53.742)
This is where we keep all the water cooler.

Matt (24:57.9)
Yep. It matters.

Matt (25:05.196)
Yeah, that's it.

Luciano (25:06.169)
They're keeping you in line for, you know, for nefarious reasons, wide reasons. They want more paper clips. How does, how do those things get together? Well, you have to watch the movie. Not, not even, not even the president of the United States. No, the president of this branch of this Delta DMV.

Spencer (25:13.609)

Spencer (25:17.071)
This goes all the way to the top man, all the way to the president of the DMV.

Chris (25:17.282)
You wanna know why they - Do you wanna know why

Matt (25:21.784)
God no.

Spencer (25:24.825)
no no no the president president he is of this particular branch all the way to the top this this affects dozens of people

Matt (25:28.546)
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (25:29.998)
Played by Steve Zahn.

Matt (25:35.0)
I'd watch it. Mark and Aladia. This is HBO Prestige TV written all over it.

Luciano (25:39.779)

Chris (25:39.96)
Goodness. Wow, that's a tear I've never even breathed the same air of.

Luciano (25:46.616)

Matt (25:47.64)
Great. Anything else you really guys really liked about this movie or didn't like?

Luciano (25:51.503)
Holy shit, 25 minutes in.

Chris (25:53.186)
God damn. summer, summer waking up from yet another unconscious inducement to what's his name? Officer Steve Zahn. And then just like pummels him and pushes him like face palms him out of a moving vehicle.

Spencer (25:54.425)
Yeah, was that the question?

Matt (25:54.722)

Luciano (26:07.083)
Yeah, I so wish she had like stuck her thumbs into his eyes like

Matt (26:13.034)
Yeah, something.

Chris (26:13.356)
That would have been a good time. I was like, if anyone deserves, it's you, Summer.

Luciano (26:16.703)
Well, I mean poor summer she was like just coming out of a fucking haze. Yeah. Yeah

Spencer (26:16.712)

Chris (26:20.043)
I get it, it's like, ugh!

Spencer (26:21.023)
I think all of our biggest complaint is him not getting fucked up enough. Even though he got tased and he really fucked him up with the taser and elbowed him in the face a lot, not nearly enough.

Luciano (26:24.514)

Chris (26:24.984)
Correct. Correct.

Matt (26:31.136)
It's low stakes. No, I think they could have shot him and that would have been fine. But like summer shoots have not not tearing.

Chris (26:31.938)

Luciano (26:32.287)
No, no, no, not nearly enough.

Chris (26:36.224)
You know. Yes. That's the fix.

Luciano (26:39.72)
Even the chief gets shot with sand backgrounds. He could have been shot with sand backgrounds too.

Matt (26:42.732)
Yeah, at least that. Yeah.

Chris (26:43.818)
I enjoyed that. There's not enough sandbag rounds used since Batman Arkham Knight.

Luciano (26:49.027)

Spencer (26:49.779)
You're right. And I will give a shout out. don't know what you guys, but that scene where she wakes up and she's been drugged. I thought maybe she would start the first time was done really well because she hears something and gets up and she looks around and she like sees the needle and we see the needle to her. Like, what the fuck was that? And she looks down and she's like injected. I don't know about you guys, but I thought like they overdosed her and that like she might actually die there. And I was just thinking, what a how I don't know what you I thought that was.

Matt (26:49.976)
There you go.

Chris (26:56.163)

Luciano (26:56.686)
Which one?

Matt (26:56.834)
Which one? In the house or? Yeah.

Luciano (26:59.806)
right, right.

Chris (27:07.427)

Luciano (27:12.653)
Yeah. That's what she thought too, right?

Chris (27:12.695)
Me too.

Matt (27:14.573)

Spencer (27:18.121)
Terrifying like imagine waking up. I mean like I'm already dead like Like that that's what I'm going to do to you Chris What no?

Luciano (27:18.67)

Chris (27:20.62)
Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of. I'm waking up and I'm already dead.

Luciano (27:22.145)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (27:26.84)
Chris, what drug would you like to have tonight?

Spencer (27:31.423)
Yeah, what good cocktail.

Luciano (27:32.231)
Yeah. What? What? What do you want Spencer to dowels your licorice in?

Chris (27:32.985)
Vitamin C! Just give me some orange juice!

Spencer (27:37.512)
I mean...

I've injected so much orange juice into him. He's healthier than ever.

Chris (27:40.598)
I'm not sleeping tonight! I'm not sleeping tonight!

His cortisol levels and vitamin C levels are off the charts, Your Honor.

Matt (27:51.468)
Do you taste bitter almonds at all?

Luciano (27:53.551)
Or do you smell burnt toast?

Chris (27:54.712)

Matt (27:56.77)
burnt toes, asking questions.

Spencer (27:57.991)
I also injected burnt toast into him. It's an ongoing experiment. That was tough.

Chris (27:58.079)
Actually, I am craving.

Luciano (28:00.171)

Matt (28:00.664)

Chris (28:02.558)
wha! Do do do do do do do. Come up.

Matt (28:05.716)
listen, let's dive into plot holes and really give it our best. No, would we? Well, Spencer, that's directed at you, I think.

Chris (28:09.496)
Stop talking and stop attacking.

Chris (28:16.046)
From my house

Spencer (28:16.191)
Hi, I'm back. Welcome to hell. I'm recording from from inside. He's in the building. He's in the house with you. Yeah.

Luciano (28:16.689)

Matt (28:18.616)
Your tormentor's back! Chris, what's behind you? Is that Spencer?

Chris (28:25.677)

Luciano (28:30.127)
The recording is coming from inside the house.

Chris (28:30.195)

Chris (28:35.978)
I have been hearing an echo and I'm not comfortable with this. It's strange because I have multiple cameras in my, I legit have cameras around my house for safety and security. And you bypass them all, you devil!

Spencer (28:37.651)

Luciano (28:38.819)

Matt (28:38.995)
There you have it.

Spencer (28:48.649)
Chris, I didn't know the back of your neck was so pretty. Look behind you!

Matt (28:48.792)
Spencer's aware.

Chris (28:52.025)
God. How is, is this like the ring?

Luciano (28:52.846)

Matt (28:57.49)
plot holes, they happen in movies specifically in this movie. And I think we're going to have to talk about a big plot hole in this movie. And it's the entire justice system in Shelby Springs, which is the town this movie happens in, just in case you weren't aware. Some people might've missed it because they don't say it often. And I don't know where we want to start, but for me, the initial plan of the

Luciano (28:58.916)

Chris (28:59.702)
Yes, segue.

Chris (29:12.664)
You're judicial!

Matt (29:26.552)
the cops to grift money off of people and hold them for bail and take all their assets. Yeah, it's all fun and well, but they lose me when they give the get out of jail free card to Terry and then turn around and immediately drug summer.

Luciano (29:43.447)
Yeah, it's like they were like, OK, we don't have enough problems with them already kind of figuring out what we're doing and, you know, us getting the guy's cousin killed. Let's get him out, but let's drug her just to teach her a lesson, I think it was, or to get her out of town too.

Spencer (30:03.847)
I think it was to destroy her credibility so she couldn't like... But she still could have, like that's the plot hole I guess. She found actual evidence. even if she's credibility is bad, she can bring that evidence to someone who isn't, have bad credibility and then they can show that evidence. It's evidence, right? It's not just her word.

Chris (30:04.056)
like tying up loose ends, so to speak.

Chris (30:11.668)
Yes, without.

Luciano (30:27.726)

Chris (30:28.91)
That's true.

Luciano (30:30.872)

Matt (30:32.576)
Yeah. Like it's the idea that like, because you've taken drugs, you're like, you can't be trusted to do anything ever. When she has hard evidence, I feel like that falls apart. Like, obviously if she has real evidence, that's going to trump her drug addictions.

Luciano (30:41.859)

Chris (30:42.22)
Mm -hmm.

Spencer (30:47.977)
She's like, I have video evidence of them committing the crime. Okay, just pee in this cup for me real quick and I'll take a look at it.

Luciano (30:47.993)

Chris (30:52.172)
You know, Cracky.

Luciano (30:52.559)
you're on drugs, I can't accept your actual video and the rest of this evidence. You can prove it. You can prove it.

Spencer (30:54.76)

Matt (30:57.176)

Chris (30:58.358)
you're falling off the wagon, huh?

Spencer (30:58.505)
How do I know this video isn't on drugs? How do I know? This video could be high on crack.

Chris (31:02.318)

You know, you know, that's technology for you. No.

Luciano (31:10.519)
Is it, is it a high fidelity video? can't accept it. It's on drugs.

Chris (31:13.71)
See, that's right there. Like, see? Science. Technology.

Matt (31:14.22)

Luciano (31:16.909)
Yeah. Yeah. Hi. is it high? Is it high resolution to what else is high about this movie?

Spencer (31:17.919)
Is it 60 FPS 4K? Cause I won't watch it otherwise.

Chris (31:20.93)
You know?

Chris (31:25.288)
can I actually magnify this?

Luciano (31:29.327)
Yeah, but like to me tracking back a little bit the fact that the stuff that they well summer explains to Terry what they're doing in a way right the fact that all of that is like if someone someone who's you know knows the laws in the US hears that and goes no yeah that makes sense I'm like what the how is this how what how can that be no you know what we're do we're going to hold

someone for like possessing possession of something that isn't even a felony. We're going to hold them for all of this time. And then when they come in to try to bail, we're going to steal their money, but it's not really stolen. It's just seized. Like that's a difference. They were stealing anything. was anything when they could. They were all of the person who were. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (32:13.325)

Spencer (32:13.737)
No, they weren't stealing bail money, were they?

Chris (32:17.016)
But yeah.

Spencer (32:19.145)
They stole his bail money, but I think they were seizing assets of people they were arresting. And then.

Matt (32:20.77)

Chris (32:25.198)
So if they took his bike in the beginning...

Luciano (32:28.493)

Matt (32:29.336)
No, but like they couldn't take his bike because they didn't have plausible deniability. That's the thing, right? Like the money he's using is to bail out someone who is arrested for possession. So they're making the very, the connection, the very secure, this legal connection of, how do we know that's not drug money? And so they label this drug money.

Luciano (32:43.247)
con - the connection.

Luciano (32:51.213)

Spencer (32:51.379)
Well I'm no big city lawyer but I do say he was a you say you're using his bail money to get your drug offending cousin out that means this is drug money I say

Chris (32:55.125)
-huh. -huh.

Luciano (33:06.475)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Matt (33:07.768)
Cheap power, I'll allow it. So it goes further than this, right? Because as we get down this twisted road, some people could argue that the cops have tripped on a snowy hill, and now they're just rolling downhill and making a larger snowball. But at any point, people could make better decisions. The one thing that really popped out to my head was Chunky McBeardo is

Chris (33:11.032)

Chris (33:34.36)
Yeah. Get him. Get him. Yes. Bye.

Matt (33:36.062)
sees Terry back in town and he's gonna he's trying to frame him so he for some reason throws the gun in the cab and then tries to shoot him when you could have just yelled gun shot him and then thrown the gun in afterwards

Luciano (33:39.917)

Luciano (33:45.195)
Yow's gun. Yeah, yeah.

Chris (33:46.807)

Luciano (33:50.283)
And then throw the gun. Yes.

Chris (33:52.406)
No, you don't yell, Gunn. When do the cameras trigger though?

Matt (33:56.04)
Well, he left it off, but I think he's yelling gun for the guys who are farther away right because those two cops and either run boxing him in Yes

Spencer (34:02.099)
And they're not as bad as him. Like they wouldn't be okay with murder. Assume.

Luciano (34:03.875)

Chris (34:05.858)
They could have just blamed, he could have just blamed it on science. He was like, but I shouted gun. Like he said, no, no. I thought I understood the section that of the podcast that we were in, but apparently.

Matt (34:10.252)
Are you pro police right now, Chris? Why are you trying to like justify how we can do this?

Spencer (34:12.129)
Hahaha, yeah!

Luciano (34:14.595)

Spencer (34:16.517)
Chris is like, his life is in danger.

Luciano (34:20.077)

Matt (34:20.184)
Completely justified. No, we're saying like the decisions they're making are like it's like I'm gonna justify killing this guy who I don't really have to kill and and then throwing the gun at afterwards. It's like a bad plan, right? And and the plans just just go from bad to worse. You know, like the I don't know what the fuck listen I love it when the movie says the name of the movie in the movie. It's the best thing ever. But why did they have to go to rebel Ridge? What was?

Chris (34:22.178)
What I'm saying? I don't want to justify it,

Chris (34:35.522)

Luciano (34:44.942)

Chris (34:45.175)

Matt (34:48.352)
what was good about Rebel Ridge for the cops or...

Luciano (34:50.829)
Yeah, no, it was just yeah the the best part is like You know, you you thought it was going to be this huge showdown and it doesn't even go there. I like that actually It's like you guys go fuck off at rebel ridge. I'm gonna tear off the walls of your fucking precinct Yeah

Spencer (34:52.211)
You some kind of rebel? Fighting the cops? You got a ridge in your forehead.

Chris (34:52.376)
They were gonna get there. Some kind of, you know.

Matt (34:54.654)

Chris (35:00.067)

Chris (35:05.014)
Yes, that was great. Yeah.

Yeah, that was that was that was bad. was bad. No, did he? No, did he? No, did he? That was bad.

Luciano (35:15.277)
Yeah. That whole thing is weird to me. The whole idea of like, we're going to negotiate and we're going to do a trade or whatever. It's, it's well, yeah. Cause it's, it feels like they would, he says, I want to do this in the morning. Cause I, know, I want to see what's happening. And, and then he says, you might see me coming too.

Chris (35:25.672)
Weird how? Like, stay...

Chris (35:38.786)

Spencer (35:42.015)
That was a dope line.

Chris (35:42.124)
Yeah, true.

Luciano (35:43.347)
You what? Well, there's a bunch of dope lines. We actually didn't talk about the but when he says when he goes like, you missed my sheet eating grin. And he goes like, he says, you got the know, Mr. Lewis business off and he smiles. He goes, there it is. And you're right. It does look like you just ate shit. was awesome. Yeah.

Chris (35:47.798)
Is that a drug joke?

Spencer (36:02.225)
Yeah, and his smile there was good too. His smile was such a good smile, like the main guy. He's like, there it is. I will say just, go ahead, go ahead. I was going to say on the topic, my God, I hate you, Luciano. Okay, I was just saying, like on top of the line, there's a couple of cool lines, just because he says there, goes, he says, that line we just said, which I already forget.

Matt (36:02.646)

Luciano (36:07.479)
Yeah, there it is. but but like, go ahead. I was just gonna say the

Chris (36:07.67)
Yeah, Terry. Yeah.

Chris (36:16.84)
Get in sync! Get in sync!

Luciano (36:18.498)
You go.

Luciano (36:30.476)
Of course.

Spencer (36:31.283)
where he says, maybe then you'll see me coming. And then he looks at the guy, like, was that too much? Did I lay it on too thick or what did he say? I put it on, was that a little too much? And he's like, and I liked the, there was a line where they had an, I don't know about you guys, they were like, did you, like, what are we gonna do when the fire comes? And he's like, we're gonna start a fire or like some line like that. And I thought he was gonna say, we are the fire. I liked that line, but I thought he I totally thought it was gonna be like, what about the fire? And I thought he was gonna go.

Luciano (36:33.956)

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Chris (36:53.506)
We're the fire.

Luciano (36:55.083)
Weird to fire, yeah.

Spencer (37:00.093)
The fire arises. I totally expect it just looks like the perfect setup.

Chris (37:02.222)
Ha ha!

Matt (37:02.902)

Chris (37:06.254)
Let us not stand on ceremony, Chief.

Spencer (37:10.915)
We're not starting to have somebody here. Why are I always? Sorry. Yeah, sorry. That needed to go in a completely nonsensical tangent per usual.

Luciano (37:14.125)
Yeah. So going back to what I was saying about the plot holes. So what I said that doesn't make a lot of sense is like, did like, he says, we're going to do an exchange. then he says he wants to do in the morning and then they go, you know, rebel reach. First of all, of course he's not going to know it. Why would you ask it that way? Yeah. Yeah. And he goes, no, like, are you an idiot?

Chris (37:14.488)

Matt (37:18.88)
Matt (37:36.376)
Of course not.

Spencer (37:37.535)
They all know he's not from this town.

Matt (37:43.029)

Luciano (37:44.303)
But and then, but they accept the thing as if it's like, they're expecting like Batman to show up. He kind of Batman's a little bit, but they expecting Batman to show up and what like go through them. Like they had like, I don't know, 50 cops there waiting. It's like they walked into the trap that they were set trying to set because he knew where all the cops were going to be. So of course he could do something else. It felt a little like I know they're dumb cops, but still.

Chris (37:52.161)

Chris (37:59.374)
Seems like.

Chris (38:07.362)
Yeah, that was dope.

Chris (38:12.396)
But why were all of them there? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (38:14.063)
Yeah, did they need did they need 50 cops to take care of one guy like

Spencer (38:18.675)
And it seems like the chief would want to be there.

Chris (38:18.861)

Luciano (38:21.412)

Matt (38:22.071)

Chris (38:22.39)
Yeah, why was he not there? at the same time, no further questions, Yana.

Luciano (38:29.599)
What? What?

Matt (38:29.633)
All right.

Spencer (38:29.912)
Well, you know what Chris? I agree. Well said.

Chris (38:33.262)

Chris (38:36.771)

Matt (38:36.994)
No, but like I think that's part of the thing that I found with the movie is the it's the the chief is smart for the most parts and he's positioned as being smart and making, you know, good decisions and we're trying to make decisions that are tracking with his sort of, you know, like they talk about him being elected, trying to go for sheriff, which sheriff of what? Because they barely have a police station and. the parish as they keep calling it. But but he.

Chris (38:45.901)

Luciano (39:00.217)
Well, the whole county, right? Or the parish, yeah. I think sheriffs are in the county, so it's probably a big thing.

Chris (39:08.046)
And I thought sheriffs were a rank lower than chief. Like chief to me sounds like it's... Okay.

Matt (39:08.353)
Fuck man, I don't know.

Luciano (39:10.903)
No, not in the US,

Matt (39:11.388)
No, no, no, In the US, every sheriff gets elected in your elections. It's fucking wild shit. The police channel, a little bit. Listen, we know more about US politics. But my point is that he plays very smart, but then he doesn't show up where you think he should show up, right? He's always just in the station with the one

Luciano (39:16.611)

Chris (39:18.704)

Spencer (39:19.389)
Was this the police channel?

Luciano (39:21.539)
Yeah, a little bit.

Chris (39:22.478)
I'm gonna need you to spread them

Spencer (39:23.945)
mean, today it is. My cheeks?

Chris (39:30.284)
No further questions.

Chris (39:38.305)

Matt (39:39.35)
the one other police, the dispatcher, because she's not allowed to go out because obviously she's a black woman and can't be trusted to go on patrol as Chunky. Well, Chunky McBeardo says it, right?

Chris (39:42.967)
He lives there.

Luciano (39:44.249)

Luciano (39:47.705)
Jesus. He says it, right? You have to get you in some patrols.

Matt (39:54.22)
Yeah, but it's always weird. That is the white redneck equivalency of a compliment.

Chris (39:55.726)
was a compliment.

Spencer (39:56.999)
Yeah, you're also a piece of shit.

Chris (39:59.559)

Luciano (40:02.988)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it is.

Spencer (40:05.833)
Might as well have said like, you're one of the good ones, you know? Oooh.

Matt (40:05.846)
But my uproar... You might as well have, yeah. Hey.

Luciano (40:08.651)
Yeah, it almost like he pre... it's almost like he prefaced it with like, I didn't know you people could do this. It's like...

Chris (40:09.986)
See that I caught.

Matt (40:16.876)
Listen, I'm a little concerned this talk is going to bring out Intel Spencer and we do not want that. So let's just, we're done. Isn't he?

Chris (40:17.262)

Spencer (40:21.725)
No, Incel Spencer's not racist. just, you know, he just hates women. As all Incel's do. And she was a woman. So I have a few things to say about her.

Luciano (40:21.93)

Luciano (40:27.7)

Matt (40:28.485)
Okay. Problem solved there. Listen, I'm talking with... Damn it. I knew it!

Luciano (40:36.014)
No, god damn it.

Chris (40:37.068)
No! No! No!

Chris (40:43.042)
Power of anti -incels compels you.

Matt (40:43.148)

Back to chief Sandy, what was his name? Sandy Bloodstone. Bernie, Sandy Burn. Yeah.

Luciano (40:49.369)
Burn, burn.

Chris (40:49.516)
burn. Springs.

Spencer (40:52.893)
Shady Byrne sounds like a Jewish movie producer.

Matt (40:55.832)
He really does. I really like that for some reason his last name is still B -R -N -N -E. Like someone knows a burn spelled that way and had to include it. So like, is that a tribute to your friend or is that just like, I fucking hate Professor Burn. I'm going to fucking make him the worst cop ever.

Luciano (40:55.96)

Chris (40:57.59)
A funny one at that. Sorry, go ahead.

Luciano (41:09.687)
I hate that guy. Yeah.

Spencer (41:14.237)
It's spelled B -R -N -N -E.

Luciano (41:16.409)
B -U -R -N and knee, yeah. Yeah. Bernie.

Matt (41:16.642)
B -U -R -N -N -E.

Chris (41:18.358)
B -U, okay. Yeah, that's...

Spencer (41:18.767)

Alright, Ber -Bernay, it's pronounced Ber -nay. Sunday -Bernay.

Matt (41:24.726)
His prounounced FUR -nay.

Chris (41:26.702)
Chief Bernay was at the end of his rope with Jonathan Silverman and that guy from 16 candles had other plans to spend their maybe but something the other guy the other gang and Jonathan Silverman had to help Sandy Byrne become sheriff racism and margaritas

Spencer (41:31.635)

Luciano (41:34.105)

Spencer (41:36.478)
John Cryer?

Hehehehe. Hehehehehe.

Matt (41:51.81)
Cheap power.

Spencer (41:51.997)
I'm no he's no he's it's pronounced and it's Sandy Bernays French Sandy Burnet I want to become sheriff of Alabama Sunday Bernie here in Alabama we

Chris (41:53.387)

Matt (41:57.048)
Is that your brand name?

Luciano (41:57.267)
Yeah, it's Sandy, Sandy Bernay.

Chris (42:02.21)

Matt (42:04.61)
So what I was saying about Chief Sandy Byrne, I'm saying that he, in the course of the policing from the point where they decide to drug a person, a citizen in the town, all the way through, he makes weird choices or shows up, it doesn't seem like he's actually in control at all. And it just seems weird to what they've shown us in the first part of the movie where he's very in control and he knows exactly how to handle people like...

Chris (42:04.91)
Don't relinquish the power!

Chris (42:20.547)

Matt (42:34.245)
Terry because he's done it before and then he just for some reason his hands off or just hanging out the the police station Waiting for Terry to show up, but just seemed really incongruent to his care

Luciano (42:43.747)
Yeah, maybe that's where his margarita machine is. That's why he hangs up there so much.

Spencer (42:44.306)
He was dumb enough.

Chris (42:44.632)
is it.

Matt (42:46.626)

Spencer (42:48.799)
It was also like, it was kind of showed he was kind of dumb by keeping all of his illegal evidence out in the open. Like I know it's in their police safe, but like it was like just sitting like, don't they embezzle it or something? Like, or they just keep it there like a bank?

Chris (42:49.037)
He lives there.

Chris (42:57.13)
Evidence locker?

Luciano (42:59.182)

Luciano (43:05.645)
Also, like that evidence room had a huge window on the door. So anyone passing there goes, that's a lot of money. Yeah.

Chris (43:07.062)
La - launder there?

Matt (43:13.346)

Spencer (43:13.491)
I mean, I assume it's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, so I guess they're not, like, too concerned.

Matt (43:16.674)
Well, and there's supposed to be a jail beside it, right?

Luciano (43:19.81)
Yeah, they...

Chris (43:19.837)
shit, can you imagine being a criminal and just being is just seeing all that money and then wanting to plan a heist to steal from the police station?

Matt (43:28.044)
It's a real GTA situation.

Spencer (43:28.447)
Rebel Ridge 2

Luciano (43:30.891)
I was gonna say, is this the beginning of the Ridgeverse? The Ridge -en -ing.

Chris (43:31.34)

Spencer (43:33.79)
The ridgining.

Chris (43:34.531)
Eh, that sounds like something Trojan already has a patent for.

Luciano (43:39.54)

Matt (43:39.936)

Spencer (43:40.489)
But like, what exactly did they have in that safe that was so damning for him to see? Like, the money? Why would he think that's not... I guess the guns? like, I just thought it was just regular police shit. I don't know why he would have s

Luciano (43:46.903)
the money and the guns,

Chris (43:49.335)

Matt (43:54.296)
Well, technically that's

Chris (43:54.625)
Me too.

Luciano (43:54.844)
That many guns there's more guns there than there are people in that fucking city Maybe

Spencer (43:58.045)
God damn it, this is America, man! It's fucking... People have that many guns in their basements!

Chris (44:01.07)

Matt (44:03.116)
The thing is like technically that was all legal stuff, right? Like, yeah, yeah. It's free. They freed the money. They freed the guns. That's it. That's all they needed to free.

Chris (44:03.715)

Spencer (44:06.089)
Yeah, what, you hate freedom?

Chris (44:08.233)

Chris (44:12.543)

Spencer (44:13.779)

If you have a problem with a man owning 35 assault rifles, maybe you don't believe in freedom. Maybe you sh - Yeah. Maybe you should go back to YOUR country!

Chris (44:16.796)

Luciano (44:21.037)

Matt (44:22.616)
and 35 Chinese food restaurant bags unmarked cash.

Chris (44:23.127)

Luciano (44:27.235)

Chris (44:28.502)
Maybe you don't believe in America, Matt Damon. Matt Damon.

Luciano (44:36.387)
Wait, so China?

Matt (44:39.126)
Yeah, that's correct. He was on that wall.

Spencer (44:40.883)

Chris (44:42.156)
He was in the movie, he was, yeah, exactly. We told you.

Spencer (44:43.869)
He was on that wall. I saw that movie. Really? Nobody saw that movie.

Matt (44:47.074)
to the documentary.

Luciano (44:49.108)

Chris (44:51.566)
Rat Daymon.

Spencer (44:52.527)
Matt Damon from China.

Luciano (44:53.987)
No, I think people like they would know that he was like hogging the money and all that stuff and buying like buying stuff with that money. I think that's what it was like too much money on the open that wasn't in like the police account or whatever in a bank. Like when you have that much cash lying around, it's kind of weird.

Chris (45:14.486)
nothing about online banking Luciano they don't know anything about online banking

Spencer (45:14.696)

Spencer (45:18.483)
I mean, I...

Matt (45:20.13)
think they're allowed to put that money in the bank.

Luciano (45:23.127)
Yeah, but that's exactly why. I'm trying to answer the question, why would they try to hide? I don't think that it was a good look and it would raise too many questions. It like, why do you have so much money piled up in the evidence room? Right?

Matt (45:25.922)
What do mean that's exactly why? OK.

Chris (45:26.542)
Paper trail.

Chris (45:37.922)
Why you asking all these questions, mister? I don't think I like the sound of your tones, mister.

Luciano (45:40.655)
because I'm

Spencer (45:41.071)
Is it illegal? Is it illegal to have a hundred grand on Mark Bills? Is that a crime?

Chris (45:47.662)
I don't think you like America. You know what? Jedidiah, think he's homeless. You're homeless on Jedidiah. Chief Pai, everyone.

Luciano (45:54.959)
It's second time he crests and falls.

Spencer (45:58.636)
I guess that is nitpicky, but I just... I just...

Matt (46:02.999)

Chris (46:04.439)
But I get back up and I do smell almonds.

Spencer (46:07.431)
I just like I thought it was like they really jumped the gun on them and like you saw what was in that evidence locker. It's like well now he knows it was bad. You know.

Matt (46:16.158)
Yeah, it's another mistake they make by like, he sees it and they just out themselves by being like, you saw it was in that locker.

Luciano (46:16.833)

Luciano (46:23.032)
Yeah, they're like, fuck, you saw everything. Let's tell them the whole plan.

Spencer (46:27.465)
Let me ask you something. Did you see our illegal stash of money and guns? Our highly illegal, hidden stash? no? Okay. Yeah.

Matt (46:27.946)
All right.

Luciano (46:31.821)
And the guns we bought, yeah.

Matt (46:32.034)
You didn't?

You didn't see that stash? Listen, there were a ton of guns in there and all those guns, we rent them out for other legal seizures and forfeitures, thereby doubling our profits. And all those banks of cash?

Luciano (46:37.501)

Chris (46:38.68)

Luciano (46:44.401)
Yeah, we don't only do the crime, we teach the crime.

Spencer (46:44.479)
But don't.

Chris (46:44.545)
yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (46:50.38)
Here to four!

Matt (46:50.68)

Spencer (46:53.193)
But you didn't see that, so we're good. We're good, we're good. You didn't see that.

Luciano (46:53.197)
Ghost power.

Matt (46:54.082)
She power. Okay.

Chris (46:55.291)
Chief Power, I'm just gonna exposition because you don't know nothing. You didn't see it, but did you see it? Let me tell you a little bit about my plan while I monologue, Chief Power.

Matt (46:58.476)
You didn't see that. Everything's fine.

Matt (47:06.626)
good. It's a good plan.

Luciano (47:08.109)

Matt (47:09.72)
You should listen to it.

Spencer (47:11.231)
I'm trying to think if there's any other major plot holes in their general plans. I think we went over, I think we are, are we? Or is Matt trying to move us on? No, so yeah, I guess the drugging thing was, we did talk about it a bit, but I do think, they're gonna, it would've been more effective if they just threatened to do that, I guess, instead of doing it.

Chris (47:11.342)
It's in his manifesto. I just think you should listen.

We still in Gat holes!

Matt (47:22.388)
No, no, We're still here.

Chris (47:23.498)
Okay, shit! We tried!

Matt (47:37.697)

Spencer (47:40.105)
They're like, you, know you have a daughter. We know you have like a P a record that's been hidden. We will put like, we will put drugs in your car. Like, you know, that a lot of, like, if you tell anyone about this.

Luciano (47:40.854)
Well, they wanted

I see. I see what you mean.

Chris (47:46.423)

Chris (47:50.968)
It's the threat. Yeah. Usually...

Luciano (47:52.411)
It would have been much more believable than believing that those twiddly -diddly -dum walked into her room and touched her arm and injected her with the drugs and she didn't wake up. I understand heavy sleeping, but Jesus Christ.

Spencer (48:05.8)
Do you think that's possible?

Do think you could, I feel like I could be injected with something while sleeping.

Matt (48:12.344)
Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, can you please do a test tonight and just let us know if Chris wakes up or not? Yeah.

Luciano (48:13.805)

Chris (48:14.616)
That's what's scary.

Luciano (48:20.271)
Like if you have the opportunity somewhere that you're going to do a test, please do and I'll report later.

Spencer (48:20.647)
If Chris wakes up tonight, he hasn't woken up any night for the last two months, and I've injected him with everything.

Matt (48:25.196)
But how many times you... Okay, there was five.

Spencer (48:33.448)
Chris I ejected sand into him the other day. He didn't wake up so

Luciano (48:36.493)


Matt (48:40.002)
That actually explains why you were coughing sand. You were worried about that the other day. Yeah, completely.

Luciano (48:43.393)
Yeah, you did say your joints felt sandy. So now you know why.

Spencer (48:43.401)

Chris (48:47.298)
How, why do I be so heavily gaslit in my own as a cohost of this podcast? I did, I am being, no.

Spencer (48:49.969)
No, no, he's is way.

Matt (48:53.378)
Sand is chorus and it does get everywhere, including your veins.

Luciano (48:55.567)
Including our bloodstream?

Spencer (49:00.435)
pretty sure he said my blood feels sandy. Does anyone else's blood feel sandy?

Luciano (49:03.779)
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (49:03.81)

Matt (49:05.868)
My blood feels itchy.

Chris (49:07.818)
I so itchy as if I just got off the set of Surf's Up, played by one Anna Sophia Robb.

Matt (49:16.12)
I think we've danced around this plot hole enough. Let's just move on to our lesson. We are not being crazy enough. And I think we should ask some funny questions just to really get out of our system. We've been very serious all the way along. They're very serious questions. Terry is an instructor in the MicMap program. Now know you think we're making this up. That's what they call it. That's not us this one time. It's...

Luciano (49:25.654)

Spencer (49:26.473)
These are serious questions.

Chris (49:28.27)
Say your good time!

Spencer (49:38.079)
Is it sponsored by McDonald's? The Big Mac program brought to you by McDonald's. Brought to you by the double Big Mac.

Chris (49:40.812)
That's right, with double bacon.

Luciano (49:42.861)
The yeah, MacMap, it's the cartography branch of McDonald's, MacMap.

Matt (49:45.43)
You know -

This isn't the question I want to ask, but I do want to ask, what is the McMath at McDonald's?

Spencer (49:49.063)
Sorry, sorry, go ahead, go ahead.

Spencer (49:54.349)

Chris (49:55.138)
Yo, the McMap at McDonald's is a purple bun, okay, made out of radishes. And then on the inside, you get three Angus patties and then a layer of ghost pepper hot sauce. That's what give you the mixed, that's what you give the mickety -mickety -mickety -mick sauce. And then you get, I don't wanna say it, you get old day old cheese.

Luciano (49:55.638)

Spencer (50:07.346)

Matt (50:11.18)
Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce.

Spencer (50:12.596)

Luciano (50:13.166)

Spencer (50:22.459)
That sounds fresh at McDonald's. Only a day old.

Chris (50:24.438)
Well, listen, day old cheese is actually regular cheese. shit, are you going to, patriarchy stay out of this. So you've got the purple bun, you've got the three egguses, and then you can participate, I'm just calling you point for patriarchy. And then you get a slab of Hokage Wagyu beef.

Luciano (50:25.891)
No, that's Wendy, always fresh.

Luciano (50:43.735)
And why is it called the MacMap?

Spencer (50:43.827)
What? Okay, you lost me.

Chris (50:46.262)
You don't need to be lost. Take a bite, bitch.

Luciano (50:49.581)
What the f what the fuck just happened? See?

Matt (50:52.351)
It's fine.

Spencer (50:52.447)
He's got too much sand in his blood, he's losing it. I love how I've been injecting him for months and then gaslighting him when he says crazy things. Why are you acting so weird, Chris?

Chris (50:54.147)
Yo, yo, no, you keep breaking into my fucking home and you don't think there will be repercussions? Then we got this goddamn shotgun and I'm gonna shove it up yo ass.

Luciano (51:08.809)
Yeah. I think the last visit, it was too much angel dust that you did.

Chris (51:08.952)
Let's say.

Matt (51:10.124)

Spencer (51:15.519)
That's my that's my secret cap, that's my fetish

Chris (51:15.862)
I was conscious the whole time!

Luciano (51:21.295)
I'm always, I'm always high.

Chris (51:23.531)
I'm always conscious when you inject me with shit. No anesthesia. She fair

Spencer (51:30.591)
What was the actual?

Matt (51:31.522)
Hey, anybody else want to ask this question? What is in the McMap at McDonald's?

Chris (51:32.59)
The burgers, gentlemen, the burgers.

Spencer (51:33.981)
What the McMap is?

Spencer (51:38.143)
It's actually just a map that leads to the Mick treasure below the Mick Mansion.

Luciano (51:40.665)
No, no, the MacMap is a regular quarter pounder with cheese, only instead of a bun, they use a map to wrap the... They give it to you and they say... No, how? His answer wasn't an answer?

Chris (51:44.056)

Matt (51:51.864)
I think Chris's answer was better, so we're just gonna move on from here. Wow, listen, it was fun and I enjoyed my time. We got to talk about Spencer creeping into the house again. It's last for everybody. Next question, the real question that came out of this before we were sidetracked. Terry is an instructor in the MicMac program. So he is training people on unarmed defense and attack. And I really wanna know what you would learn at the Marine Dojo.

Luciano (52:17.679)

Well, I think that one of the things that we saw that they teach that he represented as the instructor is the attire you're supposed to wear when you invade other people's homes. You have to wear a balaclava so you don't show your face, even if they know who you are and your voice and you're also the only black person in the place that you had. Yeah.

Matt (52:34.637)

Spencer (52:44.484)
And you're the only person who's like wanted for like like on the run from the police That's a good yet

Luciano (52:50.191)
Yeah, I think it's a headwear 101, I think it's called.

Matt (52:50.722)

Spencer (52:57.193)
Like it's like, you think it was just, it's just, was that Balaclava like, like sponsored? Like that's their branded, MicMap headwear.

Chris (52:57.803)

Matt (52:59.384)
Not disguises, it's just headwear? OK, just checking.

Luciano (53:01.291)
No, just headwear.

Chris (53:11.224)
By Trojan.

Matt (53:11.416)
Oakleys or Trojans, I'm confused now.

Luciano (53:13.187)
Wait, Trojan, is it lubricated?

Chris (53:14.895)
Trojans by Oakley. It's the Jibby Hat edition.

Spencer (53:18.412)
it's like a cross promotion.

Chris (53:21.633)
It's an inception.

Luciano (53:22.733)
Must fuck up your hair.

Spencer (53:22.799)
I did think that when watching it though, I'm like, why the hell is he wearing a mask? Like the judge knows him and he's the only person on the run. And it's like this fucking six foot tall, like black guy who's the only guy in town who's not a white hick, like breaks in and you're like, who could this be? It would be great if he took off his mask and they were like, he was like, Terry?

Matt (53:23.243)

Luciano (53:26.572)

Luciano (53:41.742)

Luciano (53:45.771)
What area? How did you get in here?

Chris (53:51.596)
Same way you get now.

Matt (53:51.648)
Anything else? Anything else we're learning at the Marine Dojo?

Spencer (53:56.465)
I I think they're... They're water skiing?

Luciano (53:56.501)
Marine Dojo, the underwater dojo.

Matt (53:59.318)
I mean, maybe. You don't know.

Chris (54:01.57)
You gotta learn how to communicate with aquatic life. Tap into your seventh chakra.

Luciano (54:03.297)
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (54:11.767)
shit, Topo.

Luciano (54:13.426)
Is that like Aquaman talking to the canned tuna in the supermarket? no, they're trapped.

Matt (54:18.978)

Chris (54:19.371)

Chris (54:24.286)
shit, Chief Sandy, he's bringing the clan in. no. Yeah, the clan. And the worst part, they were already there.

Luciano (54:29.901)
The clan. Jesus Christ.

Matt (54:38.712)
I don't know if was the worst part. I'm pretty sure they're already there. Next question.

Chris (54:39.106)
Gotta call for reinforcements. The worst part, yeah.

Matt (54:45.848)
I think it's a good time for reboots of movies, specifically Lethal Weapon. And it's gonna have to star Summer McBride and Terry Richmond because they were such a hit in this movie. Why do we need this movie?

Luciano (54:59.599)
Wait, So it's not starring Aaron Pierre and Sophia Robb. It's starring the characters. OK, OK. Just clarifying the question.

Matt (55:07.968)
Yeah, I wanted it to be the actors, I would have said their names.

Luciano (55:13.869)
That is fair. Why do we need this movie?

Spencer (55:15.442)

Terry is playing Murtagh and Sumber is playing Riggs and they finally are going to, you know,

Matt (55:18.326)

Matt (55:23.092)
You're, you're casting. just.

Chris (55:32.44)
Tuck, down the man in the judicial system.

Spencer (55:33.819)
No, no, they're going to consummate their partnership. Finally. Because that's what we've all been waiting for through five Leap of Web movies. Getting, I'm getting too over this shit. No, no, you're just the right age for me. Proceeds to kiss.

Luciano (55:43.086)

Chris (55:48.714)
If you feel the need to die

Spencer (55:54.889)
which needs to make out to like 80s like funk music. I could write this movie in my sleep. Sorry, this has nothing to do with Terry and Summer.

Chris (56:02.19)
I heard that song so many times.

Matt (56:03.972)
Spencer and Nobody's want to know why we need to see this movie

Luciano (56:04.577)
I think that's what you're doing right now.

Chris (56:09.07)

Spencer (56:10.527)
did I not make that clear? Sorry. Let, let me continue. Let me finish. Okay. yeah. Okay.

Chris (56:12.652)
yet allow me to allow tag me in allow

Luciano (56:14.75)
Yeah, that's pretty self -evident.

Matt (56:15.106)

Luciano (56:21.14)

Matt (56:22.008)
okay. I hear it now. Yeah, that's my bad.

Chris (56:22.519)

Luciano (56:24.439)
Yeah, it was pretty self -evident.

Matt (56:27.778)
I think that's great. Chris, you have a different option of why, and a different reason?

Chris (56:28.216)

Chris (56:32.308)

Luciano (56:42.295)

Matt (56:42.496)

Spencer (56:42.84)
Matt (56:58.668)
All right, so that's the opening theme to...

Luciano (56:59.535)
Everybody knows that the best thing to set up before of a joke is to say that it's going to be a genius joke. Yes. Yeah, exactly.

Spencer (57:05.407)
A comedically genius joke.

Chris (57:05.922)
Correct. That's right. And I told y 'all it was a blessing too. I tripled down. I tripled down.

Spencer (57:11.295)
It was a blessing. Blessed with this comedic genius.

Matt (57:11.326)

Luciano (57:12.461)

Matt (57:16.48)
I for one appreciate when someone can tell me how I should feel and what I'm getting before it happens. makes, I don't have to think at all.

Spencer (57:19.803)

Luciano (57:19.895)
Yeah, no, not only not only tell you you have to tell you how to feel tells you to expect and delivers on neither. That's that's really the trifecta.

Chris (57:20.236)
Yep. Yep.

Chris (57:25.686)
Yep. Yep. See? You had it until you said the last part, motherfucker. You know.

Matt (57:28.248)
Hey, man. That's what's.

Matt (57:34.22)
That's for the audience person to decide. That's right. We win every time. Luciano, you have any thoughts on the Selisa Weapon movie?

Spencer (57:36.767)
You know they say, set up high and under deliver, works every time.

Luciano (57:39.447)
Yeah, exactly. That's, that's the.

Chris (57:39.785)
Mm -hmm.

Chris (57:44.556)
Every time.

Luciano (57:48.623)
So why do we need it?

Spencer (57:50.239)
Just bless us with some genius comedic takes.

Matt (57:53.389)

Luciano (57:53.647)
Okay. Let me. All right. I'll, I'll, I don't know if you're gonna hurt you. Okay. so I, but that, that wasn't, that wasn't now that's been a while. Yeah. I mean, that's my, that's my, script writing mode. It turned my head like an owl, 180 degrees. No, I can't. can't.

Chris (57:53.954)
Commit, you need to bless with comedic genius. I heard the crack, holy shit. ASMR. Masaattica.

Matt (57:59.682)
damn. Let's see how spine is broken.

Spencer (58:03.017)

No, he just twisted his head fully around like in the exorcist.

Chris (58:11.214)
No, he usually looks left and then right.

Spencer (58:17.607)
Okay. I said bless us!

Matt (58:17.73)

Chris (58:18.012)

Chris (58:21.326)
He puts his feet into the Kleenex boxes and then off the boat's tracks.

Luciano (58:22.843)
Okay, why do we need a lethal weapon with Summer McBride and Terry Richmond? We don't, I think, my time.

Matt (58:31.383)

Matt (58:34.72)
It's like you don't

Spencer (58:34.909)

Matt (58:37.912)
It's like you don't understand.

Chris (58:42.934)

Matt (58:44.812)
the blessing you've received today, audience. You just don't understand how blessed you are because of this answer.

Spencer (58:46.372)
Just don't understand how...

Luciano (58:46.677)
Yeah, No, they will. They're going to after like three or four days after having listened to this episode, they're going to realize what blessing it is.

Chris (58:49.614)
The blessing that you've received can be sustained by three payments of $3 .9999.

Spencer (58:52.848)

Matt (59:01.08)
Great. Next question, then.

Spencer (59:03.785)
You not gay no more! He ain't gay no more! I don't like men no more!

Luciano (59:05.55)

Chris (59:05.73)
That was blind!

Matt (59:11.244)
Just drive right past that.

Luciano (59:11.993)
The fu -

Chris (59:13.666)
They pray - He blessed prayed the gay out of you. That was

Luciano (59:16.751)

Luciano (59:21.143)
I'm not a mental person!

Chris (59:21.238)
Why does this sound like you? Why does this sound like you? Why does this sound like you?

Matt (59:22.904)
Next question. No, no, no.

Luciano (59:28.415)
I have so many questions!

Spencer (59:30.047)
I'm being delivered! No, no, no, no, no, no. Someone else?

Chris (59:33.004)
He's talking like he's from a good experience.

Matt (59:33.57)
We're moving forward.

Luciano (59:34.475)
Wait, is that is that the big time lawyer that is in gay normal? No, it's not some other guy. Okay

Matt (59:39.958)
No, we're not stopping. We're not stopping. We're driving straight through this. The courthouse apparently has catacombs under it. Why? Why does the courthouse have catacombs?

Chris (59:40.142)
not just a man who enjoys the love and touch of another man

Luciano (59:43.023)

Spencer (59:46.249)
Okay, yep.

Luciano (59:46.315)

Chris (59:49.196)
The wheels are on fire.

Chris (59:59.968)
In order to answer this question, one must understand what the catacombs are and what they're used for. Because honestly, I didn't know what they were used for until I Googled it during pre -show. Daily, everyday.

Spencer (01:00:10.987)
Goddamn these setups that lead nowhere. Just like Luciano last time. Let me just say, the greatest answer of all time, I yield my time. Again. No, the catacombs.

Luciano (01:00:13.604)
Yeah, it's a fall off a cliff.

Chris (01:00:17.428)
You're welcome!

Well, it says for religious purposes and for burial.

Luciano (01:00:21.704)

Luciano (01:00:29.251)
you didn't know what a catacomb was? Okay.

Spencer (01:00:31.112)
you're talking about the literal definition of a catacomb.

Chris (01:00:34.188)
Well, I decided to take y 'all on a blessing of a journey. Yeah, I did it. And I'm just sharing what I didn't know and then what I learned.

Spencer (01:00:37.053)
No, we know what it is. Okay. Audience, now you know. I think there's one of two answers. One, it was built on top of an old church or an old pet cemetery. Two, they built that catacomb below because they...

Luciano (01:00:38.423)

Luciano (01:00:48.955)
A pet cemetery.

Chris (01:00:51.415)
shit, Edward Furlong.

Matt (01:00:52.482)

Matt (01:00:59.605)

Spencer (01:01:02.431)
Yes. Yeah. It's an it looks it looks old, it was done actually in 2021. But but but it looks great. It looks very dated. Yeah, that's they they really they really rust rustic look, you know, aged it.

Matt (01:01:03.01)
Courthouse first then catacombs.

Luciano (01:01:04.525)
Yeah, the catacomb is the new, it is a renovation. It's part of the renovation.

Matt (01:01:06.826)
Okay, yeah.

Luciano (01:01:12.779)

Chris (01:01:13.218)
Good contractors, good contractors. Hard to come by. You know, that was definitely.

Matt (01:01:16.952)
A lot of moisture.

Chris (01:01:24.268)
No weeping tiles to be seen.

Luciano (01:01:26.871)
I think the real reason is because they buried so many judges that they were running out of space. So they were like, it's a judge, he gets old, he kills himself in his wife's pills, just bury him in the courthouse where he loved.

Matt (01:01:39.062)
No further questions. Hey! What did Terry do at the Chinese restaurant?

Spencer (01:01:40.755)
I thought it was a bathroom.

Luciano (01:01:48.441)
Good question.

Chris (01:01:49.07)
He facilitated three chicken wings with the fried rice orders. Only. Only.

Spencer (01:01:53.893)
man, only you can make that bad joke.

Luciano (01:01:56.949)

Chris (01:01:58.764)
That's not a bad joke. Exactly! I have healed you from your blindness! yes, you can see my son.

Spencer (01:02:00.287)
It's a blessed joke from a comedic genius!

Luciano (01:02:04.175)

Luciano (01:02:09.227)

Luciano (01:02:14.541)
I think he was a chief of security there. Yeah.

Spencer (01:02:18.035)
That makes more sense, but why do they need security at a Chinese restaurant?

Matt (01:02:19.746)

Chris (01:02:23.502)
Three chicken wings with the fried rice.

Luciano (01:02:24.043)
Good question, because of all of the bomb threats.

Spencer (01:02:30.121)
Whoa. Just keep, Cause of all, cause of all the, the wild dogs. What other wild dogs? That's a good question.

Matt (01:02:30.38)
Why do they have bomb threats?

Luciano (01:02:31.949)
That's a good question.

Chris (01:02:34.55)
Because these sticky wings are the BAAAA

Luciano (01:02:39.885)
Yeah. Wild raccoons were planting bombs in the restaurant. Yeah.

Chris (01:02:47.2)
If you wanted to know, what question...

Spencer (01:02:48.703)
And why were the raccoons doing that? We should have just kept doing that for like a full ten minutes.

Luciano (01:02:52.463)
was a good question.

Chris (01:02:55.126)
And if you wanted to know, what would you ask? Three wings with fried rice.

Luciano (01:02:58.979)

Matt (01:03:00.438)
Okay, no, I think I got enough context there. The raccoons probably have a reason.

Luciano (01:03:06.196)
Yeah, like another hour.

Chris (01:03:07.502)
Can you imagine how this experience must be for our fan? my God.

Spencer (01:03:12.031)
His blood is so itchy right now.

Luciano (01:03:12.333)
Yeah, poor guy. Hashtag blessed.

Matt (01:03:13.708)
But blessed.

Chris (01:03:15.318)
Archibald thank you for hanging in there. Blessed B wait I'm not the fan. No, no what is happening? My whole perspective on my Spotify Listen experience has been tainted and infaded.

Matt (01:03:18.678)
High -Six Blast.

Spencer (01:03:22.991)

Matt (01:03:25.002)

Matt (01:03:32.472)
Yes, Chris, this podcast just happened to your head. This isn't real.

Spencer (01:03:35.359)
We don't exist

Luciano (01:03:35.765)
Yeah, none of us are here. Yeah.

Chris (01:03:36.325)
my god!

That'd be so scary. longer.

Matt (01:03:39.83)
Let's ask, I'm going to ask a long -form question for you guys here, expand on this. Well, cause we see James Crockett in Shelby Springs as a chief and he used to be a narcotics cop in Miami and a vice cop, if you will. And I want to know how James Crockett got from Miami to Shelby Springs.

Chris (01:03:55.064)
Did you get to?

Luciano (01:04:01.931)
I want to know first how does a person named James get the nickname Sunny? But you know, can answer that later. How did he get from Miami? Where? Do you do we know? Do we learn where in the south Shelby Springs is? No. So he walked there.

Chris (01:04:07.916)
Well, it all starts with a lot of cocaine and some bad decisions.

Spencer (01:04:12.903)

Matt (01:04:17.845)

Spencer (01:04:17.951)
It's like it's like ten minutes south of Miami It totally doesn't seem like it yeah, it's just just one yeah Just one coke filled drive

Chris (01:04:18.956)
Blessings, if you will.

Matt (01:04:25.1)

Luciano (01:04:26.868)
no, be careful when you're biking there. The cops are gonna you over.

Chris (01:04:30.082)
Well, not him.

-huh. To that destination where he needs to be. Because he needs to get off, he needs to get off out of the vicinity and disappear. Five miles due south. It's the perfect plan.

Spencer (01:04:45.919)
I think it's pretty clear that Miami Vice man, I'm just going to go by his real name, Don Johnson, because I don't remember the name you just said. James Crockett. he was in deep with the sharks under undercover.

Chris (01:04:53.442)
Hmm. Sandy? Okay.

Matt (01:04:54.786)
James Crockett.

Chris (01:05:00.2)
Yeah. King shark.

Luciano (01:05:02.147)
the actual sharks in the sea.

Spencer (01:05:03.985)
No, you fool. The gang's name were the Sharks.

Luciano (01:05:05.744)
I see

Chris (01:05:09.912)
Topo's cousin.

Matt (01:05:10.082)
Were there jets as well or?

Luciano (01:05:11.968)

Spencer (01:05:12.959)
No, it was no no it was undercover with the San Jose Sharks Miami the road game

Matt (01:05:14.54)
Were they on the west side of Miami?

Luciano (01:05:16.715)

Chris (01:05:19.16)
I won't do it in America. You will come live in America. Do not still come in America.

Luciano (01:05:19.599)
Matt (01:05:20.224)
of Miami.

Luciano (01:05:22.916)

Spencer (01:05:26.383)
And, he was, he was, he was in deep undercover with the sharks and as a goalie and he, and and he really wasn't very good. And he was a backup goalie. So he thought that his cover would slide, but the main goalie got injured. So, so, so in a ball, he was, he was supposed to play and, and they held skates to his throat and said, if you don't come through for us, you're done. And he said,

Luciano (01:05:32.235)
as a goalie.

Chris (01:05:34.846)
Ayyyy, San Jose?

Luciano (01:05:43.565)
Then you had to play.

Luciano (01:05:48.093)

Matt (01:05:55.276)
The hockey team?

Chris (01:05:55.512)
So you're... The Mighty Duck.

Luciano (01:05:57.741)
Yeah, clearly. The Salisbury

Spencer (01:05:58.395)
No, the other San Jose sharks.

Chris (01:06:02.72)
also known as. So you're saying that he was undercover as Sandy Burke undercover as Jacques Grande?

Spencer (01:06:11.881)
That's exactly what I'm saying.

Luciano (01:06:12.143)

Chris (01:06:13.538)
That's great, because he was playing a dude disguised as a dude undercover as another dude, hide again assuming the identity of a next dude.

Spencer (01:06:16.935)
He was... He was undercover.

Spencer (01:06:23.411)
He was, yes, he was that one name you said actually undercover. It's that other name.

Luciano (01:06:24.953)
So what you're saying is that the chief is played by our DJ.

Chris (01:06:29.74)
No. Although I want to yes and it.

Spencer (01:06:32.551)
Are you feeling blessed? We keep saying bad jokes intentionally to land the blessed joke, you see? But no, yeah, so.

Chris (01:06:34.67)
You see what we did there? We a full circle. Thank you.

Luciano (01:06:40.844)
Yeah, of course.

Chris (01:06:42.338)
See? You see? It's quite simple. The fire rises!

Matt (01:06:44.278)

Spencer (01:06:47.487)
And yeah, no, then they're because he couldn't actually play in the game. We played and then they scored 14 goals in the first half. So at halftime, he he biked to Shelbysprings or whatever the fuck, Shelbysprings. Shelbington.

Luciano (01:06:47.535)
But you didn't finish your story, Spencer.

Luciano (01:06:59.567)
Shelby Springs. Shelbyton. Shelbyton in Lancashire.

Matt (01:07:06.132)
Shelby Springs. So.

Spencer (01:07:08.031)
Shelby Springs and changed his name to Sainte -Saint -Syndee -Bernay?

Luciano (01:07:11.727)

Chris (01:07:14.208)
Shocked? Okay, sure, yes.

Matt (01:07:16.664)
So Spencer, I just want to understand.

Spencer (01:07:19.283)
Yes. I don't understand why you would. It's very clear.

Chris (01:07:20.287)

Matt (01:07:20.908)
This, no, it's for the listeners. I just want to make sure they follow. It's recapping, if you will. So, Crockett got in deep with the San Jose Sharks of Miami.

Spencer (01:07:24.915)

Chris (01:07:27.64)

Luciano (01:07:33.581)

Chris (01:07:35.041)

Matt (01:07:36.368)
and was threatened by the San Jose Sharks of Miami that if he didn't deliver, that would be the last game he ever played. And so he ran away five miles south to Shelby Springs.

Spencer (01:07:43.55)

Chris (01:07:48.492)
Yeah. Mm. Mm, he did say that.

Spencer (01:07:50.065)
I I said Shelvington.

Matt (01:07:51.51)
Shelbyton. So how did you get from Shelbyton to Shelby Springs?

Spencer (01:07:56.585)
They're actually very close. It's very confusing. It's about the border. It goes right through the town.

Matt (01:07:59.862)
just walked across the street.

Chris (01:08:01.889)
It's a

Matt (01:08:03.352)
Okay, no.

Chris (01:08:05.016)
took the page out of Kwa -Chen Kane's book and just hoofed it. Old school.

Matt (01:08:10.104)
Okay, no, think

Spencer (01:08:10.685)
You seem to have got it.

Luciano (01:08:10.963)
I'm feeling fucking blessed right now.

Chris (01:08:13.975)
You see?

Spencer (01:08:13.981)
You're welcome. You are - AHHH MAAAN!

Matt (01:08:14.218)
No, it's just that's great. We've landed this plane. I'm move on. Hey.

Chris (01:08:18.453)

Matt (01:08:19.82)
Ben, famously of Elliot's kid, Elliot's family, he was in a pine car racing derby, and what I assume was a church, I don't know, and he lost a lot. You get the shit kicked out of him. I just want to know why Ben was so shit at building wooden cars. It seems pretty easy.

Spencer (01:08:38.129)
Such a fucking loser.

Chris (01:08:40.635)
Yeah, I know exactly why.

Luciano (01:08:41.103)
Well, mean, he's starting with his Elliot son. So that's like half the reason. Yeah.

Matt (01:08:45.342)
strike four.

Chris (01:08:46.753)

Spencer (01:08:47.635)
And I don't buy for a goddamn second that all the other kids' dads made them and he's the only one who made it himself.

Matt (01:08:54.87)
Well, he is Elliot's kid.

Luciano (01:08:56.653)
Yeah, like if Elliot had made it, would be worse.

Chris (01:08:57.652)
Easy. Cat's in the cradle on the sailboat. Well, he's got nothing but time. He's an abandoned child.

Spencer (01:09:00.093)
Elliot couldn't even make a kid. You think he could make a car?

Luciano (01:09:04.856)

Spencer (01:09:06.269)
He couldn't make a half -decent kid. You think he can make a car?

Luciano (01:09:09.774)
okay, that's a significantly different question.

Matt (01:09:10.232)

Chris (01:09:12.984)
This has been a wonderful blessing of Comedy Genius.

Spencer (01:09:17.023)
And that kid, the actor who plays him, don't get me started. No, I'm just kidding.

Luciano (01:09:21.015)
Hmm. my god!

Chris (01:09:24.554)
He's the actual son of the actor who plays Elliot.

Luciano (01:09:28.481)
Yes, and Elliot is an actual like clerk at the courtroom. He's not an actual

Spencer (01:09:34.996)
that's why you can't act.

Chris (01:09:35.054)
who's also trying to get custody of his son back. But he's still in possession of his son and on screen with said son, which complicates things, not at

Matt (01:09:44.984)
So how does all this make Ben shitty at building wooden cars?

Spencer (01:09:45.076)

Chris (01:09:49.496)
He's trapped in an ever, in an endless deepening spiral of intrigue and unfortunate circumstances.

Spencer (01:10:01.757)
I think, I think like you right now, I think what Chris is trying to say is most of the dads helped, but Elliot, much like his mother and everyone else, wanted nothing to do with Elliot. So, so, so Elliot had to build it himself using, you know,

Matt (01:10:02.294)
like me here in this podcast.

Luciano (01:10:04.063)
Yeah, all of us, yes.

Chris (01:10:06.74)
Luciano (01:10:14.319)
I mean that tracks

Chris (01:10:14.43)
and that's why the mother was completely absent.

Luciano (01:10:23.703)
a cave and a box of scraps.

Chris (01:10:23.852)
his hands in a lathe.

Spencer (01:10:26.033)
Yeah, yeah, being built in a cave with a box of scraps. And, you know, the work shows that's that's pretty much it. Not to mention all the other competitors were using steroids.

Matt (01:10:30.358)

Luciano (01:10:33.954)
Yep. Something, something, something he becomes Iron Man. Yeah.

Matt (01:10:34.164)
Bye. enough.

Matt (01:10:40.694)
Yeah, well that was given. Yeah.

Chris (01:10:40.844)
Hmm if I find people on both shit

Luciano (01:10:41.091)
The cars, the cars, the cars at steroids, right? The little cars. I am saying that.

Spencer (01:10:42.089)
They were juicing. I didn't say that. I didn't say that.

Matt (01:10:45.944)
I don't know why you had to point out the obvious, Luciano. It's fine. It's implied. No, that's too far. Different question entirely. No, don't do that. Terry. Terry, I think after this all happened, Terry would take up a different career path. And the career path for him, I think, because he's such a meticulous guy, is wedding planning. And so I want to know.

Luciano (01:10:49.414)
I'm sorry, just for the audience, because they don't know.

Spencer (01:10:51.091)
They're juiced.

Chris (01:10:53.761)
Live strong.

Luciano (01:10:56.537)

Chris (01:10:58.508)

Matt (01:11:13.8)
If you hired Terry as your wedding planner, how would that go?

Chris (01:11:17.784)
Mm -hmm.

Spencer (01:11:19.047)
I think based on every plan he has in this movie, would involve him pulling a gun on the wedding officiant in the middle of the ceremony. And that lady cop would be there.

Matt (01:11:30.005)
Mm -hmm. Okay.

Luciano (01:11:36.72)
The lady cop would be the efficient, for sure.

Spencer (01:11:40.21)
yeah, cause yeah, cause he trusts her. Even though she's given no reason to. And every ceremony involved her, him saying, you got to do the right thing. You got to put me in cuffs. You got to walk me out of here. I'm counting on you.

Matt (01:11:42.688)
Mm -hmm. She shouldn't. Right.

Matt (01:11:57.548)
Are those the vows he suggests to everybody? So he's explaining that to the bride and groom.

Spencer (01:12:00.99)
I mean.

Of course. And then.

Luciano (01:12:05.901)
I think also he doesn't ever sign anybody. There's like, doesn't like do a contract with the caterer, a contract with, you know, the photographer. He's just like, says, do the right thing and show up and then I'll pay you after.

Matt (01:12:16.812)
He, right, he's a day of planner, right? He just shows up for the day. And you don't know his phone number, obviously. He just, no. Yeah, no, he doesn't do that.

Luciano (01:12:19.981)
Yeah, of course. Yeah.

Luciano (01:12:23.893)
No, he doesn't give it to everybody. Yeah. So he, he contacts you, you don't contact him, he contacts you and he says, I have talked to the priest and I have talked to the catering people and I have talked to the photographer and all of that, like the restaurant and they all promised me that they are going to think about doing what they need to do for your wedding to be a success. And that's good enough for me.

Chris (01:12:24.16)
He's not into that.

Spencer (01:12:26.75)
He doesn't do that.

and then he gets walked out at gunpoint.

Chris (01:12:34.766)

Spencer (01:12:35.209)

Spencer (01:12:50.924)
Sir, this is a Wendy's. You're getting married tomorrow.

Luciano (01:12:52.591)
Fuck not again!

Chris (01:12:55.884)
Listen, the way I see it, the way I see it, there's an acronym that we use in the core and it's called TWPGACAYF. And you know what that stands for?

Luciano (01:13:09.175)
Of course, everybody knows.

Matt (01:13:10.041)
Tell us, Chris. Terry.

Chris (01:13:13.05)
blessings. Don't call me by my government name, son of a bitch. It's called. No, it's the preface. It's the preface. Okay, shut up. Shut up. I'm trying to be I'm trying to hold on to the character. Don't make me crack. God damn it. Write your acronyms down like I did it then you could do the segment. The wedding planner gets a crack at both your fiance's.

Matt (01:13:16.76)
Is that an acronym? Wow!

Luciano (01:13:16.943)
Yeah, it's Spider -Jack or noob.

Luciano (01:13:28.489)

Spencer (01:13:34.917)
All right.

Luciano (01:13:40.982)
that was... I am feeling extremely blessed.

Matt (01:13:41.366)

Spencer (01:13:41.743)
That was the acronym.

Chris (01:13:42.306)
Good skin.

Blessed! You didn't think you could be more blessed until I blessed you! I doubled down.

Spencer (01:13:46.271)
You know what Chris I will give it to you I Will I will give you this you are the best setup man in the game because every time I'm like this is gonna be good You get me every time I'm like You planned out an acronym Yeah Your accent

Luciano (01:13:54.487)

Chris (01:13:54.902)
You know, that's what they do. They call me the sped up.

Luciano (01:13:58.083)
His, you're the JJ Abrams of comedy, is what we're saying.

Chris (01:14:02.392)
They called me the setup. They got the situation. They got the closer, the finisher, the mechanic, the fixer. I'm the setup.

Spencer (01:14:10.943)
Your impression of the guy and his acronyms was actually spot on. And I was like, this is good. then it just plain crap. And then nothing.

Chris (01:14:17.08)
That's heavy.

Luciano (01:14:17.161)
And then nothing!

Chris (01:14:20.206)
You think we're here to carry our listeners on a journey? No, this is for us.

Luciano (01:14:24.281)
Yeah. Yes.

Spencer (01:14:25.215)
We take a journey into the ground.

Chris (01:14:28.366)
Ha ha ha! Suplex!

Matt (01:14:31.736)
Chris, I see why you Zack Snyder so much now.

Luciano (01:14:34.351)
my god that is that is mean that is actively mean no no rival moon one the curse of santana

Spencer (01:14:34.815)
That's cold. That's too far. That's too far.

Chris (01:14:39.842)
He makes good movies, actually.

Spencer (01:14:41.053)
What did Zack Snyder ever do to us? Okay, except Rebel Moon. Except Rebel Moon!

Matt (01:14:41.698)
Sure. Everything.

Chris (01:14:45.044)
except for Rebel Moon and the Curse of Santana, which I couldn't watch. I skipped through that and I still was very upset. Anyways.

Matt (01:14:55.274)
One day we'll watch the director's editions. I have a separate question unrelated to all of that.

Spencer (01:15:01.065)
Nicole we have an acronym Z S U D

Chris (01:15:04.29)

Luciano (01:15:09.565)
no, his floundering.

Chris (01:15:10.444)
No, I got you. It's ODWWTDC. One day we'll watch the director's cut.

Matt (01:15:18.018)
Great job, LeCour. Hey, different question. Who went into fight between Rambo, John Rambo, famous, you know, this movie really starts up like the first Rambo movie, Terry Richmond and present day Steven Seagal.

Spencer (01:15:24.201)

Luciano (01:15:29.25)

Spencer (01:15:34.167)
Hold on, Steven Seagal have a chair? With wheels?

Chris (01:15:34.633)
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

Luciano (01:15:37.389)
Yeah, I was going to say that.

Matt (01:15:39.35)
I'll allow it, yeah.

Chris (01:15:40.844)
shit, he's wheeled?

Luciano (01:15:42.327)

Spencer (01:15:44.335)
Or is that is is that who it be?

Luciano (01:15:46.957)
I have to, I also have to ask, does Steven Seagal get to give them stage directions to say, you hold my hand here and wait a bit.

Chris (01:15:54.754)
Haha, yeah.

Matt (01:15:55.382)
Listen, here's the thing about these questions. I put words into the question and that's it. I don't put anymore guardrails on your journey to blessed answers.

Chris (01:15:59.298)
We're looking for constraints.

Spencer (01:16:01.407)
I'd stop listening.

Spencer (01:16:07.967)
Okay, I'm gonna say if Steven Seagal has a chair with wheels and the fight is happening in a place with no chairs, I mean no stairs and no like, and a full marble floor or hardwood floor.

Luciano (01:16:09.088)
I see.

Chris (01:16:09.306)
Mm. Bless. Mm. Constraints, constraints, forever. -hmm. Yeah.

Luciano (01:16:14.987)
huh. Right.

Chris (01:16:19.491)

right and cheers.

Chris (01:16:27.67)
and no bears.

Luciano (01:16:27.791)
And if both Rambo and Terry are high on Sensemilia, then he would win. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I just picked one. It's just angel dust all the time is not funny. I wanted it to be blessed. Okay, well, I picked one. It was the blessed one.

Chris (01:16:35.8)

Spencer (01:16:36.359)
on Sensimilia.

Chris (01:16:38.304)
Is that for like, is that a Metamucil alternative? Like, okay, cause it was.

Spencer (01:16:41.96)
Is that like?

Is sensomelia? I've never even heard of sensomelia. that like, it sounds like a marshmallow ingredient.

Chris (01:16:47.277)

Matt (01:16:49.25)
Why don't you just use PCP or Angel, like, you know.

Chris (01:16:54.142)
Why don't you play Fog Hat?

Luciano (01:16:57.098)

Spencer (01:16:57.455)
As I was saying before, I got blessed by Luciano. If Steven Seagal has a chair with wheels in a room, fully flat, no stairs, no rugs. I don't think anyone would disagree saying that Terry and Rambo would have a pretty hard time. Are there weapons? I'm going to say, I'm going to especially if there's no guns and it's only close to

Matt (01:17:07.255)

Luciano (01:17:16.463)

But not laughing. Not laughing.

Matt (01:17:19.7)
not kicking the shit out of him.

Spencer (01:17:26.399)
close quarters combat because Steven Seagal doesn't do distance.

Chris (01:17:28.343)

Chris (01:17:32.737)

Luciano (01:17:33.003)
In any way. He doesn't do distance in any way. Yes.

Spencer (01:17:34.043)
In anything. No, no.

Chris (01:17:36.11)
Because he's wearing a t -shirt, it says if it involves walking, it doesn't involve.

Spencer (01:17:43.485)
Yeah, he does wear that shirt. And like basically, like if he basically they have to come to him to engage in the fight. I don't think I don't think Terry or Rambo have the chops to deal with a man sitting in a wheelchair, grabbing your wrist lightly and turning it slightly right.

Luciano (01:17:45.859)

Luciano (01:18:02.264)

Luciano (01:18:05.928)
and expecting you to jump, right?

Matt (01:18:06.178)

Not the MicMap guy.

Spencer (01:18:11.131)
No, I don't think the make map because the make map don't give me listen. Make map train. No, no make map is actual in the movie. You can see it's actual mixed martial arts technique. He uses a I think at one point like he tries to use like a camara like arm arm lock. He uses a rear naked choke. He does like actual MMA techniques. What Stephen Seagal does doesn't even exist. You can't categorize it.

Matt (01:18:15.522)
Did Steven Seagal invent MicMap?

Chris (01:18:15.864)
Do it.

Luciano (01:18:19.295)
No. No. Just no.

Matt (01:18:20.472)
Sorry. Sorry.

Matt (01:18:29.573)
He uses sleeper halls.

Luciano (01:18:33.688)
Yeah, right.

Luciano (01:18:39.458)
Is that?

Spencer (01:18:40.659)
So when he comes at him with like, tries to do like an actual move, Steven Seagal will grab his thumb, push it slightly into his body and he will die by flipping backwards. Yeah, exactly. He will be thrown back at a hundred miles per hour when his arm is slightly twisted in a normal direction for an arm to twist.

Matt (01:18:53.144)
I've seen that video on Instagram.

Chris (01:18:56.792)
man died.

Matt (01:19:01.711)

Matt (01:19:05.1)
I've seen that. It's true. Yeah.

Chris (01:19:07.182)
Shiatsu Reiki Mm -hmm. I thought it was bull. Is it a cousin to bull Shido?

Spencer (01:19:08.713)
It's called Bullshitzu. And Stephen Seagal, Bullshitzu, yeah, it's akin to Bullshitzu. Stephen Seagal is a, they don't, in Bullshitzu, there's no, it's not belts, it's earrings. And Stephen Seagal is a Cubic Cerconia ranking, because the faker the stone, the more valuable.

Luciano (01:19:10.617)
Boushe... Boushe... Yes.

Matt (01:19:15.916)
Yeah. OK.

Matt (01:19:23.458)

Chris (01:19:23.872)
Hmm that's one

Luciano (01:19:26.671)
10 hearing.

Chris (01:19:29.689)

Matt (01:19:30.296)
That's, that's the top. Yeah. I've seen that. That's true. That it's all real.

Spencer (01:19:34.547)
So I think that answers the question.

Chris (01:19:34.786)
And there's no teaching that branch of bullshido because there's

Luciano (01:19:38.283)
No, no, you're born with it or you're not.

Spencer (01:19:38.321)
also sorry.

You're yeah, yeah, you're either born with it or you know, that's exactly right. You can't be trained.

Chris (01:19:41.624)
There's no teaching it.

There's no teaching it and there is no, there's no apprenticeship. There, is a one of one.

Spencer (01:19:48.147)
And sorry, and if Steven Seagal is gonna win this fight, this room without the stairs has to have an open buffet.

That's in his contract. This fight has to be catered.

Luciano (01:19:56.751)
Yeah, free catering of course, yeah.

Matt (01:19:57.653)

Chris (01:19:58.718)
Is there is there is there silent at the bar though?

Matt (01:20:04.256)
Okay. Anybody else want to try to answer? Yeah. Why? Yeah. No, that's fair. I just wanted to check. think normally these are joke answers or funny answers or... Yeah, thank you. Well, it's almost like you're just taking my job from me. Thank you. It's very helpful.

Luciano (01:20:07.941)
No, that's the answer. That is the answer.

Chris (01:20:10.703)
I wanna get as far away from this segment as humanly possible. Because I'm hungry.

Spencer (01:20:14.473)
That's just right.

Chris (01:20:21.071)
for more segments!

Luciano (01:20:21.997)
Yeah, I know, Spencer just gave a factual answer.

Spencer (01:20:22.365)
Yeah. No.

Luciano (01:20:30.509)
Yeah, you're welcome. Segway. Next question.

Spencer (01:20:31.069)
Yeah, you don't don't joke. You don't joke. You just do not joke about Stephen Seagal. So we respectfully answered and we shall move on. Thank you for your time, Stephen. Amen. Bless you. I'm bowing to I'm bowing to Stephen Seagal.

Chris (01:20:34.262)
It's Freaky Friday!

Matt (01:20:38.208)
No, it's... yeah.

Luciano (01:20:45.126)
He's bowing everybody in an audio podcast.

Matt (01:20:47.448)

Chris (01:20:48.878)
Rambo and Terry would have to put on another decent 600 pounds to stand a chance against Steven.

Luciano (01:20:56.537)

Spencer (01:20:57.609)
Well, just to be on weight at the same weight class.

Luciano (01:20:59.885)
Yeah, same weight level. Our weight class.

Chris (01:20:59.906)
You know? It's no easy feat. You gotta roll with the punches. Roll with the punches.

Matt (01:21:03.96)
So we're going to roll into a punch at ranking this movie.

Spencer (01:21:10.719)

Luciano (01:21:13.709)
I see. Is that what we do? Yeah.

Chris (01:21:13.88)
dinner roll. Goddamn.

Spencer (01:21:15.731)
Wow, this guy's professional. No wonder I don't inject you at night.

Matt (01:21:18.136)
professional working over here. Didn't see that coming at all. Hey man, we're gonna roll into the punch at us ranking this movie. We're using the S tier scale, S at the top, F is the lowest. Tell me what you liked about this and give me a ranking for Rebel Ridge. If anybody forgot, we watched Rebel Ridge. I'm just reminding you, that's the movie we watched.

Chris (01:21:20.366)
I'm talking about bread, literally.

Luciano (01:21:21.774)

Chris (01:21:27.83)
shit, okay. Hey.

Chris (01:21:39.178)
shit, that is what we came to talk about. Four nerds in a simulated bar holographic deck organized and bartended by one Reginald, what's his name?

Matt (01:21:52.642)
Chris is opted to answer first. Chris, give us your ranking for this movie.

Luciano (01:21:52.813)
No. Yeah.

Chris (01:21:56.306)
I am good to go. So the acronym that best describes my rating, I wrote it. I already wrote it. I already wrote it. It's called, and this is why I'm the setup. It's called C -Q -R -S -T -L -N -E.

Matt (01:22:02.232)

Matt (01:22:13.72)
you want to tell us what that means?

Spencer (01:22:15.007)
No, it's just it's just set up. That's it. That's what he does. He's the king. He's the king.

Luciano (01:22:15.115)
No, no, that's it. That's it.

Chris (01:22:15.414)
No. That's the That's the setup. The setup. I told you. My ranking of the movie was a D because this movie was a, caused me a lot of pain for a lot of the good reasons, like gripping story, great writing. I know, don't worry. It's the setup. This is the other setup.

Matt (01:22:17.826)
Great, perfect. Okay, that's fine. Chris, blessed. Hashtag blessed. What was your ranking though?

Chris (01:22:41.676)
was the pawn, was the misdirection like Rebel Ridge. Do you see what I'm doing? I'm paying homage. Your boy is back. I said D, but it's not a D. You have to go deeper because when you're the Intercontinental Champion of the World, sometimes you have to learn a new language. That language is justice.

Matt (01:22:59.936)
And for that reason, your letter is.

Chris (01:23:00.374)
I meant to for that reason. It was coherent too. It was coherent too. It's an A. It was. I said A. A. Yeah. You didn't miss it. A lot. It was top heavy like the Kool -Aid man. Sorry.

Luciano (01:23:00.527)
Anybody else's nose bleeding or is just me?

Spencer (01:23:06.174)

I don't think it was, sir.

Luciano (01:23:10.029)

Matt (01:23:11.18)
What? the, hey, thank you. I missed a misset. Okay.

Spencer (01:23:15.519)
Hey, with a lot on top.

Luciano (01:23:18.038)

Matt (01:23:19.458)

Luciano (01:23:21.399)
yeah, just give me a second. I need to, you know, collect my brain. Anyway, I swallow it again. I really enjoyed this movie. I did know what not know what to expect when I went in. I, I, we, we said a lot of the stuff that we liked before, but I liked that it came with a purpose. Like I said before, it did its thing and didn't linger. didn't do try to do like silly setups or whatever. No, it's, it's, was like,

Chris (01:23:23.918)
I'm warmed up.

Spencer (01:23:25.149)
and put my brain back into my mouth.

Luciano (01:23:51.619)
balls deep from moment one, which I appreciate in more ways than one. will not be taking further questions. The acting was good. The story was good. There was like some, like the little plot holes that we talked about, I don't think they detract anything.

Chris (01:23:55.467)

Spencer (01:23:59.049)
in like a literal way.

Chris (01:24:01.23)
It was was intense

Spencer (01:24:06.153)

Luciano (01:24:18.265)
So overall, really fun movie. I don't know if I would watch it again, but still a solid A for me.

Chris (01:24:22.786)

Matt (01:24:25.56)
Spencer, how are you going to follow that up?

Spencer (01:24:28.455)
me tough. You know, I think this movie came out, had a rough hill to climb because it does start with the word rebel. thank you. Because having the title be rebel something is very close to rebel moon and that in itself, it leads to a bad rating. just, I wrote down the rating before the movie started based on that. So it was fighting uphill, but movie was good.

Chris (01:24:30.991)
Set them up for blessings.

Matt (01:24:37.816)
Sorry, a rough ridge to climb?

Luciano (01:24:40.015)

Luciano (01:24:45.849)

Chris (01:24:45.94)
Mm. Triggering.

Matt (01:24:46.104)
Hmm, yeah.

Spencer (01:24:56.625)
It was, mean, like we said in the beginning, they, did everything very confidently. liked the cast. I liked everything. The only reason why it's not like super high in the list is I guess it's kind of by the numbers. Like, you know, it's, it's, I don't know if it's going to be like a movie that sticks with me for a really long time. Other than, you know, the subject matter being obviously very real, but it's like, just don't, like, I don't think I'm going to watch it again. Like you said, and I don't think.

anything was like particularly amazing, but everything was very good. So I'm going to give it a very high B.

but I don't think it's quite a today because just because I think it's, I think it's kind of like I said, kind of like a by the numbers movie and nothing like really that really like maybe go like, wow, but still like very good and very solid. So be for me.

Matt (01:25:56.354)
Do you want to justify the B but not A anymore? Do you feel like you've hit the right level?

Spencer (01:26:00.029)
No, I think I did. A, think it has like for in my rating, it's like A has to be like something that like I'll really remember that I really like that's like unique and like really kind of special. And then S is like, it's special, but also perfect.

Luciano (01:26:00.424)

Chris (01:26:03.79)
I snuck into your review.

Matt (01:26:14.018)
Right. So when you said no, you did want to justify it just a little bit more.

Spencer (01:26:19.215)
No. B is a little lower than A.

Chris (01:26:21.649)

Matt (01:26:24.3)
Great. Perfect. Blessed. I am going to give this movie a B, same as Spencer. I had a good time with the movie. I thought it was a fun movie. Wasn't what I was expecting, which I both appreciate and was annoyed by at the same time in the sense that it seemed like the second part of the movie was not as... I understand they want to have a different ending in a different way the movie went. It just seemed forced at times. And so...

Spencer (01:26:25.747)
but it's also above a C. Thank you. Thank you.

Chris (01:26:26.03)
Okay. Mmm. Mmm.

Matt (01:26:53.68)
That's kind of where it gets to be for me, but fun movie Good acting and I'm excited to see what Aaron Pierre gets into next. He's British, of course, obviously Why would any American be able to do this? Yeah, of course. He's British exactly So I'm really excited for him to do some British shit. Maybe he gets to be a fucking double door in the new Harry Potter TV show. We don't know

Luciano (01:27:01.231)
Pierre, yeah.

really? I could have fooled me.

Chris (01:27:15.362)

Luciano (01:27:17.155)
That that

Matt (01:27:17.27)
It'll never happen.

Spencer (01:27:19.145)
I don't think double -door is supposed to be that taut. Yeah. Topless double -door on my bingo card.

Matt (01:27:22.684)
Ripped? Well, listen, maybe. That's for another podcast. Listen, we all have to go now for various reasons that have nothing to do with the image that Spencer just put in our head. But I do want to leave you with our next movie.

Chris (01:27:25.079)

Chris (01:27:29.184)
You know, thirst trap.

Spencer (01:27:35.711)
Why are you sweating? It's unrelated.

Chris (01:27:40.782)
the sweat of Dumbledore every Thursday at 8 p

Matt (01:27:43.102)
Unrelated. right. The next movie we are going to do something new. We have found the audience wanting in some of their movie knowledge, and we think it's a good time to deliver. I think we'll call it a blessing. I want to call it a reeducation. Films you may have watched, but not really understood. We're going to go through some older films that

Chris (01:27:48.312)
That's right, think about it.

Spencer (01:27:48.627)

Chris (01:28:04.536)

Matt (01:28:11.904)
You really need us to show you the light on why they are such excellent films. And so our first re -education film we're going to do Dread, not not Sylvester Stallone. Karl Urban's Dread. We're going watch that. I'm going to tell you why it's an excellent movie. I swear to God, you're all going to tell them why it's an excellent movie. It's my pick. And if you don't do what I say, I'm going to pull this podcast over.

Chris (01:28:16.878)

Chris (01:28:27.246)
I'm a doctor.

Chris (01:28:37.123)

Spencer (01:28:40.276)
Ha ha.

Chris (01:28:40.428)

Matt (01:28:41.73)
and I'm gonna kick all you out of the car.

Spencer (01:28:43.199)

Chris (01:28:44.782)
Because you are justice, it sounds like.

Matt (01:28:47.394)
I am, I am vengeance.

Luciano (01:28:48.888)
and the law.

Chris (01:28:49.222)
That too.

Matt (01:28:50.956)
I'm the law.

Chris (01:28:54.36)
Sandra Bullock was in that too, wasn't she?

Spencer (01:28:54.801)

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